Xiao Xuan threw him out of the window, smiled and said, "I love flirting. You don't know. I'm not looking forward to helping you out. See if you'll be grateful and throw yourself into arms..."

Before Xiao Xuan's voice fell, the car shook and accelerated abruptly, like an arrow flying out of the string! This is a road with dense traffic. Huang Min stepped on the accelerator with an expressionless face, just like rushing to reincarnation.

Xiao Xuan touched his chin. From the first time he saw Huang Min, this woman looked calm in the chest. From time to time, she would tease Xiao Xuan with a few words. She had never been so quiet as today. But at this time, she was very worried.

The speed was getting faster and faster. Xiao Xuan inexplicably felt a dangerous signal and picked his eyebrows. It suddenly occurred to him that he was driving a Mercedes Benz newly mentioned by Bai Yujiao today. Huang Min should not know the Mercedes Benz. Hurriedly asked, "you hit my car just now, not on purpose, because the brake is broken?!"

Huang Min didn't speak and still drove his fast car through the road.

Xiao Xuan blew his hair. NIMA's brake broke. You even increased the speed to 100 yards. Are you really in a hurry to reincarnate? Nima can't hold him in the reincarnation, can she?

"Aunt, what do you want? You said I didn't recruit you or provoke you. I was kind enough to help you out, but you wanted to kill me!" Xiao Xuan grinned and cried.

"Don't pretend! You're afraid of death?" Huang Min looked at Xiao Xuan calmly and said coldly.

"Er... I'm really scared to death!" Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes. If Su Mei is three points more beautiful than Huang Min, Huang Min is five points smarter than Su Mei. This shrewdness is in Eq.

Su Mei and Huang Min are evil women with intelligence quotient and Chengfu in shopping malls. Su Mei gives Xiao Xuan a headache, not to mention Huang Min, who is higher and more invisible in emotional intelligence.

The roaring wind at the side of the window indicates the abnormal speed of the car. The curses of other vehicle drivers on the road are submerged in the wind. Huang Min drives the car at a loss. It seems that she doesn't know what end the car will drive to!

Xiao Xuan sighed and said softly, "turn right and go up Qingshan Avenue!"

Huang Min still had no expression on her beautiful cheeks, but her eyes were a little red. Just halfway along the green light, she suddenly hit the steering wheel and turned the car to Qingshan Avenue.

The traffic flow on Castle Peak Avenue is much smaller, but the Land Rover running at a speed of 100 yards on the streets is still very eye-catching.

"Turn right again and drive up the green hill!" although the car almost hit other cars several times, Xiao Xuan was still very calm and said to Huang Min slowly. tqR1

"Up the green hill?" Huang Min seemed to suddenly return to his mind. Castle Peak is the highest mountain in Nanhai City, steep and rugged. Don't mention that the car has no brakes. Even if there are brakes, you have to be very careful when driving up the green hill.

"Yes, enjoy a thrill before the car is destroyed and people die!" Xiao Xuan smiled very strangely.

Huang Min was silent again, but he really drove his car up the green hill. On the rugged mountain road, a crazy Land Rover crashed... Several times in a row, the tires were hanging out of the roadside, and half of the tires were suspended on the cliff. Among them, the thrilling is no less than a race between life and death!

Xiao Xuan sighed again, still unmoved, calmly lit a cigarette again.

At the second fork in the mountain road, Xiao Xuan suddenly opened his mouth and said, "turn right!"

Huang Min's forehead has begun to have dense beads of sweat, and the brush with death again and again has changed her heart. When she heard Xiao Xuan's voice, she didn't think any more and just did it according to Xiao Xuan's meaning.

But I didn't expect that after turning right, there was a large expanse of wasteland. On the right side of the wasteland was a cliff and on the left was a mountain wall, which felt like a glimmer of heaven. As if you can't see the end, the car roars like it's going to drive from here to the end of death.

Huang Min is in a trance. The steering wheel in her hand seems to be out of control. The car unconsciously leans towards the edge of the cliff, and Huang Min is unaware of it.

Just half of the car's tires were suspended, and the car began to swing, as if it was going to fall into a cliff.

Xiao Xuan picked his eyebrows, grabbed the steering wheel and broke it. The wheel turned sharply and hit the mountain wall.

Xiao Xuan's hand kept grasping the steering wheel and kept turning. The car like a runaway beast became more and more obedient in his "animal trainer".

The car constantly collides and rubs against the mountain wall, and the metal body is constantly rubbed with sparks. Millions of refitted luxury cars are made by Xiao Xuan as a rag to wipe the wall, regardless of whether the owner is distressed or not!

It is this frictional resistance that makes the speed slow down. When the speed dropped almost, Xiao Xuan hit the steering wheel again.

With a loud bang, the front of the car hit the mountain wall heavily. The car vibrated violently, and the speed inertia force seemed to throw both of them out of the front of the car.

But a luxury car is a luxury car. The airbag slammed open and stuck Huang Min in his seat.

Huang Min's brain was blank. There was an illusion of suffocation, which made her face red, gasping heavily, and her mind was full of if

"Is this feeling very sour?" Xiao Xuan smiled at Huang Min, who lost her color. He was not busy solving difficulties, but asked in a strange way.

Huang Min didn't speak or move. Her eyes were empty for a long time before she came back to her senses. She didn't have a good airway: "don't you help me open this damn airbag..."

Xiao Xuan knew that Huang Min's anger had been vented. With a grin, he fixed the airbag and rescued the beauty.

"Xiao Xuan, aren't you afraid of death?" Huang Min walked out of the deformed car, stood on the edge of the cliff, breathed heavily, turned his head and looked at Xiao Xuan, who was smoking and looked unchanged from beginning to end.

"I'm scared to death!" Xiao Xuan shrugged and didn't have a good way.

Huang Min looked at Xiao Xuan apologetically, or someone else. Her wayward emotional behavior today may lead to a serious car accident. Xiao Xuan didn't even blame him. Huang Min can't see through the little man in front of her.

The wind was strong on the mountain, and Huang Min's clothes que was floating. He took two steps to Xiao Xuan, stretched out his jade hand, Leng Buding took Xiao Xuan's arm, said in a low voice: "let me lean on for a while!"

Then the whole person and the whole charming body retracted into Xiao Xuan's arms, like a wronged cat, trying to seek a little warmth.

Xiao Xuan lost his cigarette butt and let a few strands of women's hair stir on his face with the wind. Xiangyu is full of fragrance and elegant women smell, but there is no burning of lust.

"I don't know how to talk and comfort people. Don't cry again. I can only comfort you with action!" Xiao Xuan felt that the clothes on his chest were getting hotter and hotter. He was so immortal.

Huang Min looked up at Xiao Xuan. A little anger flashed on her beautiful face with pear flowers and rain. The action of holding Xiao Xuan's clothes tightly with a jade hand made her blush and feel pity for her.

Xiang Huang Min, a woman who often carries the Queen's fan'er, rarely lets her see such a weak side. At this time, it is particularly distressing.

"How can you comfort me with your heart?" Huang Min's voice was dumb and unspeakable temptation.

Xiao Xuan smiled badly, bowed his head and kissed the tears in her eyes, and said in a low voice: "like this..."

Huang Min slowly closed her eyes. Her hot lips left traces on her forehead, corners of her eyes and cheeks. Just as she was about to kiss her flower lips, Huang Min stretched out a finger and blocked her red lips.

Xiao Xuan tilted the corners of his mouth and paused. He put his arms around Huang Min, as if he wanted to pass some power to Huang min.

Huang Min seemed to be fully aware of Xiao Xuan's meaning. Her eyes showed some emotion, but she soon drowned in the depths of her eyes.

"You must think I Huang Min is a dissolute woman?" Huang Min resumed her composure, looked at Xiao Xuan and said.

Xiao Xuan sneered and said, "how do I think it's not important, right? You are you and won't change because of my view! So why do you ask me what I think?"

"Are you really only in your twenties? Or are you an old monster who has had cosmetic surgery?" Huang Min's jade hand climbed up Xiao Xuan's face and fingertips stroked Xiao Xuan's outline bit by bit.

Xiao Xuan was not in much mood. He played deeply with the amorous young woman here, picked his eyebrows, smiled and said, "I don't need it for the Cultural Bureau, but thank you for doing it."

Before Huang Min could speak, her mobile phone buzzed. After answering the phone, she frowned and said, "go with me to a place!"

Xiao Xuan looked at the time and said, "my wife is still waiting for me to eat, sleep and shoot! Will it be bad if I go with you?"

"Who are you kidding? I'm sure the iceberg beauty will not make out with you when you go home. I think you might as well go with me. Maybe it will solve my problem. When I'm in a good mood, I'll fight you..."

"What do you want to fight?" the waxy voice, with endless seduction, Xiao Xuan felt a hot rush to his brain. As soon as Huang Min's evil woman returned to normal, she could stir up his men's cells.

"What do you want to fight?" Huang Min smiled like a flower, Mei into the bone marrow.

"..." Xiao Xuan was so thirsty that he didn't dare to say any more. He was afraid that he would put the woman in the wilderness.

Xiao Xuan's embarrassment made Huang Min proud for a while. After he sent a text message with his mobile phone, he spoke slowly and said, "someone will pick us up later. My Land Rover has been abandoned by you. Don't you feel a little guilty?"

Xiao Xuan turned his head and asked, "I saved my life. Don't you have the impulse to promise me by example?"

Huang Min giggled and said, "OK, I promise you by example. Now you go back to divorce your wife and marry me!"


When they got here, they were suddenly silent. Huang Min's eyes twinkled. He didn't know what he was thinking, and Xiao Xuan didn't know what kind of thoughts he was in

On the open mountain, silence will be destroyed by the wind and will not be embarrassing.

The silence was not broken until the bus to pick up the people arrived.

Huang Min pulled Xiao Xuan's hand and dragged Xiao Xuan into the car. Xiao Xuan was a little stuffy and didn't say a word.

Huang Min said to the driver, "go to the old house!"

Xiao Xuan looked at Huang Min suspiciously and asked, "what old house?"

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