
Chapter 50 - Brutes

People instinctively covered their eyes, hiding their eyes from the sight of a royal beating a commoner.

"Have you lost your mind?" A voice sliced into the silence in the air, his voice harsh and angry? "how dare you raise your hand to her? NEVER LAY YOUR HANDS ON HER YOU BRUTE."

People slowly opened their eyes and let out another gasp. Boris' hand held on to the iron hand, a stream of blood down his arm and the first drop slipped off, everyone watching as it hit the ground. It took a second for people to comprehend the scene and when they did, the air just sat with the same tension it had before, this time with a sprinkle of confusion.

The guard shuddered in fear, the gaze he was forced to keep with Boris completely disarmed him and paralyzed him with terror. The golden eyes had always been disarming but being this close to them would bring the toughest to his knees. The guard trembled, wanting to look away from him but couldn't dare to, his golden eyes threatening him with such anger he couldn't even think and his mind shut down, the calm pull of death seemed so close the longer he stayed in contact with the eyes. Even from afar the sound of rattling could be heard as the guard's hand violently shook in the face of certain death.

Boris pulled the guard closer, his hand gripping the guard's metal suit so hard that a dent started to form, and stopped when the guard was close to his ear.

"Never raise your hand to someone in my presence. It's bad enough that you think you can walk anywhere and hit anyone without permission but to hit one of the people in my kingdom.." Boris pushed the guard to the ground and placed his feet on his back while he still held his hand in his. Boris leaned down to reach the guard while pressing his feet harder into the guard's back and pulling his hand backward.

Boris' eyes widened with anger and a crippling smile, with a twisted mix of a grin and a growl, crept onto his face, the warning signs were plastered all over the anger on his face and his erratic and violent movements. "To think you can hit a commoner in my kingdom just because they are beneath you is a level of ignorance that baffles me. Everyone is equal in my eyes and I will not stand for you demeaning another."

The guard let out a whimper, afraid to even scream in pain in Boris' presence.

"Stop it," Adia sighed, taping Boris' shoulder, "it's me who needs to be mad right now not you. Talking about wrongly punishing and yet doing the same to a guard."

Boris' eyes flickered, softening at Adia's voice and he threw the guard aside. He adjusted the cuffs on his shirt and looked down at the guard, "if the thought of ever hurting somebody without having a reason or permission ever crosses your mind after this, I'll take it as you forgetting the morals in you again and the privilege of a hand might be too much for you and take it from you." He locked eyes with the guard, "Got it?"

The guard nodded quickly, then choked out a yes sir and crawled on the ground to the line before rising to his feet and getting the line. Boris watched the guard get back to his spot in the line and turned back to Adia, noticing some councils flinching when his eyes locked on them momentarily.

"What are you doing here?" Adia frowned, "I thought you left for something better. You seem to be enjoying the royal life."

"Adia," Boris pouted, looking down at the ground guiltily, "I'm sorry, you know it wasn't my choice."

"Then you would have run away and came back home," Adia scoffed, "admit it, you found something else to treasure in the castle didn't you?"

"I-" Boris started and the vision of Dominic flashed through his mind, "yes I did."

"Wow-" Adia sighed noticing the longing in Boris' eyes, "it better be a good reason." She smacked the back of Boris' head and laughed when some council members flinched at her violent attack on Boris. "Anyways, what are you doing here? You know he's still mad at you and will retaliate the moment he lays his eyes on you, please don't tell me you're going on a casual stroll through the kingdom."

"Of course not," Boris frowned, "what do you take me for?"

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