Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes and didn't answer Zhang Yue's questions like a firecracker. He turned and left.

"If you don't tell me, I'll tell Su Mei you're looking for flowers and willows in London!" Zhang Yue stamped her feet and said angrily.

"She won't care about me!" Xiao Xuan said in a low voice.

"..." Zhang Yue was stunned, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in her brain. It seemed that she thought of something and couldn't be sure.

"What's the strength of Qu's company in London?" Xiao Xuan turned his head and asked about business.

"Just a small trading company!" Zhang Yue subconsciously replied.

"Very good! After signing the contract later, after all the funds arrive at the designated account, take out the contract!" Xiao Xuan took out an equity transfer agreement signed with Qu Xiangyang from his arms and handed it to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue was shocked when she saw that Qu Xiangyang wanted to transfer 30% of the shares of the new material research project to Yuya international. The most important thing is that Yuya international has paid the shares in cash and Qu Xiangyang signed for it... But when did Yuya international give Qu Xiangyang money?

In addition, after signing the contract, the three parties will transfer the funds into the account of the new company according to the contract, but why take out the transfer agreement after the funds are in place?

This Agreement means that the Qu family holds only 10% of the shares, while Yuya international has become the largest 50% of the three.

Zhang Yue suddenly thought of a possibility. Her face turned white and looked both happy and worried. It was very strange.

"In addition, there is a gift agreement here. You can deal with it!" Xiao Xuan felt another contract from another pocket regardless of what Zhang Yue thought.

Zhang Yue looked again. Her leg softened on the spot and almost fell to the ground. This agreement is even more shocking. Li Mingkai promised to give 20% of the shares of the new material research project to Yuya International

What did Xiao Xuan do? The original cooperation seems to have been robbed by the other two families.

Yuya international controls 80% of the shares of the whole project!!! According to the prospect of this project, the establishment of the new company represents the value of billions. After the research results, listing must be imperative. 80% of the shares may mean tens of billions of assets!!!

Zhang Yue held the two agreements and his hands were shaking. Yuya international originally planned to invest 2 billion and occupy 15-25% of the shares, but at this time, the shares were 80%, but the money to be paid was still only 2 billion!

This is not a surprise beyond expectation, it's a complete shock

"Xiao, Xiao Xuan, what the hell are you..." Zhang Yue stammered.

Xiao Xuan waved his hand and said, "aunt, are you the spokesman of 100000 why? Where are so many questions?"

Or because he was in a bad mood, Xiao Xuan left this sentence and left.

Zhang Yue is so angry that she doesn't take the county magistrate as the leader. At least Zhang Yue is also the leader of Xiao Xuan. She hasn't spoken since she came to London, and Xiao Xuan doesn't respect her too much?

"Xiao Xuan!!!" Zhang Yue was mad. But Xiao Xuan didn't return

Xiao Xuan didn't go anywhere. He found a guest room and went to sleep. It seems that the disturbance outside has become a bamboo in his chest.

In the afternoon, the signing began as scheduled. There have been negotiations for a long time. Many things have been discussed in the video conference. At this time, it is only beginning to be implemented.

The two representatives of the Qu family thought they were close to the Li family and were very arrogant towards Zhang Yue.

In the absence of Xiao Xuan, Li Mingkai also restored the aura and pride of his second young master of the Li family. Sitting in the main position, he said with a smile: "there has been an agreement before, but I have made a small adjustment, that is, Yuya international takes 5% more on the basis of 25% reservation."

"Why is this?" the representative of the Qu family did not expect Li Mingkai to temporarily change his mind and give the 5% shares belonging to the Qu family to Yuya international at will.

"Because miss Alison said that in the face of Xiao Xuan, the materials could be published two years in advance. The concept of two years must be very clear to both of you!" Li Mingkai spoke for Yuya international everywhere.

The two of the Qu family choked. Seeing Li Mingkai's high appearance, they couldn't speak. Two years early? What does that woman think she is? Of course, they can only think about this in their hearts and dare not say it. To speak out is to hit Li Mingkai in the face.

In the final analysis, this project is a face project. It is the Li family who gives face to the Qu family. Otherwise, with the strength of the Li family, how can we care about billions of investment and shares? The Li family prefer sole proprietorship. Of course, in addition to face, it is also to exploit the Chinese market in the future. So the Qu family has taken advantage of it and has no negotiating capital.

Although the two Qu family members are not the core of the Qu family, they have been authorized by Qu Xiangyang. In the ward, Qu Xiangyang personally said that everything should be arranged by Li Shao. At this time, it is more inconvenient to disagree.

Zhang Yue's tongue is astringent. Before she came to London, she thought she was the main force of the negotiation. Xiao Xuan was a soy sauce maker. She wanted to seek benefits for the company. She thought too many ways and means. But now it seems that she is the one who makes soy sauce. Xiao Xuan didn't know when or by what means she had solved everything. She didn't know

"Very good, then please look at the contract! No problem, we'll sign the contract." Li Mingkai asked the Secretary to put the two contracts in front of them.

The two representatives of the Qu family looked at each other. One of them felt the phone and dialed it to Qu Xiangyang, which made them feel strange that the mobile phone Qu Xiangyang had been unable to connect to was connected. In a simple report, Qu Xiangyang said in a calm voice that he could sign a contract.

The signing went well. When Li Mingkai opened the champagne and wished success, Zhang Yue said, "happy cooperation. Our Yuya funds will arrive in an hour at the latest!"

"Yuya is really efficient! I look forward to cooperating with a company with potential and executive power like your company!" Li Mingkai raised his glass.

Seeing this, the representative of the Qu family hurriedly said, "our funds will arrive in an hour!"

Zhang Yue's mouth tilted, revealing an imperceptible smile.

Zhang Yue and Qu's family reported to the company by phone. Li Mingkai held a wine glass and looked a little strange. It was originally a happy thing to sign a contract successfully, but there was no joy in his expression.

After Zhang Yue and the Qu family entered the house again, the Qu family representative was very excited and skillfully patted the horse. After Li Mingkai drank two more glasses of wine, his mood also moved. He had a good chat with Zhang Yue. At the same time, he did not ignore the Qu family. In just half an hour, he showed no worse social means than Li Hanxiong.

The three parties are free to talk about the future development of the company. In front of dreams, time always passed very fast. An hour soon passed. The secretary came and whispered to Li Mingkai.

Li Mingkai raised his glass and said, "happy cooperation!"

The two representatives of the Qu family raised their glasses and smiled.

"Wait a minute, I have two more things!" Zhang Yue smiled and put down the glass in her hand.

Li Mingkai twitched at the corners of his mouth, as if he had known, slowly put down his glass and said, "Miss Zhang, please speak!"

Zhang Yue calmly took out the two agreements and said with a smile: "President Li is busy. After we return home, president Yu Ya and President Qu may not see President Li for some time. I think we just implemented the two agreements while the three parties are here!"

Li Mingkai was stunned when he heard that there were two agreements, let alone the Qu family.

After reading the agreement, the three looked constipated.

Li Mingkai scolded his mother in his heart. He knew that he was forced to transfer the agreement. Unexpectedly, Qu Xiangyang also had a way. In this way, isn't it equal that the Li family and the Qu family are working for Yuya international in terms of new materials?

According to the contract, the Li family should be responsible for all affairs of new material development and marketing!!! The Qu family should be responsible for all kinds of materials in China. And the shares shall not be transferred within five years.

Is this him? Is it pure that their two families have done everything, and Yuya international light makes money?

"No way, Qu Shao can't sign such a document!" the two representatives of the Qu family subconsciously shouted out.

Zhang Yue raised her eyebrows and said, "guys, there are signatures and fingerprints on the contract. You can check it!"

Zhang Yue has seen Qu Xiangyang's signature many times in Yuya. She knows that the agreement can't be fake. And look at Li Mingkai's expression, you know it can't be fake. Zhang Yue has the ability to be the vice president of Yuya. At this time, her shrewdness and strength show no more.

The Qu family were stunned and looked at each other. In fact, when talking to Qu Xiangyang in the ward, Qu Xiangyang just said a few words. They just made a simple understanding of the project through the manager of Qu Xiangyang company. They didn't know it at all.

Seeing Zhang Yue's reason, the Qu family was so angry that they couldn't speak for a moment. They had to call Qu Xiangyang again. Qu Xiangyang's phone was connected. When they heard the news, they almost fainted. However, the agreement is legally efficient and cannot be denied.

Li Mingkai frowned and said nothing. Just when he wanted to pay for the turn of things and drag things down, before he opened his mouth, his mobile phone SMS alert sounded.

After reading the text message, Li Mingkai said to Zhang Yue with a gloomy face: "no problem, I'll let the lawyer do it right away!"

At this time, what the Qu family wanted to say was useless.

Zhang Yue breathed a sigh in her heart. She still couldn't believe that the signing was done so easily, and it was 80% of the shares. She knew very well that Li Mingkai quickly decided to admit the two agreements because of the short message just now. She even had no doubt that the sender of the short message was Xiao Xuan.

"Happy cooperation!" Zhang Yue took a sip from her glass.

The representatives of the Qu family had no idea that there would be such twists and turns in the middle. At this time, the only thing they wanted to do was to report the situation to Qu Xiangyang, have a good wool and go away in a hurry. tqR1

Instead, Li Mingkai raised a glass of wine to Zhang Yue and said, "Miss Zhang, director Xiao of your company is really capable. And President Su Mei, I can't wait to see her. If what I expected is good, the stock of qushao Huaxin company will fall sharply soon, and then the company will change ownership."

Zhang Yue smiled, neither admitting nor denying.

"Qu Shao's foundation is still shallow. The working capital of Huaxin company is at most 20 billion to 3 billion. At this time, 2 billion has been locked in the account of the new company. The available capital is no more than 1 billion. This is really a good time for acquisition. I just don't know whether this strategy is Miss Su Mei, who is not a woman, or minister Xiao Xuan Xiao? I really admire it."

Zhang Yue smiled and said in her heart that she admired her. If it had been before, she would have no doubt that such a precise plan could only be made by Su Mei. But now she is not sure whether Su Mei and Xiao Xuan have discussed it.

It seems that Xiao Xuan didn't know it in advance.

Before Zhang Yue spoke, he saw Li Mingkai raise his mobile phone and said, "President Xiao of your company is really too busy and went out again, but I forgot to tell someone to give him the gas card!"

Li Mingkai's seemingly joking remark contained evil intention, but Zhang Yue didn't know it. What's the matter with Xiao Xuan all over his mind? He only said, "out? Please help me prepare a car for Shao Li. I'll send him a gas card."

"..." Li Mingkai smiled like a fox.

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