"Taiichi Kosaka, if you help me to do things like this, you are not afraid that it will spread to your gangster world and be cut into pieces by them? Betrayal is probably the most hated thing by your gangsters, right?"

Seeing Tai Gusaka's sincere expression of introducing the situation to himself, Su Chen couldn't help but ask.

Hearing the words,

Gusaka Tai was startled, looked at Su Chen, and nodded immediately:

"I'm afraid, but I'm even more afraid of death. In a ruthless and meaningless country like Kouguo, I'm just a scumbag. I understand that only by following you and following Longguo can I have a chance to be a real person. Pursuing allegiance to Kouguo ignorantly will only lead me to death!

The words are sincere and solemn.

If it wasn't for the fact that he knew about his personality, Su Chen would have almost believed him.

However, the convincing lies are often mixed with a few truths.

He was really afraid of death, and he understood that only by following Su Chen would he have the opportunity to make his own way in Kou Kingdom.

After these days of understanding, Su Chen already knows his background. He can only be regarded as an ordinary kid in the entire bandit clan. He has no terrifying background. The Maharaja series, but he is not fancy, so he can only seize the opportunity for everything.

In terms of status, even he is not as good as Xiaojun, who is at the bottom of the ranking. After all, the other party is still a son from a noble family!

And he, an alien from a poor family, can only rely on his own strength to improve his identity and status in the eyes of others.

Before attacking Su Chen, to **** the essence of his attributes, he wanted to improve his own strength.

Unexpectedly, he kicked the iron plate of Su Chen.

In the past, he has already robbed many opportunities, so that he can be ranked among the monarchs, and his strength is not considered to be the bottom.

It was purely unlucky to meet Su Chen this time. He made sufficient preparations in advance and investigated Su Chen's identity information clearly. In order to keep it safe, he could be considered cautious and careful.

Unfortunately, Su Chen killed him.

It was easily pinched.

Such a powerful strength is also something he can't figure out. Why do you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

Obviously strong, he should be respected by people.

This is a glorious thing, extremely glorious.

Why do you hide your sharpness?

If he is Su Chen, I believe that all the information about Su Chen is already floating around in the entire Longguo Yiren world, showing off his strength!

Unfortunately, he may never understand.

Looking at Su Chen who was just tasting the tea, he hesitated for a while, then went to the table and sat down carefully.

His eyes kept drifting over the teacup in front of him, some coveted the tea in it.

While saying this, he tentatively touched the tea with his hand:

"Although my strength is average, my eyesight is definitely one of the best among the monarchs. It is my luck to be your little brother! No matter what instructions and consultations you have, I will definitely be a dog and horse. !"


Su Chen said with a cold face.

As soon as the voice came out, Taichi Furusaka hurriedly retracted his hand, not daring to crave for the tea on the table any more.

Somewhat panicked, he said:

"Please forgive me, it's just that the scent of your tea is too tempting, and I will be fascinated by it next time!"

"You have to drink your own cup of tea, don't drink what's left over here!"

Su Chen said calmly.

I don't care about the tea.

Isn't it the tea I got from the rockery? I feel a little dissatisfied when I drink it. I didn't expect others to like it, which is unexpected.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Gusaka Tai's expression was startled:

"You mean, I can drink this cup of tea?"


Su Chen took a sip of the tea in his teacup with suspicion, and felt that there was nothing special about it, but compared to before, there was no such strong astringency, and a more complex taste lingering.

The tea that overflows is full of fragrance.

After confirming what Su Chen meant, Tai Gusaka's expression changed!

Immediately, as if he had received a huge reward, he was so excited that he cried:

"Thank you, Your Excellency Su Chen, then you will be offended!"

Said, he brought a cup and poured half of the water in the teapot to himself.

As if it was rare, he stared at it for a moment, and then drank it in one gulp.

I don't know if the product will come out, but it's pretty quick to drink anyway.

Immediately, his expression showed a state of enjoyment. It seemed that being able to drink such a cup of tea was very precious to him.

Thinking that on weekdays, I didn't treat him badly.

In this way, it's like he hasn't drank water for hundreds of years, he didn't restrict him to drink water, drink drinks!

"Do you like tea?"

Su Chen frowned slightly and asked with some doubts.

"I don't like it! But, your tea, I like it!"

Furusaka Taichi is rare to say honestly.

The tone is a willingness from the heart.

He looked at the teapot on the table unsatisfactorily. When he just weighed it, he could feel that there was a lot in it!

"Drink it if you want. This pot is yours. Remember to wash it for me after drinking it!"

Su Chen said helplessly.

Isn't it just ordinary tea?

As for what?

What are you doing with such a longing expression?

It's just that he is complimenting the gestures and expressions he made.

On the other side, upon hearing Su Chen's words, Kosaka Taichi nodded excitedly, as if a long drought meets the rain.

He even stood up directly and bowed slightly towards Su Chen:

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for letting me taste this pot of tea. This kind of kindness will definitely be remembered in my heart!"

"It's okay!"

Su Chen disagreed, there was nothing to remember.

It's just a pot of tea, you also need to keep it in your heart?

too exaggerated.

Such trivial things have to be remembered in his mind, so how many things does he need to remember?

How much brain capacity can he control his thoughts.

Without much doubts over his thoughts, Su Chen still has to prepare for the Kou Culture Street. He is not very worried about the contents of the package. He is worried about whether the mysterious situation will be too big to control in the middle of the game. , and start with yourself?

As for those pirates, it's also a big trouble.

If they dare to take action in the process, they may not show mercy. At that time, the news of the existence of aliens will be announced to the outside world to let ordinary people know that aliens exist, which will undoubtedly create a sensation in the entire alien world.

One of the responsibilities of the existence of the mysterious bureau is to stabilize the controllable range of each other's activities, so as not to let him affect the lives of normal people, and not to let the outside world know the situation of the alien world. In this way, whether it is for ordinary people , or for aliens, it is a way of protection.

Judging from the actions of the Mystery Bureau at the previous funerals, their tolerance also has a degree.

If you exceed this degree, you will definitely attack yourself.

At that time, I not only have to beware of the aliens of the bandits, but also find a way to deal with the existence of the mysterious bureau.

For the completion of this last wish mission, Su Chen is very confident, that is, to consider the crisis that he may face.

Some things have to be done, but the premise is to protect yourself well. If you can't even protect yourself, then you need to think about such a thing, whether you should do it or not.

While he was thinking.

Kosaka Taichi sat opposite him, holding the teapot constantly, pouring tea into his teacup.

As if drinking some Qiong Yao honey dew, she was very intoxicated.

"It's so delicious!!"

Another sigh. His rough way of drinking tea might not even taste the taste of tea.

Just like that, he complimented deliciously one by one.

Without him, there is heaven and earth in this tea!

Ever since he smelled the fragrance, Taichi Kosaka had been watching the cup of tea secretly. After the two of them drank their respective teas, there was obviously a strange smell on their bodies. This kind of smell was not bad, but The most fascinating vitality!

Why is such a pure life force, full of vitality, hidden in the tea?

Looking at the brewed tea, Kosaka Tai couldn't understand why there was such pure vitality in the tea.

My status is not very high, but I have seen a lot of tea leaves, all of them are ordinary tea leaves, with absolutely no special smell, and it is even more impossible to have such a pure life force.

Therefore, he was extremely surprised and amazed by the tea that Su Chen brought out.

Being able to taste such tea will undoubtedly enhance one's vitality!

It turns out that when he took the first sip, he felt an injection of vitality!

Vitality is more than just a lifespan.

It is a manifestation of strength, recovery, and ability!

If you have the chance, you can help yourself to spy on the avenue!

Unfortunately, there is only one pot of such tea.

It's still from Su Chen's hand, it's not good.

Surprisingly, Su Chen himself didn't cherish this pot of tea at all. If he asked for tea like this, he gave it!

Kosaka Taichi understood that Su Chen was not generous at all!

It doesn't matter at all!

I don't care about this kind of tea, a big man like him may have been used to this kind of tea, so he doesn't like it much at all, so he gave it to himself.

On the contrary, it is cheaper for me to have such an opportunity!

Looking at the tea in his hand, Kosaka Taichi glanced at Su Chen gratefully again, and then dried the tea in his hand!

He was even more sure of the idea of ​​following Su Chen in his heart!

This big guy is bound to hide even more terrifying abilities!

Opening such a small shop and hiding such a powerful strength, is it because of some belief?

Keep the promise?

Or some kind of trick?

Layout for the Dragon Kingdom?

Thinking of this, Kosaka Taichi dared to think deeply, he quickly blocked all thoughts, and only cared about drinking the tea in his hand.

For fear that Su Chen would see something out of it.

Such a big guy, if his will is not firm, he will be seen through the little Jiujiu in his heart.

Kosaka Taichi is quite conservative.

After drinking the tea, I reluctantly went to help wash the teapot and cups, and took over the cleaning work in the store by myself. As a younger brother, you must have the awareness of a younger brother.

When you see that it's not clean, go to clean it.

A big guy like this might have a great opportunity hidden somewhere in the storefront!

the other side.

Seeing Taichi Gusaka who suddenly became diligent and cautious, Su Chen frowned slightly.

I didn't care too much.

He didn't know all the power that Kosaka Taichi had automatically made up for him in his mind.

Su Chen didn't think that he would be grateful to him, and he didn't want him to do anything, as long as he was afraid and in awe of himself, that's fine!

For this kind of pirate aliens, they will respect you only if their strength crushes them.

Other than that, there is no other way.

If you don't agree, just fight.

"Your Excellency Su Chen, it's getting late. If you're tired, you can rest. After I clean the store, I'll also escape into the office!"

Perhaps he sensed Su Chen's gaze, Taichi Kosaka said attentively.

He didn't know that Su Chen was controlling the power of space.

I always thought that the one who imprisoned him before was the organ in the storefront.

That's why we call that space an organ.

Su Chen was too lazy to explain to him, so he just let him think so.

At the same time, a door was opened for him. As long as he pressed the button on the table, the power of space would be triggered at any time, wrapping him inside.

In other words, the organization he mentioned, he was already familiar with the environment, and even brought some daily necessities into it consciously.

Seeing such an attentive guy, Su Chen thought about it, it's good to have such a cleaner.

You don't have to do anything by yourself, just give an order when you are alive.

Isn't this the scene that you want to realize the most since inheriting your inheritance?

Right now, let Taichi Kosaka clean up here.

She went back to her small room, ready to rest.

After experiencing these things, I am no longer afraid of him going against the water. With these things he has done, once he is caught by the gangsters, it will definitely end in a thousand cuts. If some troublesome eyeliners are removed, he can return to Kou Country safely.

But it's still a long way from that time.

Su Chen walked back to the small room with peace of mind~www.readwn.com~ and walked to the bed a little tiredly. In his eyes, there seemed to be information about the clients he had done before, until he met Geng Zhengyang this time.

The faith in my heart seems to have strengthened a lot.

It is not the same time that I have encountered difficulties. Many times I have escaped from danger, concealed my strength, and completed the package well.

This time, since I have already accepted the agreement with Elder Geng, I have to do it.

He had to do something to satisfy him!

Since the Mystery Bureau has to get in touch, why don't you just take the initiative to find them?

Perhaps telling them about this in advance would have unexpected effects.

How to tell?

Going to find Lao Qin and Bao'er?

Except for the long-haired man in a peaked cap, no one else seemed to know them.

Haven't had any dealings.

At least from the point of view of Baoer and Qin Lao, they both have good images and hearts.

There were no bad thoughts, and there were some small misunderstandings, but when facing Xiaojun of the Kou Clan, he still helped himself, indicating that he was still somewhat close to himself, who was also a dragon man.


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