
Chapter 128 - Stare

Antonio's head rose up quicker than he expected and along with the other's at the table, they turned to look at the person behind Antonio. Their eyes widened and lips spread into a smile. 

"Well well," Falls grinned, his eyes eying Justin. "Look who turned up."

Justin grinned. "Nice to see you too."

Addison grinned, raising her hand up. A worker immediately walked to her side seconds after her hands rose. "Get us four more chairs," Addison ordered. 

"Yes my lady," The worker nodded before turning around and walking away. 

"Of course we have space for more," Addison chuckled. 

"What brings you here?" Antonio asked, his head nodding over to The Crowly's table. "I thought you were going to sit over there."

"Hmm… well change of plans," Justin grinned, "they got a bit carried away with their connections so here we are."

Addison's head turned to the Crowly's table, her fiance's face turning in unison. They turned back in unison. "I noticed Arch-Duchess Roman is seated at the table," Louis muttered, taking the words right out the mouth of his fiance.

"That's true, I heard she won't be sitting with anyone after Arch-duke Roman's death, a lone wolf in a way. Planned to sit at the front of the hall with the rest of the Arch-dukes alone in one luxurious chair," Addison added.

Justin gave a nod. "I heard something similar. It seems like that didn't happen in the end." He nodded over to his table, "Father is somewhat close to her due to some business they have to do so somehow they ended up sitting together."

"Ahh, understandable. They have to keep connections alive after all," Walter grinned, trying to follow everyone's eyes on Justin. He wanted to look at the girls, to make sure they weren't some illusion that ran over him while they danced. 

It was hard to tell. They stood so still, not a part of their body moving and they didn't even look like they were breathing. Like fine pieces of porcelain, they stood gracefully, fragile to the eye. Their arms so slim it looked like it would snap under pressure but they had nice figures. With tiny waists and nicely shaped hips, they looked like hourglasses in their pretty dresses.

It was no way that they didn't stand out. As one of the only girls with their faces covered, their dresses were also beautiful and one of a kind, best of all, their scent and little flowers in their outfits. The flowers were unmistakable on them. 

The worker returned with the chairs and everyone at the table stood up while multiple workers reworked the table to accommodate the new people. 

Annabeth and the girls quietly sat down, not even their steps daring to make more sound than the squeaks of a mouse. It was fascinating, at least Falls thought so. Walter had his eyes on one person and Antonio didn't know what to think. He didn't even want to look at them now. His eyes would get drawn to one and will stay on one. He didn't want that to be noticed. His curious eyes didn't want to be noticed. 

Next to Maria was Justin and next to Jena was Addison, in the middle was Annabeth. The girl's head remained low, not daring to look up at anyone. 

The scent of roses filled Addison's nose and she turned to Jena, turning back immediately. Despite the fact that she could only see their eyes and half of their nose, Addison was still overwhelmed. Jena's eyes were curved so subtly, like the eyes of a hunter cat, bright eyes settled for a moment and waiting for their chance to strike. 

Marie's was like the almost complete opposite with wide-open eyes in which nothing escaped from. With long eyelashes, they never seemed asleep despite looking down. Like an owl's at night, it stood still but observant of every movement in its own calm way. Annabeth, was a combination of both. With the brightness of her sister Maria's eyes embedded in her green waves and long eyelashes lining a very sharp eye much like Jena's.

Addison, now in closer proximity with them, noticed their eye paint. They weren't made to stand out unlike the other girls in the banquet but rather to point out their features and the brightness of their eyes. Jena with a deeper shade close to black that was laid lightly on her eyelid and under her eyes. Her hazel eyes popped out, almost looking gold. Maria wore some kind of shimmering substance at the ends of her eyes, right below her eyes in little dots, not too big, not too small. Her blue eyes shimmered. Annabeth wore a shiny gold in the same way Maria wore hers and with black lining around her eyes like Jena. 

It was the only touch-up on their face. It was the only thing needed, they were beautiful enough and shone enough. 

Justin caught a few eyes on his sisters and cleared his throat. "So what were you talking about when we came here?"

"Strangely enough, we were talking about you," Dramio grinned. 

Justin cocked his head in confusion. "Us?" 

Santigio nodded his head at the same time as Dramio. "We were wondering if you were going to sit with us and boom. You appeared for us. Saved us a lot of time waiting," he grinned.

Dramio nodded in agreement. "You have a way of reading our minds, showing up right at the moment you are mentioned."

"Last time it was for the dance," Santigio muttered, 'and now it's just when he mentioned your name and wanting you to be here."

Fall's eyes looked up and Justin and his sisters, his eyes skirting to Annabeth for a moment before turning back to Justin. "Are you sure you're not magic?"

Justin's eyebrow raised in disbelief at the question. "What?" he asked, unsure of it he heard correctly. 

"Are you magic? From your sudden appearances to the quiet and calm ways you behave, to the dances that literally cast spells on everyone, to the beauty…" his eyes once again wavered to Annabeth. He turned to Justin and smiled, "You guys are too good to believe." 

Justin flinched. His eyes laid in Falls for a moment, digging deeper into them with his focused gaze. There was some retaliation but he had seen scarier, he had lived with scarier for years. He was well immune. His eyes read straight through Fall's mind. His blank expression spread into a laugh. "We're very much real," Justin giggled, "I would love to prove it, but unfortunately you cannot touch them." 

Falls let out a long sigh. "Sigh…. I tried," he huffed. He was everything but defeated. As one of the noblemen who would go to all the lengths to get what they wanted, Falls was willing to be patient. Just for a bit.

Antonio was just about to give into the restriction he put on himself, when Justin called out his name. 

"You've been quiet for a bit there Antonio," Justin called out. 

Antonio's head looked up. He forgot to restrict his eyes again and they immediately traveled to the girls, his eyes locking on the girl. Blue eyes followed his trail.

"Ah, look at you trying to control yourself," Santigio chuckled, tapping Antonio's back. "Why are you being so formal now? It's way too late for that for you."

Antonio was conflicted. He didn't want to look at them but the question Santigio just asked was literally subtly cueing him to look at the girls. He didn't want to look, his cheeks were getting hot. 

"I just don't want to do something that makes them uncomfortable, you know. It kinda feels like we're staring at paintings or looking at pieces of art that haven't been finished yet," Antonio explained. 

Dramio flinched. He could relate to the level as the artist also. He hated that. 

"I don't want to overreach what I am given. Their faces are hidden and they don't talk. Maybe because they can't show their voices yet and their faces? Maybe it's part of whatever is coming next or just an accessory. Either way, I don't want to look at them later. At least not now or during the banquet but after- yea." Antonio nodded. 'After this is over, I'm having her to myself. I'll look at her all I want now. 

"I just want to respect their space and as that is something that they are all secretive of now, until it's ok for me to look at them directly, I'll try to avoid them to the best that I can."

The table sat in silence for a moment before Addison applauded. "That's an answer we don't get a lot of times. I'm glad to know one of you understands here. The concept of privacy I mean."

"What's going to be private about you when we marry? Nothing. You'd be all mine," Louis giggled playfully tickling his fiance. Addison held back her laughter as Louis pulled a funny face. 

Dramio turned to Antonio, curiosity rising on his face, 

"We get that you want to respect them but-"

"I would stare at them.. Embed her face in my mind and make it stay," Antonio looked up at Justin, no doubt in his eyes.

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