Xiao Xuan glanced at the doctor without expression. Unexpectedly, he was not angry, and his eyes showed thoughtful eyes.

The old man Xiao Xuan in the hospital bed didn't know him, but he looked familiar. He finally remembered that he had seen him on the China News Network a few years ago.

Xiao Xuan didn't expect Huang Min's father to be such a heavy man. It is more difficult to imagine what it means for people of this level to appear in a coma in this small town in the South China Sea.

Xiao Xuan didn't get angry because he didn't want to mix it up.

But Huang Min didn't find Xiao Xuan's mood change. Jiao Sheng shouted to the doctor, "Doctor Liu, please be polite!"

Liu Xiang narrowed his eyes and didn't speak again. He just looked at Xiao Xuan warily.

Huang Min turned around, took Xiao Xuan's hand and said excitedly, "Xiao Xuan, tell me, can you see a doctor?"

Xiao Xuan opened his mouth and sighed. He didn't speak. He couldn't bear to say no to a woman who began to worship him blindly.

Huang Min looked at Xiao Xuan's expression and fainted. She smiled with self mockery. She was also ill and rushed to the doctor. Xiao Xuan and the doctor couldn't relate to each other at all. I don't know how she suddenly mistook Xiao Xuan for a miracle doctor.

"In fact, I came to you for another thing!" Huang Min said in a low voice.

Xiao Xuan said, completely ignoring Liu Xiang's contemptuous eyes again.

"You come with me!" Huang Min took Xiao Xuan to the second floor. Took Xiao Xuan to the second floor.

As soon as he went upstairs, Xiao Xuan was stunned. There were more than a dozen policemen on the whole second floor. He thought the movement on the second floor was made by bodyguards. At this time, when he saw that it was the police, Xiao Xuan knew what Huang Min was looking for him.

"My father secretly moved into the old house only three days ago. In the past three days, people have been sneaking into the small building. Although different alarms have been triggered every time and they are scared away, I am still very worried. They are coming for my father. I think... I want you to see if you can find these people!" Huang Min briefly explained the situation.

"I can help you with this! But how do you know that I can find these people?" Xiao Xuan asked with a smile.

Huang Min shook her head blankly. In fact, she also asked herself this question. The answer is that she is not sure whether Xiao Xuan can find out the intruder, but it is undeniable that she knows that what Xiao Xuan can't do in Nanhai city may be difficult for others. There is no denying that she has a blind trust in Xiao Xuan in her subconscious mind.

This blind trust is as mysterious as the inexplicable good or bad feelings between people.

Xiao Xuan nodded slightly, as if he understood Huang Min's thoughts, and didn't ask any more questions. I walked around on the second floor.

Because it was Huang Min who brought it on his own initiative, Xiao Xuan's walking was not blocked by the police. But when Xiao Xuan was about to enter a sundry room at the corner of the second floor, someone stopped Xiao Xuan.

"The police are handling cases inside. You can't go in!" he said in plain clothes with black framed glasses.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "I just go in and have a look. Don't worry!"

"Soot may damage the physical evidence at the scene. Please don't go in!"

Xiao Xuan frowned, crushed out the cigarette end, threw it into the corner and asked, "can you go in now?"

The man with black glasses wanted to talk, but he heard a heavy voice from the room saying, "let him in!"

Xiao Xuan shrugged and strode in regardless of the anger of the man with black glasses.

Four or five plainclothes inside were busy with various criminal investigation instruments. Obviously, the judgment of the police was the same as that of Xiao Xuan. The intruders came in from this sundry room.

"You can look at it casually, but please don't touch it!" the speaker was a middle-aged man with a national face. He was looking around with a magnifying glass.

Xiao Xuan knew that these technical people smelled hard and didn't say much. He just nodded and his eyes began to turn around.

"Hiss..." Xiao Xuan went to the windowsill, looked at a lump of glass glue on the glass window, and took a breath.

"It's just a piece of glass glue. What's good?" the only female technician in the room seemed to pay close attention to Xiao Xuan. This attention may be more dissatisfied. At this time, seeing Xiao Xuan's eyes, he said with a sneer.

Xiao Xuan turned his head and glanced at the woman. He smiled. He turned his head and touched the glass glue. He soon tore off the "glass glue".

"Beauty, this piece of glass glue you said is an m-xy47 bug. It is the latest military scientific research product in the Middle East. It has not been officially put into production. Generally, there are no two such things on the black market!"

"Hehe, you can still play..." the woman in plain clothes was half dumb.

Xiao Xuan rubbed his fingers and tore the glass glue from the middle. Sure enough, the chip device as thin as a cicada's wing was exposed!

"You, how do you know?" the woman blushed in plain clothes. Even the middle-aged man with a national face came over and looked at Xiao Xuan warily.

Xiao Xuan could not tell her that the military scientific research in the Middle East was comparable to that in the United States, let alone these people. He had more contacts with the military in the Middle East than he could count. tqR1

Xiao Xuanshun threw the stuff in his hand to guozilian and said, "change the secret service. You can't solve the things here!"

After saying that, regardless of the expression that Guozi's face almost lost his eyes, he turned and walked out of the room.

Huang Min knew that Xiao Xuan must have found something when she saw Xiao Xuan walking into the utility room. She was curious about how Xiao Xuan did it. The police technicians checked it all day before they determined the sundry room, but Xiao Xuan just turned around and recognized it!

Seeing Xiao Xuan coming out, Huang Min hurriedly greeted him and asked, "did you find anything?"

Xiao Xuan nodded and said, "this group of infiltrators, I can help you deal with it. But the root of the problem, I can't help you solve it. I don't know what happened!"

Huang Min smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know why. Half a month ago, my father suddenly fell into a coma and began to have accidents at home. I was worried about my father's safety and took my father to Nanhai."

"Then you can only wait for your father to wake up!" Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrow.

"Where is it so easy? In Yanjing, my father has received professional examination and treatment, but he didn't find anything!"

Xiao Xuan touched his chin and said as he walked with Huang Min, "this transaction has lost money. It's not a bad thing for you to invest some spare money in Shuanghong group and shareholders, but I want to take over such a big mess!"

"You mean you can cure my father's disease?" Huang Min was excited again.

"Oh, don't be fooled, Mr. Huang. How can you trust him because Yanjing professional institutions can't find out the cause?"

Xiao Xuan and Huang Min unknowingly go back to the first floor. Liu Xiang listens to their conversation. Liu Xiang opens his mouth and mocks again.

"It can't be cured, because it's element astatine at poisoning." Xiao Xuan looked up and said faintly. His clear eyes seemed to penetrate Liu Xiang.

Liu Xiang was stunned. For a moment, his expression was very complex. He looked at Xiao Xuan contemptuously and said, "you fart. I've been a private doctor for the old man for so many years. I know the old man's living habits very well. How can he be poisoned, or this radioactive element poison."

Xiao Xuan sneered. He strode forward and grabbed Liu Xiang's neck. His knuckles turned white. It was like he was going to break this guy's neck immediately, but his mouth was slow. He said, "don't install it for me. Is I the most annoying dog like you?"

Xiao Xuan's sudden rudeness stunned everyone, including Huang min.

Liu Xiang blushed because he was suffocating and couldn't say a word for a long time.

"I'd like to break your neck, but I'm afraid the floor will be dirty!" Xiao Xuan threw out his big hand, and Liu Xiang hit the wall like a broken kite.

When Liu Xiang fell to the ground, he didn't feel any pain below his neck at all. As a doctor, he suddenly reacted and cried, "you broke my spine... Asshole, devil... Why did you break my spine? What evidence do you have..."

"I never tell evidence! If you force him, I'll break your teeth." Xiao Xuan snorted contemptuously and looked at Liu Xiang like a dead dog.

Huang Min was the first time to see Xiao Xuan's completely undisguised hegemony. Although she was a little surprised, she didn't react much. As a smart woman, she knew that Xiao Xuan was invited by her. At this time, no matter what Xiao Xuan did, she must support her.

What's more, the people here have no grudge against Xiao Xuan. Xiao Xuan has his own reason to start. Huang Min's IQ can't imagine such a simple logic.

The other doctor and two nurses were alarmed. They were so frightened that they shouted loudly. They didn't know where Xiao Xuan appeared. If they didn't agree, they would make people half paralyzed. As the host, Huang Min didn't even say a word of objection.

"I, we don't know, we don't know anything..."

"We were temporarily arranged to take care of the old man!"


Several people rushed to Xiao Xuan to prove their innocence. Xiao Xuan grinned, showed a small white tooth and said, "I didn't say anything. What are you afraid of?"

"..." who can be afraid of such a pervert who slaps people first and makes them half paralyzed? It's just that no one dares to say that.

Xiao Xuan, with a harmless smile on his face, walked up to the two little nurses and said, "I always think that beautiful girls can't lie, don't you think so?"

"Yes, yes..."

The two head nurses got Shuiling, but Shuiling farted at this time. Their faces were white and they just nodded flustered.

"Well, let me ask you, who are you two on duty with Dr. Liu to take care of the old man?"

"It's me!"

"OK, what's your name?"

"Zhong Shu!"

"Well, I'm right about one question. Mr. Huang will give you a hundred thousand bonus. If you're wrong, you'll spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair!" Xiao Xuan smiled like a sunny boy next door. But what he said didn't have the slightest taste of a man who cherished her.

Huang Min doesn't know what Xiao Xuan wants to ask, and doesn't think it's evil to intimidate a girl. She just thinks Xiao Xuan is very handsome at this time.

The confident man makes Huang Min feel an inexplicable sense of security at this time.

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