Sun Ma went upstairs and took a look at Su Mei, who was sleeping. Su Mei's little face was not bloody, which surprised and distressed her. He wanted to find a doctor, but Xiao Xuan had given a prescription.

I had to rush to a large pharmacy nearby with the prescription to buy medicine. Sun Ma grew up watching Su Mei. Although she has always had a good impression of Xiao Xuan, she has been a servant in the Su family all her life. She has seen a lot of pickling, but she still has a heart and asked the doctor about the efficacy of this prescription.

Unexpectedly, the doctor looked at the prescription and said it was a good prescription for calming the nerves and replenishing qi. Sun Ma was relieved and hurried home with the bought medicine. In my heart, I couldn't help wondering if this magical uncle was still a doctor?

Xiao Xuan sat at the head of Su Mei's bed, looked at the beautiful girl with tight eyebrows in her sleep, and muttered, "if you don't want to see me again, I will disappear from you!"

Xiao Xuanshen glanced at Su Mei, returned to his room, felt out the medal with special material and fiddled with it. It looks like a medal. It's dumb. It's exquisitely made. It's hexagonal. It can be opened from the middle.

What's more amazing is that after opening it, there was a small photo of two people in it. One of them was obviously Xiao Xuan with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Compared with now, Xiao Xuan in the small phase was particularly young, while the woman who leaned next to Xiao Xuan looked very close was nine points similar to Su Mei. If the lover didn't have a black mole at present, she would be like a person.

Xiao Xuan stared at Xiao Xiang for a while. He didn't know what he muttered to himself, so he quietly put away the medal like thing. Picked up a coat and pedaled downstairs.

Sun Ma has bought medicine and is frying it in the kitchen. Xiao Xuan paused and said, "Sun Ma, I have something to go out first. After you fry the medicine, stare at Su Mei and drink it. After drinking the medicine, you can talk to her. After the medicine is stewed at noon, you two can have some together!"

Sun Ma just answered. Before she could tell Xiao Xuan to eat together, Xiao Xuan went out with the car key.

When Xiao Xuan went out, he drove the Porsche car with the window wide open. At the speed of the electric switch, the whistling wind sounded like a crane in Xiao Xuan's ear. Xiao Xuan had no expression and went all the way to the ODI bar.

The decoration of ODI bar has reached the final stage. Zhao Sixi also knows the relationship between Lai GAOJIN and Xiao Xuan. He doesn't bother too much about the decoration.

Xiao Xuan came to Odie by magic. The car stopped at the door and strode up. He inexplicably wanted to see Liu Tao, and he didn't know whether the woman had untied her knot. Is it reasonable that Liu Tao should preside over the work in ODI?

But on the third floor, Xiao Xuan didn't see Liu Tao. On the fourth floor, I met Lai GAOJIN who was on patrol.

"Brother Lai, did you come here today?" Xiao Xuan asked with a smile when he saw that Lai GAOJIN's spirit was much better than before.

Lai GAOJIN also hadn't seen Xiao Xuan for some time. Nodding his head, he pulled Xiao Xuan into an empty room, pointed to the sofa in the room and said, "Xiao Xuan, sit down. My brother has something to discuss with you!"

Xiao Xuan also knew that Liu Tao was probably not here, so he sat down calmly and said, "brother Lai, we all agreed at the beginning. I only care about money, and I don't care about anything else!"

Lai GAOJIN lost a cigarette to Xiao Xuan, lit a cigarette for himself, vomited smoke and said, "I know your boy does great things. If it's trivial, I won't ask you."

Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "brother Lai, just say it!"

"You probably don't know that our decoration business is in Nanhai city. If you ask yourself second, no other company dares to be the first. There are three major companies, Lu's company, Tingfeng company and Yuya international, who do live signs, while some other small companies dare not hinder us for various reasons. The company is developing very rapidly!" Lai GAOJIN said in a deep voice with a flash in his eyes.

"Well! Then what?" Xiao Xuan was not surprised by such a change. Lai GAOJIN and Liu Tao are smart people. The company's development is reasonable under the favorable conditions of time, place and people.

"Although I intend to promote our decoration brand in other markets, after all, decoration is a small profit, and promotion also takes time. It happens that during this time, I heard a friend say about the old urban reconstruction project. I want our company to participate in it!" Lai GAOJIN has great ambition.

Although the real estate industry has not seen the scenery of previous years, the real estate industry will not decline with the continuous pace of urbanization! What's more, Lai GAOJIN's ideas are more urban construction government projects.

Xiao Xuan thought for a moment and said, "I have no opinion on this. You can do it as you see. If you are short of money, you can discuss with Zhao Sixi and them on Odie's side!"

Lai GAOJIN is a smart man. He only needs Xiao Xuan to know about it. With Xiao Xuan's mind, as long as he knows about it, he will create opportunities for the company as soon as there is an opportunity.

"By the way, do you know anything about Shuanghong group?" Xiao Xuan thought and asked Lai GAOJIN.

"It's said that the boss behind Shuanghong group is old man Li Shuanghong, but the company has always been a first-class professional manager in China. The company involves real estate, import and export trade and some industrial chains. It's not too much to say that it is one of the companies with the highest gold production in Nanhai. It's reasonable to say that with the strength of Shuanghong group, it should be able to be listed, but..."

Lai GAOJIN spoke eloquently at this time. He was nothing like the joking philistine boss in the previous decoration company. His eyes were shining, more like a resourceful old profiteer.

Xiao Xuan nodded to indicate that he had understood that listing was the best way to raise funds, but Li Shuanghong's company had to wash the inside of black money. It would never be listed and accept various supervision.

Similarly, it is not easy for Xiao Xuan to eat Li Shuanghong's company.

Lai GAOJIN looked at Xiao Xuan thoughtfully, and then said, "the manager of Shuanghong group has some friendship with me!"

Xiao Xuan smiled an old fox at the corner of his mouth and said, "how close should Lai be to him. You see, although our company is not short of people or even money, it is too shallow to take over government projects. If..."

Like two foxes, they laughed together. Xiao Xuan smiled that he was lucky, but Lai GAOJIN smiled and understood the meaning of Xiao Xuan's words.

"By the way, how's your sister-in-law's illness?" Xiao Xuan suddenly remembered this stubble. Now he had a different relationship with Lai GAOJIN, so he asked.

Lai GAOJIN's face showed bitterness and astringency. He took a few puffs of smoke and choked for a while, which calmed down after half a sound.

"She's gone! It's useless for me..." Lai GAOJIN's pain in his eyes was not disguised. After so long, he still didn't come out of the pain of losing his wife.

Xiao Xuan sighed. In fact, he also guessed. He saw Lai GAOJIN's mysterious "disappearance" last time and his decadent look after he came back.

Uremia and kidney replacement are unbearable for ordinary families. Moreover, kidney source matching is even more difficult. But for the rich and powerful officials who really have resources, it is nothing.

Xiao Xuan guessed, but he didn't want to point it out. He can understand Lai GAOJIN's strong desire to "break into the world" after his return. Although this is not his pursuit, there is always something to spice up life. Xiao Xuan did not reject making money.

"I'm sorry! If nothing happens, your wish will come true." Xiao Xuan patted Lai GAOJIN on the shoulder, said something meaningful, and turned away.

Lai GAOJIN leaned back on the sofa, looked at Xiao Xuan's back and sighed. Although he is not from the underground world, he knows a lot of people. Xiao Xuan didn't come to the South China Sea for long, but he turned the South China Sea upside down. Can ordinary people have such means?

Besides, the development of the company is like a rocket. What's more, he heard that Xiao Xuancai is the real talker of Canlian company behind Odie.

Perhaps, Xiao XuanZhen will be the help to fulfill his wish!


When Xiao Xuan left ODI, he was stopped by Yuan Wuji who jumped out of the door.

"Xuanye, traceless has something to ask!" Yuan traceless's hoarse voice sounded, with a look of shame on his face.

"Do you want to beg me to spare Li Shuanghong's life? I won't kill him, but he will spend the rest of his life in prison!" Xiao Xuanshen glanced at yuan wutrace and said faintly.

The tone was like a king who could decide Li Shuanghong's life and death.

Yuan Wuji believed Xiao Xuan's words. He bowed deeply and said, "he saved my life and made me feel comfortable for many years. Although I don't owe him, I have some feelings after all. I hope brother Xuan can understand. I admonished him, but he didn't realize it. I beg you for peace of mind today!"

Xiao Xuan grinned and scolded, "I didn't say anything. If you explain this, it seems that I am unpredictable. How can I hear the smell of accompanying a king like a tiger?"

Then he patted yuan wutrace's arm heavily, and then said, "I'm not the king of the mountain. You respect me and fear me. Just think I'm an untouchable God on the altar. Don't you know I've always only thought you were brothers!"

Yuan Wuji suddenly saw a trace of loneliness and loneliness in Xiao Xuan's eyes. I think that's the case.

Xiao Xuan's power has long been like a myth among Zhao Sixi and his party. Even in Yuan Wuji's eyes, Xiao Xuan is also an invincible God of war. Everyone respects and fears the legendary man. For Xiao Xuan, is this what he wants?

"Master Xuan, you promised me that you would give me some advice!" Yuan Wuji suddenly said.

"OK! Wait a few days for the sky to come down..." Xiao xuanzheng said, but the phone rang.

Xiao Xuan glanced at Bai Yujiao's number on the phone and waved to Yuan Wuji to go first. At the same time, he picked up the phone. As soon as he picked up the phone, there was a burst of jiaochen at the other end of the phone. "Bastard, such a big battle, you wouldn't give me a squeak. If I hadn't reacted quickly, your chess would stink!"

Xiao Xuan involuntarily smiled and asked, "do you know my chess is going to stink?"

Bai Yujiao giggled and said, "how can you be so busy with your cunning character? If you want to kill Li Shuanghong, you will take his Shuanghong group first. What's hard to guess? But if Li Shuanghong runs away, can you still get hold of the Shuanghong group?"

Xiao Xuan rubbed his forehead with a headache. If Shuanghong group is built by Li Shuanghong, Li Shuanghong himself must be the largest shareholder. If Li Shuanghong is arrested with criminal evidence such as illegal black astringent Association, Shuanghong group may face "confiscation". If Li Shuanghong is not arrested, he is the largest shareholder, so Xiao Xuan can't get the control of Shuanghong group.

Just can Li Shuanghong run?

Xiao Xuan was only thinking for a moment and was sure that the old man would really put down his old face and run away. The current trend of Nanhai underground city is by no means that Li Shuanghong, a bad old man, can immediately reverse.

Li Shuanghong doesn't know that if he keeps the source of money, Shuanghong group and his official business in Nanhai city for many years, there is no lack of possibility to kill him again. tqR1

Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly. It wasn't that he ignored the possibility of Li Shuanghong's escape, but the situation of Su Mei this morning. He couldn't leave Su Mei and kill the Li family directly.

Just when Xiao Xuan had a headache, Bai Yujiao at the other end of the phone said triumphantly, "I have important news that can solve your worries!"

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