
Chapter 121 - Food

Antonio lost the game. Well, in a sense he had won, but not for the group that he wanted. He was in group one, going in the team that didn't have the girl his eyes were set on. He was on a team with girls though, just not the one he wanted to interact with. 

His knight on the other hand had somehow beat him for his spot. He shot a glare at Ciergo, shooting lasers at him with his eyes. 

Walter and Falls burst into laughter as they both noticed Antonio's crestfallen face as they were in the second group. Antonio shot them glares and they quieted down soon after.

"Pfft, at least we'll get to the food first," Antonio scoffed, "I'll make sure to take most of the chocolate and snacks when I get there."

Walter's expression fell to the ground at the sound of this. "You…. You wouldn't." 

"In the face of food, who knows what I'll do?" Antonio smirked. 

Walter flinched, his trust for the precious chocolate balls he heard were going to be here, in the hands of his friend was plummeting. "Switch with me," he urged, his eyes widening as he pleaded with Antonio.

"Too late," Antonio smiled smugly. There was no way he was going to let Walter win over him. Especially if it came to food. "The food wars from last time at my house will continue. I will be crowned Victor."

"No… not this time," Walter looked at a group of girls who walked by.

"I see you're trying to pick from what's presented to you," Dramio grinned, nodding his head in the direction of the girls who had walked past. "You liked what you saw?"

Walter turned back to him blankly, "Huh? No, I was thinking that since there were a lot of people our age here and a lot of adults, you wouldn't dare to steal all of the chocolates here."

Dramio paused and then facepalmed and the rest of the boys except Louis groaned. "And this is the reason why you won't get married."

"Excuse me!" Walter huffed. "Why would I need to look that way when my options are sitting with me," he mumbled. Louis turned to him when he heard him.

"What did you say?" Santigio asked, turning to Walter. He and the other boys hadn't heard what he said. 

Louis grinned, "Trying to claim what looks like the finest tools in the box, huh?" he teased.

Walter elbowed him. "Shut up Louis."

Antonio sat in silence for a bit while the boys argued. He looked up at Dramio and then turned to Santigio, "By the way, why didn't you two come to the food war last time at my house?"

Dramio and Santigio exchanged glances for a moment and Dramio cleared his throat.

"We got dragged to meet some people to marry by our mothers so we had to miss the food wars," Dramio sighed, Santigio doubling on his sigh. They lied.

"Ahh ok," Antonio chuckled, "did you have fun there?" 

"Everything but fun," Santigio rolled his eyes.

"Ouch, I pity the girls that came that day," Antonio giggled. 

"Sure," Dramio shrugged.

"When are we going to start getting our food, I see people moving in one direction already," Walter nervously turned from the crowd to the people seated at the table, "what if they're all going to eat the food? What happened to us then?" He looked down at his stomach. "What happens to me then?!" 

"You starve," Antonio shrugged.

Walter's face turned pale. He looked at the crowd and then back to the people at the table. He stood up suddenly and dashed into the crowd. 

"What in the-" Antonio muttered as his best friend quickly ran away, "Marquess Walter!"

He too stood up from the table and began to go after Walter.

Louis looked at the remaining people seated at the table and grinned, "I guess we all go after them," He stood up from the table and held Addison's hand pulling her along with him, "Come on everyone, you'll be late!"

Annabeth let out a low sigh, she hated having to move through crowds but when Jena and Maria stood up and followed after Justin, she knew she had no choice but to follow. She stood up and began after them, making sure she stood directly behind Maria so she wouldn't get lost. 

People in the crowd parted for them as they say their exquisite outfits and she felt eyes on her so she kept her head down as she walked, making sure her eyes were focused on the trail of Maria's dress. 

'I better not be sweaty when it's my time to perform or I swear I'll kill them,' Annabeth thought to herself, 'The fact that I have to run after these childish people-'

Annabeth paused. She had lost track of where Maria went, her dress nowhere in sight. 

Annabeth groaned softly and turned around, heading where her feet would take her. This was the reason why she hated crowds, she was never good at making it through it without getting lost. She was always alone in the end. 

She stood in the crowd for a moment, having no idea where she was going. To her left was a group of boys and to her right was another group of boys, they had both locked eyes on her. Her pace quickened as they both started to head over to her. She walked straightforward as they advanced and right before they could greet her, she made a half U-turn and walked into a little closed out section of the room. 

She turned around and did a little bow at them before turning around and locking the door behind her. Finally, inside, her eyes shut and she let out a sigh of relief. 

'Now to find out where I am exactly,' Annabeth sighed, opening her eyes. 

She looked down at multiple babies looking back up at her. 'Ah.. the baby room,' Annabeth smiled, 'perfect.'

She loved kids. Their tiny frames, cute smiles, and adorable giggles. She found herself in the best room possible. 

She looked around the room and except for her, there was another woman in the room, a veil resting on her face. Annabeth turned back to the kids and sat on a chair in front of them. 

It always mystified her how people could leave their kids in one room while they go to socialize. She would never leave her kid in a room while she socialized but if they didn't she would never get the chance to play with the kids now. 

A baby crawled over to Annabeth and looked up at her innocently. Her heart melted and she resisted the urge to pick up the baby. Instead, she bent down and played with her, performing a little game of peekaboo that the girl loved. Soon more babies sat at her feet as she entertained them. Annabeth grinned every time they giggled. 

She gave all high-fives and almost cried every time they would squeeze her fingers. Then did puppet shows with their teddies and did a little music show with their toys. The babies looked up at Annabeth admirably, they liked her. 

Out of the corner of the room, Annabeth had another set of eyes on her. 

"Cute aren't they?" the woman muttered.

Annabeth looked up at her to find the woman looking back at her. She turned her head back to the kids immediately, initiating a dance with one of the babies. 

"It's a shame each of them come from families that can bring futures crumbling down to dust," the woman chuckled. She waved at one of the babies that turned to her, it crawled towards her out of the group that sat in front of Annabeth. 

The woman lifted up the baby and held her in her arms. A flash of disbelief crosses Annabeth's face. She wouldn' dare go further with the babies such as lifting them up. They weren't of royalty but they belonged to some high-ranking families that could have her scrubbing their floors in a second.

"They aren't here anyway," the woman shrugged. She stood up with the baby and spun around in a circle, the baby giggling with her. 

She stopped spinning and walking in front of Annabeth, beside the groups of kids, then squatted down and let down the baby gently. 

"They're pretty selfish for leaving their kids here like this but hey, they got to socialize like they wanted right?" the woman smiled, looking up at Annabeth, "I can tell you agree with me."

Annabeth looked at the woman for a second, her eyes seeing through her veil for a second. She turned away the next.

'Such striking eyes….' Annabeth thought to herself. 

"Mute?" the woman cocked her head, her eyes scanned Annabeth, "No… I don't think so…"

Annabeth turned to her again. 

"Mute by command," the woman nodded, she knew she was right when Annabeth looked away again. 

She smiled. "Nice to meet you," the woman lifted her veil for a quick second, "My name's Adria."

Annabeth's eyes widened and her face grew red.


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