Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 260


Chapter 260 is a coincidence

Fang Dou left the town of Black Tortoise and began to travel day and night to the capital.

"The martial law follows the monks of Fuyuan Temple, and they set off earlier. When they arrive in the capital, they must meet him."

Fang Dou remembered that the capital is the most prosperous city, and there are There are many delicious and fun things, martial law likes to be lively, it must be like a fish back in water.

This time I went to Beijing, it was a sudden occurance for Fang Dou.

Fang Dou also understood that, in order to live up to the good intentions of County Magistrate, after arriving in the capital, he consulted a lot of eminent monks in Fuyuan Temple and handed over qualified examination papers.

Fang Dou will go back to Jiming Temple after the Buddha's birthday to do more cultivation and strive to break through the realm of the master as soon as possible.

The town of Black Tortoise, a godsend, still brings excitement to Fang Dou.

It turns out that there are truly geniuses in this world. Your years of hard work are not as hard as a few days of others.

When you meet such a despairing genius, the only thing you have left to be proud of is to study hard and work hard, so that you can close the gap brought by innate talent as soon as possible.


Fang Dou sighed a few times, and the sandals under his feet accelerated, rushing forward.

That night, Fang Dou was also tired and hurriedly found a wooden shed in the wild.

Except for the air leaking from all sides and barely having the appearance of a 'house', this wooden shed has nothing to describe.

Fang Dou sat in the wooden shed and looked down to see that his pants were full of tears. They were walking in the wild and were torn by branches and thorns.

The daoist robe on the upper body was unscathed, but the pants have been changed a dozen times.


Fang Dou sighed, took out the needle and thread, and started to mend.

There are no villages and towns all around at the moment, so we can only sew and mend to cope with the past.

I live by myself and gradually master all kinds of skills, which can be regarded as an unexpected harvest.

After patching up one by one, Fang Dou tied a knot at the end, then lowered his head and snapped it.

"It can last for more than ten days!"

Fang Dou unfolded his pants, and his craftsmanship became more and more proficient!

Suddenly, Fang Dou's mind dived light flashed and began to comprehending, recalling the characteristics of the two Flying Swords, 'Wedding Clothes' and 'Caiyun'.

The two Flying Swords, which were obtained from Broken Sleeves, have always been proven inexplicable. Fang Dou has watched them countless times, but they are like tigers swallowing the sky and have nowhere to speak.

But today, when I sewed my clothes, I got an epiphany from time to time.

The 'wedding dress' Flying Sword takes a flexible and compact path, while the cutting cloud is wide open and smooth.

The more Fang Dou thought about it before, the more he felt that acting in a way that defeats one's purpose, the two Flying Sword secret skills were completely incompatible, and it was difficult to combine them into one.

Forcibly merged will only offset the edge of the two Flying Swords and eventually become mediocre.

However, the inspiration for sewing clothes gave Fang Dou a new idea.

These two Flying Swords may fall on the word 'tailor'.

Cutting clouds is like cutting fabrics, flowing smoothly, smoothly and naturally, then the wedding dress is sewing, cautiously, seamless, and the two cooperate with each other to achieve a set of gorgeous clothes.

"I'm really a genius!"

Fang Dou is the same. When he observed Flying Sword before, all kinds of incongruities and obstacles were instantly cleared, and his heart began to stir.

He picked up scissors and needles and began to gesture, becoming more and more immersed in it.


Fang Dou suddenly sensed a howl from the wild, which didn’t sound like a wild dog.

The howling sounds, as if with magic, can't help but listen.

"This is?"

Fang Dou's chest suddenly burst into flames, and the chirping of Vermilion Bird seemed to sound in his ears.

Fang Dou woke up in the blink of an eye.

"Voice of Enchantment!"

My dear, there are monsters in the wild.

Fang Dou heard his index finger move, and rushed out of the wooden shed, walking in the direction of the sound.

Under the moonlight, a fiery red fox, with a face of white bones on its head, turned back in three steps, slender claws, and moved towards the silhouette behind it.

silhouette Stiff limbs, walking like a puppet, is the bewildered martial law, his heart seems to be hiding thousands of firefly, emitting faint rays of light.

"This monk has some skills, and his Zen mind begins to stir. I need to cast spells and confuse me all the time before I can bring it here!"

The fox took off the bone mask and waved to the rear. , martial law stopped in place.

"I'm sorry, someone wanted your life, and let me take it away before killing me!"

"This place is good, I'll send you to sleep!"

The fox's ears twitched twice, and he turned into a young girl in white clothed clothes. She had a dazzling appearance, incomparably clear and pure, but she had the temperament to fascinate all beings.

She stood on tiptoe, walked silently, walked to martial law, raised her hand and stuck it in his chest.

"Blood-blooded heart and liver, steaming hot, that's the delicacy in this world!"

The white-clothed girl licked the corner of her mouth, staring at the chest of martial law with a pair of star eyes.

"So, you've eaten the hearts and livers of many people?"

Casually with one sentence, the white-clothed girl frowned, turned and shrank behind the martial law.

"Who, who?"

Fang Dou walked slowly, glanced over the martial law, and found that he was unconscious, obviously hit.

"Are you a fox demon?"

"It's Qingqiu Fox Race, Fox Race!"

The white-clothed girl stared at Fang Dou, Suddenly realized, "You are the man in his vision, what a coincidence!"

"Hey, I'm going to kill your good friend now, you kneel down and beg me!"

Fang Dou asked back, "I beg you, you won't kill him?"

"Of course not!"

The white-clothed girl laughed suddenly, "But I will be very Happy!"

"Buy one get one free, this deal is worth it!"

The white-clothed girl turned to Fang Dou and smiled sweetly, "Since we are friends, come over together Let's go!"

At this moment, Fang Dou felt that Heaven and Earth were suddenly silent, the five sounds and five colors dissipated without a trace, and the world was big, only the girl's frown and smile remained.

"It's so beautiful!"

The beauty of a girl is like Seizing Heaven and Earth Good Fortune. The beautiful wheel is a work of art that can be passed down through the ages.

So much so that when Fang Dou saw her smiling, he knew that he was a monster that eats hearts and souls, but he couldn't even think of killing her.

"Not good, it's too dangerous!"

Fang Dou's heart still has a little light left at the moment, which is the flame of the previous southern fire Vermilion Bird.

Purple Mansion Divine Lightning, born out of 'Six Gods Disgusting Technique', focuses on the cultivation of the Six Gods, and resisting Illusion Technique is a specialty.

even more how, Fang Dou's heart house Vermilion Bird, combined with Shimen's Liuli state of mind, is the first to break the illusion.

“Vermilion Bird burns through the illusion!”

Fang Dou struggled inwardly, resisting the charm of the girl’s smile, and inspiring Vermilion Bird in his heart.

He also cultivated the paper Illusion Technique, and he was slightly involved in Illusion Technique, but he never thought that when Illusion Technique cultivation reaches this level, people can give up resistance, like cows and sheep waiting to be slaughtered, Give your life to the enemy.

Such a level of Illusion Technique is terrifying and terrifying.

In the Five Zang Temple, the heart of Vermilion Bird, located in the south, burst into flames instantly.

As the Vermilion Bird chirped, the fire became more and more intense, burning Fang Dou's chest brightly, like a beacon in the dark night.

Fang Dou's eyes flashed with flames, breaking free from the girl's Illusion Technique in the blink of an eye.


The white-clothed girl's smile solidified on her face. At this moment, her proud 'Illusion Technique' was cracked.

"Who are you?"

(end of this chapter)

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