
Chapter 108 - Treasure Box

"Isn't this enough?" Marie muttered, her eyes darting anywhere but on Annabeth, "you've already outed us. What more can you do? What more do you want to do?"

"You think this is enough?" Annabeth snapped, "YOU THINK THIS IS ENOUGH FOR ALL YOU'VE DONE?! DON'T BE ARROGANT!! I- I've barely done anything. All I'm doing is telling on you. That's all I can do… after holding this all in, promising to myself that I would defeat you finally, coaxing myself that it will be over soon for years… DO YOU THINK IT'S ENOUGH?!" 

Marie flinched, trying to edge herself into the wall. She wished there was space behind her, a little hole in the wall that she could crawl into and wait this out.

"It's not… NOTHING I'VE DONE IS ENOUGH! But… but. I don't want to be you. I don't want to copy your actions. I don't want to contradict myself by doing the same thing that I'm trying to get rid of so I'm trying to be careful. Trying not to do too much. Trying to keep calm," Annabeth trembled, pointing her hand at her family, "you guys… deserve hell. But I am not the one to give it. I am not the one to punish you but I will give you a taste of the shit you've done to them. I will give you a taste of how inhumane you are."

"Annabeth… Annie… please stop," Marie hung on to Annabeth's dress, pleading with her.

"Stop it," Annabeth muttered, her voice rising into a yell, "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME! STOP IT!! STOP ACTION LIKE THE VICTIM!!!"

"This is enough," Marie muttered, she looked up at Annabeth, tears flowing down her face. "THIS IS ENOUGH! STOP IT! PLEASE!" 

Annabeth peered down at her sister. She was repulsed. "What are you crying for? Me to save this family or for me to save you?"

Marie began answering but her mouth closed, unable to answer in the end.

"Haha… you can't even answer," Annabeth guffawed sadly. She wiped away the tiny drop of tear at the edge of her eye, "you know… I was starting to feel bad. Feel bad for what I was doing. You are my family after all so I was starting to reconsider…"

Marie's head perked up at the sign that there might be a change. "Y-yes… Yes, please. Stop this... You don't need to do this. I promise you I'll stop," Marie's eyes widened and her head nodded as she pleaded. "We can go back to before…. I'll stop. Jena will stop and Justin definitely will stop too. We'll fire the slaves, they're the reason why we're in this mess so letting them go would be good right? If we get rid of them we can go back to normal."

Annabeth bent down and kneeled before Marie, taking her hand. Her eyes glowed with hope and she nodded along with Marie. "Can we sis" Annabeth smiled, a tear running down her cheeks. "Can we go back to normal?"

Marie smiled, her eyes twitching with desperateness. "Of course Annie. We can always go back," she nodded, "all you have to do is just stop this."

Annabeth grinned, "ok~" her face snapped back into a frown and she chortled.

Marie flinched. "Annie?"

"Is that really how you expected me to reply?" Annie chuckled, her face switched back to innocency. "Okie sister~ I'll always follow you~ I love you sooo much~ Like that? HAHAHA No. Don't make me laugh," Annabeth scoffed.

"Annie…" Marie muttered, searching in her sister's eyes.

"Annie? Do I look like the innocent 8-year old that followed you like you were my mother duckling? Grow up hun, I will never follow someone like you. I can't even believe I even felt a hint of remorse before," Annabeth chuckled, "fire the slaves? Do you think that's the solution? Do you think they are the devils that dragged you down to hell? It was because of their bodies that you went the wrong way? Because of the way they looked at you that made you want to do that to them? Did he ask to be used like that? Did she ask to be beaten by you? No. You're the devils. Get rid of them and you'll get another one to act on right? That's just how it goes. That's just how pathetic you are."

Marie shook her head, gripping Annabeth's hand tighter.

"You look so foolish right now. Calling me by a name I abandoned at 13. Holding my hand like you never want me to leave, like you're going to hold me in your embrace forever. I already know that won't. No need to lie anymore," Annabeth smiled, pushing Marie's hand away.



Marie's neck snapped and her eyes stayed open in disbelief, the hot slap she had received from her sister. 

The room laid silent, all eyes turning to Annabeth as she squatted down in front of Marie. She grabbed her sister's face and turned to her. Her lips spread into a strained smile as her grip on Marie's face tightened. Marie turned her face away in protest.

"Hey," Annabeth called out, turning Marie's head back to her. She leaned into her sister's face and in a voice so low it was almost a whisper she muttered, "shut up."

Marie shuddered, her entire body reducing to a puddle. Her eyes started to close, preparing to faint. 

"Nonono," Annabeth gently slapped her cheek, "don't fall asleep now, you need to be awake for this." 

Marie trembled, her legs refusing to move and her hands went limp. Her eyes were blurry and dazed and her body tipped back and forth as she struggled to stay in one place.

"By the way," Annabeth smiled, "that slap was for Alice. For kicking her earlier today, I guess seeing her baby bump isn't enough to let you know you shouldn't hit a woman that is only a few days away from labor. I'm saving the slap for hitting Kalmin for later today. I'll make sure it's on the other cheek so it doesn't feel uneven."

Marie had never been slapped before in her entire life but she couldn't hear Annabeth. Her ears were ringing. 

"As for the rest of you," Annabeth turned to Jena. She watched, amused, as her sister shuffled backward in fear. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hit you. I don't know how many men have touched your cheek and I'm definitely not trying to know how many. I have another surprise for you. I'll be bringing him tomorrow in the morning. Just to check you know."

Annabeth stood up and brushed her skirt, grimacing when she noticed the ruffles in it caused by Marie. 

"Anyways~ sweet Marie, you might leading us to your treasure chest?" Annabeth smiled, looking down at her defeated sister. 

"Treasure che- no… No. is that really necessary?" Marie muttered, snapping out of her daze at the mention of the treasure chest. 

The name was an inside joke of hers between her, Annabeth, and Jena. She regretted it now. 

"Of course you have to~ I'd hate to have those amazignggg things you bought go to waste by having no one other than us and Kalmin to look at them right? Mom and dad deserve to have a look at what their precious child was going in her free time," Annabeth giggled friendly as she turned to Marie, her eyes having a completely different feel than her facial expression. They were threatening her.

"N-no… please don't anything but that," Marie begged.

"Okie then, you don't have to bring it out," Annabeth smiled. 

Marie let out a sigh of relief. It was too early.

"I will bring it out instead," Annabeth snapped. She walked out of the room despite Marie's desperate screams and into her sister's room. Carefully she reached under her bed and felt the box. Wide and long it hid heavily under the bed. 

Annabeth pulled it out and walked back into the living room, her arms slightly tired from the weight. 

"How do you lift this thing?!" Annabeth muttered as she heaved the box into the room, stopping in front of everyone.

Marie flinched recognizing the box. She started to crawl over to Annabeth but it was too late. 

Annabeth tipped the box over and it's contents spilled to the floor. She glanced excitedly at the others around the room. "Let's see what's in Marie's treasure box, shall we everyone?"

The sounds of multiple ideas clattering to the ground could be heard throughout the room. A second passed and soon, gasps filled the room. 

Mrs. Crowly turned to Marie in shock and then back to the pile of items, "You.. Y-you did that?" she asked. 

Marie looked away ashamed.

Mrs. Crowly turned back to the pile. Sex toys were all over the place on the floor and all types of whips too laid around. A wide selection of expensive-looking jewelry was mixed in the bunch and some other items Marie was not supposed to have. The most surprising of all was the bags of money that laid on the floor. 10-15 bags total, all spilling out money. 

"Well well well," Annabeth chuckled, turning to Marie, "you've been going places, big sis."

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