
Chapter 99 - A Solution?

"I-I guess," Feline stuttered, avoiding the pointed gaze Dominic had.

"So ultimately, the biggest move we can make is splitting up the camp?" Axel asked.

"Yes, to spread out the workload is going to be the only way that we can survive," Feline sighed, "if we try to do things together as a camp, it might take too long due to disputes in the camp or just working as a whole. Smaller groups allow us to take on the challenges and even have the chance of finishing them."

"Ok, so we agree on smaller groups in the camp?" Litian asked.

Everyone nodded a yes.

"We agree on the cooking approach?"

Another nodded yes.

"And finally, the clothing, healing and protection of the camp idea?"

This time the yes' was vocalized.

"Then isn't this meeting close to it's end?" Feline asked, turning to Dominic to make sure her question met the person it was supposed to be said to.

"I guess so," Dominic answered, giving Feline a warm smile.

"Yup, agreed��� but," Desilva replied, her voice trailing off at the end.

"What is it?" Dominic asked, a puzzled expression on his face when he turned to her. "Did we miss something?"

"I think so… maybe I'm just deaf but…" she looked down nervously and then back up to the others, "we didn't come up with any defense to protect the camp at all. All we figured out was how to feed, clothing methods, healing methods and ways to work in the camp. We never finished how to defend the camp."

"Ah…" Feline sighed, glad she had hesitated before gulping down the rest of the tea in the cup in anticipation of the end of the meeting. Turns out they were gonna be there for longer.

"That's true…" Litian muttered under her breath, resisting the urge to sigh in front of Dominic. Thankfully, he sighed before her.

"Then what do you propose we do?" Dominic asked, cracking his knuckles.

"Um…" Desilva murmured, her eyes darting from his fist to his face and she started regretting bringing it up. 'He's almost at his limit…' she thought to herself and watched for longer, flinching when Dominic released his fist. His hand was trembling. 'No… he's already at his limit.'

She looked up at the rest, trying to mask the panicked expression on her face. 'What can we do..?' she thought to herself, her eyes frantically searching the room to seek inspiration. 'What can we do?' her eyes trailed to the soft 'ting's made from Feline tapping her cup with her nails then to the lightly dusted fan resting on a table. 'What can I say?' she pondered, her eyes getting drawn to the tapping Feline did on her cup. 'Cup? No… not cup, the surface…' she wondered, her eyes brightening when she thought of an idea, "a wall!"

"What?" Axel asked, "a wall?"

Desilva tensed up, realizing that she had spoken her thoughts, "oh… I-I meant…"

Dominic cocked his head, then sighed. "I noticed this before, but stop being so nervous," he suggested, tapping her arm, "we're not going to eat you up and the only reason why you're here is to give us tips and ideas so don't make us regret it. Speak your mind Silva, we're here to listen."

Desilva looked down at Dominic's arm on hers and blushed when she realized what he called her. 'Silva?' she pondered to herself, looking away from his arm, 'ok... Silva. You got this.'

"By wall, I meant something that surrounds the camp," Desilva began, looking up at the rest confidently, "Of course we can't all fit into one building, but we can make the camp become one building by building a wall around it and maybe even the top."

"Oh… so like a wall that surrounds the entire camp," Feline retorted.

"Yup, it can shield us from the cold and harsh winds and if we decide to build a roof can also shield us from the hail, snow or even rain," Desilva explained, "although we would have to deal with living in close to darkness if we build a roof."

"OH!" Litian exclaimed, accompanying her sudden outburst with a clap, "that makes sense! By surrounding the camp with a wall, we no longer need to worry about most of the issues that would have occurred without something to protect us."

"Also gives us the reassurance to perform the things we need to do since the winter storms won't be able to trouble us as much," Axel nodded.

"That sounds like a nice plan," Dominic grinned, tapping Desilva on the arm again to get her attention. He smiles brightly when she turns to him, "see, your ideas are nice."

Desilva smiled, a blush spread on her face as she mutters a reply, "thank you."

Dominic nodded.

"Hmm, I agree, but then there's a new issue…" Feline sighed, her eyes darting to Desilva and then to the others in the room, "where are we going to find enough resources to build something that can surround the entire camp?"

"Well…" Desilva muttered, "we can use two things in order to build the walls."

"Such as…?" Axel prompted.

"Wood and mud," Desilva replied.

"What?" Litian muttered, groaning in confusion.

"Mud can be used to build things too. When they dry, they can get really hard and were used to create most of the buildings back at camp. By using planks or pieces of wood and attaching mud to them, they can be used to build sturdy walls that will surround the camp," Desilva explained, using her hand to describe things as she talked, "we also have access to a river below the hill and beneath the grass, lots of soil to be mixed with the water and made into mud."

She paused for a second to check if they were listening before continuing. "We can make mud bricks and stack them on top of each other to make the walls. The only downside of this is the time it would take to make it and would probably need to be done in groups of two," she continued, "one, the mixing team and then the other group that then works to build the walls. They would probably need to work 18/6 taking 18 hours a day to work and one day off to rest and wait for the walls to dry.. And to build something that surrounds the camp would probably take a month so finding people who are really healthy would be the best option."

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