Li Hanxiong snorted, but he didn't speak.

Xiao Xuan looked at Alexander's injury. Fortunately, he just got a few punches and suffered a little flesh. Seeing that the big head had completely fainted, Xiao Xuan whispered in Alexander's ear: "adier people never suffer!"

Alexander narrowed his eyes, stood up and walked out slowly. At this time, he burst out a very fierce gas field because of his injury. He said to Li Hanxiong in English: "in the name of my king, Li Hanxiong will become my lifelong enemy!"

Then he knelt down on one knee towards the southwest and muttered some obscure words. No one understood what he muttered.

Just when Li Hanxiong was surprised by this sentence "in the name of my king", Alexander walked out of the sauna with great strides, and did not take care of the life and death of Qu Xiangyang. tqR1

Xiao Xuan seemed completely unaware that Alexander was taking an oath to open the enemy. He ran to Qu Xiangyang and shouted, "Qu Shao, are you okay? Are you okay?"

While shouting, he shook Qu Xiangyang and almost scattered Qu Xiangyang's bone frame. At this time, Xiao Xuan quickly pressed Qu Xiangyang's neck. The movement was so fast that others didn't react at all.

This quickly pressed a few times. Qu Xiangyang, who was squeaking and humming because of pain, seemed to be suddenly hit with a dumb point, and didn't make a little sound.

Xiao Xuan pressed Qu Xiangyang on the head, then left the room and said, "Qu Shao seems to have fainted in pain. What's the matter? Li Dashao, we are partners..."

Just before Li Hanxiong could speak, Li Mingkai's phone suddenly rang. After Li Hanxiong answered the phone, his eyes flashed. Then he said to Li Hanxiong with a gloomy face: "Dad said that no one answered your phone. Let me tell you something. Something happened at the scientific research base. Someone claimed that a bomb had been placed at the scientific research base. Dad let us all go there now!"

Li Hanxiong twitched at the corners of his mouth, turned and ran to the dressing room quickly, took out his mobile phone and made several calls in a hurry.

"Li Shao, we are partners. If something happens to the base, should we go and have a look?" Xiao Xuan thought and said.

Where can Li Hanxiong care about this at this time? Without saying anything, he quickly changed his clothes and prepared to go to the base.

Li Mingkai looked at Xiao Xuan thoughtfully and said, "OK, you go with us!"

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "thank you, er Shao! What about Qu Shao?"

"Someone will take him to the hospital!" Li Mingkai doesn't seem to be interested in Qu Xiangyang.

Xiao Xuan nodded and followed Li Mingkai downstairs with satisfaction.

Downstairs, the Li brothers met again, but they didn't talk to each other. Li Hanxiong hurried into the car and left. Li Mingkai also took Xiao Xuan into his car and followed Li Hanxiong's car.

Xiao Xuan kept fiddling with his fake mobile phone in the car. Li Mingkai just glanced at it and saw that Xiao Xuan seemed to be playing a game. He didn't care, but if he pointed out, "brother Xiao, such a powerful person, even played that kind of retarded game?"

"Fierce?" Xiao Xuan looked at Li Mingkai in confusion.

"I don't think there are many people in China who can push the big head down. Brother Xiao is a real person who doesn't show his face. Besides, brother Xiao is downstairs. How can you know that something happened in the sauna upstairs? If brother Xiao doesn't know what happened upstairs, how can he pull me up? You know that you won me nearly 100 million Chinese dollars not long ago. You should know that I hate you very much. How can you take the initiative to come "Looking for me?" Li Mingkai said every word at this time, which was very logical and meticulous.

"Er Shao, you misunderstood me. It's a complete coincidence! What you mean by this is that I mean to provoke your brother. Who doesn't know that Da Shao came forward to end the several investment failures of Er Shao. Everyone knows the relationship between your brothers is very good. How dare I do anything to provoke!" Xiao Xuan seemed to be frightened between his words, but that tone, But with an indescribable taste of ridicule.

Li Mingkai's face suddenly changed when Xiao Xuan said provocation. He snorted coldly, but he was not talking.

The driver suddenly opened his mouth and said, "brother Kai, there seems to be a car following us! Do you want to deal with it?"

After all, it is impossible not to take security measures for people from the billionaire family. Even if there seems to be a driver at this time, there must be security personnel around.

Xiao Xuan had to say, "it should be followed by Miss Zhang Yue, vice president of our company. Don't make a fuss!"

The driver looked at Xiao Xuan through the rearview mirror. Xiao Xuan was vigilant. Xiao Xuan didn't even look back. He knew the people in the car behind him.

Xiao Xuan said this and stopped making a sound.

Li Mingkai said faintly, "let her follow!"

For a time, Xiao Xuan and Li Mingkai stopped talking, and the driver was also concentrating on driving the car. The anger in the car was a little embarrassed. Just as they talked about the car behind them for a while, Li Hanxiong's car disappeared! It seems to disappear completely out of thin air.

"Brother Kai, Dashao's car is gone!" the driver whispered after a while.

Li Mingkai looked around and said, "they're probably close to the road? You go your way. He's in a hurry to wipe his ass. what's our hurry!"

The driver made a noise and didn't speak again.

Xiao Xuan didn't seem to hear the conversation between the master and servant from beginning to end, and didn't raise his head. Li Mingkai glanced at Xiao Xuan from time to time, but Xiao Xuan always looked flattered.

Until the car drove into the suburbs and reached a place similar to a huge manor, Li Mingkai said coldly, "Xiao Xuan, I don't care how powerful you are, but you'd better not interfere with my affairs!"

Xiao Xuan nodded slightly and said with a smile, "I'm just the person sent by Yuya company to sign the contract. It's only limited to cooperation projects. I'm not interested in other things."

Li Mingkai's eyes flashed again. Xiao Xuan's meaning was too complicated. Did Xiao Xuan know anything? On second thought, Li Mingkai thought he was thinking too much, which was completely impossible.

Zhang Yue's car also stopped. When Xiao Xuan got off to meet Zhang Yue, he smiled helplessly and said, "aunt, didn't you agree to stay in the Royal casino? Why did you come out?"

Zhang Yue snorted and said, "you don't want to leave me! I'm your leader!"

"OK, I'll go in later. Just look, don't talk, don't run around, okay?" Xiao Xuan whispered to Zhang Yue.

After Li Mingkai took Xiao Xuan and his party into the manor, he saw the legendary financial Superman in the small building at the gate of the manor. The old man over 80 was already full of energy, especially the light in his eyes, which was sharp with a sense of penetration.

"Hello, this kind of thing happened before the cooperation started. It's reasonable that you have the right to know. It just makes you laugh!" "Li Superman" spoke in a convincing tone.

"Dong Li is so polite. It's an honor for me to meet you here!" Zhang Yue said humbly when she saw Li Superman's kindness.

Xiao Xuan had a good impression of the old Superman who had created countless business myths and said with a smile: "old Li is too polite. Let's talk about the situation here!"

"Today, a VIP came to the base, so I came. Just ten minutes later, I received a phone call saying that the base had been planted with a bomb, which cost 500 million US dollars." Li Chaoren said calmly. It seems that neither the 500 million US dollars nor the bomb can make him moved.

"Then?" Xiao Xuan said, glancing at the crowd, but didn't see Li Hanxiong's figure. He picked his eyebrows and showed a look like a bitter smile and an expected expression.

"Hehe, this little friend is very smart!" Li Superman said something irrelevant and looked at Xiao Xuan with a smile.

Xiao Xuan's scalp was cold. The old man was really powerful. His eyes really seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

"Li Lao joked. I just saw Li Hanxiong and Li Zong absent. I was a little curious." Xiao Xuan said calmly.

"Ha ha..." Li Chaoren nodded slightly, but the phone rang, followed by a familiar voice, "Dad, I'm out..."

Before he finished, the other end of the phone changed: "your son is in my hand! If you want to die, send the money! 500 million, I want 500 million! Remember, I want us dollars..."

"I'm sure I can't get together so many dollars at once!" Li Chaoren showed that he was calm in line with his status, and his hand holding the mobile phone didn't shake.

"How much money can you take out in the shortest time? I tell you, don't call the police. I want your second son to send money. If you dare to call the police, I'll let you die!" the vicious voice on the phone, with ferocious cruelty.

"100 million pounds. It can be delivered in an hour. Don't worry, the money is far less important to me than my son's life!" Li Chaoren would think of appeasing the kidnappers at this time.

Xiao Xuan kept listening silently. Several times Zhang Yue wanted to ask Li Mingkai something, but Xiao Xuan held her back.

Until Li Chaoren answered the phone, Xiao Xuan didn't say a word.

"It's all my fault. Just thinking about the safety of the base laboratory and the safety of the distinguished guests, I didn't think it was a plan!" after Li Superman hung up the phone, he showed a look of regret, but the regret just flashed by and was soon surrounded by wisdom again. When Li Mingkai and Xiao Xuan arrived, but there was no trace of Li Hanxiong, he already felt the smell of conspiracy in the whole thing.

Xiao Xuan was amazed at the old man's mind. It's really powerful! But Xiao Xuan didn't know that Li Chaoren was also very curious about Xiao Xuan. To say that Li Chaoren thought that things had the smell of conspiracy, it was his sensitive experience in dealing with countless crises in shopping malls for decades, but what about Xiao Xuan? After Xiao Xuan entered the door, his eyes had been searching for Li Hanxiong. What did the young man rely on?

"The other party is very clear about the internal affairs of our company. He knows that if there is an accident at the base, the eldest brother will be called. Even if the other party knows that the eldest brother is in the Royal casino, he can rob people on the road! Will this......" Li Mingkai said, his eyes constantly sweeping Xiao Xuan and Zhang Yue.

Xiao Xuan sneered. Li Ershao was really not a fuel-efficient lamp. At this time, he even cared about planting a frame. The meaning of this remark is obviously saying whether Xiao Xuan and Zhang Yue did a good job

If Li Superman really thinks so, he will call the police and arrest people on the spot. In the future, Li Hanxiong will die again. Xiao Xuan and his colleagues are afraid of getting into big trouble in London

Zhang Yue's heart twitched. She looked at Li Mingkai inconceivably. She was in a hurry to explain, but Xiao Xuan shook his head and stopped her

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