Xiao Xuan waved his hand and said with a smile, "leave me alone and be busy with your own business!"

Although Xiao Xuan said so, the brother shouted out of the door in a panic: "make a pot of good tea for master Xuan and want the best!"

"..." Xiao Xuan shrunk his mouth, sighed and didn't speak.

In less than half a minute, a pot of fragrant Tieguanyin came in and put it respectfully in front of Xiao Xuan.

"All right, let's get down to business!" Xiao Xuan saw that Yu Jingya's eyes were about to burst out and hurriedly interrupted the two brothers' chattering words.

The two brothers looked at each other. One of them withdrew. The other hurried to Bai Yujiao and whispered a few words. Seeing Bai Yujiao nodding to indicate that he knew, he quickly withdrew. tqR1

Yu Yajing's surprise can't be described in words. Enthusiasm can be pretended, but awe can't be pretended.

Yu Yajing can see that Xiao Xuan is not used to being respected and awed. This also shows that Xiao Xuan's identity is very special. Unfortunately, she has never heard of Xiao Xuan. She should investigate. Maybe Xiao Xuan can really help her.

Jianghu is the same as officialdom. They all talk about seniority and rank. Yu Yajing, a senior executive in the banking system, has long tempered her vision of people.

"Talk about your conditions!" Yu Yajing faced up to Xiao Xuan's so-called "package" proposal.

"I want a 20% rebate!" Xiao Xuan said with a smile.

Rao is Yu Yajing, who has excellent psychological quality. He can't help taking a breath. Xiao Xuan meant that every time he helped her recover her one million loan, he would need a rebate of 200000 as a benefit. This is undoubtedly the lion's big mouth. Moreover, she has no right to promise such a large proportion of kickbacks. Even she dare not think about how to report to the leader for approval, and shook her head on the spot.

"Director Yu doesn't have to refuse so quickly. You can contact me whenever you have an idea!" Xiao Xuan smiled with a meaningful smell.

Bai Yujiao seemed to understand Xiao Xuan's calculation, but the so-called 20% rebate made Bai Yujiao feel a little "sky high".

After all, bank loans, even if it is a prefecture level city, are at least hundreds of millions or more. That's a 20 million rebate. Ten thousand steps back, why did Xiao Xuan recover so many scattered loans?

After thinking about it, Yu Yajing still felt that Xiao Xuan's proposal was difficult to accept. Finally, she only said, "I think it's enough that I still want a good bodyguard!"

Xiao Xuan shrugged and said, "feel free! Let he Jian and Liu Meng accompany the director!"

Bai Yujiao thought about it and said in front of Yu Yajing, "Xiao Xuan, Xie Gao is the old shoulder over there in Heshan City. He hung up last week. The new one hasn't come to worship the mountain."

Xiao Xuan made a sound and was wondering whether to let Sun Shilin go, but Sun Shilin had just settled down for a few days and hadn't spent much time with sun Manyu. He wants to go to London and let Sun Shilin go to Heshan City. Sun Manyu is at home alone. Xiao Xuan is not happy.

After pondering for a while, Xiao Xuan's mobile phone rang before he could arrange it.

Xiao Xuan immediately answered the phone, "Xiao Xuan, the ticket has been changed the day after tomorrow. Qu Xiangyang has something temporary and proposes to go together the day after tomorrow!"

Qu Xiangyang has something to do temporarily? Xiao Xuan picked up a sneer at the corner of his mouth. I'm afraid I know temporarily that it's not Su Mei who goes to London, but Xiao Xuan?

What kind of moth do you have to prepare for two days?

Xiao Xuan naturally wouldn't say this to his face. He said it with a smile and hung up the phone.

For two days, Xiao Xuan looked into Yu Yajing's eyes. His eyes were shining. It was like seeing the "God of wealth". Oh, no, he saw a hen who could lay golden eggs.

Yu Yajing was uncomfortable with Xiao Xuan's eyes and coughed.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "I don't think so! I'll go with the director!"

"You?" Yu Yajing was surprised and looked at Bai Yujiao.

Bai Yujiao's eyes moved and said with a smile: "our special adviser likes to protect beautiful women best. Generally, he is not a beautiful woman. Please don't move him. If he protects you, it's the safest!"

Yu Yajing was silent for a moment and said, "sorry, I need to go out and make a phone call first!"

"Help yourself!"

Xiao Xuan shrugged and pointed to the door.

As soon as Yu Yajing went out, Bai Yujiao stood up and walked to Xiao Xuan. She sat down on Xiao Xuan's leg and twisted on Xiao Xuan like a twist. The pink lips puffed up and said, "what's your ghost idea? I don't like this charming director Yu?"

Xiao Xuan slapped Bai Yujiao on her hip, kneaded it a few times and said, "you have made it clear to me first. Who introduced this woman?"

"She was introduced by Secretary Zhao Changzhou. Don't think about her." Bai Yujiao said and bit Xiao Xuan on the shoulder.

Xiao Xuan frowned, grabbed the thread and asked, "wait, Zhao Changzhou? How can you have anything to do with Zhao Changzhou? How can he introduce customers to you?"

"Why? Isn't he a secretary of the municipal Party committee? I know. What's strange?" a little panic flashed in Bai Yujiao's eyes.

"So it is!!!" Xiao Xuan suddenly seemed to think of the key point and showed a suddenly enlightened look.

"What is it?" Bai Yujiao asked hurriedly, not knowing what Xiao Xuan thought of.

Xiao Xuan grinned and said, "it's nothing. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me! What I said is that last time the Buddhist priest's team in the provincial capital was killed by Sixi on the highway, there was no follow-up action. It was the Secretary's credit."

"Don't think too much!" Bai Yujiao blushed.

"Think more?" Xiao Xuan smiled at Bai Yujiao and asked in a bad tone.

"I have nothing to do with that secretary, and I can't command a big Secretary!"

"I didn't say you were the commander. You really can't command a secretary!" Xiao Xuan said faintly.

Bai Yujiao vaguely felt that Xiao Xuan seemed to know something, but Xiao Xuan said it like a riddle. She didn't know how much Xiao Xuan guessed.

Xiao Xuan, the devil's head, doesn't know what structure it is. As long as there are a few signs, they will be stripped of their cocoons and go straight to the truth.

Just when Bai Yujiao thought whether to tell Xiao Xuan directly or not, Yu Yajing pushed the door and came in.

Seeing Bai Yujiao tired of Xiao Xuan, he smiled, but he was no longer surprised. I can see that she knows a lot about Xiao Xuan on this phone.

Bai Yu blushed and stood up quickly.

"Miss Yu, have you made up your mind?" Xiao Xuan asked as if he had nothing to do, his face not red and his heart not jumping.

"Well, I've decided to ask you to be my bodyguard. I'm leaving this afternoon. Do you have time?" Yu Yajing said generously.

"Of course! You can go now!" Xiao Xuan smiled.

"Well... Let's go now!" Yu Yajing said without losing the style of a strong woman and left.

Xiao Xuan made a noise, stood up and followed him. When he left, he pinched Bai Yujiao's buttocks.

Until Xiao Xuan followed Yu Yajing downstairs, Bai Yujiao was still stunned. I always feel that there is something wrong with Xiao Xuan's active bodyguard for Yu Yajing. Xiao Xuan has always been able to avoid peace and quiet. When was he so active?


Heshan City is two hours' drive from Nanhai city. It's not far. Yu Yajing drove all the way, and Xiao Xuan took a nap in the co driver's seat. After walking most of the way, Xiao Xuan didn't lobby for debt outsourcing as Yu Yajing imagined.

"Mr. Xiao, from your personal image, it's hard to imagine that you are a bodyguard!" Yu Yajing wanted to say that she is the boss of the black astringent club, but when her words came to her mouth, she said she was a bodyguard.

"You mean, I look like a little white face?" Xiao Xuan opened his eyes and heard the beautiful woman take the initiative to speak, which made him energetic in an instant.

"..." Yu Yajing was speechless.

"People can't judge by appearance, and the sea water can't be measured. In fact, I not only look like a little white face, but also definitely have the necessary qualities of a little white face!" Xiao Xuan looked at Yu Yajing's elegant and intellectual pretty face, and there was no reason to tease her. Hei hei said with a smile.

"What essential qualities?" Yu Yajing asked subconsciously. As Xiao Xuan guessed, Yu Yajing agreed to go to Heshan with Xiao Xuan after talking to Zhao Changzhou on the phone. On the phone, Zhao Changzhou not only admired Xiao Xuan, but also vaguely revealed that Xiao Xuan was very powerful. This makes Yu Yajing more curious about Xiao Xuan. At this time, Xiao Xuan is teasing her. Why doesn't she have some meaning of setting up Xiao Xuan?

Xiao Xuan cocked his mouth, looked at Yu Yajing seriously and said, "you should be older than me. I'll call you sister Shengjing! Sister Jingjing, you say that as a senior official, you don't even know the necessary qualities of a small white face. Is it too outdated? I'll raise your posture today!"

"..." Yu Yajing blushed and realized that Xiao xuangou couldn't spit out ivory. Rising posture... What is this called!!!

"As a little white face, the necessary qualities include seeing, listening, agility and smart mind! Of course, this belongs to skill quality!"

"Why do you have to look around and listen? You have to be quick? It seems to be about bodyguards." Yu Yajing chatted with Xiao Xuan when she saw that Xiao Xuan didn't run the train full of words.

Xiao Xuan smiled, lengthened his tone and said, "sister Jing, you know why and why. Little white face is easy to be beaten, just like little three fox spirit. Do you understand? Well, such a profound thing, sister Jing must be a little transparent. Let me tell you the basic qualities of being a little white face!"

"This is a basic quality, but in a word, big tools, good skills! This is completely congenital capital..."


Xiao Xuan didn't finish saying a word. The car was suddenly braked. Because of inertia, he rushed forward and down heavily.

Yu Yajing looked at Xiao Xuan with a black line all over her head, stabilized her body, bit her back teeth, and said angrily, "here you are, get off!"


Yu Yajing opened the door and was about to get off, but Xiao Xuan's bad voice sounded: "sister, your cover is crooked!"

"Xiao Xuan!!!" Yu Yajing had to admit that she was wrong. Originally, she thought Xiao Xuan had a good status and excellent ability. I think even if he is not a gentleman, he is also a man of status! But at this time, I have to say that this guy is

"Sister, I'll wait for you outside the car!"

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