Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 220


Chapter 220 Lost

Once the Galeke dies, the battle is over.

Folk warlocks, with high morale, rushed to the front of the mountain, occupying this place.

The fire-drinking old man didn't say a word, he brought Qilie Fang Dou in front of him and asked Dan about Fire Thunder Bead.

"The two Dan Fire Thunder Beads, are you really refining?"

Qilie said with a laugh, "Martial Uncle, you didn't believe it before, Fang Dou brother refining it The firearms made by him are much more powerful than us!"

"Shut up!"

The fire-drinking old man glared at him, and Qilie immediately shut up and didn't say much.

Then, he looked towards Fang Dou, "Listening to Qilie, you can make Iron Windmill and Dan Fire Thunder Bead just by looking at the "Essentials of Firearms" in his hand?"


Fang Dou cupped his hands and said, "Stealing the sect inheritance of Brother Qilie, it's not mine!"

"Don't be so restrained, I don't have so many rules for firearms."


The fire-drinking old man said with relief, "Qi Lie gave you the secret strategy to allow you to read the cultivation. It's just that I didn't expect, your innate talent is so high!"

Qi Lie Lie and the fire-drinking old man proved the power of Dan's Fire Thunder Bead twice in a row.

Fang Dou also knew that the formidable power of this firearm was beyond his imagination by combining the essence of Pill Refinement Technique and Purple Mansion Divine Lightning.

However, in the eyes of the fire-drinking old man, he also thought that Fang Dou's refining technique was brilliant, didn't expect Fang Dou to integrate his own cultivation technique.

"Qilie, I'll make more friends like Fang Dou in the future!"

The fire-drinking old man hesitated, but Qilie saw the clue and took out the remaining pills on his body. Fire Thunder Bead, "Martial Uncle, this thing has too much formidable power, put it on you, you can exert formidable power."

"Then Martial Uncle, let's put it away for you for the time being!"

The Galewinders here were all wiped out, and in the center of the Qianqiu Society's sub-altar, someone was furious.

"Trash, they are all trash!"

"The old man who drinks fire is about to kill him. His firearms are so powerful that we may not be able to stop him!"

"If you don't run the water veins quickly, use water to restrain the fire and rush them down!"

"However, the power of dividing the altar is limited. weak spot!"

"First kill these folk warlocks and talk about it!"

So, with an order, the internal organs of the mountain turned, and the water veins began to change direction.

At this time, the men and horses of the Red Fire Banner are moving forward.

The old man who was skilled in ventilation suddenly frowned, lowered his body and grabbed a handful of soil, rubbed it twice, and frowned.

"No, why did the feng shui here suddenly change?"

The old man drinking fire asked, "See what's wrong?"

"Old fire, I saw clearly just now that there are no water veins under my feet, but the soil is damp at the moment, and there is a faint sign that the ground water is surging, the situation is not good!"

The old man who drinks fire is also afraid. Avoid water, if you replace it with the previous mudslide, your ability will not be able to play half.

"Take a detour!"

He sighed, and suddenly he heard a rumbling above his head, like thunder.

The expression of the old man drinking fire changed. It was not thunder, but the sound of torrents rushing down.

"Not good, the demons are repeating their old tricks, trying to wipe us out with flash floods!"

As expected, Qianqiu Society saw that Galewinders couldn't stop it, and immediately launched a mudslide offensive.

Fang Dou is strange, the opponent can mobilize the underground water veins, it can be seen that the ability is not low!

But then, he realized that danger was coming.

In front of the flash flood, it is clear that Qianqiu Society has mobilized the power of the mountains and rivers, and their own mountain ghost talisman is suppressed, and I am afraid that it will be of little use.

"Quickly retreat, quickly retreat!"

The fire-drinking old man's cuffs fluttered, and three or four fires flew out. The mudslide had already reached a kilometer in front of him. According to the current speed, it took a few breaths. It can cover the warlocks of the Red Fire Banner.

The firelight fell in the torrent, blasting out a few mud sprays, the speed of the torrent slowed down slightly, but after a while, it rushed down in the blink of an eye.

Heaven and Earth Might, how could it be so easy to destroy?

At this time, many warlocks used their skills, some slapped the armoured talisman on their legs, some chanted spells in their mouths, and floated in the air with the help of Magical Artifact.

Wait for the sixth brother, throw out the crabs and combine them to form a land boat, and greet Qilie and Fang Dou to come up.

This land rowing boat is very ingenious. The mudslides rolling down below cannot destroy it. Instead, it turns into power to propel the boat to float.

"Be careful!"

In the torrent, a stone the size of a grinding wheel jumped up and smashed the boat towards the land.

Fang Dou raised his fist and smashed the stone into pieces in the air, shaking his body with stone chips.


Qilie gave a thumbs up.

The poisonous spirits hovered above the heads of the people, seeing the torrents rolling everywhere, dividing many civil warlocks, and they could not echo each other.

These folk warlocks have more or less the power to protect themselves. In the face of sudden flash floods, there are also a few unlucky ones who are washed away and can't go, but more can protect themselves and support themselves. write.

The fire-drinking old man performed the most dazzlingly.

Thanks to Fang Dou's Fire Thunder Bead, as soon as the old man made his move, the explosion of debris flowed in endlessly, like a sharp knife going upstream.

Seeing that, the fire-drinking old man is about to kill the enemy's entrenched position.

At this time, the demon of Qianqiu Society couldn't hold back.

The spring exploded violently, and a more intense torrent burst out, ten times more violent than before.

A Dan Fire Thunder Bead exploded, collided with the torrent, and the aftermath knocked the fire drinker away on the spot.

The other party is trying to mobilize the power of mountains and rivers to completely destroy this road.

The torrent suddenly became ten times more violent, and many warlocks could no longer support it, and they smeared oil on the soles of their feet, "Go quickly, go quickly, you will die if you are late!" When I was in the boat, the mudslide below became violent, one after another stone hit the bottom, and there were large and small pits.

Brother Hou Liu looked horrified, "I can't hold it anymore!"

Fang Dou took out two pairs of straw sandals and gave them to Qi Lie and Brother Hou Liu, "Everyone take care!"

The three of them had just put on their straw sandals. Dozens of large and small rocks rolled down and smashed down, submerging the land boat, spinning like a grinding disc, squeezing them into countless pieces of wood.

At this time, Fang Dou, Qilie, and Brother Hou Liu had already activated their sandals, constantly stepping on the stones under their feet, and briefly bounced and shuttled in the air.

From the mountain in front, a torrent of one after another kept pouring out, dividing into seven or eight parts and rushing in each direction.

Suddenly, the first wave, about half an acre in size, hit the top of the three of them.


This is hundreds of tons of water. If you shoot it all on your body, your internal organs will be shattered and you will vomit blood and die.

Fang Dou mobilized the mountain ghost talisman, "The mountain ghost obeys the order!"

The wave broke into two parts from the middle. Although it failed to cause damage, it also washed the three people to each side place.

Waiting for Fang Dou to wipe the splashes off his face, he looked around, and he was no longer there, and there was no sign of Qilie and Liuliu around him.

Being separated, this is being separated from them.

The only good news is that Fang Dou is still on Tianchi Mountain and has not been washed to the foot of the mountain.

"You folk loose cultivator, how dare you run away?"

A cold and severe voice sounded behind Fang Dou.

(end of this chapter)

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