Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 224


Chapter 224 Anger

Fang Dou suddenly calmed down, there is no one around now, but it is a good environment!

The poisonous spirit patrolled around the sky, and could see clearly that the nearest warlocks were also outside several dozen li, besieging and suppressing the fleeing Qianqiu Society demons.

As for Daoist Steel Whip and others, they had already chased Ou Qinghe and got into the mountain with nine curves and eighteen bends.

Now the top of the mountain is silent, only Fang Dou and Feng De.

Feng De didn't know the danger was coming, so he glanced at Fang Dou, "If you know each other, obey the order now, go to search the mountains, and trace the whereabouts of Qinghe in the district."

" What if I don't agree?"

Fang Dou's expression became colder, he quietly tucked his hands into his cuffs, and stared at Feng De's neck, looking for the place to cut the knife.

"If not, I will let you know that the Daoist of Hangyin Guan also dares to kill!"

At this moment, Feng De no longer concealed his identity and admitted his identity.

"Fuck your hanging seal concept, fuck your Taoism!"

Fang Dou hair stands up in anger, new hatred and old hatred rise in the mind, a middle finger Straight to the other side, "Go eat shit!"

Feng De didn't expect when he was dreaming. His words can be so dirty because he is not near the market, and his vocabulary is far less rich than Fang Dou's.

"You, you...courting death!"

Feng De blushed, palms on his chest, "Dharma Protector God General, eliminate demons protect the dao!"

The wind on the mountain stopped abruptly, and a murderous aura emerged.

Fang Dou only knew the power of this move after experiencing it firsthand. It was like being trapped in the bean army before, and all directions were attacks.

"It's not that easy to deal with me!"

Fang Dou rubbed his feet, activated his sandals, the breeze wrapped his legs, and quickly stepped back.

After a few breaths, Fang Dou has lengthened the distance between the two to a kilometer away.

Feng De faced Fang Dou, raised both index fingers and pointed at a distance.

"It's stabbed!"

Fang Dou stood on one leg on the ground, his arms raised, and he was covered with a 'big golden robe'.


Angry roar, the sound waves spread all around, and a few vague shadows appeared.

"This is your god general?"

Fang Dou sneered, even though it was covered with incense, it was still a ghost in essence.

"Taoism's ability, that's all?"

Fang Dou grabbed his palm, and Beast Dao was like a suction cup, sucking a few balls of 'Dharma Protector God General' into his palm.

At the same time, he used the ability of 'degree transformation' and began to obliterate these ghosts.

"You, you're actually a means of Shimen?"

Feng De pointed to Fang Dou. 'Degree'?

"Are you from Fuyuan Temple?"

He was shocked and angry, and several thoughts flashed in his mind. Could it be that Fang Dou was secretly sent by Fuyuan Temple in an attempt to fish in troubled waters?

Fang Dou fiercely replied, "I'm your grandfather!"

Next moment, Fang Dou stepped on the sandals of God's walking. go.

The power of the Golden Rooster Pile is sharp enough to tear everything apart, and the howling mountain wind it brings is even more painful.

After Feng De was shocked, he reacted, took off a wooden ruler from his waist, and shot down Fang Dou.

When, a melodious voice sounded.

Fang Dou took a few steps back and blew cool air into his palm, what a hard wooden ruler!

Feng De is even more unbelievable. This is not an ordinary wooden ruler, but a Magical Artifact blessed by the Master's incantation. Not to mention human hands, even a tiger claw turtle shell can be broken with one blow.

"What kind of evildoer is he?"

"By the way, the warrior monk of the Heavenly King Palace in Fuyuan Temple, the cultivation Vajra, after death the fleshy body does not rot, for thousands of years, yes For fleshy body Buddha?"

Feng De thinks more and more, and the Fang Dou in front of him is simply a person from Fuyan Temple.

"What kind of conspiracy do you people from Fuyuan Temple have?"

Fang Dou was slightly taken aback, since you misunderstood, why should I break it, just to frame it for Heavenly King Palace .

"Guess what!"

Fang Dou took a few steps back, facing Feng De's left, and flew towards him again.

This flutter is even more light and brisk, making it difficult for naked eyes to capture.

Feng De saw a flash, Fang Dou has already turned into a group photo, filling the whole eye.

In the process of fighting, if the enemy is too close, is it not a good thing?

Feng De hurriedly swung the wooden ruler to protect his body from the water, constantly swaying Fang Dou's punches.

The wooden ruler is shiny and heavy in texture. It is undoubtedly similar to the iron ruler, but when it collides with Fang Dou's palm, the sound is like the symphony of gold and iron, which is extremely crisp.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides have fought dozens of meetings.

Feng De couldn't hold back, the wooden ruler let go, and shot towards Fang Dou's chest.


Fang Dou sneered and flew backwards, and when the wooden ruler was almost weakened, the leg raised kicked it off.

Looking at Feng De again, this move was actually to force Fang Dou back and cast spell calmly.

The young Taoist priest took out a jade stone seal with a complex rune on the bottom.

He held the seal, moved towards the void, and the light poured out, instantly interweaving into a talisman.

"Please ask the mountain god to practice the law!"

Feng De was extremely respectful, moved towards talisman and bowed.

Fang Dou's scalp is numb, it's not good, this is the real Taoism!

The Taoist Zhenlu, which is different from ordinary talismans, is an official article, which is not only a status symbol, but also a medium for summoning gods and casting spells.

In contrast, Fang Dou's Mountain Ghost Talisman is basically rateless.

He invited the mountain god with a real scorpion. Needless to say, if Fang Dou wanted to call out the mountain ghost, the other party would never come.

One is a mountain god and the other is a mountain ghost. How to compare?

Feng De cast a spell with talisman, and the surrounding mountains began to rise and fall. Seeing that the gravel and dust gathered and formed, Fang Dou was about to be submerged.

At this time, Fang Dou suddenly raised his palm, "Nine Heavens Thunder God, listen to my orders!"

Well, this is nonsense, the God of Thunder doesn't even know there is Fang Dou, this green onion, still obeys his orders?

But the way of fighting depends on the imposing manner first. If you invite the Mountain God, I will invite the Thor. Who can surpass the other?

Purple Mansion Divine Lightning was activated, and two lightning bolts spewed out from Fang Dou's palm, rushing towards the Zhenluo in front of Feng De.

Rumbling, lightning banging, like a cloud over your head and it's about to rain.

The thunder blast caught Feng De off guard, and the spell that had just condensed began to scatter.

don't let an opportunity slip by

Fang Dou suddenly breathes deeply, a white line floats up in front of him, and then disappeared.

At the same time, a tortoise shell on Feng De's waist suddenly split in half.

The hairs on his whole body stand up, which is a horrific omen, even life-threatening.

"Not good!"

Feng De hurriedly grabbed the real basket and chanted the spell desperately, "Five Elements really escape, help me escape!"

next At the moment, he was wrapped in the rays of light of the real basket and flew out along the underground soil.

A trace of white line at a moderate pace, biting Feng De's back, like a swallow homing home, swooping forward.


The daoist robe on Feng De's body was actually a Magical Artifact that protected his body. He was stabbed by the Flying Sword and shattered into butterflies on the spot.

This daoist robe, although it avoided the bad luck of piercing through the body, but the huge force could not stop it, and it was completely submerged in his body.

This young Taoist vomited blood, his internal organs were violently smashed, and most of his bones were broken.

"You, you, you..."

Feng De threw himself on the ground, could only move one finger, and pointed at Fang Dou slumped and powerless.

At this moment, no matter what he wants to say, he can't speak.

(end of this chapter)

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