However, Lin Tianyu was still calm and said, "now, the urgency is how to find the master."

Hua Zu said, "yes, yes! That's the key. "

Then, Huazu suddenly responded and said, "you pulled me over and said these words specially. Do you have a good way to find brother Heidao?"

Lin Tianyu and Wang Lin and Wang Lingyun looked at each other and said in his heart: after saying so much, this sentence has finally come to the point.

Then, Lin Tianyu said: "uncle, I think so. The land of Tianquan is so big, how many places can we find if we just rely on the strength of a few of us. Maybe it's because there is something missing in some small place. Then, we're wrong with master Heidao. However, if there are more people to look for it, it will be different. In that way, we can find enough places and details, and maybe we can find all the places that we have missed before. Then, we can find master Heidao. Even if we can only find some more clues, it is good. "

Huazu nodded repeatedly and said, "well, if there are more people to go out to look for it, it's really possible to grasp most of them. Even if there are no more disciples, there are no more than me. Where to find more people? "

Lin Tianyu said: "in fact, as long as the martial uncle is willing to stand up and shout, his hands will be sufficient immediately."

"Good! What do you say you should do? "

Lin Tianyu said: "on that day, master Heidao was the first ancestor of the sword demon society. There must be many people who support him. It's just that there are so many people, but there is no one to organize and no one to lead. Therefore, they can only be scattered everywhere. They just want to help master Heidao, but they also have strength and no place to use them. Now, as long as martial uncle Hua is willing to take the lead and raise his voice to let everyone gather together, brainstorm and search for Heidao ancestor in batches, these people will be very willing. Then, among these people, there will be their own friends, masters' disciples, small circle forces It is much better to gather so many characters and look for them again than we are alone. "

"Yes. How can I never think of such a good idea? "

Huazu woke up, stood up, and was about to implement it.

Lin Tianyu and Wang Lin and Wang Lingyun looked at each other and said in his heart: is this man really the ancestor of Yuanying? But this way of doing things, I feel like a young man with hair.

Fortunately, fortunately, he was only allowed to organize people, and he was able to get a fair and aboveboard reason under the sun. Otherwise, he would have to leak out his head?

Huazu had already gone outside for a few steps, then suddenly turned back and said, "if I call people up, I will come to you and arrange for you. I'm not good at arranging people. As for the latter, how can these people form teams, how to go out in batches, and how can they not only affect their practice but also produce results I don't think about it at all. It's all up to you. After all, the idea itself is what you came up with. "

Lin Tianyu nodded again and again, and promised to come down. To tell the truth, if Huazu arranged these things, he would not be completely relieved.

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