Su Mei was very efficient. In less than ten minutes, the chief lawyer of Yuya international called Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan simply chatted with the lawyer. After making an appointment to meet again, he drove to the meeting place.

On the way, Xiao Xuan's cell phone rang again. Unexpectedly, it was Huang Min, a rich woman.

"Beauty, come to talk to your brother early in the morning!" Xiao Xuan always likes to flirt with this familiar woman and beauty.

Huang Min's voice on the other end of the phone was a little tired. He didn't seem to have any mind to talk nonsense with Xiao Xuan. He said directly, "Xiao Xuan, I need your help!"

Xiao Xuan was silent for a moment and said, "I've had a lot of trouble. To tell you the truth, I'm too lazy to deal with more trouble!"

Huang Min on the other end of the phone obviously had a lot of shortness of breath, but after listening to Xiao Xuan's words, he said, "but you are such a charming woman. I can't bear to give up. Come on, what's the matter? Explain in advance. I don't have time to deal with other things today. I'm burning my ass!"

Huang Min said, "I'm not in a hurry today. You're burning your ass? Can I help you?"

Xiao Xuan thought for a moment and said, "help? No need to help. There's something I want to talk about cooperation with you! But I don't have time to talk now. I'll talk to you tonight!"

Huang Min answered and hung up. On weekdays, she looks a little haggard at this time with exquisite makeup. Sitting in the office, she looked through the newspaper just delivered. When she saw the report on the financial board, she frowned and muttered to herself: "it seems that the boy's saying that burning his ass is not a lie..."

After a few words, the door Secretary knocked on the door, came in and said respectfully, "Mr. Huang, Mr. Bai of Canlian company sent an invitation!"

"Put it down!" Huang Min said, pointing to the wide desk.

"Also, there is a message from the police that no reliable information has been found for the time being!" said the secretary.

Huang Min snorted and said, "when they find out the news, I Huang Min has been lying in the morgue!"

After saying that, he seemed to feel that his emotions should not be released. He waved his hand in front of the Secretary and said, "you arranged to send two salutes and four flower baskets to ODI bar! In addition, help me meet the Minister of publicity department and the deputy director of the Bureau of culture respectively. I'll see them in the morning!"

"In what name?" tqr1

"I Huang Min want to see them. What name do you want?" Huang Min's arrogance in an instant makes people have an impulse to worship.

"OK, I'll do it right away!" the secretary turned and walked out of the office.

Huang Min stood up and looked out of the window with blurred eyes. "If you want to take it first, you must give it first! Just don't know how the guy who knows how to wave his fist will deal with it!"


In the Golden Jade box in Wufu building, Su Muyou, Qu Xiangyang and a fat middle-aged man are having a drink.

"Editor Liu, it's really hard for you this time. Come on, it's delicious and delicious. You're welcome. In addition, you have prepared a small gift. Don't dislike it!" Su Muyou said to the middle-aged man, pointing to the table full of delicious food with a smile.

"Qu Shao, Su Shao, you are so polite!" Liu Zhenhe quickly stood up and said with a smile.

"Editor Liu, this report is well written! It's up to standard! Your reporter is also very good. He can take such internal photos!"

Su Muyou's praise made Liu Zhenhe nervous and polite.

Qu Xiangyang, who was sitting on the throne, didn't know why he looked at Su when he was nomadic. His eyes had the smell of looking at idiots. His heart is even colder. If the fire doesn't work well, even Yuya will get into trouble. Su Muyou looks excited. He's really an idiot.

"In fact, it's not all my credit. I didn't expect that after the report was published, it was allowed to be published!" Liu Zhenhe is just the editor in chief of a local newspaper. He knows very well that if he doesn't have professional convenience in his identity, he can't climb up these dignitaries in the capital all his life.

Su Muyou was stunned when he heard the speech. He looked at Qu Xiangyang and thought there was something behind Qu Xiangyang.

Qu Xiangyang didn't speak, but a little doubt flashed in his eyes. He was soon relieved that Xiao Xuan was so domineering and must have made many enemies. Someone saw that Xiao Xuan was about to be straightened out. It was normal to open one eye and close the other. Just this, he won't tell Su Muyou. Let them think it's his ability to bend Xiangyang, better.

"Come, eat, eat!" Qu Xiangyang pointed to the full table and said with a smile.

As soon as Liu Zhenhe smiled and wanted to speak, his mobile phone rang. After answering the phone, the surface of Liu Zhenhe river was like ashes, and the sound lines were unstable. He swallowed his saliva hard and said, "Qu Shao, Su Shao, you have to help me!"

"What happened?"

"Odie sent a lawyer's letter to the newspaper, to sue, to sue the newspaper, to sue me, to sue all the people involved in this report!"

"The reaction was quite quick! Unexpectedly, he dared to sue the newspaper!" Qu Xiangyang said thoughtfully.

"Just Sue. What are you afraid of? You're just reporting the truth! Besides, there's no real meaning in this kind of lawsuit." Su Muyou rolled his eyes.

Liu Zhenhe's got a cold sweat on his forehead. This report is not without exaggeration. People in black say it's black astringent? Odie can also be said to be a security guard!

And if there is a lawsuit, whether he wins or loses, he will be the editor in chief.

"Editor Liu, don't worry! If this matter really affects you, I will personally compensate you two million!" Qu Xiangyang said quietly.

When Liu Zhenhe heard this, he calmed down a little. But the phone rang again and again, and the bell was like killing and chasing souls, which made Liu Zhenhe's just stable heart jump again.

"What? I see... I'll go back right away..."

When Liu Zhenhe hung up the phone again, his face was ugly and seemed to be twisted into a ball. "They sent a lawyer's letter to the local popularity forum and began to hire a navy to fuel the fire! And they have filed a lawsuit to the court!"

"..." Su Muyou was stunned and felt something wrong. Did Xiao Xuan react too quickly? In an entertainment club, it's like having a professional public relations team. Oh, no, it's a super first-class emergency team.

Qu Xiangyang had completely reacted. As soon as he patted the table, he stood up and angrily said, "is he right? We were Yin by this boy!"

"What do you mean?" Liu Zhenhe completely took Qu Xiangyang as a straw.

"Xiao Xuan set up a trap to deliberately let your people take these photos. Even he had guessed the possible content of this article. He waited for the report to come out and fight back! We were all deceived by him!"

"What? Did Xiao Xuan catch the reporter and plot against him?" Su Muyou was surprised.

"The policy is not necessarily, but it is certain that the reporter was used by Xiao Xuanli!" Qu Xiangyang sighed.

If Xiao Xuan had been prepared, everything would not have happened as expected. Qu Xiangyang is arrogant, but he will not underestimate his opponents, especially those who have let him eat flat for many times.

"What should I do now?"

"Act according to the original plan! Doesn't it mean that Odie will open today? Make a big fuss and let the police check Odie! Mix up their opening first!"

"You're right. Since there is such a report, the police should check it. I'll arrange it now!" Su Muyou rubbed his fingers and turned and went out.

Liu Zhenhe also understood. Listening to Qu Xiangyang's words, he scolded his mother in his heart. He is clearly an outcast.

If Xiao Xuan sued the newspaper and showed extraordinary strength, the newspaper would be more careful when reporting any information about Xiao Xuan in the future. So he Liu Zhenhe is useless to Qu Xiangyang? For the newspaper, Liu Zhenhe, as the editor in chief of the reviewer, has made such a big mess. Can he not come out and be a scapegoat? Who cares if he has reported the report for approval!

"Qu Shao?" Liu Zhenhe looked at Qu Xiangyang with a begging look.

Qu Xiangyang sighed and took out a chapter of the check from his arms.

Liu Zhenhe was a little relieved to see Qu Xiangyang write a check, but when he received the check, his face was ugly again. "Qu Shao, didn't he say, say two million?"

Qu Xiangyang shrugged helplessly and said, "you see, things are not going well. I have to spend a lot of money to wrong you. 500000 is enough for you to use for a while, isn't it?"

After that, Qu Xiangyang turned and left. Liu Zhenhe was left gnashing his teeth, half dead with anger, vomited a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground with a thud.

In other words, Liu Zhenhe had a cerebral hemorrhage and was paralyzed in the hospital... I won't mention it later

After meeting with the lawyer, Xiao Xuan returned to Odie. It was noon. There were eight hours before he was ready to start business at 8 p.m.

But at this time, the news about ODI has been very hot in this small city in the South China Sea.

Zhao Sixi and Bai Yujiao were stunned when they got all kinds of reports from the brothers below. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xuan played so beautifully that the original blow to Odie turned into publicity in the twinkling of an eye.

It's just that there are too many variables in this matter. Bai Yujiao is still worried about the disturbance of the police. Although Xiao Xuan seems to have a good relationship with the police, when such a big news comes out, it's sooner or later for the police to come to ODI. If they are urged to come at the opening ceremony, they will still lose face.

Bai Yujiao was worried. A brother ran in outside, "brother Sixi, the police are coming..."

Zhao Sixi and Bai Yujiao looked at each other and smiled bitterly together. What else did Xiao Xuan not calculate?!

They went out together, but Xiao Xuan smiled and leaned against ODI's gate. Looking at Cai Yuan who came down from the police car, they said with a smile: "Captain Cai, long time no see! You led the team in person? Check it for us quickly, so as to block those smelly mouths that spray feces!"

Cai Yuan snorted and said coldly, "I'm a policeman. Naturally, I will act impartially!"

"Yes, be fair! Be fair!"


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