The wedding scene was disturbed by the sudden appearance of the Kou people.

Everyone present nervously watched their appearance, a little at a loss. The three Kou people who followed Yuzujiro glanced sharply at the audience. Anyone who wanted to make a move would be stared at by their icy eyes. On the top, the killing intent with the fierce cold light will also attack together, so that those people dare not act rashly.

The Ono trio seems to be the confidence of Yutojiro. With the three of them around, Yutojiro has no scruples at all.

Hearing Lin Yu insulting him, he laughed instead of angry:

"Haha, she is really a self-righteous woman, you are forcing me to attack you!"

The suffocated Chinese voice fell, with a hint of threat.

This sentence seemed to anger the bodyguards present instantly. Their faces immediately sank and they approached Lin Yu. They are special bodyguards who specialize in protecting Lin Yu. Even if they know that they are not opponents, they must protect them Lin Yu!

"Miss Lin, don't be afraid, we will protect you!"

"I advise you to leave here early, this is the territory of our Dragon Kingdom, not a place where you can be presumptuous!"

With that said, several super bodyguards rushed in the direction of the Ono trio!

The other bodyguards were guarding Lin Yu's side, ready to take the opportunity to **** Lin Yu away.

"It's still the same as always toasting, not eating and drinking, the Ono trio, give them some color!"

Looking at the bodyguards who rushed up, Auto Jiro's face turned cold and his voice was low.


Hearing this, the Ono trio nodded.

The movements in his hands are also very capable, and he rushes up very fast, one move at a time. Although those special bodyguards are good at their skills, they still look too inferior when facing the Ono trio with strange methods and detached strength!

After a few muffled groans, they fell to the ground one by one!

Can't move!

Before the other bodyguards even walked to Lin Yu's side, they saw the Ono trio rushing over!

"Protect Miss Lin!"

Their faces changed!

But they still couldn't stop the three, and after a few muffled groans, they also fell down together!

After seeing all the super-class bodyguards around him being easily brought down by the other three, Lin Yu's expression was startled. He didn't expect the difference in strength between the two sides to be so big, and thought that these super-class bodyguards would be able to compete with them. Can't stand it all, all dead?

A little nervous for a while.

He glanced at Su Chen next to him, but found that he was still drinking tea with a calm expression?

It's been so long, yet still so calm!

This stinky boy.

It seems that they can't count on it, the other party came prepared, and Su Chen would not be their opponent if they came.

"It's so powerful! It's too easy for three people to beat a dozen people, right?"

"Get out of the way, we can't afford it!"

"Their target seems to be Lin Yu!"


Seeing these bodyguards fall, everyone present was also frightened to varying degrees. The other party was obviously prepared and brought three masters!

Do you really want to watch them take Lin Yu away?

Many people wiped away their cold sweat and felt the gazes of a few Kou people, lest they would not be able to avoid it.

Where do you have the courage to stand up?

On the ceremony platform, Zhang Da closely guarded Lin Zhenzhen behind him.

He looked nervously at Yuzujiro.

After realizing that the target of these Kou people was Lin Yu, there was some inexplicable joy in his heart? Fortunately, it wasn't Zhenzhen. If the Kou Ren's target was Zhenzhen, he didn't have the guts to deal with these ruthless people.

After all, even those super bodyguards haven't lasted a round!

At this moment, after watching the Ono trio put down those special bodyguards to the ground.

The smile on Kojiro's face was even greater, and he continued:

"What? Is Miss Lin scared?"

"We are also civilized people. As long as you are willing to cooperate, we can talk about everything!"

"Otherwise, you have also seen the fate of these bodyguards. I don't think it is suitable for you to be carried away by the three of them in such an elegant dress?"

As he said that, his eyes wandered on Lin Yu with malicious intent.

Lin Yudai frowned, her face a bit troubled.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from the side:

"Look at her again and I'll scrap you!"


Youtoujiro frowned and looked at Su Chen beside Lin Yu.

This kid has always had no sense of existence. He didn't expect to be so arrogant when he opened his mouth?

He sneered at the moment:

"Baga, are you threatening me? Do you know what happened to the last person who threatened me?"

"I don't know, but I know that those who are threatened by me will end up dying in peace!"

Su Chen put his hands around his chest and sat there, with Erlang's legs crossed, staring at him indifferently.

PS: The following content will be modified later!

the sky is clear,

The sun shines through the clouds, and the golden sun shines on the world.

When Yan Xiao left this world, his pupils were successfully transplanted into the body of a new life, forming a new organ, exuding his light. In this world, those who have been given light will also become family members and will deeply remember the existence of Yan Xiao.

He has a name, but is experiencing two lifespans.

After leaving Pingzhuang Cemetery, Su Chen walked down the mountain steadily.

The surrounding scene slowly reversed, and the storm was surging on both sides invisibly.

After Yan Xiao's funeral was over, the seventh funeral mission was completed.

Back in the store, you can get the reward for the task.

Not surprisingly, this time the rating should still be perfect.

Step on the ground, steady and powerful.

His figure was also rushing down the mountain quickly.

Before he knew it, the people around him disappeared completely.

The quiet environment made Su Chen's complexion sank, and he stopped immediately.

It's this weird feeling again.

"There is no one now, do you still want to hide?"

Su Chen looked somewhere out of the corner of his eyes, and said coldly to Kong.


The voice fell, and a figure quickly emerged!

Extremely fast!

It soon appeared where his gaze was directed.

A woman with a shovel appeared in front of her and pressed the casual hat on her head. Shui Lingling's eyes flashed with pure light, and she looked at Su Chen expressionlessly.

"you again?"

Su Chen's complexion changed slightly and asked.

This woman with facial paralysis is very troublesome, and the energy in her body seems to be far beyond ordinary people.

Every time I can't feel her murderous intention, but she is able to make a move, and every move is a murderous skill.

"I didn't catch you, catch you again!"

Bao'er said calmly.

Her voice was as calm as water, and she could not feel any change in her mood.

Like an emotionless machine.

After looking at the woman, Su Chen maintained a vigilant gaze:

"Who are you, why are you chasing me over and over again?"

"You are strong!"

Bao'er's eyes also looked at Su Chen, and said indifferently.

No answer.

Then, without waiting for Su Chen to react, he jumped up!

The vigorous posture jumped several meters high!

"A-W Eighteen Styles! - Poison Dragon Exploring the Cave!"

The strange move was called out by her, and the figure in the air changed with the change, and the shovel in her hand instantly turned into a sharp spear, madly stabbed towards Su Chen!


The gas explosion sounded, actually piercing the gas arc visible to the naked eye!

Amazing power radiates from above.

Su Chen's face sank, and he didn't dare to be careless!

Take a step under your feet, and flash back at an extremely fast speed!

It seems to have avoided this blow dangerously and dangerously!


The shovel fell, thousands of stones splashed!

The terrifying force cracked on the ground, Baoer's eyes tightened, and he continued to chase Su Chen frantically!

The shovel was like a big sword, and she was waving it like an arm, and it was like a tiger!

A heavy sound of breaking wind continued to explode.

Visible strength of terror!

Su Chen can't imagine how terrifying this woman's full power is. Her moves have no skills at all, and every blow is an explosion of pure power!

There are no tricks to win.

After several reinforcements, Su Chen is not comparable to the previous state.

Light footsteps, like the wind and the moon, the figure carrying him quickly dodged the opponent's offensive.

The continuous shovels, waving like black shadows, attacked, but they were easily avoided by Su Chen's unhurried moves!

While flickering, Bao'er's speed was a bit out of chasing!


The offensive in Bao'er's hands slowed down a little, and he watched Su Chen with his eyes.

She sensed the power of Su Chen's breath from the very beginning, and after fighting at this moment, she was even more aware of the skyrocketing strength.

It is unimaginable that within a few days of the last meeting, his strength has broken through another level!

What a terrifying talent?

Or, the other party has hidden strength?

For a while, Dai's brows were wrinkled, and there were rare expression fluctuations on her delicate face.

Sensing that Bao'er's offensive was slowing down a bit, Su Chen took two steps in a row, and tapped his toes on the ground!


The tyrannical force erupted, directly urging the figure to attack Baoer aggressively!

Turn defense into attack!

After attending Jiang Yan's funeral last time, he was bullied by Bao'er and ran away in embarrassment. After improving his strength this time, he met again. Su Chen wanted to take the opportunity to test his strength and how far he had reached.

Undoubtedly, the woman in front of him is the best witness.

The fist shadow on the face is infinitely enlarged, and it is wrapped in tyrannical power!

Bao'er's clear water eyes trembled, and the lotus step moved slightly, and with a delicate sideways, she easily evaded the tyrannical punch!


The fist wind whizzed past, and the power in it flickered with amazing fluctuations.

After dodging this blow, the shovel in Bao'er's hand tightened, and taking advantage of the opportunity to get close, he slammed Su Chen fiercely!


Unexpectedly, as soon as the shovel was waved out, Su Chen approached it with one hand!

A big hand directly hit the shovel head!

The power on it was madly bombarding Su Chen's palm, but he couldn't shake it!

Seeing this, Bo'er simply threw away the shovel, turned his body into a sharp blade, and directly bullied himself in!

The fists, elbows, palms and fingers are staggered and swung out like weapons!

Su Chen, who was just proud to resist Bao'er's strength, changed his face at this moment!

The astonishing speed erupted from Bao'er's body in an instant, the offensive hit like a violent storm, and afterimages that could not be seen suddenly hit!

Or underestimate her strength?

Not daring to be careless, Su Chen snorted loudly, the power in his body burst out, urging the speed of his shot, and confronted him head-on!

bang bang bang....

One after another dull voices sounded, and the two banged wildly, without any hidden strength.

During the melee battle, Su Chen originally thought that he had not learned any moves, and was a little disadvantaged.

At the beginning of the fight, I found out that there is no skill in melee combat at all. Every part of the body is an offensive and defensive point, fists, palms, elbows, and every place are extremely powerful moves. The reaction speed is fighting, how can I have time to think about moves?

Just attack like crazy!

Whoever is faster will have the upper hand.

The fist and shadow are confused, occasionally mixed with a whip leg!


Suddenly, Su Chen caught Bao'er's flaw and punched her chest!


Being punched in the middle of the chest, Bao'er snorted coldly, and the strength came from her chest, causing her to take two or three steps back in a row, and then she stabilized her figure.

The jade hand covered his chest, heaving up and down.

A faint blush appeared in his ears.

the other side,

Su Chen retracted his fist like lightning, and did not take the opportunity to approach, but took a few steps back and opened a safe distance.

When he was cramped, the old face also turned red.

Looking at Bo'er again, there is a bit of apology in his eyes.

Disappointing ears are also red.

Unexpectedly, the fist hit the round face head-on.

Ingenious touch, soft, some bottoming out meaning.

The more I recall the touch just now, the more I feel a little inexplicable childishness.

With no eyes on his fists and feet, he seized the opportunity and blasted out.

This punch is packed with mighty power, very fierce!

It can be seen from Bo'er that she took a few steps back in a row, without the next move, that she suffered some internal injuries.

"Sorry, farewell!"

Su Chen took a deep look at her, then glanced in a certain direction with fear, and took two steps back.

The next moment, the wind blows under your feet!

When striding a meteor, it quickly disappeared from sight...


Seeing this, Bao'er wanted to set off to chase, but she hummed in a low voice, and her delicate body stiffened in place.

The clear black eyes looked at Su Chen's back, and her brows were wrinkled.

There was no restraint in the strength of this punch.

The power is very strong!

The prediction is right, his strength has broken through a level!

The level of cultivation by foreigners is a bit vague, and their own means and experience will also be a bonus part of combat power, so it is possible to distinguish the stage of strength through the numerical level.

The level of the Mystery Bureau's self-test for Bo'er is Level 3.

Su Chen should be above himself, then... a fourth-level alien! ?

While Baoer was standing on the spot to analyze, a figure slowly chased up from behind.

Antique Dragon Clock.

With a smile on his face, he walked to Bo'er's side.

Aware of the latter's state, Old Qin's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of golden light in his turbid eyes, wrapping around his pupils, exuding a strange light.

With a pinch, a trace of power was pulled from the air and turned into a rune.

Flick your finger!


Lightning rushed into Bo'er's body!


Bao'er's delicate body trembled, and within a few breaths, her complexion returned to normal.

The slight discomfort dissipated.

Looking at Bao'er with amazing resilience, a few traces of envy flashed in Old Qin's eyes.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and said:

"The old man remembers that you chased him and fled last time. I never thought that in just a few days, he was actually injured by him. I am afraid that the boss will be there, and I have to praise him!"

"Fourth grade!"

Bao'er said with no change in his face.

The voice fell, and immediately attracted the unbelievable gaze of Qin Lao.

The old hand who was still pinching the talisman just now had a rough palm that trembled a little.

A fourth-level alien?

Qin Lao was stunned and muttered to himself:

"It's over, how can you upgrade so quickly!"

"In just a few days, you have risen to level four?"

"To be able to slander you, at this level, it should be level four."


Bo'er ignored his ranting and left gracefully.

He didn't care about what happened just now with Su Chen.

Watching her leaving.

"Alas! The bonus is gone!"

Old Qin sighed and could only follow slowly.


After going down the mountain, Su Chen drove directly back to the store.

There were no other surprises along the way.

It seems that this organization is intentionally paying attention to itself, paying attention to the Pingzhuang cemetery, and coming to the scene to follow it for the first time.

It is not clear who they are, and it seems that they have not been too malicious to themselves.

The crazy woman has always been chasing him, and the real master has not yet been dispatched.

This head-to-head fight, but I am clear about my own strength, which is already a level higher than that of a crazy woman.

Thinking of the crazy woman, Su Chen's fist seemed to have that fragrance lingering again.

The figure is very good, and I have been wearing casual clothes, but I really can't see it.

This punch down, the real murderer is no doubt.

Recalling the details of the battle, Su Chen found that the corners of his mouth were a little dry.


Soon, back in the store.

Before waiting for the sound of the system, Lin Yu, this girl, came.

Her white collarbone was bare, and a graceful black dress wrapped her **** figure.

It seems to be ready to go to some occasion.

Noticing the change in the decoration style in the store, she opened her lips slightly:

"Yo, Su Chen, your renovation speed is amazing. If you don't see him for a few days, it's like changing stores."

His eyes looked at everything in the store, and finally fell on Su Chen.

I always feel that this kid has been getting more handsome, his face is ambiguous and clear, and he is getting more and more handsome.

"Small shop, relying on decoration to absorb current!"

Hearing this, Su Chen joked.

Lin Yu nodded solemnly and said:

"The decoration style this time is good, I like it very much! It's a pity that I don't have a place to live. When you quit it someday, this decoration will be cheap."

"By the way, you can introduce me to your decorator. The floor of my room suddenly cracked a few days ago, and I haven't had time to repair it. Just in time, let's renovate and change the style."


Su Chen looked at Lin Yu for a while.

The store decoration is the system's handwriting, so I can't introduce it to her.

At the moment, he raised his brows slightly and diverted the topic:

"Wear so beautifully, where are you going?"

"Stinky boy, I finally said something human!"

Lin Yu snorted coldly, somewhat satisfied with his words.

go on:

"Lin Zhenzhen, my cousin, do you still remember?"

"A little impression."

Su Chen looked startled, recalling the woman who came to look for Lin Yu last time.

It was also from then on that the Ono trio attacked.

At that time, I thought that Lin Zhenzhen had a problem.

Been obsessed with things and almost forgot about it.

At this moment, Lin Yu went on to say:

"She's getting married soon, and she invited me, and you!"

"invite me?"

Su Chen was puzzled.

It's a one-sided relationship.

Wedding invitation?

"Yes, I invite you!"

Lin Yu nodded, her beautiful eyes flowing:

"Just today, come with me. Of course, you can also refuse!"


Before she could finish Su Chen agreed.

It was able to attract the Ono trio, and they came to the Dragon Country in a grand and silent way, specifically to assassinate Lin Yu.

This Lin Zhenzhen should not be a simple role.

Besides, Su Chen also wanted to get in touch with the happy events of the things he experienced these times.

So immediately agreed.

It was beyond Lin Yu's expectations.

She also thought that Su Chen would resign, but unexpectedly, she agreed.


Su Chen had bought a suit before, but he was able to wear it when he went to the wedding banquet this time.

The whole person instantly became a lot more energetic, with a handsome face and bright eyes.

Get on Lin Yu's car and head to the wedding banquet.

"You are a little weird today!"

Lin Yu said while holding the steering wheel.

"Strange? What is strange?"

Su Chen was puzzled and asked.

"Did you have any crooked thoughts, kid?"


"Don't try to lie to me, a woman's sixth sense is very accurate!"


Su Chen smiled bitterly and didn't answer.

In my mind, I remembered the process of fighting with that crazy woman.


The wedding reception took place in a luxurious hotel complex.

From time to time there are crooked fruit people in and out.

When Lin Yu and the two arrived at the hotel, Su Chen saw it from a distance.

Lin Zhenzhen specially brought her lover to greet him at the door.

The person standing beside Lin Zhenzhen looks a little familiar?

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