Xu Bai was sitting on the stool beside the hospital bed with a warm expression on his face.

A faint smile slowly spread out from his vicissitudes of life, as if it had been hanging there, never disappeared.

His eyes were indifferent, but as soon as he opened his mouth, there seemed to be a kind of magic that could make people feel convincing:

"That year, it was such a protective suit that was fired at a sky-high price. There were even some smart people who sold the hat and clothes of this protective suit separately. Guess how much this protective suit can be sold for?"

"When things have passed, people can only see that line of words in their past memories and books, which record the history that happened but have no impression. There are even some people who feel that they are witty, and thus doubt whether the whole thing happened. Come to grandstanding. As everyone knows, how many heroic people have stayed in that history forever..."

Xu Bai just sat there and said calmly.

Some are muttering to themselves.

There are also some that seem to be depicting a picture scroll, but the real picture has not yet been revealed.

Liang Xiaojie was his best listener and looked at Xu Bo with difficulty.

These words, coming out of his mouth, are emotional.

But his tone has not changed, it is still as light as water, the smile on his face is not as warm as the one he just met, and now there is a bit of bitterness.

He shook his head and continued:

"Sorry, it's rare to recall, and I'm off topic."

"Let's start with this white protective suit. At that time, things happened suddenly, and the whole situation reached the worst state. A doctor hurriedly called me and asked me, do I have a mask and protective suit? At that time I I happened to be docking a project, and I stocked up a lot of medical equipment, including masks and protective clothing. I thought it was a normal order, so I quickly said yes, and wanted to sell the equipment in my hand.

Unexpectedly, the doctor interrupted me rudely and asked me how many masks and protective clothing I had. I didn't know at the time that the masks and protective clothing outside had reached an extremely shocking number. According to the original market price, Reported to him.


Speaking of here.

Xu Bai spoke for a while, as if there was some discomfort in his throat.

The wry smile on his face thickened a bit:

"It was the first time that I heard a big man cry and say thank you to me on the phone. I kept thanking me. I was completely ignorant and confused, and even wondered if the other party was mentally abnormal.

He asked for the address and contact information of my warehouse and hung up.

It wasn't until I walked out the door that the whole world seemed to have changed.

The vehicles on the road were gone, and pedestrians wearing masks, hurriedly dragging their backpacks and food, walked scattered on the street. There was vigilance in everyone's eyes. I wanted to have breakfast. It was closed. I wanted to buy a la carte.

Overnight, the world turned upside down!

Soon, I was also forced to wear a mask. Due to the special nature of the project, my mobile phone has never been connected to the Internet. After I was connected to the Internet, I saw the news of the blocked city. What is that concept? For many years, something that has never happened can be said to be a situation where everyone is in danger, people are panicking, and the state of the entire city is terrifying. The only sound that can be heard is the ambulance passing by quickly from time to time.

Masks and protective clothing became the most valuable items that year.

These medical equipment in my hand have become in short supply, and each piece is sky-high!

It's like standing on the cusp of the storm, on the verge of getting rich.

Thinking of the doctor who asked me to order masks and protective clothing, and then looking at the whole empty street, I am a little fortunate that I live next to the warehouse. I can pick up the goods at any time, at least the masks that others are in short supply, I have no worries at all.

Even, there is a surplus.

The doctor was coming sooner than I thought. An ambulance hurriedly stopped in front of my warehouse. He was wearing a yellowish protective suit. Under the transparent mask, his face was already eroded by sweat. When I opened the warehouse. After revealing the mask and protective suit through the door, he burst into tears again with excitement and thanked me again and again.

It can be seen that they really lack these things.

I helped them move the masks and protective clothing into the car, and while moving, I asked him jokingly that the prices of masks and protective clothing outside are sky-high, and you are lucky to meet me!

If it were any later, I might be a millionaire.

A casual joking sentence made him look stunned, and he quickly gave me a statement: Brother, I'm sorry, you can't make up for your loss now! After a while, I will take my salary to supplement you!

Later, I learned that he was the vice president of the city hospital.

There is a serious shortage of protective clothing in their hospital.

If you can't make up the goods, you can only find sources of goods from various hoarders. I heard him tell me that at that time, the price was going up tenfold, and many of them were buying it by themselves. If you don't sell it, you can't do it. The hospital is full of people, all waiting to save people. If you don't wear protective clothing or masks, the doctor can't handle it.

When the ward was full, a new ward was opened on the corridor.

The corridors were full, the corridors were full, and the entire hospital was full of people.

Protective clothing can't be taken off casually.

Once taken off, it is useless.

The shortage of supplies is terrible. The clothes that were originally suitable for four hours were worn by them for 18 hours, 24 hours, the vice president... That is your father back then, his yellowed clothes The protective suit was worn for forty-eight hours without food or drink. That's right, I couldn't even urinate or defecate. Just rely on a force, hold back.

When I saw him in the hospital again, I asked him, how can you hold it for so long? Can you bear it without eating or drinking?

He smiled wryly and said, "Brother, don't think about it when you're not in your seat. You haven't seen someone fall down in front of you. You're a doctor, but you can't save it. When you can't save it... Where can you eat?" go to dinner,

If you don't eat or drink water, you will naturally be able to hold back your feces and urine.

I thought what he said was somewhat exaggerated, until I saw the people standing in the hospital, eager for treatment; the people who were blue-faced and fell to the ground; the medical staff were sweating profusely, their faces were white and they were still fighting It was when I was on the 'front' that I realized how dire and how dangerous the situation was. Anyway, I came out of the army, and when I saw the situation, my ankles became weak. Just your father, he, no, it's them, wearing protective clothing and rushing into it desperately, where there is danger, there are their white figures, are they afraid?

Scared to death!

They get sick too! They are also flesh and blood, but they went to the ground without hesitation.

You said, is the salary of ordinary nurses high?

No matter how high, can her life be high?


Whether old or young, as long as you put on white clothes, you will feel saved when you see them.

When they all give up, maybe the whole city is over.

Fortunately, they didn't give up on us, they persevered, reached the first front, and held the line for us.

Many of them will stay on this front forever.

Soon, one after another, heavy trucks, loaded with food and supplies, brutally broke through the city's blockade. Regardless of the danger, the scarce supplies and food are delivered to every corner of the city.

On their bodies, there is a bright red color!

It was the color that made countless people cry with excitement.

We are not abandoned!

If there is a shortage of materials, the materials from all directions will be fully subsidized!

The lack of people, those in white from all over the country, with their chests out and fists clenched, rushed forward resolutely and fought with us!

The shining of the five-star light never forgets us for a moment!

How can the blood of the thousand-year-old blood of China be wiped out by the cold front?

It can block people and cities, but it will never block the heart of a nation's unity and fraternity. It is the love of compatriots carved in the bones.

With the transportation of one truck after another, supplies are no longer in short supply.

Bus after bus brought soldiers in white. They rushed to the front line without hesitation, with their beloved motherland and people behind them.

With unity, the icy front finally ushered in the dawn of dawn.

I have been in a city at night and found empty streets.

Above the tall buildings, those people were shouting to cheer.

Every time they saw a bus carrying medical support passing by, they would shout wildly in front of their respective windows.

That's when they're cheering each other on, cheering each other on.

This is the photo I took at that time! "

Xu Bai's words, here is a meal.

He took out his mobile phone and pulled out the photo to show Liang Xiaojie.

Liang Xiaojie moved his eyes with difficulty and saw it.

On the screen, the city under the night scene is so beautiful.

But there was no figure.

Lights flashed above the tall buildings, and it seemed that the people he described were shouting and cheering.

Hearing this, Liang Xiaojie felt a little sore in his nose.

Although Xu Bai didn't know about these things he said, and he didn't make it clear in many places, scenes of medical staff scrambling to support him still appeared in his mind. . In the cabin, medical staff and patients refuel each other. The pictures of those drivers wearing masks, traveling thousands of miles, transporting supplies, and their resolute expressions when they passed the blockade, and...the bright red hanging on their carriages, hunting in the wind, showing their edge.

His voice was calm, and when he told these things, it was completely in the state of memory.

Under the constant patchwork of scattered memories, people can more truly appreciate the scene at that time, and what heroic decisions and efforts his father made at that time, and the sense of mission to go to the first front line without hesitation.

Looking at the tears falling from the corners of Liang Xiaojie's eyes.

Xu Bo smiled bitterly and reached out to help him brush it away:

"Don't cry, this is what your fathers have experienced. Every generation has a mission for each generation. As for our fathers' generation, it is even more distressing. You must know that the hardships they suffered are only for the sake of making We will never experience it again. What you remember can be a cold text or a certain paragraph of recorded literature... But please don't forget.

Without these pasts, there is no history.

How can we withstand the power of this lineage?

It is never empty talk that one party is in trouble and all parties support it. It is a unified tradition of thousands of years of history.


Sorry, I'm a little wordy.

I haven't told you how I met you.

My first meeting with you was the day after the city was completely unblocked.

After your father arranged the work at hand, I received an order from my superiors to **** your father home. On the way, he chatted with me and I learned that his dearest mother had left. He kept calling his name.

I could not hold back the tears when I heard it.

Glancing at him, I found that this time, he didn't cry.

He smiled bitterly and said that the tears were numb during this time.

When I took him home, your father knelt in front of your grandmother's mourning hall, kowtowed a few times, and called out "mother".

Everyone present was crying.

He didn't cry, but he fainted several times.

Because of this battle, he didn't catch up with the old man's last face. He wanted to cry but couldn't shed tears. Sadness came from his heart, and it was inevitable that he would be more seriously injured.

He told me that he felt guilty for not being able to be by your side at this time.

I saw you next to the ambulance when I was out smoking.

Your eyes are red, no one cares, hiding behind the car to wipe your tears.

Even if you don't understand anything, but seeing your father's weak appearance, you still choose to forgive him. "

The voice fell slowly.

Xu Bo's tears also fell out and ran across his cheeks.

Through the protective mask, the impression in Liang Xiaojie's mind seemed to overlap with the figure in front of him.

With a trace of correspondence, his eyes trembled slightly, unbelievable:

"Xu!? Uncle Xu?"

"Kid~www.readwn.com~ it's me!"

Xu Bai nodded and smiled gently.

Afraid that he would be too excited, he quickly squeezed his hands and motioned him not to move.

go on:

"The root cause of your father's illness also came down from that time. He carried it like that, and he had to go to the front line to continue fighting until he found out that he was completely incapable, and then he confessed his situation to me.

Coincidentally, I'm not happy either.

Relying on his youth and courage, he rushed forward after receiving the task. Although I have a lot of combat experience, I am still unlucky. I was shot in the liver and directly pierced, and the doctor who was treating me said it was useless. Your father came all the way, without saying a word, and took me to the key hospital where he was, which was here at that time.

He told me earnestly that he is not good, but the liver is still good.

Save my life, no problem.

I didn't agree, but the surgery was arranged and his liver was replaced.

Later, I found out, this guy.

I actually donated everything I could, and signed a lot of agreements!

My second life was given by your father.

You must have hated him all these years, right?

I hated him at the time, but now, I feel a little fortunate that he gave me this liver. "

"This way... I can save you!"

Xu Bai finished speaking with a smile on his face.

Liang Xiaojie looked at him blankly:

"Xu...Uncle Xu!?"

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