Xu Bo's words spread through the ward calmly and forcefully, shocking Liang Xiaojie's heart.

to save yourself?

How to save?

Now that I have this symptom, no matter how much chemotherapy is done, there is no way to do it. Now the only way is to transplant the entire liver. However, a person cannot lose the liver. If the liver is lost, it means death.

Could it be that Uncle Xu is going to transplant his liver into himself?

It came from the liver that his father transplanted to him back then. Now, is it going to be transferred to himself?

Back then, my father made the decision to donate organs because he was about to leave this world because of his illness. But now, Uncle Xu is still very healthy. At least on the surface, there is no problem in living more than ten years. If he made this decision, it would be equivalent to using his life span of more than ten years to continue this life for himself!

Thinking of this, Liang Xiaojie stared at Xu Bo, a little surprised, and quickly shook his head:

"No! I don't! I'm killing you!"

"To be honest, my life should have died a long time ago. If it wasn't for your father's insistence on transplanting it to me, I would not have lived for these years. He extended my life for me and allowed me to have my own child. Family, now, his child has suffered such hardships. When he is about to die, if I don't take action again, won't I be a burden to him? I can pretend that I don't know about it at all, but when I go down and see him again, I will I don't know how I should feel, go and give him an explanation!

When he was willing to exchange his life for my life, I already owed him.

I don't like to owe others, not even him.

It just so happened that some of my old injuries relapsed, and even with this liver, I wouldn't be able to live much longer. Take it as the last thing I did for him, to repay his kindness. You don't have to blame yourself, you should thank your dad for leaving this way for you.

I know you've been blaming him for all these years because of organ donation; you certainly don't see me much in your heart.

I hope that the blame is removed after the liver has been transferred to you! On the other hand, you should thank him. "

His voice was dull, like a sharp blade piercing his heart one after another.

Liang Xiaojie's mouth trembled, unable to say a word.

He stared at Uncle Xu closely.

"By the way, I'm not the only one who came to see you this time. Those people who donated your father's organs to you all came to see you. Those guys still wanted to rush me to save you, but I didn't agree. Finally, I The doctor let me in because they were better than them in terms of medical records. They should have felt guilty for you over the years. We respect and respect your father very much. We have his organs, and we not only represent You, even in the name of your father, live with optimism."

When he heard that many people came to see him, Liang Xiaojie's pupils trembled fiercely. Those people were willing to donate their organs without hesitation? Even if they take their lives, they are willing to continue their lives.

Just because there was a warm old man who donated all his available organs and saved five wonderful and different lives.

They all have their own part of life, but carry two names on their backs.

The corners of Liang Xiaojie's mouth trembled, and the tears kept flowing uncontrollably.

It was as if something was blocking my throat, I couldn't speak, I only felt a blockage for no reason, making everything I wanted to say seem so pale, and stuck there together. , No matter how hard you try, you can't say a word.

Looking at Liang Xiaojie's situation, Xu Bo probably understood his understanding. Over the years, he has been paying attention to Liang Xiaojie's growth secretly. After all, he no longer has the most beloved father. Naturally, you have to stare at it without slack for a moment.

I can't count the number of times I've helped him secretly.

Except for the fact that my father is struggling, everything else is fine.

I wanted to find an opportunity to chat with him, but unfortunately, I have never had a suitable opportunity. I never thought that it was rare to find an opportunity, but it was really heartbreaking to face such a situation. Looking at the pale Liang Xiaojie in the ward, Xu Bai took two steps forward and gently pulled the white quilt for him.

"The nurse said, you should take good care of your body now, don't think too much. I came to see you not to inform you of anything, but to let you not give up easily, there are so many people behind you, silently caring You, I love you. Among them, there is also the most silent love from your greatest father, I hope you will not be so decadent, cheer up, and live a wonderful life!

With us here, you will be fine! "

Liang Xiaojie nodded with difficulty and looked at him reluctantly.


Xu Bai showed a strange but particularly warm smile when he first entered the ward.

Slowly turned around and left.

Looking at the back of his departure, Liang Xiaojie's eyes were filled with tears that could no longer stop flowing, as if he saw the last back of his father when he left him. He walked so firmly, so resolutely.

It seems that the reason for leaving that day is to save myself today.

Everything is like a pre-planned arrangement.


In the corridor, four other strange figures appeared here.

Another person was taken into the ward by the nurse.

Knowing the identities of Xu Bai and these four people from the attending doctor, Liang Xiaojie's wife cried and thanked them.

Among the four, three men and one woman.

They all accepted the organ donation from Mr. Liang back then, and survived their respective difficulties, and now they are able to stand here.

His wife burst into tears, as if she had seized the last ray of hope from the utter despair.

So, when the door of the ward slowly opened from the inside.

The eyes of all present were attracted to the past.

Seeing Xu Bo walking out of it, Xiaojie's wife walked up to Xu Bo without saying a word, knelt down towards Xu Bo, and kowtowed fiercely:


Some trembling voices are not loud.

However, everyone in the corridor stirred in their hearts and secretly wiped away their tears.

"Child, I can't! Get up!"

Xu Bo was startled, and quickly stepped forward to help Xiaojie's wife.

On the dignified face, he was very serious.

He could understand her feelings, but kowtow like this, forget it.

It should be Elder Liang who should bear this kneeling.

I took it myself, what happened.

"thanks, thanks!"


Xiaojie's wife was sobbing, she couldn't say anything she wanted to say, so she could only express her thanks incessantly.

The body is a little limp.

Behind her, someone from her mother's family hurriedly came to help her.

Too excited.

Feeling the solemn gazes from the people around him, Xu Bo smiled slowly, not feeling that it was too heavy, instead it seemed like a burden had been handed down, very relaxed.

The four figures standing on the other side came with Xu Bai.

Several people met downstairs, and it was a coincidence that they all happened to have the same plan.

If it wasn't for the doctor in charge who decided Xu Bo's situation and more in line with the donation conditions, they might really want to compete with Xu Bo for this opportunity to donate. It was an organ from Mr. Liang, and it continued his destiny, so when his descendants needed it, he and others would definitely not be stingy!

Among them, a slightly older man took a few steps forward and asked:

"How is it, what does the child say?"

As soon as the words were asked, Xu Bo felt the nervous and concerned eyes of several people.

Liang Xiaojie always cared about the organ donation in those days. This is something that all five of them knew, but they didn't have a good chance to talk to Xiaojie. Now that they have this opportunity to communicate, they all hope that Xiaojie can share their hearts with him. Untie this knot.

Now that Xu Bai walked in, it was the best opportunity to communicate with Xiaojie.

Xu Bai smiled slowly, facing the eyes of several people, nodded slightly:

"Don't worry, it's all explained clearly, the child understands. Several people, this time I have to go first!"


As his voice fell, the four of them seemed to be relieved.

Just looking at Xu Bai's eyes, there is still a little bit of reluctance, so he can only nod his head.

Can't say anything else.

It seems that any topic, in the face of life, seems so pale.

In the corridor, Xiaojie's wife, relatives and friends were watching Xu Bai.

The gratitude and complex look in their eyes, they are very grateful, but at the same time they understand what kind of danger and situation Xu Bai will face by donating a complete liver, so Xiaojie's wife will kneel and say that.

Feeling the increasingly heavy atmosphere, Xu Bo left here firmly.

Went to another ward.

Everyone watched him leave, and the atmosphere was still silent.

Excited that Xiaojie was saved, but the imminent death of a life made them feel heavy and unhappy.


In the ward, the attending doctor who has long been waiting here.

With his arms around his chest, he leaned against the wall with a complicated expression, looking at Xu Bai who came in.

Shen Sheng said:

"Finished? How did he react?"

"What's the reaction? Everything is normal, but the child recognizes me, which is quite unexpected. Next, I just need to prepare well for the operation. He probably also understands the situation of the transplanted organ, and I also told him what happened back then. Two sentences. One couldn't hold back and complained to him, and now I regret it, I shouldn't complain!"

Xu Bai walked in with a smile on his face and said slowly.

I have some regrets in my heart.

"When it's time to complain, we have to complain, and don't let them know the pain we've experienced. How can we remember the people who carried the burden for them?"

The attending doctor took two steps forward and said with a heavy face while helping him untie the protective suit.

The skillful technique seems a bit clumsy at the moment, and it took a long time to take off the protective suit.

In just such a short time, there was some sweat on Xu Bai's hair.

Too boring.

Looking at the attending doctor, Xu Bo shook his head:

"Just remember what happened, there's no need to hold on to the wound, and we're not doing this to make them remember painfully! Adhering to the faith and moving forward is what those people expect! Isn't it? "

"Yes, this is indeed the teacher's expectation!"

The attending doctor nodded and recalled Mr. Liang.

The white coat on his body has a special seam pattern on it, which was sewn by Mr. Liang back then.

Over the years, in order to commemorate the teacher's departure, although the hospital uniforms have changed batch after batch, this white doctor's uniform has been worn by him all the time, replacing the teacher's position and saving one life after another. Do what the teacher used to insist on.

Time is not forgiving, and when he saw Xu Bai with white silk in his hair appearing in front of him, he felt that if the teacher was still alive, he should have an old face at this moment.

A rigorous teacher, I don't know how he was able to form a good friend with such a gentle and casual Elder Xu.

Fate is so wonderful, the same organ, after many years, was operated by himself again, and the transfer was performed again.

I believe that the teachers of the year may not be able to think of the decision that they made, and they can save their children's lives many years later, right?

Seeing Xu Bai walk straight to the bedside and sit on the edge of the bed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The attending doctor said:

"You have already signed the relevant agreements. I am the one who will perform the operation. I will carry out the entire operation."

"Well, it's you who did it, I'm relieved!"

Xu Bai nodded.

I remembered that he was the one who performed the transplant operation back then.

Can not help but feel a little strange.

In life, there are always inadvertent places, some fit.

A familiar feeling arises.

After chatting for too long, a nurse hurriedly called him away to rush to another operation.

After Xu Bo watched him leave, ~www.readwn.com~ pressed the somewhat soft hospital bed with his hands.

I have to say that the current medical conditions are much better than those of the past.

In this regard, it is as Mr. Liang wished.

If he can see that the medical conditions are so excellent, he will be very pleased, but unfortunately, he will stay in that time forever.

Xu Bai, who had rushed over overnight, felt a little dizzy at the moment, and he lost consciousness for some reason.

Over the years, the old man has never dreamed.

Rarely, in his sleep this time, he actually encountered that figure again.

Looking at Mr. Liang's familiar figure, he smiled with relief.

Neither of them talked about organ donation. They just sat together and recalled everything they had experienced in the past. From the year they met, they joked about everything that happened in that year. There are cruel places and moving parts. The gratifying things, the heavy topics, between the two laughing and talking, seem to be less heavy.

Xu Bai told him about the changes in the entire Dragon Kingdom over the years.

Rapid progress, medical and all aspects of rapid development.

Just as he wished, as his generation wished, and gradually prospered!

"Elder Xu?"

Suddenly, a dazzling light hit, when Xu Bai returned to consciousness.

already on the operating table.

The attending doctor looked at him with a complicated expression:

"You're ready, we can start!"

"let's start!"

Facing the light, Xu Bai smiled...

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