Even Xiao Xuan didn't expect Bai Yujiao to be so smart. The most important thing is to be careful. After hearing Bai Yujiao's words, even Xiao Xuan had to admit that Bai Yujiao was a cunning little fox.

"You haven't come to see people for a long time. It's a pity that people take so much trouble for you. How do you reward people?"

Listening to Bai Yujiao's coquettish voice on the phone, Xiao Xuan swept away most of the haze in his heart and said with a laugh: "as soon as this matter is over, I will have a lot of time to pick up girls. Then..."

Xiao Xuan wanted to talk about a lot of things to pursue the beautiful baby Bai Yujiao, but the other end of the phone had hung up.

Bitterly hung up the phone, but Xiao Xuan was in a much better mood.

The fate of the world is uncertain. I think there is no way out. How can I know that it is not another village? Think that a full moon lasts a long time, but don't you know it won't be cloudy, sunny, round and short. It's the same with people and things.

The world of mortals does its best to enjoy its ups and downs.

If you want to understand, you will understand! Xiao Xuan only felt that his whole body was warm and comfortable. tqR1

Xiao Xuan got into the car and drove to Su Mei's house. Just on the way, he remembered another thing and drove the car in another direction.


Su Mei was awakened from her sleep by sun ma. Her face had recovered some blood color, but her eyes were still empty, not as smart as before.

"Miss, my uncle told you to drink this medicine. I asked the doctor. It's all medicine for calming the nerves and replenishing qi. Drink it while it's hot!" aunt sun carefully held the medicine bowl and looked at Su Mei. She was even more worried.

Su Mei shook her head and sat by the bed with the quilt in her arms. She didn't speak or move.

Sun Ma was so anxious that she couldn't help it. Su Mei was stubborn since childhood and couldn't listen to anyone. Just thinking about it, she couldn't understand why Su Mei lost her temper. If you want to die, it's just a couple who are uncomfortable.

"Young lady, my uncle is young, so it's hard to avoid playing. Besides, you are too cold to my uncle. Otherwise, a beautiful woman like Miss, if you put a little thought into it, my uncle won't return..." aunt sun stopped abruptly halfway through her words. Because the tears on Su Mei's face ticked down.

"Sun Ma, what kind of person do you think Xiao Xuan is?" Su Mei suddenly asked.

"Miss, I've been in Su's family all my life. I can hear a lot of things I shouldn't say. I... forget that. My uncle is a little naughty, but he is really kind to my miss. Which of the CHILDES who pursued miss in the past is not tall and arrogant, with eyes on their heads? Which is not ambitious? But I think my uncle, Not... "

Su Mei seemed to be listening to sun Ma and thinking about her own thoughts. She was still expressionless.

"Hey, you've always been stubborn. I'll put the medicine here first!" Sun Ma knew Su Mei very well and said no more. She turned and walked out of the door.

At the door, he saw Xiao Xuan carrying a food box. Just opening his mouth to talk, he saw Xiao Xuan "Shh" make a silent gesture. Sun Ma only said that it was better for the couple to communicate well, so she smiled and nodded and went downstairs.

Xiao Xuan walked into Su Mei's room with a food box and said with a smile, "beauty, look what I brought you?"

Then she opened the food box in her hand and put it in front of Su Mei.

Su Mei looked at the exquisite and beautiful two-color horseshoe cake in the food box, shocked her body, raised her head, looked at the smiling man's face, and burst into tears.

Xiao Xuan kept silent for a while, put the food box on the bedside table, gently hugged Su Mei's head into his arms and gently patted Su Mei's jade back.

Su Mei kept crying like a wronged little woman. She asked herself a hundred times why Xiao Xuan remembered that she liked to eat two-color horseshoe cake? Asked a thousand times, why did she choose Xiao Xuan?

Just no answer.

This cry was more than half an hour. Xiao Xuan kept silent and was so afraid in front of the bed that she let Su Mei vent.

After another half ring, the woman's sob gradually decreased. Xiao Xuan drew some paper towels on the bedside table, handed them to Su Mei, and said with a grin: "don't eat the horseshoe cake again. When it's cold, don't eat it!"

Su Mei wiped her tears and glared at Xiao Xuan. The smell of horseshoe cake was in her nose. Xiao Xuan was very bad. She didn't know when to carry the two-color horseshoe cake and swayed in front of her.

Xiao Xuan knew that Su Mei had finished crying, but it didn't mean she had forgotten to digest the bloody experience, but it was a good sign to cry and vent.

We should know that in the limit of human fear, crying is the lowest reaction. Being able to cry and laugh also shows that the mental reflex arc is still normal.

Thinking of this, in fact, Xiao Xuan admired Su Mei and changed to another woman. Oh, no, even a normal man, the scene yesterday was enough to spit out his stomach and become insane. Is it to cry today? I'm afraid I've been sent to a mental hospital.

Su Mei reached out to get the horseshoe cake in Xiao Xuan's hand, but Xiao Xuan flashed it open and said, "drink medicine first before you can eat dessert!"

Xiao Xuan's bad smile at the corner of his mouth was completely free from the murderous blood and cold in the night, just like a big boy next door. Su Mei even felt that Xiao Xuan was very warm at the moment.

I don't know if it's because she knows that if she doesn't drink medicine, Xiao Xuan won't leave and will keep pestering. Su Mei turned her head and took up the medicine bowl. She drank it all. There seems to be some anger in the action.

Xiao Xuan smiled and hurriedly handed the horseshoe cake. Su Mei looked at the beautiful horseshoe cake in the food box as if she was reluctant to eat. There were some strange lights in her red and swollen eyes.

"Don't worry! You bought it at the dessert shop you went to last time!" Xiao Xuan scratched his head and thought it was wrong, so he said.

How could Su Mei not know? This dessert shop is an old one. When she was a child, her mother often took her there. Mother always said that this horseshoe cake is a very important specialty of people's hometown. Every time the parents quarreled, the father was drunk and pointed to their mother and son, the mother would magically take out the horseshoe cake.

Just like Xiao Xuan today. But when she became an adult, no one brought out a plate of horseshoe cake when she was sad, just like the horseshoe cake in her mother's hand.

Xiao Xuan knew that Su Mei was thinking and didn't say much. She went to bed, lit a cigarette silently and puffed up.

"Let's get married!"

Su Mei's words suddenly sounded, which made old cigarette guns such as Xiao Xuan choke with a mouthful of smoke and cough red in the face.

"Are you all right?" Xiao Xuan fixed his eyes on Su Mei's face, as if to see whether the woman had a bad brain or was ill!

But although Su Mei's eyelids were swollen, her eyes were clear and bright. She didn't look like a psychotic at all.

"You have promised me before! Do you want to go back?" Su meibei bit her lips with her teeth.

Xiao Xuan can be sure at last. This woman is not crazy! From thinking about making him fake his boyfriend to the promotion of making him fake his husband, it is the embodiment of this woman's character that she can risk everything!

"You know, marriage can't be fake. Like your suitor who looks like a high-ranking son, it's estimated that he can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to check..." Xiao Xuan touched his nose and tried to persuade Su Mei, but he was interrupted before he finished.

"When did I say I would cheat? Don't think I'm as naive as you. When I say marriage, I just get a license!" Su Mei seemed to be cruel and determined.

Rao is Xiao xuansu to calm down. She is also a little silly. Is this woman serious?

"Girl, you know now, I'm not a good person at all. I'm murderous, flirtatious, lazy. I have almost no advantages except being handsome! You know, being handsome is not a little, it's easy to attract bees and butterflies..." Xiao Xuan tried to persuade him.

"I have nothing to do with whether you are good or not. It's just getting a marriage certificate!" Su Mei's cold voice had no emotion, just like talking about other people's affairs.

"Do you know who I am? A murderer! What if I kill you by mistake in the middle of the night?"

"That's just right, I'll be free!"


"Do you agree or not?"

Xiao XuanHuo went out, took out his assassin's mace and said, "you know, I'm lecherous. What if I peep at you and slap you one day?"

"I can kill myself! I'm just relieved."

"Since you want to die so much, is it interesting to drag me to pretend to be your husband?" Xiao Xuan had no choice, and the woman who didn't enter the oil and salt.

"People always cherish their lives. Maybe it's depressing enough now, but it won't make me despair. You can be the last straw that killed the camel and let me have the courage to die." Xiao Xuan was speechless when he said that he was so rational.

The two were silent for a while. Xiao Xuan knew that Su Mei meant that he would die and show him if he didn't agree!

For Xiao Xuan, what does it matter if a woman doesn't die? Will a master who can kill hundreds of people in the blink of an eye and can't even accelerate his heart beat care about a woman's death?

But this woman is Su Mei! Xiao Xuan couldn't bear it. Could he not bear such a beautiful woman, or could he not bear to repeat a picture in his mind? He can't tell himself.

Su Mei bit her lower lip with her upper teeth. She knew that Xiao xuanruo refused, and she had nothing to do. But Xiao Xuan only asked one question.

"Why me?"

"Because you're good enough!" Su Mei is a woman who can't lie.

Xiao Xuan smiled and turned out of the door, but his smile was a little bitter.

Su Mei looked at Xiao Xuan's back and suddenly felt a strong sense of guilt. After this period, she is willing to do her best to compensate Xiao Xuan, but now she really needs him. As Xiao Xuan asked, why is Xiao Xuan? Is it really just because Xiao Xuan is powerful enough?

Su Mei didn't dare to think about it herself.

"Xiao Xuan, I hope you don't use force to solve the problem in the future. You know, no matter how powerful you are, you're just a person. How can you resist by force in front of the country's sharp weapons?" Su Mei suddenly shouted to Xiao Xuan's back.

"Is this a concern for her future husband?" Xiao Xuan looked back at Su Mei and picked at the corners of his mouth.

Before Su Mei could answer, Xiao Xuan's mobile phone rang. Xiao Xuan frowned at the caller ID on her mobile phone

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