
Chapter 122 - Bye-Bye

The veil closed as quickly as it had opened but Annabeth had seen her face. Adria was stunning. Her sisters would be a thread of silk in front of the tapestry of gold Adria would be. 

She didn't know why but her heart thumped, her cheeks flushed and she grew nervous. Adria was simply too beautiful, too appealing, too captivating. 

"It's a bit too boring out there for me," said Adria, shrugging her shoulder carefreely. She grinned, " they had little introduction to each other and interacted with people who you barely meet and talk to on the streets yet in the presence of the King, they suddenly become the best of friends."

Adria turned to Annabeth, her shoulders shrugging once again. "It's just fake… I didn't come here just to be surrounded by fake smiles. This isn't real at all. It was fun to see someone other than myself who agrees."

Annabeth looked up at her for a moment.

"I do have a family. They just got caught up in their own thing leaving me leaving for their own good. They like to socialize," Adria chuckled. 

Annabeth could relate there.

"Anyways want to go check out what kinds of food they have out there?" Adria smile pointing towards the door.

Annabeth peeked at the babies who looked up to her expectantly. She hadn't even stayed that many minutes yet… she didn't want to leave.

"I'm just saying that because the socializing part of the event is about to end and parents will come back to get their kids. It would probably mean death to us if we're caught with them," Adria giggled just thinking about it.

Annabeth stood up immediately and prepared to leave when a baby grabbed the edge of her dress. She looked down at him to find him looking up at Annabeth, his wide doe eyes switching from Annabeth and Adria. 

Annabeth looked down at the kids in guilt. She didn't want to say bye just yet. 

Quickly, she got on her knees and hugged the first child, her mind overwhelmed with sadness when she felt his small body against hers.

"Ah…" Adria muttered, realizing what Annabeth was about to do. She nodded and walked towards the door, "I'll keep watch. The moment I see movement in the crowd that might be heading for here, we have to run, ok?"

Annabeth nodded her head quickly and slowly picked up another baby, giving them a warm hug. The baby held onto her dress and Annabeth had to put her down before she started chewing on Annabeth's dress. 

It took more time than expected, but Annabeth finished hugging every baby in the room. It helped that there was another baby room across the hall where the other kids were kept. This way she really wouldn't have to hug everyone. 

Finally, when she was done, Annabeth stood up and turned to Adria. She flinched when Adria's head turned to face her and her head hung low. It felt wrong for her to look up at something so beautiful by herself. 

"Let's go," Adria smiled. She walked back to Annabeth and linked her arm in hers.

Annabeth jumped. 

"You don't mind right?" Adria cocked her head.

Annabeth shook her head. She wasn't surprised, she was overwhelmed wondering if it was ok for someone like Adria to hold on to her arm. The scent of her perfume smelled so soft and sweet the Annabeth soon felt comfortable. 

"We have to hurry tho," Adria sighed, turning to the kids. She waved at them, "Bye babies."

Annabeth turned to them and waved her goodbye before Adria pulled her out of the room. 

"They're going to be breaking apart in six minutes or so," Adria muttered, she turned to Annabeth, "we have to make it there in 1 minute or less."

Annabeth's head snapped to Adria's as she closed the door of the baby's room. 

'Is that even possible?!' Annabeth thought to herself. 

"It is possible," Adria nodded confidently, "it's just quick steps through the crowd, "you'll be fine."

Annabeth linked her hand further into Adria's arm. She was going to trust her for now. 

"Ok, you ready?" Adria grinned, her eyes already searching through the crowd for the best route through. 

Annabeth nodded. 

"Let's go!!" Adria chuckled and both her and Annabeth dashed into the crowd, weaving through the bodies of people faster than they got to see them. 

Annabeth and Adria were deep into the crowd when she took a sharp right, dragging Annabeth along with her. Adria stood up straight, her eyes looking behind for a second before continuing to the snack tables.

They reached there in the next 10 seconds. 

"Mission accomplished," Adria grinned, her hands raising up. Annabeth high-fived it without a second thought. 

Adria giggled, "Let's get as much as we can but don't fill your belly, there are two rounds of actual food later."

Annabeth nodded quickly, her eyes glued to the stacks of chocolate on the table. She and Adria stepped towards it, their hands still linked as they picked up their chocolates.

"Try this one," Adria handed a chocolate to Annabeth, "there's caramel in the middle." 

Annabeth's head snapped so quickly to Adria and took the chocolate from Adria. She immediately tossed it into her mouth, resisting the urge to dance from how good the chocolate was. 

'No wonder Walter is a food addict and sweets addict,' Annabeth thought to herself, nodding silently to herself. Beside her Adria turned behind them and flinched, immediately unlinking her arm with Annabeth's. 

"I have to hide really quick," Adria muttered, diving into the crowd. "Somebody is here for me, I'll be right back as soon as they leave."

'Somebody is coming for her?' Annabeth turned to the crowd and saw Falls making his way to the snack table, somebody tall standing behind him. 

"My lady?" Falls greeted from afar, "there you are! We were wondering where you ended up." 

Annabeth did a quick bow to Falls and the man behind him. He seemed like a soldier. 

Falls surveilled Annabeth, a quick check to make sure she was alright. He smiled when there was nothing wrong with her. "Please wait here for a moment my lady, I have some business to attend to real quick but I'll be back for you when I am done with it."

Annabeth nodded, returning the wave Falls gave her when he turned around to leave. The guard looked down at Annabeth for a moment before turning back to leave. Annabeth watched them walk away for a few seconds before turning back to the snack table. She flinched when she felt movement beside her. 

She let out a sigh of relief when she saw Adria. 

"Sorry about that, I was about to get kidnapped by one of them," Adria let out a deep sigh of relief. 

Annabeth cocked her head in confusion. 'Why would Falls and the guard want to kidnap Adria? Is he Adria's fiance or something…' Annabeth's mood dropped at the mere thought. 

"Ugh anyways, you know Lord Falls?" Adria smiled, turning to Annabeth. 

Annabeth gave a brief nod. She had already prepared herself for what was coming next. 

"That's good. He's a nice person, known him for a few years now," Adria grinned. 

Annabeth nodded, stuffing her mouth with chocolate. 

"Get more, the event is going to end in about a minute or so," Adria commented, her voice very giddy. 

Annabeth turned to look at Adria. 'Who was she?' she thought to herself. A few seconds later her thoughts strayed. 'I want to see her face again…'

"So this is where you've been hiding," said a voice from behind Adria. 

Adria let out a sigh of defeat. "I was sooo close." She looked into the crowd, many people had gone to the sidelines. "Wait a second, I did win didn't I?"

Annabeth looked up at the person behind Adria. It was the guard from before. He towered over both Annabeth and Adria. 

"My p-" The guard began before Adria made a signal in the air. He closed his mouth immediately. 

Adria turned to Annabeth sadly, "It seems it's time for me to get kidnapped…" Adria sighed. 

Annabeth's mood plummeted. She didn't want to say bye yet. 

Adria bowed and walked up to Annabeth and pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry, I'll be watching from afar. You'll see me later."

Annabeth sighed, accepting the hug from Adria. The word slipped out before she could stop it. "Bye-bye."

Adria flinched when she heard Annabeth's voice, overwhelmed with happiness. She let go of Annabeth and waved goodbye as she followed the guard out of the room. "Bye, bye friend."

Annabeth waved back a goodbye. 

Annabeth turned back to the food on the table and sighed, her shoulder's drooping. She wicked up a handful of chocolates and turned around to face the crowd. She was all alone. Falls was nowhere in sight and neither was her sisters. She had no idea what part of the hall she was in either. She was lost. 

Annabeth turned back around to get comfort from the chocolates. She stuffed another one in her mouth. It had caramel in it. It reminded her of Adria. She sighed more, realizing how lonely she was. In the midst of her sadness, she didn't hear the footsteps behind her. 

"My lady?" the voice called out, "what are you doing here all lonely?"

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