When Xiao Xuan followed Huang Min to the mysterious old house, Li Shuanghong and others were also making a final struggle. tqR1

The three mysterious shareholders who sell dog meat with sheep's head also appeared in the Li family courtyard.

"Brothers, let's have a word! Although we have gathered for profit, I don't want to drag you down even if we want to spread for profit for so many years!" Li Shuanghong holds a big tea cup in her hand, some like a bad old man in the countryside.

"Don't drag your hands. If you don't drag yourself! This time, the people from the Provincial Discipline Inspection came in a strange way. I inquired about it. I'm afraid it has something to do with the Secretary of the municipal Party committee. There have been four or five double rules in the past two days. I'm not calm!"

"Forget it. It's really difficult for Lao Li. I also inquired about the 'horse noodle organization'. The international thieves have powerful means and don't know how they can target the people in our small town. I also checked Xiao Xuan. The files are clean and ordinary. I can't find any connection between the two sides. We can only swallow it. We can't let Lao Li's white haired people send black haired people!"

"It's also a good choice for Lu to take over. Lu Changshui's roots are in Nanhai City, and it will be better controlled in the future! Lao Li, in addition to the share of money we should pay for the transfer of shares, I personally am willing to take another three million yuan."

Each of the three shareholders spoke, and Li Shuanghong listened calmly. He knew it would be the result. Yes, the three shareholders chose to give him up.

Li Shuanghong knows very well that for the three shareholders with official background, it doesn't matter who is the major shareholder of the company, as long as they can control the major shareholder. Three million, just want to appease him, Li Shuanghong, it's just a joke.

"I will give you five percent of the shares to ensure that you have the largest share of the company, and you can always get three of the company as a controlling company. But I want to make five percent of the shares. I want to have one hundred million. The Phoenix is not as good as the chicken. Can I finish the old man has the final say with your old brother?" Li Shuanghong did not want to speak out again, directly. After dominating Nanhai city for so many years, he fell off the altar and had no money. He was afraid that he would die.



The three shareholders looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and one said: "Lao Li, you know, we can't get that much money now. How about paying you in three years? In addition, I've been on a business trip to an emirate in the Middle East and have some friendship with the emirate there. If you like, I can arrange for you to live there after the matter is over. The scenery and people there are very beautiful and suitable for old-age care!"

Li Shuanghong was silent again. After a long time, he shook his head slightly and said, "leaves fall to their roots, I won't go!"

The old fox doesn't know that people despise themselves in a foreign land. Moreover, he doesn't believe these three shareholders. If he really goes to the emirate, he will cut me for fish. Don't say money or come back at that time, his life may not be guaranteed.

On the contrary, in the South China Sea, he knows too much about the secrets of these three people. He is the only one who is safe. As for Xiao Xuan, Li Shuanghong is not sure whether there is a relationship between Ma Mian and Xiao Xuan, but he always feels that Xiao Xuan will not kill him if he gives money to Ma Mian.

Or we all know that it is a great difficulty. Several people have different ideas and are in a nervous mood. The conversation is not pleasant.

Before long, the three shareholders left for an excuse.

Li Shuanghong looked at the back of the three people leaving, and knew that he had fallen flat and could not return to the sky. Silently took out his mobile phone and dialed Lu Changshui.

After hearing Li Shuanghong's phone call, Lu Changshui was a little embarrassed and immediately dialed Xiao Xuan.

Xiao xuanzheng was sitting in Huang Min's limousine. Seeing Lu Changshui's phone, he answered it.

"Xiao Xuan, Li Shuanghong changed his mind and only agreed to sell 46% of the shares. I guess he wants to ensure that the remaining shareholders can always exceed our shares after the joint stock, so as to ensure that the control of the company is in their hands!" Lu Changshui, also an old fox in the mall, said to the point.

Xiao Xuan thought for a moment and said softly, "never mind, just talk to him at 46 percent!"

Hearing Xiao Xuan's tone, Lu Changshui seemed confident and asked, "you have countermeasures long ago?"

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "with the background of Shuanghong group, the other shareholders will definitely not allow the largest shareholder to be uncontrollable. So I have calculated for a long time. You can rest assured!"

Lu Changshui whispered a "demon" and hung up the phone. He didn't ask Xiao Xuan about his specific plan. According to his many years of business experience, there was something strange about the acquisition of Shuanghong group.

Lu Changshui knew that things had something to do with the exchange of blood in the underground world. He looked at Xiao Xuan's actions in Nanhai city and had a kind of trust in Xiao Xuan. Moreover, he didn't need his investment in the early stage, but just negotiated, and he didn't want to ask too much. In other words, he didn't want to know too many secrets about Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan looked at his mobile phone and suddenly became more interested in Lu Changshui, an old fox. The corners of his mouth couldn't help raising.

Huang Min looked at Xiao Xuan's young face, full of confidence in his hands. She was inexplicably infected and curious. She could see that Xiao Xuan was different, but she didn't know what kind of experience would make him so outstanding.

"Aren't you tired of doing so many things?" Huang Min asked with a smile.

"I have nothing to do in my spare time. I don't want to be famous or rich. I just want to be happy with the women and friends around me. Compared with my previous life, now I just play with children and pretend to be family wine." Xiao Xuan grinned and stabbed.

Huang Min didn't think Xiao Xuan was forced to talk big. On the contrary, in the tone in which Xiao Xuan said this, she heard a bit of man's vicissitudes.

Is this really a little man in his twenties? Xiao Xuan can't hear Huang Min's abdominal Fei. If he hears it, Xiao Xuan will strongly ask him to take off his clothes and let Huang Min touch his bones to test himself to prove his age

Huang Min's driver drove his car all the way and drove into an old manor in the suburbs, which was the style of the Republic of China.

From buildings to decoration style, and even flowers and trees, it is the style of the Republic of China.

As soon as he entered the manor, Xiao Xuan keenly found that there were more than ten waves, even several directions, and there were strong killing opportunities. It was obvious that there were experts in charge.

Xiao Xuan looked at Huang Min in doubt again. He didn't understand what Huang Min brought him here for.

For Huang Min, he is at most a familiar stranger. He doesn't think Huang Min has any reason to let him access these secrets belonging to Huang Min and even the Huang family.

"You promised me that you would do me a favor, even if it was dangerous, right?" Huang Min's eyes pressed Xiao Xuan's eyes, as if to determine the sense of trust between each other.

Xiao Xuan frowned and said, "I just think we don't seem to know each other so well!"

Huang Min obviously understood Xiao Xuan's words and said, "yes, but you are different from others. Others may plot, and you can only plot my body at most!"

"Is that a compliment? Aren't you afraid that I plot your Tingfeng group? Just like I plot the double red group!" Xiao Xuan half squinted at Huang min.

"If I even gave you my body, what would the Tingfeng group be?" Huang Min licked her lips, her voice very tempting.

Xiao Xuan shrugged and said, "the more I say, the more I feel like I'm on my way to xiaobailian, the farther I go?"

"Cluck... Would you like to be the little white face of your sister?" Huang Min approached Xiao Xuan's face. The hot breath hit Xiao Xuan's face, and the red lips were less than half a centimeter from Xiao Xuan's cheek.

Xiao Xuan's condescending eyes swept Huang Min's white and tender neck. The hills and gullies along his neck slowly became a little more hot in his eyes.

Huang Min smiled proudly, but Xiao Xuan said faintly, "I used to like such a deal, but now I don't like it so much. But this time, I'm willing to make such a deal with you. Because you, Huang Min, are evil, beautiful and coquettish..."

As soon as Xiao Xuan said this, the car obviously shook, as if the driver was surprised by Xiao Xuan's words. Fortunately, he arrived at his destination soon. The car stopped and the driver hurried out of the car.

"You are still so vulgar! But I like it!" Huang Min's hand crossed Xiao Xuan's lips enchanting, and said without shame or annoyance.

Xiao Xuan shrugged, got off and looked at the building in front of him. After glancing at a three story gray building, Xiao Xuan at least determined four dark posts.

After Huang Min got out of the car, he took Xiao Xuan to the door of the small building. There was a triple lock at the door, a fingerprint key and a pupil scan.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw two doctors and two nurses, and an old man with gray hair lying in bed.

The old man didn't know whether he was in a coma or in a coma.

"Huang Dong, the old man's situation is getting worse and worse." the doctor looked at Xiao Xuan warily. After Huang Min nodded his consent, he said in a deep voice.

Xiao Xuan glanced at the old man on the bed, came forward to touch the old man's wrist, half a ring, and said, "Perkins syndrome, a world-class incurable disease, it's no use for you to come to me!"

About half a minute later, Xiao Xuan picked his eyebrows and said, "are you still poisoned? But if you are poisoned, you should also find a doctor to detoxify. What do you want me to do?"

Huang Min's surprise was beyond measure. His small mouth grew into an O shape. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xuan touched the old man's wrist without the help of any instrument, and even said the disease. Is this guy still a doctor?

"Can you see my father's illness?" Huang Min exclaimed.

Xiao Xuan raised his eyelids and asked, "why did you bring me here?"

"Hehe, young sir, although I don't know how you can see the old man's disease, I know you will certainly use the guise of traditional Chinese medicine. I tell you very clearly that I don't welcome traditional Chinese medicine! I think it's better not to make trouble for the old man's body at this time without people waiting!" one of the doctors said strangely, There was an inexplicable hostility in his tone.

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