Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 242


Chapter 242 is divided into mountains and seas

Daoist Steel Whip looks ashen, "Wait!"

For fear of the two When questioned, he said, "I am a steel whip, I will advance and retreat with the two of you, and I will never run away!"

tone barely fell , deep in the mountains, Tu Old Ancestor couldn't hold back, and he fought with the other party. .

He opened his mouth and swallowed the dark clouds in the sky, swallowing them all into his stomach, and lit the green Ghost Fire with his eyes.

"Hehe, push the old man to this point, you two, middle (third tone)!"

Tu Old Ancestor was agitated for a while, his native language blurted out, his face was murderous- looking.

His body skyrocketed, the surface of his skin was covered with stratum corneum, and he instantly turned into a ferocious-looking evil spirit with two horns growing on the head, and his body was hundreds of meters high.

“die for me!”

Tu Old Ancestor turned into a demon, slammed his fists on the ground, and the air machine wrapped around Five Elements Mountain suffered a heavy blow on the spot. Get confused.

Next, the evil spirit looked up at the sky, the two lines of sight fell into the sky, and they all split up and in pieces.

The mountains collapsed, countless huge rocks rolled around, and the gravel puff puff puff fell into the water, smashing the Taihu Lake and splashing continuously.

The soft soil on the shore shook, and a wave of waves rushed over, wetting the dry ground.

"This is the formidable power of the mage level!"

Fang Dou could not help but blurt out, "a real man!"

This is the freedom and ease that a cultivation person should have. In comparison, warlock is too low.

Envy, Fang Dou began to estimate how many years it would take him to achieve this level of cultivation!

The Daoist Steel Whip suddenly had a happy expression on his face, turned around and bowed to the two of them, "Senior Brother has already arrived, today's matter, the overall situation has been settled!"

Mr. Wen frowned, "Why didn't I..."

Have just said half a sentence, a rainbow suddenly appeared at the end of the sky, like the sky rising after rain.

This rainbow comes from the sky, straight into the sky above.

one silhouette walked down from the Hongqiao, holding a white feather beater, and fell in front of the steel whip Taoist.

"Mingyi Senior Brother!"

The person here is Mingyi, who ignores the many warlocks of the people and only looks towards Mr. Wen, Heavenly King Palace Arhat.

"Senior Brother, these two are Mr. Wen, the confidant staff of the Governor of Weiyang County."

"...Master, one of the Heavenly King Palace Arhats, is well known !"

Ming Xin listened to the introduction of Daoist Steel Whip, and to the two of them nodded, "many thanks for the kindness of the helping hand, express my gratitude to the prefect, the first and the abbot of your temple on my behalf!"

In the hanging seal view, Ming Yi's identity is detached, and he is not under the watcher's master. In front of him, Mr. Wen and the two must respect each other.

As expected, Mr. Wen and Arhat from Tennoji bowed solemnly.

After meeting the three of them, Ming Yu turned around and looked towards the depths of the disputed mountains, and sighed, "It's so lively!"

The Steel Whip Daoist hurriedly explained, "Originally, The Qianqiu Society moved the mountains and set up imaginary formations in an attempt to fight us to the end, and they killed a Mount Mang ghost cultivator halfway through, and they all started fighting!"

Ming Xin was sullen, "That gang The immoral things that dig graves also come to join in the fun. It's a coincidence that we can deal with grass and rabbits together!"

The Daoist Steel Whip hurriedly asked for instructions, "If Brother Senior wants to cast spells, what do you want? Arrangement?"

"No need, it's fine here!"

Ming Xin raised his feather paddle, placed it in front of him, and gestured twice towards the mountains.

Whispering in a low voice, "Five Elements Mountain is a good one, you've played it into something different, just rush to this point, Ming Yan, you can't live anymore!"

At this time, Under the banner of Chihuo, Brother Hou Liu had sharp eyes, saw what Ming Xin was holding, and asked in a low voice, "Isn't this Yupai?"

"What is it?" Fang Dou was a little puzzled .

After Brother Hou Liu explained, I just found out that this is not a fly swatter?

Immediately, Fang Dou was stunned. Could it be that this warrior wants to kill the three warring mages as flies?

This is crazy too!

Fang Dou couldn't believe it, but he was still too young, and reality would teach him to be a man.

Ming Yu raised his feather racket, gestured a few times, and finally settled in mid-air.

The action froze for a few breaths, and then the wrist mana slapped down heavily.

"I don't need Five Elements to come out together. One move is enough to divide the mountains and seas and set the world!"

tone barely fell, the air soaring from the feather beat, and submerged into Taihu Lake, Violent reaction immediately.

The breeze that fell from the feathers fell into the water, and every step forward, the waves set off as the tide rises, the boat floats, and when the mountains are in the area, they still turn into violent storms.

From a distance, it looks like a plowshare, cutting Taihu Lake in half at the speed of a cannonball. The scene is extremely spectacular.

"Dividing the mountains and seas!"

"Setting the world!"

The Daoist Steel Whip chanted softly, as if he was cooperating.

The formation formed by the Five Elements Mountain was enough to lock down Old Ancestor, but in the face of such power, it became vulnerable and was easily split in half.

The right Elder saw it, looked terrified, and hurriedly recalled the Gathering Soul Banner and blocked it in front of him.

Thousands of ghosts came out of the Gathering Soul Banner, finally supporting four or five breaths, and finally tore them to shreds.

The right Elder looked slightly frightened, and was drowned in the savage waves, and then a large amount of blood flowed out.

"Old Right!"

The left Elder cried out in grief and indignation, watching the tragic death of his companion.

The next is Old Ancestor, who turns into an evil ghost, and his strength is not weak, but seeing the death of the right Elder, he knows that he is incapable of fighting.

Next moment, the monster with a huge body, like a leaking ball, shrinks rapidly, and the physical body also changes in the direction of blurring.

When the power of dividing the mountains and seas came, the Old Ancestor was cut in half decisively, turned into green smoke, and finally disappeared.

In the end, only the left Elder is left.

"If I can die under the world-famous 'Fen Shan Hai', I will die without regrets!"

Zuo Elder will die with his eyes closed, but Ming Yu suddenly dies Done.

"I can't kill you, otherwise others will think that it is my Qianqiu Society who killed a witness to silence them!"

Mr. Mingyi Chaowen and Heavenly King Palace Arhat nod, pointing to Elder Zuo, "This person was originally named Mingyan, and was the same sect of Hangyin Guan. It's a pity that his style was indiscreet, and he tricked female pilgrims into becoming pregnant.>

"It's already fifty years ago!"

He looked towards the Elder Zuo with a stern voice, "We have long suspected that the so-called Altar Master of Qianqiu Society is just on The guise of the surface, the real person in charge, is you two Elders!"

"Akihiko, tell me honestly, what happened to Qianqiu Society?"

The left elder heard the words one I was stunned, and then smiled sadly, "haha, so that's how it is, yes, you guessed it right, ah ha ha, Qianqiu Society, is the two of us behind the scenes, in fact, there is no Altar Master!"

There are many folk warlocks on the shore, and I suddenly realized that, no wonder they only heard of Altar Master, and no one has ever seen the real face.

The top two members of the Qianqiu Society are the two Elders on the left and right. They deliberately created the illusion of an Altar Master and used it to manipulate a group of demons, which is really treacherous!

Mr. Wen, Heavenly King Palace Arhat, subconsciously feel wrong, but heart shivered with cold, know that it must not go into depth.

"The right Elder is dead, how about this remnant demon head, how about taking it back to Hangyinguan and handing it over to a three-party public trial?"

"Very good, very good!"


(end of this chapter)

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