
Chapter 107 - Karma

Marie's hand rose up and slapped Annabeth's hand away. "Is what you're doing pretty too?" she spat, "stop acting like a ruffian and stop this nonsense. Please just shut up."

"Hmm…" Annabeth looked at the hand Marie slapped and chuckled, "aren't you just scared I'm going to reveal more of your stuff?"

Marie hid her face, unable to look Annabeth in the eye, "N-no, I just… need this to stop. Look around Annabeth, our family is in chaos. Everyone is in tears and Justin has a trail of blood running down his chin. All of this was caused by you."

Annabeth turned around and examined the room. 

It was pure chaos, Jena was kneeling in front of their mother begging for forgiveness, her head pressed into the ground as she cried. Justin was laying on the ground, leaning on the couch in the same position Annabeth had thrown him into. The sliver of blood running down his chin hadn't stopped yet. And their mother just sat there in total shock, unable to look at their children as she screamed in fear and pain, unable to believe the things that she heard even though they all made sense. 

Even their father stood over the scene having no idea what to do as a line of tears he wasn't even aware of ran down his face in a steady stream. 

Annabeth shrugged, turning back to Marie, "And?"

"W-what?" Marie stuttered, her lips quivering in disbelief and increased confusion mixed with fear.

"So what?" Annabeth muttered with a tiny smile, "the house is in chaos. Ok. And? What am I supposed to do about that? I didn't cause this."

"What do you mean?!" Marie yelled, turning back to Annabeth with red eyes, "because of you mother hasn't stopped crying for the past 10 minutes. Jena's knee is going to bleed from touching the ground for that long and her voice is going to go hoarse. Justin- HE'S BLEEDING FOR GOD'S SAKE!! HOW… HOW IS THAT NOT YOUR FAULT?!"

"Justin, yea, I did that but the rest, no I didn't. If you ask yourself why this place is in chaos the first answer you get is because they are all crying and being a mess. Even after you ask WHY it's not even going to be about me. It's only after you ask HOW that it might lead to me," Annabeth smiled, patting Marie's head, "I wasn't the one who made her cry, she's crying about all the nonsense you guys did. Don't blame that shit on me when you're the only one who went around doing disgraceful things. I only told her the things you did and since I'm not the person doing them, I'm therefore not the reason why she's crying."

"N-no… t-that's wrong," Marie stuttered, her tears doubling in size. "We didn't do this…"

"Use your pretty head for something other than asking merchants for half off those toys. Has anything else I told made her cry today? It's only after I mentioned all the dirty things that Jena did that she started crying. The same thing happened after I mentioned you and Justin that she started crying. I didn't make her cry, your bullshit did," Annabeth sighed, ruffling her dress as she stood up. 

"N-no," Marie grabbed the hems of her sister's dress and yanked on it. "Y-YOU DID THIS!! YOU MADE HER CRY, YOU MADE JENA CRY, YOU MADE ME CRY AND YOU MADE FATHER CRY!!!" 

"Look around, does this look like a hospital?" Annabeth asked, her face scrunching in disgust as she looked down on Marie's hand on her dress.

"W-what are you talking about? Of course not!! D-don't change the subject when you know you're wrong!!" Marie scolded, her voice having a more pleading tone than insulting.

"If this isn't a hospital then why are you acting like the victim? Do I look like a doctor? I'm not gonna heal whatever insecurities you have. I'm not the reason why you're rotten so why should I have to take responsibility for your tears?" Annabeth cocked her head and peered down at Marie, "did you do all those bad things for me? No. Did you do those things for yourself though? Yes. You did all those things knowing you were wrong so why are you acting surprised at the results? Did you really think those things could be swept under a rug? Haha, don't be dumb sister. You were bound to get outed, it's just a shame it was by me."

"N-no.. it isn't my fault," Marie muttered, chanting the same words again and again to brainwash herself.

"Pfft…" Annabeth chuckled, "this is so repulsive it's almost funny."

"Y-you're crazy. A p-psychopath," Marie muttered.

"Now you're blaming me for wanting to say all the things that have been on my mind, weighing me down all these years? No. At least admit the shit you've done with Jena and Justin as the issue here. Think about it this way," Annabeth sighed, "did I ask mother to cry? Did I go over there and pull out her tears? Do some magic tricks that made her tear glands spill out a waterfall? Did I ask Jena to cry? She's crying because she knows she's doomed, all the bull she has pulled is finally coming back at her. The same for you, you're crying because you know mother has lost every trust she had in you."

"N-" Marie muttered, her blue eyes dazed.

"Crying seemed like the only thing you guys could have done so look at that, you're crying. You're just making this all the more pathetic by blaming the weak reactions of mother and father on me. They picked out how to react and so did you, I didn't cause this. You did and you're gonna learn to deal with it soon," Annabeth growled, her blood boiling from Marie's words.

"I-" Marie stuttered, unable to find words to refute Annabeth with. 

"Also, don't you think this is worth it? Karma finally got to hit you. It's finally biting back at you, "Annabeth chuckled, "Jena's crying not because of pleasure but because she's reaping what she sowed. Her feet finally got to hit the floor after dancing on cloud nine for the past year as she got rammed by multiple men. If she bleeds she bleeds, she bled too during her sessions with those men so what's wrong with a little more bleeding? Oh.. is it because she's bleeding because she got outed? Is that why you think it's wrong?"

"No! That's-" Marie began.

"Mother's crying. Ok, and? It's her fault she refused to believe her kids were humans and not angels. It's her fault she didn't try to open her eyes to see more. She didn't question why you fired those maids after they cleaned your room. She didn't question Jena's whereabouts when she went out every day saying it was to drink tea with her 'girls' and she didn't question Justin's answer when he said it was his friends that did that to the maid," Annabeth shrugged, "it was about time she opened her eyes to see."

"Don't talk that way about mother!" Marie screamed, her hand trembling as she yanked Annabeth's dress. 

"Oh shut up. And Father? That's what he gets. He had a marriage where he wasn't able to be honest with his wife even after he saw all his children's faults. He didn't want to worry mother but some things must be said. He didn't realize what those things were," Annabeth chuckled, "and Justin… Do you know how many times he made Alice bleed? How many times he continued after she begged for him to stop, how many times he wiped her till she cried, bled, and was even washed over with more pleasure whenever he saw her in pain? What I did is not even half or a fifth of what he deserves. He's pathetic and needs to be punished more but if I do more then aren't I just imitating him? I'm not a beast and will never be. I'm ashamed to have the last name of this family."

"So what? So what we did all of those things? Did you have to say it? We could have said it," Marie muttered, "WE COULD HAVE SAID IT OURSELVES!!! We would be able to take the pain ourselves."

Annabeth was taken aback. Her face scrunched up in disgust and hate as she glared down at Marie. "And when would that have been? When Justin had 2 more kids? When you finally got heartbroken by that boy? When Jena finally got pregnant? When mother finally got a whiff of what was going on? Admit it, you never planned on admitting your faults and even if you did, you would do it after the family knows what you're doing so when you out yourself, it wouldn't have that much of a backlash. You're sad like that."

"What do you know? Can you read my mind? How do you know that I wouldn't have come forward anytime soon?" Marie trembled as she refuted Annabeth.

"I've been your sister for more than 19 years. Same for Jena and Justin. I know enough and more about you than you even know of yourself. Heck, I spent my days observing you and Jena for the longest time because I looked up to you. I'm glad I stopped myself in time before I spiraled down to hell with you," Annabeth spat, "if I didn't do this, no one would. You would wait till mother would know about it and have a slight understanding of why you do it because you know she loves you too much to confront you immediately. You know why you hide things from her every time because you know she'd gradually understand if you wait for a while. You've done that since we were kids."

"Shut up," Marie muttered.

"The next time you tell me to shut up, I will slap you. Even if that meant staining my hands," Annabeth threatened, each word she said she meant it. "Also… I'm not done yet.. Until I have fed you enough karma, I will not stop."

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