In the whole city at night, there is a trace of comfort everywhere, and countless figures walk through the light or dark, busy with their work.

Approaching Su's funeral company, the street lights passed through the gaps in the leaves, and scattered shadows scattered all over the place.

A secret aura, let those broken shadows fall on the body.

In the deep-set eye sockets, there was a hint of brilliance. Looking at the Su's funeral company in the distance, it seemed that there was something sharp.

Under the envelope of darkness, it was impossible to see his figure clearly, but through those cold eyes, it was not difficult to see his burly figure.

A cold glow loomed in his hand.

He slowly raised his hand from above the burly body, and a few tassels that were not easily noticed appeared.

Suspended above the palm of the hand, it is somewhat like the light of a firefly.


A hoarse voice sounded like a decree.

The voice fell, and these few tassels flew in the direction of Su's funeral company!

As the tassel flew by, there seemed to be a few traces of spiritual power left in the air. It can be seen that the spiritual power compressed in the tassel is abundant, and just the traces left are enough for people to observe with the naked eye.


Su Chen has already fallen asleep.

Among the storefronts at the moment, only Kosaka Taichi was busy scrubbing, and he kept discovering that there were many places in it, all with strange points. For example, the flowers on the rockery, after dropping their leaves, soon sprouted again. It's as if there is vitality that is constantly exerting itself.

If it wasn't that he didn't dare to take the liberty of harming these vegetation and things, Taichi Furusaka would definitely study them carefully.

The textures on the table are full of complicated and obscure textures, which are nothing at first glance.

But the more you observe carefully, the easier it is to find that your mental power is concentrated within.

It can be said that everything in the entire store has its own special features.

But he couldn't detect any magic weapon's aura, as if they were ordinary things, but they had some kind of charm.

Naturally derived.

While cleaning the storefront, he observed these things.


There seems to be some inspiration outside the storefront.

A few wisps of weak light squeezed in directly along the crack of the glass door.

If ordinary people see it, they might not care too much.

But Kosaka Taichi was not an ordinary person, but a down-to-earth Kou who knew too much about the methods of those monarchs, so he immediately sensed something was wrong.

He frowned and looked at the faint tassels vigilantly:

"Your Majesty?"

Above these tassels, there is a powerful spiritual power, and just getting close, you can feel the powerful aura fluctuations.

With a blatant test, the opponent was able to compress such a huge amount of spiritual power into a little tassel. It can be seen that the means are high and the ability is terrifying!

Now, after those tassel broke into the storefront, they flew towards Taichi Kosaka!

Looking at the tassels slowly floating over, Tai Kosaka's expression gradually became dignified.

The tassel controlled by the other party seems to have eyes, and the target is aimed at him!

If you dare to hesitate at the moment, wave your hand immediately!

Several invisible tenacious threads burst out suddenly, bursting out towards those tassel!


The wind broke and the tassels were shot directly by a few threads of silk!

bang bang bang!

The dull shattering sound rang out, the tassel cracked on the spot, and a terrifying breath spread out instantly!

Before Kosaka Taichi could relax, those terrifying auras condensed again!

In the blink of an eye, it was back to its original state!

"Can't you break up?"

Kosaka Tai's expression changed slightly, and the silk thread in his hand burst out again!

Defeat it easily.



Those tassels can be easily restored, and after they are restored, they approach Taichi Kosaka more quickly!


Realizing that the silk thread was invalid, Taichi Furusaka had a little panic in his eyes.

Sure enough, it was Your Majesty's method!

It should be the third maharaja's means to make it invisible.

Dare not to hesitate in the slightest, clasping his fingers inward again!

With a slight sound, a puppet was pulled out, and the human-shaped puppet grinned and waved its own minions.

He charged directly towards the tassel in front of him!


Unexpectedly, as soon as it touched those tassels, it was bombarded frantically!

The tassel burst, and the terrifying air wave directly overturned it!

The powerful spiritual force in it was as if it had been detonated, and it turned into a shock wave, rushing towards the puppet and Taichi Gusaka frantically!

When Taichi Kosaka was caught off guard by the powerful spiritual power, the puppet collapsed and shattered!

He himself was hit and flew out!

After taking a dozen steps back in a row, he stood firm. His chest seemed to be burned, with obvious marks.

He looked forward with difficulty, and at this moment there were still three tassels, which continued to charge towards him!


Suddenly, a small cracking sound came from the heel.

Kosaka Taichi quickly turned his head and saw that it was a flower pot placed in the storefront. It was obviously affected by the impact just now!

Having no time to care about him, Taichi Kosaka looked at the tassel again and waved his hands!

Two tall puppets appeared beside him again!

The armored puppet has exceptional defensive performance.

This time, I should be able to block this weird fringe!

I saw that the tassel floated again and bombed directly on the puppet!


Another muffled sound rang out, and the spiritual power exploded!

The two puppets were discarded on the spot, and the powerful breath penetrated the puppets and bombarded Taichi Gusaka again!

Looking at the powerful fluctuations that kept coming in front of him, he panicked completely, but he didn't dare to disturb Su Chen.

Seeing the waves covering him, he twitched his fingers crazily, and the threads of life flickered out, and the golden threads were forcibly pulled out in the air. The extremely fine threads seemed to have powerful vitality flowing through them. , which intensified a bit of its power.

Watching the thread collide with the flow rate nervously, Taichi Furusaka swallowed!

This is the way to save one's own life. If this attack is broken, then there is really no way to do it!


The omentum composed of tassels and golden threads collided wildly!

The powerful aura continued to burst out from the fringe, and under the frantic impact, the golden threads trembled a little, and some meant they were about to be broken.

Under the strong bombardment, Taichi Kosaka was pushed back by him and took a step back!

This time, I stepped directly on the flower pot.

The flower pot is broken!

His face was pale, as if he had been hit hard!

If the silk thread of life is damaged, it will inevitably be backlashed, affecting one's own vitality.

Are you really going to lose?

He insisted madly, watching the tassel burst out with more and more power, and even when the other two tassel attacked together, despair filled his eyes!

I couldn't bear to see the tragic state of the thread of my life being broken!


The silk thread was tenacious, emitting a sound of torment, almost breaking!

Just when Kosaka Taichi was about to give up his resistance.

Suddenly, a mysterious power shrouded directly!

The tyrannical force directly forced the thread of his life back into his body!

Without the obstruction of the silk thread of life, the tassel burst out in an instant!

Kosaka Taichi feels like he's going to die!

It's too late to escape!

At this moment, before he could react, the fringes that burst from the air trembled violently!

It actually stayed in the air!

It's like being stranded in the air by a more powerful and domineering force!

"This is!?"

Furusaka was stunned for a moment, feeling the strange aura a little dazedly.

It's not like Su Chen's method, because he doesn't have his breath!

However, it actually emanated from this storefront.

Where exactly is the Holy Spirit making the move?

Su Chen, it seems that he is still sleeping in his room. Are there other peerless masters hidden in the storefront?

Great power?

Furusaka Taichi felt a little suspicious and fearful, but at the same time he let out a sigh of relief.

No matter what, he saved his life.

He didn't let these weird tassels end his life.

He looked at the fringes with difficulty.


The breath in the store burst out, and the tyrannical force directly crushed those tassel!

As if the connection between the tassel and the outside world was cut off, the originally violent tassel had no tremors or movement at all.

There is only a trace of powerful spiritual power, constantly escaping from it.

Soon, a faint translucent protective cover directly shrouded the three tassels!


Next, Kosaka Taichi was completely shocked!

A big hand emerged directly from the air, passed through the protective cover, and grabbed the tassels tyrannically!

This is to smash these three tassel into pieces?

You must know that the spiritual power contained in the tassel is very huge. If it is detonated like this, the power of the three tassel explosions at the same time is enough to destroy this store several times!

too crazy!

But, this big hand will never have such an idea, only the firm will to destroy it!

Towards the three tassels, he grabbed them fiercely!


Tai Kosaka's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to summon puppets and threads to protect himself, but found that he was also imprisoned in place, unable to move!

He could only stand there and watch the big hand squeeze three fringes!

Perhaps he sensed the terrifying threat above the big hand.

The tassel exudes strong fluctuations, forming a protective layer by itself!


In the face of the existence of big hands, their protective cover is like a layer of cling film that can be broken, and it is directly smashed!

Bang bang bang!

The moment the big hand grabbed them, the three spiritual powers exploded in unison!

The dull sound is shocking!

Kosaka Tai showed a look of despair, and saw three tyrannical bursting forces being blasted out from the big hand!

If such terrifying fluctuations attacked him, it would definitely be a devastating blow!

But the next second, he was stunned again.

I saw that the terrifying explosion breath stopped in the translucent protective cover!

The protective cover that obviously has no breath fluctuations, but successfully absorbed it perfectly!

Even after those explosive breaths bombarded the protective cover, the protective cover seemed to become a bit stronger.

A wave of fluctuations visible to the naked eye were perfectly absorbed by it!

"Too strong!"

Kosaka Taichi thought in his heart, but he didn't expect such a method to be hidden in the store!

He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he had such a means, otherwise, he might have really lost his life here.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, the translucent protective film floated towards him after absorbing the explosive energy!

His eyes widened as he watched the translucent protective cover slowly envelope him!

The rounded protective film seems to be able to isolate all interference and breath from the outside world.

Even the air seems to be isolated.

Kosaka Taichi felt a little difficult to breathe, and when he looked up, the big hand appeared above his head again!

what happened?

Didn't it help you?

His brain was not enough, he thought that this big hand was an 'friendly army', but he didn't expect that he would also be one of his targets!

Why would you target yourself with such a terrifying method?

And why did you solve those tassels?

When I think of the time when I was imprisoned just now, I realize this!

It seems that the other party has controlled himself and Tassel together. Because Tassel's threat is greater than himself, he first attacked Tassel and wiped it out.

Then, do you do it on yourself?

Thinking of this, Taichi Kosaka was in a cold sweat, how could he be able to fight this?

He wanted to cry out for help and ask Su Chen to help him, but he couldn't do anything!

At least those tassel can still make a gesture of resistance, but they can't do anything, can't make a sound, and can't control a puppet.

The physical strength of the puppet master is not very tyrannical, and now there is no protection from the puppet, so he is just squeezed by a big hand?

Must die!

A terrifying method that makes people feel suffocated!


At the same time, outside the Su family funeral company.

The figure groaned, as if it had been attacked, and looked at Su's funeral company in disbelief!

Unexpectedly, the connection with Tassel was suddenly cut off just now.

Now is directly destroyed!

Tassel can control self-destruction, but it also has tyrannical means of self-protection. How can it be easily wiped out?

Even after the destruction and explosion, there was not even a little movement.

This is what makes him feel the most panic!

Under the influence of fear, he quickly turned his head and left!

As soon as he took a step, his figure suddenly froze!

He quickly raised his head and looked sharply at the branches!

At this moment,

There seemed to be a figure squatting on top of the branch, looking at him indifferently.

Cold killing intent permeated from it.

Appeared in front of him without a sound, without even noticing it!

With these eyes crossed, he knew that he was not the opponent of this figure!

But, that killing intent doesn't seem to mean letting him go!

"You are also one of the Maharajas?"

Su Chen half-squatted on the branch, looked at him indifferently, and asked coldly.

He easily held the Thunder Talisman and the Water Talisman in his hand, and the terrifying rune energy continued to spread out from it, emitting an obvious threat!


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