Xiao Xuan took out his cigarette box and lit a cigarette. Then he said slowly, "think about it yourself! You go to bed early tonight. You pretend you can't hear or see what's going on outside!"

Zhang Yue shriveled her mouth and wanted to say something, but Xiao Xuan turned and left carelessly.

Sitting by the bed, Zhang Yue's mind became a pot of porridge. Xiao Xuan's words were like a shit stirring stick, which disturbed her.

Looking at the time, it happened to be 4 p.m. London time, that is, the whole morning of Beijing time. Zhang Yue couldn't bear the doubt in her heart and took out the phone to call Su Mei. tqR1

Had saved a lot of words, but when Su Mei's light voice sounded, Zhang Yue suddenly calmed down and said calmly: "Mr. Su, I think our contract negotiation may not be as easy as expected!"

When Zhang Yue spoke this sentence, she even held her breath. It seemed that she didn't want to miss a little bit of Su Mei's emotion. When she listened to the other end of the phone, Su Mei said faintly, "well, I know."

In Su Mei's tone, don't mention her emotions. There was not even a ripple.

Zhang Yue said again without giving up: "I think some things are completely beyond my control, Mr. Su, I'm worried..."

Zhang Yue deliberately wanted to stop talking. The other end of the phone was silent for a while before Su Mei's voice came out: "you mean Xiao Xuan? Just do what you control, and don't care about the rest!"

After Zhang Yue hung up the phone, Sifu half rang, and some confirmed Xiao Xuan's words. There is always one reason. Su Mei is too calm. Even if she says the assumption that the contract may go wrong, Su Mei is still very calm.


At this time, in Huaxia Nanhai city on the other side of the Atlantic, Su Mei was also stunned with the phone.

The stars outside the window were bright, and Su Mei's beautiful face was full of fatigue, but in her clear eyes, there was a sharp light that was not consistent with her softness. Before long, her mobile phone rang again, looking at the flashing "Xu Jintian" on the mobile phone screen.

Since Xu Jinyu's life and homosexuality scandal were exposed by Xiao Xuan in public, Xu's company was handed over to Xu Jinyu's brother Xu Jintian by Xu's elders.

Xu Jintian called Su Mei in the early morning, which made people feel strange. What was even more shocking was that Su Mei picked up the phone, listened quietly for a moment, and said in a determined tone: "OK, everything will be arranged according to President Xu's opinion!"

After hanging up the phone again, Su Mei held her cell phone and muttered, "I wonder if that bastard Xiao Xuan can understand my intention..."

Xiao Xuan on the other side of the ocean couldn't hear Su Mei's soliloquies. He was picking his fingernails in the room and looking at the ceiling. He didn't know what bad idea he was thinking. From time to time, I will take out my mobile phone to see the time, like waiting for something.

Different people at the Casino Royale play different tricks in different corners.

On the sauna floor, Li Hanxiong is soaking in a huge artificial hot spring pool. Opposite him is a sauna room, one of which is Qu Xiangyang, and Alexander, the "bodyguard" who has been following Qu Xiangyang, even follows him into the sauna room.

"Boss, you arrange a few people. Go and get rid of the bodyguard around Qu Shao!" Li Hanxiong waved, greeted his bodyguard not far away and whispered.

"Get rid of it?" big head frowned as if he didn't understand.

As the most trusted security guard around Li Hanxiong, "big head" is the only bodyguard who is qualified to come up to the Royal casino. None of them shows Li Dashao's trust in the bodyguard.

Big boss not only protected Li Hanxiong's safety, but also handled too many troubles for him. Li Dashao's words "get rid of" can't be more understood. That means to kill.

Li Hanxiong nodded slightly and said, "Qu Shao came to London but was threatened. We don't have face to talk about it. What's more, it's related to business. Let's solve him. On the casino side, you should dredge up. The problem should not be big!"

Big head nodded, turned and walked slowly to the independent sauna where Qu Xiangyang was located.

He knocked on the door first. Alexander heard the sound of opening the door and immediately hit him with a pair of big fists.

Li Shao's confidant and the main person in charge of safety, these two points show the skill of the big head. This fist has a strong wind, as if it was going to smash Alexander's brain.

Alexander quickly stepped back and dodged, but the big head pursued him with his fist.

Sitting in the innermost part, Qu Xiangyang smiled happily and ran out.

"Qu Shao, don't move!" the big head whispered bad food and loudly reminded Qu Xiangyang.

But Alexander didn't save the oil lamp. He sneered and turned to sweep the hall and kicked at the big head.

In the narrow space, the big head stretched out his hand flexibly and jumped and hid. Good guy, Qu Xiangyang was kicked on the spot. Alexander practiced his kung fu. When the bricks were smashed down, the bricks cracked and his legs were healthy. It is conceivable that Qu Xiangyang was kicked.

There were two loud clicks, "ah... Ah..." and two screams. Qu Xiangyang fell down in a standard "shit eating" posture. The leg bones of his two legs were broken and rolled in pain.

The big head was very angry and ashamed. In the Huangjia casino, Li Hanxiong was able to bring a bodyguard up. It was an exception. He made a great face. There was absolutely no chance to bring guns up. Big head can only choose to solve the problem with his fist.

I thought that with his skill, even with his fist, he could quickly solve the mercenary born guy, but I didn't expect that Alexander was so powerful.

You know, mercenaries are generally famous for their physical fitness and firearms. What they can practice in modern war is firearms, while the big head is the once all-round king of Zhongnanhai. He is very confident in himself.

But I didn't expect Alexander to ignore Qu Xiangyang's life and death. Instead, he should be careful everywhere.

Qu Xiangyang screamed again and again, and his tears and snot flowed in pain. Forget it. The worst thing is that Alexander rushed to the big head with an iron fist without any pause.

In the sauna single room of less than ten square meters, I fought with big head. The so-called fist and foot have no eyes. Every time they swing their fist and foot, they almost spread to poor Qu Dashao again

Thanks to the big head everywhere, Qu Xiangyang was saved from being hurt again. Qu Xiangyang, who was sweating with pain, tried his best to climb to the corner of the wall.

Big head was a little relieved and decided to solve Alexander within three or five moves. After a few minutes of competition, big head was sure that he was much better than Alexander in fighting. Without other influence, he would break Alexander's neck with up to 50 moves.

Just when big head was ready to fight a big battle, he heard an exaggerated cry from behind: "ah, er Shao, there is a fight here. Call the security guard quickly. NIMA, Li Dashao is also here. Come on, call your brother to run together. It's bad in case of accidental injury!"

Li Mingkai glanced at Xiao Xuan. Xiao Xuan said there was a good play on it. He followed Li Hanxiong. But as soon as he came up, Xiao Xuan was the performance again. He immediately divided Xiao Xuan into a kind of people with two sides and three swords.

"Big head, don't you know the rules of the Royal casino? Brother, you don't care if your people are fooling around?" Li Mingkai raised his tone and said.

In this Kung Fu, the big head had punched more than a dozen times in a row. Alexander was forced into the corner. It seemed that he had been hit several times, and there was blood in his mouth and nose.

Big head is desperate. He has hurt Qu Xiangyang by mistake. If he can't do it again, Li Hanxiong will be angry. When big head hears Li Mingkai's voice, he immediately waved his own killing move and hit Alexander's bilateral temples with his fist.

"Ah, it's Qu Shao's bodyguard, isn't Qu Shao in there? Li Dashao, you're not interesting enough. How can you beat Qu Shao and Qu Shao's bodyguard? Qu Shao, are you okay? I'll save you..." Xiao Xuan said, blowing past like a whirlwind.

Li Mingkai only felt the cold wind blowing beside him, and a dark shadow suddenly jumped from his eyes.

Just in the blink of an eye, Xiao Xuan jumped to the door of the sauna room. He was in a hurry like a man who tried to persuade a quarrel. He tried to pull the big head.

"Get out!" shouted the big head, and his fists had hit Alexander on the forehead.

Just then, Xiao Xuan said, "don't fight, have something to say!" but he pushed his hands behind his big head.

Big head was cold in his heart. He took a horse step for decades. If he was pushed casually, what kind of Almighty king is he?

But it was this push that made him almost scream out. It was a magnificent force, like he was going to lift his whole body out. Let alone taking a horse step for decades, he felt like he was hit by a train and his internal organs were about to shift.

Then the whole man hit the wall heavily. No matter how hard he tried to stabilize his body, the huge force couldn't stop until he banged heavily on the wall, breaking his head and blood, shining stars and falling to the ground. People didn't know, and this force seemed to be dissolved

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Xiao Xuan waved his hand in a panic!

"Li Dashao, Li Ershao, I really didn't mean to... No, Qu Shao was hurt!!! Hurry..."

Xiao Xuan was very flustered. It seemed that he didn't mean it at all, but who didn't know he meant it?

The Li brothers looked at each other with evil intentions. At the same time, they hummed coldly. Li Hanxiong said, "Qu Shao is injured? Call an ambulance first!"

However, Li Mingkai said, "brother, what's going on?"

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