
Chapter 49 - Violation

The streets looked almost the same as Boris had left them, buzzing with life and skilled with energy, but there was a noticeable drag in their steps. The merchants pulled with less strength, the basket weavers moved their fingers with slight hesitation, and kids had less gusto in their movements. What he had seen from the castle was just a faux of him trying to comfort himself about a death he barely cared about before entering the palace, fooling himself about the world moving on it's own when his time stopped when he wouldn't have cared if he didn't enter the castle. But now as he stood outside and watched the scene himself he could see it clearly, the hesitation in their movements, the sluggishness in what they did and the slight gloominess in the air.

It was like they felt bad about being able to continue their lives the same way they did before even after their king died and in the middle of war. Like they shouldn't be able to work in the state of such depression in the castle, so they slowed down the process of their day in order to show respect towards the king yet still try to work to keep their lifes going. It was sad and a bit pathetic, but it was something.

"Where to first?" Noah asked, his voice breaking into Boris' stunned mind.

Boris turned to him, an unknown emotion pasted on his face. He knew where he needed to go, but couldn't bring himself to go there. He knew the people he left behind would toss him out the moment he decided to step back in, and the memories in the building might leave him tossing somewhere between nostalgia and guilt. There was someone there, someone that played a huge part in his life and could bring it crashing down if he wanted, someone he needed to avoid and meet at the same time. Heading into "his" territory would be sure to bring unwanted sparks, but he had a purpose now. One that needed to be fulfilled even in the face of a broken bond.

"Jangmung slave house," Boris muttered, the work so familiar yet foriegn on his tongue it fazed him a bit.

"A slave house?" Henrickson repeated, "all due respect sir, but we are royals going to such a place when we can just go to a training hous-"

"Such a place?" Boris laughed emptyly as he locked eyes with Hendrickson, "where do you think I came from? A rich family? Don't be ignorant Hendrickson, there are people in every crevice of this kingdom and I will search for the best wherever they may be."

Boris looked away from Hendrickson and began walking down the street, the councils hurrying after him, their smooth skins not used to hitting the rough ground Boris was forced to take as his only home. "I have a few places in mind and I'm sure there will be people looking for salvation," He locked eyes with Grayson, "and others a change to snap your royal necks. I'd advise you to be careful."

Boris could feel the gazes targeted at him, some of disgust and others of disbelief. The familiar faces he spotted turned away in an instant and gazes of ones he had never seen before tried to strangle him but yet he deserved it all the same. He had betrayed them. They continued to walk down the street, the crowds parts and parents pulling their kids aside as if they were going to call for a beheading on them. It was funny how different those gazes could be when someone placed a crown on their head.

"They look like hungry wolves ready to attack," Grayson scoffed, shaking his head, "worse than I imagined."

"It's a shame they have a collar on them called society levels," Boris growled, locking eyes on Grayson as they continued to walk down the path, "if not, I won't mind them taking a munch at those loose lips of yours. It seems the society collar on you might need to be tightened too, seeing as you have no awareness of your audience and gush out derogatory comments."

"Tsk…" Grayson huffed.

"Boris?" a voice asked from the crowd gathering.

Boris' head swiveled towards the voice immediately, it's familiarity almost brought a smile on his face, "Adia?"

"You-" the voice pushed through the crowd and stood in front of him, her face twisting into a sad but angry face. The crowd murmured a few gasps as the brave girl stood in front Boris, her eyes kept squarely on his and her slim hands on her waist with her head held up high. "How dare you?"

"What-" Boris began, before the girl slammed her fist into his chest, sucking the air out of his lungs.

The crowd burst into murmurs and gasps and the guards immediately stepped up to Boris, raising a hand to strike Adia. Silence lingered in the air as the hand swooped in on her, the hands decked out with hard metal neared her delicate face.


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