Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 225


Chapter 225 Fighting wits and courage

all around The mountain wind blows, but no one appears.

The poisonous spirit probed above his head for a while, and no one would disturb him.

Fang Dou's eyes fell on Feng De, this is a hot potato!

The tried-and-true method of touching the corpse is now unusable. Daoist Steel Whip is on the mountain. If they find any trace of it, it will be miserable.

Murder is a momentary pleasure, but afterward, one must be careful not to miss the slightest detail.

Feng De's daoist robe shattered, and thanks to this Magical Artifact protection, the Flying Sword was transformed into a blunt wound, like being hit by a big hammer.

"Okay, no weak spot!"

Fang Dou released the dog spirit, searched all around, and erased the obvious traces.

Feng De was speechless, just waiting for Fang Dou to finally make up his knife, and he would be completely dead.

"I'm sorry!"

Fang Dou stepped forward slowly, raised the steel rod, and was about to insert it down.

At this time, there was a faint sigh in the wind.

"There is a god who raises his head three feet. Do you really think that killing him will be able to hide from the investigation of Hangyin Guan?" It was because of this sound that he had heard the scene.

District Qinghe!

The azure clothed middle aged man stood on the top of the mountain, with the altar under his feet, and looked at Fang Dou with a smile on his lips.

This is a powerhouse at the level of a mage, and it is also a friend and foe!

Fang Dou took a few steps back, looking alert, holding the crane head steel staff across the front.

"Don't be nervous, you brat dares to kill someone who hangs Yinguan, you are ruthless, I like it very much!"

Fang Dou thought quickly in his heart, don't show a weak spot.

At this moment, his situation is extremely critical. The tail that attacked Feng De has not been cleaned up, and he was smashed by Ou Qinghe who had left and returned.

This scene of dilemma is like walking on a tightrope.

Thinking of this, Fang Dou suddenly raised his head and changed to a bright smile.

"This senior has misunderstood. I saw Brother Feng De fell to the ground with his hands on the ground, and was about to rescue him, not to kill him!"

"Besides, right now Everyone is chasing the Qianqiu Society to participate, why can't the senior pass?"

"By the way, I heard that Qinghe is still at large in the bandit leader area. If he can be captured, it must be a great achievement!"

"Senior, don't you mind?"

Ou Qinghe's eyes flickered a few times, as if he was weighing, judging whether Fang Dou's words were true or false.

Fang Dou deliberately pretended not to know him, and opened his mouth as senior. If Ou Qinghe wanted to get out as soon as possible without causing trouble, the best response was to get off the donkey down the slope.

The Daoist Steel Whip and others are eager to kill, and the mountain is full of civilian warlock eyeliners. If Ou Qinghe is desperate, he will not take the risk, leave the altar and return to the old place on the top of the mountain!

Suddenly, Ou Qinghe laughed, "You kid, you are really cunning!"

"Why did senior say this?" Fang Dou looked at him innocently.

"Just now, in the crowd, you have seen my face, and you pretended not to know, what are you thinking?"

"I understand, you want to trick me into leaving , and then sounded a warning to attract everyone else!"

Ou Qinghe became more and more certain as he thought about it, and then his eyes fell on Fang Dou's feet, "No wonder, you can kill the hanging Yinguan. My son, with a sinister mind and a flexible mind, he will definitely be a hero in the future!"

"It's a pity that I met me today, but I can't spare you!"

Fang Dou suddenly stepped forward One step, he picked up the dying Feng De, and opened his mouth for devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

"You monster, don't even think about hurting Brother Feng De!"

Ou Qinghe was suddenly taken aback, how could you turn your face faster than a book, and this kid, it's not because of you Injured?

Waiting for Ou Qinghe to react, Fang Dou was full of grief, shaking Feng De constantly, "Brother Feng De, wake up, don't give in to the demon!"

Above his head , In the sight of Poison Spirit, three silhouettes like blue smoke are flying up the mountain road.

One of them was the Daoist Steel Whip. His ears moved, he heard the sound from the wind, and recognized the word 'Fengde'.

"Not good, there is movement on the mountain, hurry up!"

The Heavenly King Palace Arhat and Mr. Wen on both sides also speeded up and caught up with the pace in the blink of an eye.

They were all careless. Who would have thought that the strong man Ou Qinghe broke his wrist, abandoned the precious altar, and deliberately walked to the dead end on the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, Ou Qinghe's complexion changed, and the powerful breath kept approaching. He finally understood why Fang Dou was yelling on purpose.

Fang Dou was holding Feng De and shaking constantly. The young Taoist was already injured and confused. After being tossed so much, there was less air in and more out.

"Boy, you are tying yourself up. When Daoist Steel Whip comes and knows you want to kill his Martial Nephew, what do you do?"

Ou Qinghe is also dreaming didn't expect, fall in the sewer, was teased by Fang Dou.

"Right, you reminded me!"

Fang Dou raised his palm decisively, and the sharp claw pulled towards his chest, leaving three wounds with the flesh everted, blood crash- bang gushing out.

"Come on, someone from Qianqiu Society is here. He wants to kill brother Feng De!"

Fang Dou is full of energy and his voice is loud, and it spreads along the mountain wind. Far away, he quickly pointed out the direction to Daoist Steel Whip.

“Who dares to kill me Martial Nephew?”

Ou Qinghe heard the voice of Daoist Steel Whip, and knew that the other party was very close, and he could kill him without taking a few breaths. before.

He fiercely looked towards Fang Dou, "Boy, at least I can kill you!"

The mage of Qianqiu Society, with hatred, is naturally extraordinary.

I saw both of his hands merging, the airflow tumbling in front of his chest, and it condensed into a sharp knife in an instant.

This hand 'holds qi into a soldier', which is impossible for non-realm teachers. Although it is done by hand, it represents a very high spell attainment.

The sharp knife of air compression, the sound of breaking through the air is still fierce, sou sou hits Fang Dou.

At this time, Daoist Steel Whip and the other three had come to the front, and they were turning over a stone and sticking their heads out.

It was a coincidence that Fang Dou was holding Feng De, turning his back and blocking Ou Qinghe's attack.

Boom, Fang Dou's body shook, and more than half of his strength passed through his body and fell on Feng De.

Feng De, who was dying, couldn't bear it, and died on the spot.

Pity this young Taoist priest, already seeing the Steel Whip Taoist appear, full of hope and resentment in his heart, he plans to expose Fang Dou and let him die without a burial site.

Unfortunately, there is no chance!

"Brother Feng De!"

Fang Dou spit out blood on the ground with a sad face, "You can't die!"

"Look, Martial Uncle has come to save you!"

Daoist Steel Whip raised his eyebrows and laughed extremely angry, "Ou Qinghe, from now on, you will be Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth, no one can save you!"

Ou Qinghe pointed at Fang Dou, his whole body was trembling, this person is immortal, heavens cannot tolerate!


The steel whip fell from the sky and hit Ou Qinghe, hitting him on the head.

Ou Qinghe turned around and left, not caring about exposing Fang Dou. As Fang Dou said, even if he said it, can Daoist Steel Whip believe?

Fang Dou has done enough tricks, he is 'save his life' and 'spitting blood in grief', which is more sad than the death of his biological brother.

Although Ou Qinghe was angry, he had nothing to do with Fang Dou, so he could only stare at him fiercely, remember this hateful face, and turned to run for his life.

(end of this chapter)

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