
Chapter 106 - Snapping

Annabeth bit her lips in anger. "I stood and watched the family falling apart for the longest time and didn't utter a word. Watched the girl get used, watched money get robbed, watched people walking in and out of motels, and never bothered to say a thing. I even knew when the screams of pain from Kalmin changed into screams begging to be saved. I knew when those new whips appeared underneath your beds and when you used it on him, I know what you did to him and what you forced him to do to you."

Annabeth looked up at Jena, blue eyes striking defiance, "why weren't you satisfied with those you wrapped your hands around? Why did you have to make them do it too? Did you have to use them like that? Like sexual toys that played the side role of maids? Did you have to go against the dirty words you called him and force him to touch you in places he would ever touch with those 'dirty' hands as you liked to call them? Then you'd whip him when he refused like you were training a puppy."

"And you?" Annabeth turned to Marie, "I didn't expect you to turn that way so quickly. You exchange that jewelry for special ropes and practice on him. Does he look like a baby doll? USE THEM AS THE SLAVES YOU BOUGHT THEM FOR AND NOT FOR OTHER PURPOSES!! WHIP THEM! DON'T FORCE THEM TO TOUCH YOU AND THEN BLAME IT ON THEM. Don't be beasts running around trying to tame someone when you haven't learned how to retract your fangs."

"And me? I'm pathetic. A bystander who was too scared to say anything and let it all happen. I turned away when I heard shrieks of pain and smiled when it looked like everything was ok. I kept running away from something I could change and pretended I was in charge when I wasn't," Annabeth smiled, a single streak of tears rolling down her cheek, "just like we all did our own thing, I knew all about it but yet refused to speak up about it.'

Justin took a step forward to comfort Annabeth but she looked up at him with pure hate splattered on her face. She was laughing.

Although those tears ran down her eyes and she looked like she was in pain, she burst into a fit of laughter, bending over giggling.

"Am I stupid?" She asked herself in between her laughter.

Justin immediately stepped back. He didn't know what was going on and had never seen his sister in this in his entire life. It was scary. Petrifying. 

As he stepped backward, he nearly tripped on Jena who had fallen to her knees and was still trying to help her mother despite being pushed away multiple times. 

"A-annabeth," Justin pleaded, "why are you getting so mad about the way we treat a couple slaves? They were bought for us to use, did it really matter what we used them for?"

"HAHAHAHA," Annabeth continued to laugh as tears fell down her eyes, "haha… yea that was a really useless action on my part. Why did I try to save such bastards? Have I lost my mind? Tell me that was a joke, Justin."

Annabeth walked forward to Justin as he stepped backward and stopped directly in front of him, placing her head on his shoulder limply as she hugged him. "Please tell me you were lying when you said that Justin," she muttered as she pulled away from Justin to see his face. 

He looked horridly confused and scared as his eyes nervously shook.

"Justin," Annabeth gripped his shoulder and forced him to make eye contact with her. Her blue eyes were so dim as her face scrunched up into a strained smile, "that was a lie right?"

"U-uhm," Justin trembled, wanting to look away but couldn't. His lips quivered as he formed a smile, "o-of course I was."

"Hmm, ok then," Annabeth smiled. She let him feel a wave relief first before her smile drained. She raised her hand and brought it down harshly on his face.


Justin nearly fell down, the pain from the slap hitting him a second after it was done. His face throbbed as his hands rose to them immediately, disbelief and fear flashing in his blue eyes as he looked up at Annabeth.

She glared down as him condescendingly. "If you're going to lie then at least try and make it real," she sighed, massaging her wrist, "what a pathetic molester you are. A useless excuse for a human being."

"ANNABETH! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!!" Mr. Crowly yelled, his eyes widening at the sight of his son with a red hand-mark on his face.

"You're right hahaha, I am," Annabeth chuckled, her face constantly twitching as he smiles continued to fade into frowns in seconds. "It's about time someone in this family lost their mind."

Justin felt the heat on his face and for a second Annabeth's figure wavered. "You little-" he growled standing up and raised his hand. He was about to hit Annabeth with it when he caught a glimpse of her eyes… there was not a hint of fear in them. His hands froze in mid-swing, inches away from her face and he looked away ashamed, his hand trembling.

Annabeth cocked her head, amusement shining on her face. "Were you going to hit me?" she giggled, anger festering in her voice, "you were gonna lay your hands on me? Hit me? Do I look like a slave to you?"

Justin trembled. He had messed up, he knew it so well that he feared what was next. That smile on Annabeth's face didn't ease his fear either.

"ANSWER ME!!!" Annabeth's hand ran across Justin's face again, her slaps seeming to get harder and harder per hit. She looked down at him, her face scrunching up in a sick mix of disgust, hate, and anger. "How dare you? What have you become? No… were you always like this? Lusting after every girl and then raising your hand to strike them when they did something that didn't please you? Do I look like one of them to you?"


"ANSWER ME YOU INCOMPETENT SCUM! ANSWER ME!!" Annabeth shook him by the collar and then tossed him aside.

"ANNABETH! Stop it!! Please!!" Marie begged, concern growing on her face when she spotted the sliver of blood running down Justin's chin. "He's right Annabeth, they're just slaves, why do you have to act so personal."

Marie trembled as she took a step forward. "Is it the slaves that you're worried about. Do you hate the usage of all slaves or-"

"Is it because of him," Jena interrupted, "is it because they are the slaves that you hate it? Is there something about them that you don't like?"

"Don't think we didn't catch those gazes you gave each other. Drowning in each other's eyes and then smiling like idiots," Marie but on a brave smirk with her quivering lips, "Don't think I didn't catch all that. Is that the reason why you are so mad? Don't be a hypocrite too, you used him. Don't think I didn't hear those shrieks from behind your door."

"Are you really that much of a degenerate?" Annabeth snapped, her head turning to Marie in a motion that was so robotic, creaks could be heard. "If I was doing something with him that I didn't want to be found out, do you really think I would do it that far out in the open? Don't be stupid, I'm not as shameless as you, Jena and Justin. Screams of pleasure didn't come after his screams of pain."

Marie opened her mouth to spit out another insult but her throat was clogged. The stare Marie was giving her oozed anger, so much she couldn't even speak up too her.

"Also… you seem to have forgotten," Annabeth smiled, cocking her head slightly, "That boy… What was his name? Lithin?"

Marie flinched. Her voice wavering as she muttered, "I-I don't know w-what you're talking about."

"You know~ the one you promised to spend half of mother's money on? The one you promised your body to? The one you called your lover and sneaked out at night to visit him? The one you were stashing money from mom for the past month for. You said you planned to send it to him next week right?" Annabeth giggled, "you seemed really happy right? Like you expected him to use that money to come to visit you. Like he's going to pack up and come running after you? Haha. Give it a week. We'll see if he comes back."

"Annabeth… please- no," Marie begged.

"Oh and the times you tried to invite me to steal for you? Told me to cover up for the nights you spent with him? The only one here who's stupidly in love is you, especially since it's not going to come back at you," Annabeth shrugged.

"Shut up…" Marie muttered, tears running down her face.

"Oh wait… what am I doing? You know he won't come haha, even you know he won't come after you yet you continue to dig yourself a deeper hole to fall beneath. Hmm… well for your sake… let's image he comes for you," Annabeth sighed.

Marie looked up at her, a bit hopeful to hear if she might have a chance. Her hopeful gaze was met with a demeaning smile. 

"Let's suppose he decides that you're worth loving. You're the 'one' for him and he loves you so much that he wants to come with you. How will you think he'll feel when he hears about this?" Annabeth cocked her head, "his beloved was using a slave to satisfy her desires, she stooped so low to continue robbing her mother selfishly and placing the gold necklaces she got around her neck and smiling foolishly. Do you think he'll be happy? That he'll smile with you?" 

Marie's quivering legs finally gave in and she fell to the ground, sliding down the wall to her spot on the ground, below Annabeth. "Is it so wrong to wish for that?" Marie sobbed, "I know it won't work out but I still want to try. I want to look pretty when he comes here, dressed properly, and have enough money to show I can be relied on. Is it so wrong that I want to be loved?"

Annabeth squatted in front of Marie and pouted. "Yes. It is so bad. If you want to be loved so much, don't do it halfway," Her hand caressed Marie's hair and down her chin where they lifted her head up.. She gave an annoyed smile, "act pretty too."

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