When Zhao Sixi ran all the way to the small garden of Jiahe Xinyuan community, Xiao Xuan was already waiting there. Although it is already early in the morning, the high-end community such as Jiahe Xinyuan is naturally brightly lit.

Seeing the figure of Xiao Xuan standing in the pavilion from a distance, Zhao Sixi's heart suddenly fell to the ground after nervous for dozens of hours. With a cold sweat on his head, he ran over with a smile.

"Brother, you have no position at home. You won't let me in at the door of home. You're like a ghost in this small garden in the middle of the night..." Zhao Sixi said with a big mouth and a smile.

"Bah..." when Xiao Xuan saw Zhao Sixi, the corners of his mouth bent and spat with laughter.

For Zhao Sixi, Xiao Xuan really has the same feeling of protecting the calf as his brother. This bastard always takes Xiao Xuan as the starting point for everything, which makes Xiao Xuan sometimes unbearable to criticize.

"Get down to business. If you don't handle it well this time, Hei hei, I'll crush your eggs and give you a good memory!" Xiao Xuan said with a cigarette in his mouth and looking at Zhao Sixi.

Zhao Sixi subconsciously touched his crotch and smiled. He still looked like the Han two teenagers in the alley at the beginning, although he was the inviolable "fourth brother of the South China Sea" outside!

"Brother Xuan has just been to the hospital. I must have heard about brother sun. Brother sun was injured by a man nicknamed Green Eagle. At this time, someone came to the provincial capital and said that the Buddha asked me to go to the provincial capital to discuss something. Brother sun had an accident, and brother Yuan's injury didn't get better last time. Of course, I wouldn't easily promise to go to the provincial capital. I didn't expect what these bastards said, Buddha No one dares to refuse under the heaven and earth. Tie me, too... "Zhao Sixi said this with indignation on his face.

Xiao Xuan frowned and didn't speak. He just raised his chin slightly and motioned Zhao Sixi to continue.

"I had some doubts at that time. Did the old man know that brother Xuan was away, so he deliberately hurt brother sun, and then wanted to threaten me to obey his orders. Those fools who thought they were the Buddha were arrogant. They acted recklessly in Odie. Of course I was angry and let people fight out."

"And then?"

So far, Xiao Xuan didn't think Zhao Sixi had done anything wrong, but he didn't think it was worth fighting between the two sides.

"Then I saw the ghost. As soon as the Buddha's group left ODI, they all died. I can't tell. In less than two or three hours, the Buddha began to move frequently. Many of our stores in Nanhai city were badly damaged and suffered a lot."

Zhao Sixi's vision is different from before. In the past, the existence of Buddha was his lifelong pursuit. Now speaking of Buddha, he is just an old man.

Xiao Xuan was pleased and worried about this change. Fortunately, from the whole process, Zhao Sixi still had some discretion.

"There is something strange in this matter. What does Yujiao say?" Xiao xuansi paid for a moment and asked.

"Sister Yujiao only said that she thought that the Buddha would not give you face and would not do it so easily. However, the Buddha's people did die when they went out from Odie. It seems to others that there are only people from Xiaocheng guard in the South China Sea who are so bold. Therefore, the Buddha can't lose face..."

"Do you think what your sister Yujiao said is reasonable?" Xiao Xuan smiled. At this time, he studied Zhao Sixi.

Zhao Sixi touched his chin and said, "there's some truth, but she's not the Ascaris worm in the Buddha's stomach, and it's not necessarily 100% accurate! Moreover, I always think sister Yujiao means to help the provincial capital. Brother Xuan, I don't mean anything else, just talk about the matter..."

Xiao Xuan nodded approvingly, but he didn't say much about Bai Yujiao's relationship with the Buddha. Even now he can't figure out what's fishy between them!

"Yes, you've made progress. But you're too impulsive! Have you thought about other possibilities when people die in front of our house? For example, someone planted it on purpose!" Xiao Xuan asked faintly.

"Elder brother, the wounds of the dead were all sealed with a knife. After seeing it, elder brother Yuan said he was a first-class expert. There could be no such expert in Nanhai city. I asked people to search the city, and the man seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. It was not my impulse, but the old man was too crazy to give me time and opportunity to explain!" Zhao Si said happily.

"Yes, my thinking is more careful, but I'm still a little impatient!" Xiao Xuan looked at Zhao Sixi with approval again.

Although Xiao Xuan still couldn't make an accurate judgment on the whole thing, maybe the Buddha really wanted to take Nanhai city. After all, after the reshuffle of Nanhai underground city, he didn't express his attitude to the local emperor in the provincial capital. In the eyes of the earth emperor, the new "Princes" in Nanhai city did not say anything, and it was unknown that they became angry. However, there are some strange things in the matter, and we can't rule out the possibility of other situations.

However, whether it is because Nanhai city has become the center of Xiao Xuan's life and cannot be shaken, or because sun Shilin was injured, or even because of his brotherhood for Zhao Sixi, Xiao Xuan has no reason not to participate in dealing with this matter.

"Elder brother, is this a compliment?" Zhao Sixi scratched the back of his head.

Xiao Xuan snorted. Big foot Yazi came to Zhao Sixi's ass and said, "praise you? You want to run before you learn to walk. I beat you and praise you! I beat you to death..."

Zhao Sixi was kicked to scurry. Xiao Xuan chased Zhao Sixi and beat him hard, but the corners of his eyes and mouth were smiling

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, brother! I'm wrong..."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Xuan printed another big shoe on Zhao Sixi's ass.

"I can't win, but I still fight hard. I reported that I had the idea of your support and did something beyond my ability!" Zhao Sixi murmured "wronged".

Hearing Zhao Sixi admit that he was thinking carefully, Xiao Xuan shriveled his mouth and stopped his action. Xiao Xuan, who pulled out his eyelashes, was empty. How could he not see that Zhao Sixi was fooling with understanding and pushed things to a high level of exchange of fire.

The reason is very simple. Zhao Sixi is not satisfied with a fourth brother in the South China Sea. He also wants to replace the Buddha. Zhao Sixi's dependence is very simple, that is, Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan knew for a long time that Zhao Sixi had traces of pulling up seedlings to encourage him. Although Zhao Sixi grew up surprisingly well, Xiao Xuan didn't want to see Zhao Sixi build castles in the air. After all, for Xiao Xuan himself, he didn't want to mix more things in the underground city.

"Just know what you have in mind. I'll wipe your ass this time, but remember, this is the last time! If there's another time, hey hey, maybe someone will divide you into the streets!" Xiao Xuan's voice was creepy.

But Zhao Sixi nodded firmly. He is also a man and will not be a young eagle living under the protection of Xiao Xuan forever.

"Brother, in fact, you can't blame me. Who's brother sun? It's my uncle. He was hurt by someone. If I don't show an attitude, it will damage brother Xuan's prestige and affect the reputation of our Xiaocheng guard!" Zhao Sixi said with a shy face when he saw Xiao Xuan.

"Uncle?" Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrows. Although he knows that Jianghu is an environment that likes to rank seniority and rank, he really doesn't know what kind of generation his uncle is!

"Yes, brother sun often says, brother Xuan, you are a loud uncle in the South China Sea. He is your uncle. That's the loud uncle in the South China Sea!"

"Get out! Bastard......" Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes silently. Who could have thought that the famous fourth brother and the Lion King were two funny people!


Zhao Sixi rolled away. Xiao Xuan took out his mobile phone and called Bai Yujiao.

When Bai Yujiao answered the phone, her voice complained, "I thought you would never call me again? Xiao Xuan, do you trust me?"

With Bai Yujiao's intelligence, it is not difficult to realize that Xiao Xuan's order of contacting everyone contains terrible reason.

Xiao Xuan will not let Bai Yujiao's affair with him interfere with his thinking. So he will contact Bai Yujiao only after he knows everything.

Even Bai Yujiao has some sensitive doubts. Does Xiao Xuan distrust her!

"Yujiao, if you ask me this, I'm changing direction. I doubt that I'm not a man enough. Why don't I go to you to identify whether I'm a man enough?" Xiao Xuan said with a bad smile.

Bai Yujiao trembled at the other end of the phone. She could hear that she wanted to see Xiao Xuan and where she wanted to know Xiao Xuan "enough men", but she didn't know how to face Xiao Xuan and said, "go to the provincial capital to meet him tomorrow!"

Naturally, he meant Buddha.

Xiao Xuan agreed and said, "OK!"

Bai Yujiao didn't expect Xiao Xuan to promise so simply. When she hung up, she couldn't react.

After a while, Bai Yujiao's mobile phone rang again. Looking at the name on the phone call, Bai Yujiao showed a little struggling look. After a half ring, she picked up the phone and said, "he promised."


Xiao Xuan walking on the shady path of the community didn't know Bai Yujiao's mysterious phone at this time. He was looking at his mobile phone and was worried.

In the mobile phone text message, it was a short message just sent by Su Mei, which made him a little confused. The content of the text message was only three words, "sorry"!

"Take a walk at three in the morning. You're really different!"

Xiao Xuan paced like a stroll in front of the court. A Mercedes Benz came up and stopped beside him. The smiling face in the window and a somewhat provocative tone. Who else can there be except Huang Min, who also lives in Jiahe Xinyuan?

"I'm so different, don't you think you'll have a spring heart?" Xiao Xuan smiled at the amorous woman.

"You guessed it. Why? Do you want to have a spring night with me?" Huang Min unlocked the door. tqR1

The door lock makes a dull beating sound. At this moment, it looks like the cry of turtle at the door of Cuixiang building.

Huang Min's smiling eyebrows contain amorous feelings. The deep V's neckline reveals a large area of snow-white skin and a provocative voice, which makes Xiao Xuan unable to find a reason not to get on the bus

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