But don't say, Huazu is in the clan, the organizer is really a good hand.

Then, just to the third day, he organized the people, agreed on a good time, the complete set came here.

There are a lot of black pressure, and most of them are golden friars.

If you change another Yuanying ancestor to organize, you may not be as good as Huazu.

It seems that people can't be judged by their appearance. Everyone has their expertise.

But then he looked at the monks who had been invited.

Oh, my God!

What's going on?

Why, among these people, many of them are black and blue, full of indignation. However, it's right to think about it again. In other words, it's good to hit people without hitting their faces. But they also choose to fight in the face. Can this not be hated?

However, who was beaten up?

What's more, it's still in the sect of the sword demon society. Who has the courage to come here and start?

Several people looked at the face of the black and blue face, full of indignation, are under the heart of doubt.

At this time, I saw Huazu come over and said, "nephew Tianyu, you see, I've found all the people for you. Hey, hey, hey, hey... "

Lin Tianyu doubted: "but Uncle Hua, how come there are so many people among them, all of them..."

"Haha These are some disobedient guys. They talk to them with good words. When they come, they still talk. This is not, give them a lesson, become honest

Lin Tianyu widened his eyes and said, "No. Uncle Hua, you won't give all these people... "

Uncle Hua said triumphantly, "Hey, hey! If you don't obey, you'll have to learn a lesson. No, they are much more honest. Some people are like this. If they don't clean up and clean up at intervals, they will itch. You see, now that I've cleaned up this meal, I'm not all obedient and obedient? I'll tell you, it doesn't matter what the big truth is. At any time, talking with your fist is the most practical truth. I'll tell you again, anyone who dares to disobey his orders will be obedient as long as he or she goes down with a fist. "


Lin Tianyu and others all boasted about their bravery in "inviting people" after listening to Huazu's fierce boasting.

Uncle, uncle, we want you to invite people, not to beat people.

This kind of beating people, forced to come, can really be used for me?

What's more, even if you want to beat people, don't slap your face. However, if you look at these people who have been beaten, you can see that there is no injury on your body, OK! A little scar, let Huazu to the whole face.

However, the effect is still good.

If it was not for Huazu to invite so many people, it would be nice to have one third of them. Now there are more than 200 people, all of whom are the backbone of the clan. Even, among these people, there are two Yuanying ancestors in the clan. Is this Yuanying ancestor also invited by Huazu in this special way?

Lin Tianyu and Wang Lin, Wang Lingyun and others looked at each other, a burst of surprise.

The fire of the eight trigrams in my heart arises spontaneously and becomes more and more prosperous.

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