Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 216


Chapter 216 Dawn

"Fang Dou, the monkey has a pair of skillful hands, and the mechanism created by it can be described as ingenious!"

As Qi Lie spoke, he lifted up his cuffs, only to see mechanical parts wrapped around his arms.

His wrist shook slightly, the gears turned, and began to transform into the shape of two crows, which were the firearms that nearly damaged the king's wheel that day.

Brother Hou took out the two divine fire flying crows and immersed himself in them.

"With the red flame sand brought by Fang Dou brother, I will improve one or two for you, at least 30% formidable power!" solve it.

After a while, Brother Hou returned the Shenhuo Feiya to Qilie, "Try again tomorrow!"

He turned to see Fang Dou, slapped his forehead, "Almost forgot. , Fang Dou brother, I'll give you a bauble!"

Liu Brother Hou took out a disc, the whole body is black, with precise patterns embossed on it

"This is a thousand-machine disc , keep it useful!"

This disc was heavy to start with, Fang Dou knew it was a good thing, and put it in his arms and put it away.

Unconsciously, it was the early morning of the second day, and a hazy white appeared at the end of the horizon.

"Fang Dou, we will attack again at dawn!"

"Remember, we are led by Martial Uncle, the old man who drinks fire. , let's use the red fire flag as our order and the pipa as our signal!"

"No matter how chaotic it is, we must follow the flag, and we must not leave!"

"Tianchi Mountain It is the home ground of Qianqiu, the enemy is dark and we are bright, and if you are alone, you will be in danger!"

Fang Dou> nodded the club, "I see!" In the blink of an eye, it was dawn, and there was a sound around him. The dense sound of the pipa, listening to the rhythm, quite has several points of 'ambush on all sides' sense of urgency.

At the same time, a large flag was erected, the whole body was red, and the center was embroidered with yellow flames.

"Come with me!"

Qilie took Fang Dou and Brother Hou, moved towards the direction of Daqi, and the warlocks he met along the way were all towards Qi Say hello.

After a while, the three walked to the flag of Chihuo and saw a stocky old man with a loud voice.

"Listen well, let me show you everyone, and when you meet the demons of Qianqiu Society, don't be long-winded, just one word, kill!"

"Life and death, personal Take care of yourself!"

Qilie walked up to the old man and introduced Fang Dou to him, "Martial Uncle, this is my brother, Fang Dou!"

Old man drinking fire, know Martial Nephew's temper, likes to make friends, and is obedient to Fang Dou.

"Qilie, later, follow Lao Tzu!"

Qilie nodded, pulled Fang Dou and Hou Liuge, and followed behind the old man drinking fire.

At this time, the sound of bright flutes, faint pottery xuns, ear-piercing suonas, and sad erhus sounded all around the mountainside.

The flags of the various people and horses are different, and the instruments used to communicate are also different.

Fang Dou heard the sound of the suona, and couldn't help but think, who is the hero of this road!

The fire-drinking old man subconsciously looked at the sky, "The other routes have also been launched!"

All routes have been discussed earlier, and the general attack will be launched at dawn.

In addition to the old man who drinks fire, the other people and horses also started to move.

Looking down from the higher terrain, it is marked by a large flag, and people from all walks of life converge into a torrent, heading towards Tianchi Mountain.

On a cliff, the steel whip Taoist took Feng De, and there were several Taoist priests, monks and laymen beside him, all watching the movement of the folk warlock.

This place is condescending, just to see the movement of the folk warlock.

"These loose cultivators have finally moved!"

The monks, Taoists and lay people next to them all laughed, "If it weren't for the strict restraint of the Steel Whip Fellow Daoist, these loose cultivators would It's always a mess of sand, and it can't be used!"

Daoist Steel Whip shook his head, "After all, it's a mob. If you want to exterminate the demons of Qianqiu, you still have to look at us righteous people!"

"Everyone. , these folk loose cultivators are not useless, they have to remove dangerous barriers and hidden institutions!"

At this time, a majestic monk nodded, "Extremely, wait for them to consume. It's almost the same, let's take another shot and save the people!"

This monk, one of the Arhats of the Heavenly King Palace, participated in the siege of Qianqiu Society, and there is also the handwriting of Fuyuan Temple behind it.

Daoist Steel Whip looked towards a middle aged scholar, "Mr. Wen, is there anything else to add?"

Mr. Wen is a famous teacher, reaching a higher-level The attainment is comparable to the realm of the master in the monk's way.

"a guest will comply with the wishes of the host, this place is in the territory of Kuaiji, and everything must be seen with the seal of the comrades!"

Daoist Steel Whip laughed, "Then Well, let's watch the situation and wait for the day!"


Fang Dou followed the Red Fire Banner team, grandiose all the way, and stopped in front of a cave,



“Martial Uncle, let me take the lead!”

Qilie asked to meet again, the old man who drinks fire saw him, and there was nothing he could do.

He, Martial Nephew, is bold, chivalrous, courageous and resolute. He is always filial to his elders, but there is only one thing that is not good, but it is not his discipline.

The old man who drinks fire sometimes thinks, if there is such a discipline, there will be no regrets in this life!

These days, the fire-drinking old man has a very high prestige. In addition to his first-class warlock, there are also reasons why Qi Lie charged into battle and made a lot of credit.


Qilie raised his hand, and the iron windmill was dispatched from beside him.

"Huo Lao, this is also the secret firearm of Your noble sect!"

An old man beside him asked a question.

The fire-drinking old man looked complacent, "This is an iron windmill. I don't know when, this child Qilie has become a one!"

"As soon as this thing comes out, inside the cave The hidden demon is sure to die!"

He had doubts in his heart, a few days ago, he had never seen an iron windmill in Qilie's hand,

Could it be, the fire-drinking old man's eyes , fell on Fang Dou.

Qilie introduced Fang Dou just now. He didn't feel anything yet, but when he thought about the iron windmill and this person, they both appeared overnight. Could there be a connection between the two?

At this time, a large yellow light suddenly spewed out from within the cave.

The yellow light fell to the ground, swept the rocks and dust, and instantly turned into a billowing wave, rushing towards the crowd.

Among the flying sand running stones, the red fire flag swayed slightly, and a group of warlocks exerted their abilities to resist the bullet-like stones.

There are also people who have slow hands and feet, and were beaten with bloody nose and swollen face, with blood all over their faces.

Suddenly, in the wind and sand, seven or eight stones the size of grinding discs flew up, breaking through the air.

"hmph, the demon of die without regret!"

The iron windmill beside Qilie was spinning faster and faster, making a harsh humming sound.

crash-bang, Qilie stepped on the steel frame, the wind and fire supported the two wheels, and the whole car flew into the air.

The iron windmill spun and hit a flying rock, blowing it to pieces.

Next, the iron windmill did not fall to the ground, but turned back and forth in the air, smashing several flying stones into pieces in the blink of an eye.


The crowd was full of praise.

Finally, the iron windmill rumbled to the ground, moved towards the direction of the cave, and kept rotating the fan blades, the wind became more and more intense due to the fire.

The hot air waves poured into the cave in bursts, and the temperature rose suddenly.

With a shout, Qi Lie maneuvered the iron windmill and sprinted towards the cave where the monsters were entrenched.

(end of this chapter)

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