Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 215


Chapter 215 Timely Rain

After the sound just now, the atmosphere at the scene became even more depressing.

The ashes were all collected, and everyone dispersed, leaving only black ashes on the scene.

Fang Dou suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "That voice was so arrogant just now, just where is it sacred?"

Qi Lie coldly snorted, "Who else, Hangyin Guan? The old facetious chant!"

Fang Dou was slightly surprised, "What, the people of Hangyinguan?"

Fangyinguan, the leader of the cultivation world in Kuaiji County, actually sent People get involved directly.

Brother Hou Liu hurriedly explained, "Let's just listen to this, don't say it out."

Qilie's anger was unbearable, "These old facetious, A good thing!"

The first words are together, and it is difficult to complain.

The attack on Qianqiu Society this time was originally an action initiated by the old man drinking fire and other comrades.

In the beginning, everyone also thought to understand that Qianqiu Society is a huge monster, and it is difficult to deal with.

According to the original intention of the old man drinking fire and the others, it is nothing more than knocking down several sub-altars of Qianqiu Society, letting the other party know that they are powerful, and by the way, they will seek justice.

However, in the end, things went out of their way.

Especially after some mysterious experts joined, the original plan of 'fight and go' finally turned into a 'die-in'!

There are monks and Taoists, all of them have high ability, but they are usually unknown, like drilling out of a crack in a rock.

These people are like a hot knife through butter when they attack Qianqiu Society.

However, folk warlocks such as Qilie don't like them, because these people are usually aloof and remote, and always use their nostrils to look at people.

In addition, with the fierce battle, many civilian warlocks had the intention of retreating, but they were stopped by them.

Well, it was originally free to come and go, but now it has become a forced restriction.

As soon as this group of people turned around, they turned into a supervising team, constantly urging the civilian warlock to come forward and die.

"The one who spoke just now was the Taoist priest of Hangyin Temple?"

After Fang Dou heard this, he remembered the expressions on the faces of everyone who had just been angry and dared not speak.

"Yes, these people are hiding and tucking away, unwilling to claim their identity, but they are pressing us with the name of hanging printing, which is really worthy and standing!"

Qi Lie spit out a big mouthful of thick phlegm, "It's like a dog, and it's worthy to call himself the descendant of Three Purities!"

Brother Hou shook his head and sighed, obviously used to Qilie's character, glanced all around, and saw that no one heard , finally relaxed.

Qilie vented and said to Fang Dou, "This time I made a mistake and I've got you involved, Fang Dou, tomorrow we will attack Qianqiu Society."

"You Just follow our team, don't get lost!"

"The Qianqiu Society has been operating in Tianchi Mountain for a long time, and there are dog holes dug out everywhere!"

Fang Dou nominated, Suddenly I remembered what I brought.

"Brother Qilie, I've added some supplies and shipped them all the way!"

"Look, see if it can come in handy!"

Fang Dou brought the big green mule and covered it with linoleum on a couple of trucks. He couldn't see what it was.

Qilie rubbed his hands together, "Okay, you've borrowed our urgent need."

It's a war now, everything is lacking. It's extremely difficult to get to the mountain!

"Is there any wine, bring me a jar to quench my thirst!"

Fang Dou said with a big smile, "There is good wine, and my specially brewed sweet liquor , Brother Qilie, you have to try it, this is my most proud work!"

I opened a truck with dozens of wine jars on it, filled with rice bags in the middle, and the bumps along the way were not seen. Broken.

Qi Lie took a jar of sweet liquor and drank a few gulps, slightly frowned, "The wine is not too strong!"

Brother Hou Liu hurriedly said, "That's right. , tomorrow the battle is imminent, there is no time for you to get drunk!"

Fang Dou took a jar and gave it to Brother Hou Liu, "Brother Hou Liu, you will also quench your thirst!"

Qi Lie Niu drank a jar and felt very happy, "Although your sweet wine is not intoxicating, it is refreshing to drink!"


Qilie left for a moment and returned with a dead cow, "Look at me roasting a whole cow for you!"

The flames rose, and under the control of Qilie, the beef was evenly roasted, and after a while, it spread out Intense meaty aroma.

"Come on!"

The roasting was almost done, and Qilie tore off two corbels and gave them to Fang Dou and Brother Hou Liu respectively.

The three of them ate meat and drank heavily, with the pride of pouring beer on a barbecue stand.

In the blink of an eye, the whole cow was eaten up, and most of the carload of sweet liquor was drank.

"Brother Qilie, your "Essentials of Firearms" is really wide-ranging and profound."

Fang Dou burped his wine and got a little drunk, pointing out that with the rest of the truck.

"I made something and brought it to you specially to see if it can be used?"

Qi Lie was laughed, thinking that this brother is really enthusiastic, but What kind of firearm can he make behind closed doors?

"Come, come, let's take a look!"

A lorry opened, with three iron wagons on it, flashing metal cold lights.

"Iron windmill!"

Qilie's eyes widened, this heavy firearm cost a lot, and even he had always had a plan, but had no money to put it into practice.

didn't expect , there are three in the area of Fang Dou, and they look decent.

He stepped forward, caressed the steel frame of the iron windmill, and sighed in his heart, this is all high-quality steel.

Next moment, Qilie fiddled with the fan blades, the iron windmill spun, and the whistling sound was so harsh that even he was startled.


Qilie saw the wind and fire gradually condensed under the rotation of the windmill, forming a Fire Dragon, knowing that this thing is not fake.

"Fang Dou brother, you have brought me a rainy day!"

The repeated attacks on Tianchi Mountain were not only the firearms of Qilie and the old man drinking fire. With each passing day, the three iron windmills were replenished, and it was a new force.

Fang Dou can even make firearms himself, but when it comes to using firearms, it's not as good as Qilie's years of immersion in them.

"By the way, there are a few bottle gourd red flame sand, and take them with you too!"

Qilie poured a handful of red flame sand, and seeing the purity of the texture, it is also on the top good quality.

"Fang Dou brother, you are truly the number one genius I have ever seen in my life!"

Qilie was full of praise. Also merely this.

As for Fang Dou, there is only one copy of "The Essentials of Firearms", and he is self-taught, and his attainments are no longer below him.

"Brother, how many surprises are you going to give me?"



Fang Dou paused, took out a cloth bag and put seven or eight walnut-sized beads in it.

"Dan Fire Thunder Bead, I also made some!"

Qilie took the cloth bag and weighed it a few times, "Martial Uncle told me that this firearm is formidable Although the power is great, it is also very harmful to the body, so I try not to use it."

"But, since the Fang Dou brother is kind, I will accept it!"

With With the intensity of the current battle, there are not too many firearms.

Maybe at a critical moment, Qilie is really possible and needs to use these Dan Fire Thunder Beads.

"Brother, you are really my timely rain!"

Qilie took out four bottle gourds and handed them over to Brother Hou Liu, "So much red flame sand is enough for your organ to use. No?"

"Enough, it's enough!"

Brother Hou Liu took the bottle gourd, "Brother Fang Dou, it's really timely!"

(end of this chapter)

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