
Chapter 64 - Healing


"ARGH!!!" Dominic yelled flinching from the pain that came from alcohol being placed on the large stab wound on his arm. He shut his eyes even tighter as the medic continued to rub the alcohol against his wound, yelling out yelps of pain when the stings got too hard to take in.

The smell of antibiotics filled the air, filling his lungs with every deep breath he took. He held a pillow tightly in his hand, gripping it tightly when the urge to scream even louder or even cry overwhelmed him. His wound throbbed harder as the medic pressed the alcohol-dipped clothing into his stab wound and he gripped the pillow harder.

Knock Knock

Dominic's squinted eyes skirted to the door of the tent before he called out weakly, "come in."

"Does it hurt that much?" Litian asked.

Dominic groaned again and looked at Litian, forcing out a thin laugh, "would you like to switch with me then?"

Litian flinched from his question, her eyes slowly drifting to the alcohol and the cloth being pressed against Dominic's skin. She backed away instinctively, "no… I'm good."

Dominic smirked, "I thought so."

Litian, now a safe distance from the medic, scoffed and folded her arms, "I was just saying… this is the third time you are getting a wound cleaned and dressed, plus you still have multiple more to go. Shouldn't you have gotten used to the pain by now?"

Dominic trembled from the pain and glared at Litian, his view blurred and unfocused from the pain and teardrops forming at the edges of his eyes, "once again… would you like to switch with me?" he asked, his smile more threatening than comforting, "afterall, some of these wounds were caused by me trying to save you from those brutes."

Litian paused for a moment, realizing her fault but now wanting to admit to them. "Still…"

Dominic rolled his eyes, turning to the medic and exchanging glances with each other. "I didn't know your majesty was familiar with his soldiers," the medic grinned, revealing pearly-whites on his olive skin.

"Of course Doc," Dominic smiled, his jaw clenching slightly as he still tried to manage the pain from the cleaning of his wounds, "A future king always has to be on a good basis with all of the people who will assist him to the throne. For me, forming bonds is easier than getting through one of your treatments."

The medic, Axel Lewis, smiled, pressing the clothing deeper into Dominic's skin, " it now?"

Dominic trembled, his mind buzzing from the intense pain, "I-it seems I was wrong," Dominic forced out, his voice wavering.

"Of course," Axel chuckled, pulling the cloth out of his wound.

Dominic gasps as the pressure lets up and nearly passes out, the relief sending a cold shiver down his spine.

Litian backed further away from the medic, the hairs on the back of her head standing up slightly. Axel was known to be one of the best young men in his field in the palace and his presence was well praised, but he was also famously known for his short-temper and using his connections to get rid of people who got on his bad side. Even more remembered for his unusual preferences for partners as he shamelessly jumped back and forth between genders.

Axel grabbed the bandages from his cart beside the bed that he treated Dominic on, "hold still. This might hurt."

"It's been hurting this entir- AHH!!" Dominic roared, his entire body shaking as Axel tightly wrapped the bandage around his cut. "S-stop..Please..." he pleaded.

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