Qy County Patrol Bureau.

Chief's Office.

"Why are they again? Where is the incident?"

"Ju Tan, at the International Hotel, where Lin Zhenzhen's wedding is."

"It seems to be heading for the Lin Group!"

"The person who reported the case said that Lin Yu was also at the scene, and those pirates seemed to be running towards Lin Yu!"

"Damn, call someone right away! Get out of the team!"


"Wait! Remember to let the team members wear the dick!"

"Okay, understand!"


Director Tan sat on the chair and tightened the hat on his head.

With a solemn expression, he instructed his team members.

The team members took orders and hurriedly went to assemble the staff.

Looking at the back of the team members going to gather and prepare to leave the team, he opened the drawer and looked at the pistol lying quietly inside.

After hesitating for a while, he took it out and kept it on his waist.

After receiving the report from Lin Zhenzhen's wedding scene, the team members specially informed Director Tan of the situation because of the Kou people involved. After all, it involved the Kou people and the Lin family giants, so things seemed a bit tricky.

The team members gathered quickly, without dawdling, and immediately drove to the scene of the incident.

"Tan Bureau, those Kou people have been very active recently. The brothers have been on missions a few times, and eight out of ten are caused by them!"

"Yeah, the frequency of missions has nearly doubled!"

"It always feels like something big has happened recently!"

In the attendance car, Director Tan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, narrowed his eyes slightly.

Listening to the team members discussing in the car, he glanced at the team members who were talking. Except for the driver Lao Huang, they were all young guys.

They are more sensitive to this kind of thing.

On the other hand, Lao Huang, who is used to seeing this kind of thing, echoes a sentence from time to time, and doesn't say much.

In the smiling eyes, there is some sense of wisdom.

Seeing this, Director Tan smiled angrily:

"Hey, these stinky boys, they still want to take my word for it!"

"The boys are all bright in their heads!"

Lao Huang held the steering wheel with both hands and said with a smile.

Several young team members looked at each other and smiled:

"Director Tan, do you know something?"

"I won't tell you if I know it. If you want to tell me what to say, wait until you board the director!"

"Hahaha, you will always be our director!"

"You guys are cursing me to never get promoted! I really didn't hurt you all in vain, one by one."

"Director, you asked us to bring some things for this mission, do you want to prepare for it?"

While joking, they still asked key questions.

Hearing this question, the smile on Director Tan's face subsided, and his tone became serious:

"I'm afraid this mission is not easy, so cheer me up! The guys have taken care of things, and once things go wrong, it's time to test your usual training!"

"Yes, Chief!"


The vehicle drove towards the hotel.


On the other side, the wedding scene.

With one after another of slaps falling, the four people kneeling on the ground lost their faces.

The cheeks were flushed, and the burning pain came from the cheeks, and the pain was twitching.

Forced by Su Chen's deterrence, they did not dare to do anything lightly.

Staring at him with murderous intent, the strength in his hand naturally did not dare to fake it, and he slammed all kinds of slaps at his face!

Ono Ichiro's face was red and swollen, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked up at Su Chen with difficulty.

The swelling and pain in his face had hindered his vision.

Looking at Su Chen's figure at this moment, his vision became blurred.

"Your Excellency, now... can you let us go?"

Dozens of slaps have been slapped, and bloodstains visible to the naked eye appeared on his face.

There are several bloodstains on his face, he prefers to choose the former compared to the bruises all over his body from Su Chen's beating.

His voice was trembling, almost pleading.

Beside him, Ono Jiro and Saburo also all had red and swollen faces.

At this moment, they fell to the ground with them, bowing their heads.

like a sinner.

Although Yutoujiro was unwilling, but because of the situation, he could only admit his mistake together and knelt there.

In the face of Ono Ichiro's confession and begging for mercy, Su Chen did not immediately agree.

Instead, he glanced at Zhang Da and the two on the stage.

Speak calmly:

"Today you have disturbed their wedding, the guests are at your own discretion. If you don't let you go, you have to listen to them!"

The voice fell.

Zhang Da on the ceremony platform was taken aback for a moment, why did he turn to his side?

Lin Zhenzhen glanced at Su Chen gratefully.

After all, it is his own wedding, this sentence is undoubtedly to give the two of them face.

Seeing that Zhang Da was still in front of her, she quickly tugged at his sleeve.

This is just a little bit of reaction.


Hearing Su Chen's words, Ono Ichiro turned to look at Zhang Da and the two.

If he admits his mistake to Su Chen, he feels it is right.

There is no shame in bowing down to the strong.

But dealing with this weak, he felt ashamed tight.

However, this slap cannot be taken in vain.

Difficulty looking up, getting up.

I can only bow my head and apologize:

"Today's incident, I apologize to you, please forgive me!"

"Today is my lover's wedding. It's a big day. I don't want to bother with you guys. Get out!"

Seeing this, Zhang Da, who was still a little scared, took a deep breath and said.

He felt that he was a bit of a fox and a tiger.

However, in the end the other party is still very afraid.

Still nodding silently.

Finally, he glanced at Su Chen and confirmed that the latter had not changed, and then he left in embarrassment.

Looking at the four Kou people who came arrogantly and left in embarrassment.

The people present finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Su Chen's direction again, there was a little more admiration and awe.

The wedding started as usual again, and several staff members were busy.

Many people took the opportunity to come to Lin Yu's side to say hello.

At the same time as the set was close, I took a look at Su Chen, who was just a few words, and shocked the four Kou people.

The young and handsome faces made them a little surprised.

I suspect that it may be a famous family, a prominent family, otherwise how can the deterrence be so terrifying?

The subtle discussions were covered by the noisy wedding scene. The wedding of Zhang Da and Lin Zhenzhen went on as usual, and the ceremony was completed with the praise of the master of ceremonies.


The four Kou people walked out of the hotel in embarrassment.

I saw Mr. Gong, who had been staying downstairs, and he had been waiting downstairs.

"Yeah, Your Excellency Jiro, who are you?"

"Ono-kun, why are you... Erlang, Saburo, what's wrong with you?"

"What the **** happened upstairs!?"

"How dare they do it!?"

"Don't worry, I'll report the case! They must be crazy if they dare to attack you!"


Seeing that the four of them were in a state of embarrassment, their noses were red and their faces were swollen, Mr. Gong said in a bit of astonishment.

While talking, I quickly took out my mobile phone and prepared to report the crime!

His eyes were constantly wandering on the four of them, and he knew the power of the Ono trio. The more he understood their strength, the more puzzled he naturally became. What happened upstairs could make the three masters be beaten. into this look.

Even the respected His Excellency Jiro was beaten with slap marks all over his face!

Too cruel!

"Stop fighting! A bunch of trash!"

Oil head Jiro covered his face, embarrassed and angry.

Blocked Mr. Gong's call to report the crime.

This time I made a special trip to transfer the Ono trio, just to support myself.

Before leaving, they also specially guaranteed their strength, and they are definitely one of the best powerhouses. Even if they encounter a local alien from the Dragon Country, they will not give in too much!

Now it seems that it is completely a face-shaming speech!

What kind of **** powerhouse, the other party said a word, and he knelt down!

still strong?

Don't give in too much?

When he thinks of this, he is angry!

Suffering this shame, the other party didn't even move his hand, just a few simple words to dismiss him.

If you lead your own hands down, you will at least fight with your opponent!

It's shameful to lose without a fight!

Yutojiro glanced at the three of them resentfully, snorted coldly, and walked towards the door.

The meaning is hidden.

But the Ono trio are not fools, they naturally know what the other party is complaining about.

Because of the identity of the other party, they can't say anything.

Only to be cold.

Since the last time they fought against Su Chen, they have known how powerful Su Chen is. Being able to defeat all three of them is a strength that can rank in the forefront of the Dragon Kingdom, at least on the list of aliens they have mastered. It is a rare existence.

Now, when we meet again, the breath that exudes is several times stronger.

Obviously broke through the shackles of their own level!

So after realizing this, the fear in the hearts of the three people was super doubled!

Originally, Su Chen reached a level that was beyond the reach of ordinary people. He didn't expect to break through so easily, but in a few days, he broke through.

What an extraordinary genius!

The three looked at each other, and after years of tacit understanding, they sensed the thoughts in each other's hearts.

Such an alien genius must be recorded and reported as soon as possible to kill him!

The Celestial Master of that year was solely on his own.

So all the foreigners in Kou country fell under the glory and thunder, and it was difficult for them all day long.

Now that there is such a potential alien, if we can't make arrangements for it in advance, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not be another threat to the alien world in the future!

The tacit understanding of the Ono trio's cooperation for many years is also difficult to win under his hands.

If you want to arrange it, you can only find a more powerful existence.

Obviously, it can't be done in a while.

"Lord Jiro, I think it is necessary to explain to you! The strength of that existence is far above us!"

"If we hadn't chosen to beg for mercy, we would have come out sideways now!"

Ono Ichiro stepped forward and explained.

After all, the incident just happened suddenly, and no one expected that Su Chen would be in the crowd.

It is still necessary to explain to Jiro, lest the other party be unaware and say something that should not be said at that time, it will only bring unnecessary trouble to the three of them.

"I trust the strength of the three. But I am very dissatisfied with this incident. I hope you can give a satisfactory answer after you go back!"

Jiro glanced at the three and said in a deep voice.

Obviously, he is still brooding about what happened just now.

He covered his face and was about to leave here.

As soon as he turned around, a team of members of the Patrol Bureau came.

Jiro frowned and glanced at Mr. Gong next to him.

"I... I didn't get through, I didn't report the case!"

Mr. Gong's face panicked, and he quickly picked up his mobile phone and explained.

He didn't get through at all, and was stopped by him.

Of course it's impossible to report!

At this time, Director Tan led the team over.

Glancing at a few people, he frowned and said:

"Yes, it is indeed not the case he reported! The Patrol Bureau is dispatched, please come with us!"

"There's nothing wrong with us, have we misunderstood?"

Mr. Gong's expression changed and he asked quickly.

If this goes in, it will be troublesome.

"So you mean, you know what's going on at the scene?"

Chief Tan asked.


Mr. Gong was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't know what was going on upstairs.

I've been waiting downstairs.

But the four Kou people were brought over by him.

You can't be indifferent when you're working under Jiro again, right?

"Okay, just right. Let's go together!"

Director Tan nodded and said.

Immediately, his eyes glanced at the scene.

He gave a look and asked the team members to go to the second floor.

After a while, a few staff members covering their necks walked down with the team members, preparing to go to the Patrol Bureau together.

"What do you mean? To arrest me?"

Jiro covered his face and asked in disbelief.

If you get beaten, you have to be arrested, and there is still heaven?

Isn't this bullying?

A little angry at the moment.

Facing the patrol bureau, the Ono trio did not dare to be too presumptuous and stood silently behind Jiro.

"Don't be nervous, just make a note!"

A player said next to him.

In this regard, oil head Jiro shook his head:

"No! I won't go! I have the right to refuse!"


The team members frowned.

Tan Bureau suppressed the players and said to Jiro in a deep voice

"Well, you have the right not to go!"

"Hehe, count you acquainted!"

Oil head Jiro raised the collar of his shirt, a little embarrassed.

I felt that the other party knew that he was a Kou and did not dare to go too far, so he said this.

Unexpectedly, I heard Director Tan say:

"I'm asking you to go over now. You have the right not to go. If you don't go, we can only arrest you back."



for a long time.

In the compound of the Patrol Bureau, the attendance car came back.

Oil head Jiro reluctantly stepped out of the car, behind him were Mr. Gong and the Ono trio.

"Several, please!"

Director Tan looked resolute and said to several people.

Take them in to make a record and ask about the situation.

It's okay not to ask. After learning the ins and outs of the matter, the inquirers were surprised.

These Kou people can't be provocative at the door~www.readwn.com~ Instead, they slapped themselves dozens of times when someone said a word casually?

No wonder when I met them, everyone's face matched Guan Gong.

It's rare to be beaten at the door.

I wanted to ask Su Chen's identity, but I didn't expect that the other party didn't know.

The Ono trio were vague and deliberately concealed Su Chen's affairs.

In the world of Inhumans, they are more willing to solve it by means of Inhumans.

Since the four of them were willing to be beaten and could not reveal Su Chen's identity information, the staff member who was knocked out by their blow was also willing to settle down after receiving compensation, so this matter could only be ended like this.

Director Tan watched them leave, and was a little curious that the severely injured trio had recovered so quickly. Moreover, after being taken away by Bao'er and the others, they didn't know what they went through, but they appeared again!

This time, a few people chose to appear at Lin Zhenzhen's wedding, and it certainly wasn't as simple as making trouble...

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