
Chapter 63 - Archery

The army lunged forward, pressing against enemies and as expected, splitting into two as one half aligned themselves at the ends and pulled to the back, ready to guard the end of the formation.

The battlefield fell into chaos as the newly polished swords felt fresh blood for the first time and the yelps of agony grew even louder, lighting the numbed rush for victory for the tired soldiers ablaze again. Those who hadn't given their all received the consequence of death as they couldn't save themselves with the swords they held in their hands for decoration and those who wore themselves down to the bone felt their energy and motivation replenished as they got new blood on their heavy swords.

Dominic's original army moved hesitantly at first, having no idea what was going on but noticed the scissors motion from Dominic and immediately made their last attacks before rearranging themselves as the new army members ran in and lined up in front, defending them with shields and swords.

After a series of unorganized movements and some accidental bumping into each other and equipment flying through the air as they switched them around while others defended, the formation Dominic and Feline had chosen started to piece together. A shield was thrown at Dominic and he snatched it from the air, slipping his hand through the enarmes. Then slowly adjusted the helmet on his head and raised his sword up into the air.

He looked around him, locking eyes with his commadrates on the front line momentarily and banged his sword against the shield, "SHIELDS UP!" He bellowed, commanding the entire army as his words were echoed by the horn bearers.

"AYE!" They yelled back, their shields rising in unison.

Dominic looked through the thin slit on his shield at the frazzled enemies and grinned, "ATTACK!"

His words echoed through the army by Litian and Feline who were positioned at different parts of the army.

"YES SIR!!!" the army howled as they launched forward, crashing straight through the scattered walls of the enemy's defense and trampling them.


The sounds of swords crashing against shields rang through the air, accompanied by the bangs of a soldier throwing themselves into the shield to break the high walls of Dominic's defense and the yells soon after when the soldier was impaled by a sword. They powered straight through their enemies, knocking them down at first and then impaling them, ending them cleanly.

The downside of the formation though was the lack of flexibility which was slightly made up for in the bigger gap between each line but it was still a big disadvantage that the enemy had full access to. They could make any attack they wished, but it wouldn't get through Dominic's defense, and on the flip side, Dominic had a very slim range of attack, but…

"ARROWS UP!" Dominic roared.

"ARROWS UP!" Litian echoed in the middle of the army followed by Feline at the back.

"YES SIR!" The army replied a series of shuffles erupted as archers drew out their bows and seized an arrow from their quiver, preparing for the attack.

Dominic waited for a majority of the shuffling to finish before commanding, "ATTACK!"


The arrows were launched and whizzed through the air, attacking whoever was at the end of their trajectory. Dominic's lips curled into a smile as he watched the off-guard enemies get toppled and killed by their new attack. It was Feline's secret attack she had shared with Dominic on the sheet of paper before they went into formation. She had predicted their immobility of the formation and prepared something to solve that easily, archery. It gave them full power to attack wherever they pleased and by positioning the archers at both sides of the formation and the back for more range, they had even more control of where to attack.

Dominic let out a tiny chuckle, 'how nice it was to have a genius on your side.'

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