"Do you know what Wu Ling's occupation is?" Xiao Xuan knocked on Zhao Sixi's forehead and asked.

"Know, didn't you say that? Little reporter!" Zhao Sixi nodded.

"Do you know why she followed me?" Xiao xuanyang raised his chin and asked again.

"Secretly love you?"

"Get out!"

"Sixi, do things with your brain. Everything in the world is business, but the projects are different. The era of one cavity and two fists has passed!" Xiao Xuan said with a smile.

Zhao Sixi was silent for a moment and said, "brother, you have more thoughts than women. Where can I guess!"


Xiao Xuan was full of black lines and almost flew away from Zhao Sixi. But seeing Zhao Sixi's serious appearance, he could only sigh.

"Forget it, you go in and work! I'll go back first!" Xiao Xuan waved his hand and said helplessly.

Zhao Sixi nodded and said, "brother, you should come early tomorrow morning!" seeing Xiao Xuan nodding his head, he turned back to Odie.

Zhao Sixi is smart, loyal and progressive, but his age and experience are always less. Among the 20-year-old half boys, we can also calculate the class outstanding. But it's always much worse than Xiao Xuan.

It's impossible to have a tacit understanding with those old brothers of Xiao Xuan. Xiao Xuan only needs to say a word to the old brother, and the old brother can do other things well. But on Zhao Sixi's side, Xiao Xuan had to worry more and deal with everything in detail.

Xiao Xuan has a headache, but he also knows that Zhao Sixi is the product of pulling out seedlings to encourage him. He always has to give him time to digest and grow slowly. Maybe after one thing, Zhao Sixi will grow up.

After leaving Odie, Xiao Xuan looked at the time and drove to Su Mei's house. Anyway, Su Mei has been very face-saving today. She is soft and shows her heart. The man who became a husband on the first day must be generous!

When Xiao Xuan got home, it was already more than 11 p.m. according to common sense, sun Ma and Su Mei had already rested at this time.

But at this time, the light in the living room is on.

Xiao xuanhu opened the door suspiciously. As soon as he entered the living room, he was stunned.

The TV in the living room was playing boring news. Su Mei huddled on the sofa. Under the light, there were faint traces of crying on her beautiful face, and her tightly frowned eyebrows couldn't stretch out in her sleep.

The slim figure was shrunk and rolled into a ball, and the legs that could not be covered by the group of white pajamas were emitting a holy luster under the lamp.

She is like a sleeping beauty waiting for the prince in a fairy tale.

Xiao Xuan's heart pounded, and he felt a little pity. Xiao Xuan coughed gently twice. Su Mei woke up from her dream. Her sleepy eyes turned and looked at the direction of the gate. When she saw Xiao Xuan, she flashed on her pretty face with a look of surprise and joy.

"Are you waiting for me?" Xiao Xuan smiled and sat down in front of the sofa.

"No, No. I fell asleep when I was watching a TV play!" Su Mei bit her lips and her eyes twinkled.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said nothing. He knew that Su Mei must have left him alone on the way. She was uneasy waiting for him after she came back.

"Go to bed when you are sleepy! I have something else to do. I'll go out when I get something back!" said Xiao Xuan.

"Are you going to move? I know it's wrong for me to leave you halfway. But you bullied me first. No matter how angry I am, I won't leave you outside the suburbs. OK?" Su Mei somehow heard that Xiao Xuan wanted to take something. Her subconscious reaction was that Xiao Xuan wanted to take his luggage and leave here.

Xiao Xuan was stunned. Just for a moment, he said with a bad smile: "today is the first day of marriage. Do you want to keep your husband's Wedding Candle? Among the four joys of life, the wedding candle night is a first joy."

"I......" Su Mei bit her lips and blushed, but she didn't say anything. Su Mei is not the kind of woman who can hand over her body casually. Her spiritual cleanliness is doomed that she will be willing only if she falls in love with her. Even in front of Xiao Xuan, the man who took her for the first time.

Xiao Xuan was just joking. He came forward to pet Su Mei's hair and said, "don't worry, I'm lecherous, but I've never been strong! I have business to be busy. Odie will open tomorrow, and there are still some things to be busy! You have a rest first!"

"It's the first time you tell me about yourself! If you're in love, you must tell each other about your work?" Su Mei said thoughtfully. tqR1

Xiao Xuan saw Su Mei blinking her beautiful big eyes and asking innocent questions. It was another headache. A woman with such a high IQ is pitifully low.

"I don't mean to tell you. Didn't we agree to trust each other this afternoon? I don't want you to think much, so I'll make it clear to you!" Xiao Xuan blinked and said with a smile.

"Oh! I'll go up and have a rest first." Su Mei answered and turned to go upstairs.

After taking a few steps, he seemed to understand something. He looked suddenly and said with some uncertainty: "then pay attention to safety!"

"...." Xiao Xuan nodded, thinking that if he went on like this, he would certainly be able to train a couple who "respect each other like guests". As for raising the case and raising the eyebrows, I'm afraid there's no hope. Passion is impossible.

"Am I wrong?"

"No, I'm just not used to it!"

"Oh, I will practice how to care about people more in the future." Su Mei said seriously.

Xiao Xuan quickly nodded for fear that the woman might jump out another word or two to kill him, and hurriedly said, "well, go to bed!"

Su Mei ran upstairs with a blush on her face. She seemed a little shy.

Xiao Xuan watched Su Mei enter the room and sighed. He knows that Su Mei's growth environment, premature overload work and superior working environment have created the current Su Mei. Looks bright and capable, but in fact, she is just a shy little woman in her heart.

Work is only about purpose and means, and even should not be mixed with too many feelings. But feelings are not.

At this time, Su Mei could make such a change. Although she was very clumsy and even stupid, she was lovely in Xiao Xuan's view.

Xiao Xuan stood on the stairs and giggled. It was only after half a ring that he regained his consciousness and remembered the formal. Hurried back to the room and rushed into the bathroom to take a bath.

Bronze skin, tight muscles, no Qiu knot muscles, but there is a feeling of health and strength. The most amazing thing is that the wound on his shoulder has scabbed.

Xiao Xuan hurriedly washed, changed his clothes, left home and drove to the elegant riverside courtyard.

At ten in the morning, the lights in the small courtyard were bright, and the big street lights at the door seemed to be waiting for someone's arrival.

Xiao Xuan parked the car and knocked on the red wooden door of the courtyard. Soon, the red wooden door opened a gap. Xiao Xuan flashed in and said with a grin: "you're quite on time..."

Xiao Xuan stayed in the courtyard all night, and the lights in the courtyard were on all night.

At 8 a.m., when Xiao Xuan came out of the courtyard, he smiled with success. Back in the car, Xiao xuansi paid whether to go back to make up for his sleep, so he listened to the phone ring.

When Bai Yujiao called, Xiao Xuan immediately picked up the phone. Bai Yujiao's voice seemed very anxious. "Xiao Xuan, go and buy a copy of Nancheng morning post. There's going to be an accident! Is it all your reporter sister's good work? How can Odie start business today?"

Xiao Xuan was not surprised at all. He said calmly, "what's the hurry? Just open as you should! I'll deal with other things!"

"Xiao Xuan, you'd better read the contents of the newspaper!" Bai Yujiao seemed to smell the smell of conspiracy. She just thought about it. She didn't know what medicine Xiao Xuan sold in her gourd.

"I know!" Xiao Xuan hung up the phone. Not only was he not affected, but he was in a better mood. He whistled and sped all the way.

When passing a newspaper booth, Xiao Xuan stopped to buy a newspaper and bought a breakfast at the nearby stall. While eating, he looked at the contents of the newspaper. The title of Shuo DA in the financial sector was "the dark curtain behind ODI, the largest entertainment club in the South China Sea"!

Looking down, good guy, although I didn't say anything, I can point out that Odie has a black and astringent background. I'm afraid to operate gray projects, which will bring adverse social impact and social harm, etc! That big hat is enough for the public opinion to drive the police and industry and commerce to go to ODI to check.

Not only that, the new husband who intentionally or unintentionally points to an entrepreneur is the shareholder of ODI, and is more likely to be the leader of the black astringent Association. If you really find out, Odie's opening ceremony today will naturally be mixed up. The most important thing is that this fire may even burn in Yuya international.

However, such a large page reports such things, I'm afraid it's not just money that can handle it. The Su family can't make such a big noise with their money.

Xiao Xuan just thought a little and knew that the report was very interesting. At the beginning, he robbed Odie from a "boss". Although the boss didn't jump out again, it doesn't mean that the boss gave up.

And Qu Xiangyang, who hated him so much that he couldn't say whether he had participated or not.

After a rough look, Xiao Xuan threw away the newspaper, grinned, and muttered to himself, "Wu Ling, Wu Ling, I have a chance to compensate you this time!"

Then he felt out the phone, called Su Mei first, opened his mouth and said, "wife, did you read the newspaper? Someone framed your husband. Does your company have a lawyer? Lend it to me!"

When Su Mei received the call, she was really having breakfast and reading the newspaper. With her IQ, she couldn't see the mystery in the report. When she heard Xiao Xuan shouting slag, she said slowly, "OK, I'll let the lawyer contact you later."

Xiao Xuan didn't seem to expect Su Mei to agree so simply and asked, "wife, do you believe me so much? Don't ask me what I'm looking for a lawyer for?"

Su Mei hesitated and said, "believe it or not? Anyway, even if you screw up, I can handle it!"

"..." Xiao Xuan hung up the phone without a word. In Su Mei's eyes, his ability to handle affairs is limited to the realm of little white face tossing blindly! He has to play with beautiful hands. Let the woman see!

Su Mei, who hung up the phone, didn't have Xiao Xuan's bursting confidence. This report is a spark, but once the spark is manipulated by someone with a heart, it will start a prairie fire.

I don't know what Xiao Xuan will do. Su Mei pondered for a moment and dialed Zhang Yue's cell phone.

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