Xiao Xuan also went to the hospital parking lot and was chased up by the black faced old man.

"Well, Xiao, Xiao Xuan! Let's talk about it! I'm old and immortal. Half of me have been buried. In a word, if I'm going to die, I'll go into the earth bag with regret. Cough..." the black faced old man has been carrying the shelf, but now he has to put it down.

Xiao Xuan opened his mouth and shut his mouth, which means that 10 billion people have started. In the secular world, at least he is a master without money. There is no shortage of money in the flower world. Either you have a good family background or you have good skills. No matter what you occupy, you have proud capital.

Let's say that the old man with a black face is familiar with his own fields. Xiao Xuan's mouth acupuncture and moxibustion surgery and the thirteen needles of the ghost gate are also handy secrets in the medical field.

Xiao Xuan had a sense of pride, although he didn't write it on his face. But the black faced old man had no doubt that he would continue to be an arrogant elder. He couldn't expect Xiao Xuan to tell him more.

What's more, the thirteen needles of the ghost gate are the secret of the witch doctor's gate. Xiao Xuan recited the general formula. How can he not be surprised? Even if he is shy of his old face, he has to have a good break with Xiao Xuan.

People are old and refined. The black faced old man still has some abilities. There is also the capacity to lower oneself.

Xiao Xuan paused, touched the back of his head and said with a smile, "old man, would you lend me 10 billion?"


"If you don't lend me money, you waste my time! You want my wife and children to be separated!" Xiao Xuan seemed not to want to break up too much with the old man at all.

"Xiao Xuan, I want to ask where you know the thirteen needles of the ghost gate? And..." the black faced old man asked patiently.

"The time hasn't come yet. When it comes, I will naturally say." Xiao Xuan said faintly.

"When is the time? Xiao Xuan, even if you don't respect the old and love the young, you have to sympathize with me who is about to enter the earth? What if you arrive at that time and I enter the earth?" the black faced old man also went out seriously. If he said it, he felt lost his share, but there was no way! The bait thrown by Xiao Xuan made him itch.

Academic people and scientific research people have the same common professional problem, that is, to find the root.

Moreover, the thirteen needles of the ghost gate in Xiao Xuan's mouth are involved in a big secret of the witch doctor gate. As a witch doctor, it's strange that the black faced old man can not be in a hurry.

Xiao Xuan glanced at the black faced old man, raised his eyebrows and said, "you shouldn't be a witch?"

"I'm Wu Xiushan, my ancestor is Wu Peng!" the black faced old man said his ancestor in a low voice with longing.

"Hiss!" Xiao Xuan took a breath. NIMA is the real "high cadre" child in the legend. In the surname test, it is said that the Yellow Emperor's minister, Wu Peng, was famous all over the world as a doctor. Although these are not exquisite, the famous official families recorded in history are not fabricated.

Of course, even the descendants of wupeng were thousands of years ago. Ancient people often gave birth to dozens of sons. It is true that it has been passed down from generation to generation. Now wupeng doesn't know that there are tens of thousands of descendants. Moreover, according to records, the descendants of the Wu surname were mostly distributed in the Pingyang generation, that is, the current Shandong region, but the old man in front of him, just Liu Shiyan, said that he came from miaojiang, Yunnan Province.

Besides, this kind of more or less has something mysterious about history. Xiao Xuan, an authentic modern man, can't and can't be serious.

Shocked, but also with some respect for the ancients.

"I know. But I can only say, not yet! It's no use forcing me now!" Xiao Xuan rubbed his nose and said painfully.

The black faced old man stared at Xiao Xuan's face for a long time. It seemed that he was sure that Xiao Xuan didn't lie.

"You're short of money. I have a business here that can bring quick money. Would you like to try?" the black faced old head looked like a plan that couldn't work out.

Xiao Xuan's eyes brightened. He knew it was a pit and had to jump! With Su Mei for such a long time, even if it's always noisy, do you have feelings? Can you watch her go bankrupt and commit suicide after her company collapsed? Besides, he has some responsibility for killing Qu Xiangyang. At this time, as long as he could get money, he would kill hundreds of people. Xiao Xuan also did it!

"No, it's still what I said just now? I want 10 billion!" Xiao Xuan deliberately weighed 10 billion words.

"You can talk about the price with the gold master. If he doesn't agree, you can't cure it. Can he tie you up?" the black faced old man became a lobbyist at this time.

Xiao Xuan pondered for a moment, but before he hesitated to give the result, he saw Liu Shiyan running out of breath and shouting: "Xiao Xuan, wait! The patient said he wanted to talk to you..."

Poor Liu Shiyan's lung. It's too old to be tossed back and forth. It's all Xiao Xuan. He can't sit on the bench and is always ready to leave.

"You said I wanted to borrow 10 billion, and there was still talk?" Xiao Xuan really couldn't think of any big man who could do so. tqR1

It is hard to imagine that there will be such a rich man in Nanhai city!!!

"Yes, they said, money is not a problem, the problem is..." Liu Shiyan said, and he couldn't catch it at one breath.

Xiao Xuan looked at Liu Shiyan pitifully, waved his big hand and said, "then go and have a look!"

In the past, Xiao Xuan really didn't expect that he would be "short of money" one day. As an ordinary person, there are three or five thousand a month. You can also have a good time! Why, he just became an ordinary person for a short time and spread such bad luck

It's not easy to be a man, a male animal. Although you don't have to fight a group fight for the right to mate like a low-level animal. But in order to occupy the largest and best gene bank, Xiao Xuan felt that he was really fighting too hard! In his opinion, it's better to fight in groups during estrus for the right of mating!

In the depressed and tucking toughs of Xiao Xuan's various kinds make complaints about him, Wu Xiushan and Liu Shiyan have brought him on the car, and the car has been racing all the way, heading for the destination.

This time, there is no big villa, no beautiful manor, not even a high-end community. This big man who doesn't even pay attention to $10 billion lives in a village in the city!!!

After getting off the bus, Xiao Xuan had the illusion that he had been cheated. If he hadn't seen many strange flowers in recent years, Xiao Xuan would have thought that two old ghosts had deceived him.

It's a bit exaggerated to say that it's a slum, but it's completely a village in the city! The three or four storey red brick building with the same color has no ceramic tile decoration outside. And it can be seen that the houses here are old and old. The landlords are too lazy to clean up and wait for the demolition directly.

The narrow alley forced them to park their cars outside the alley. You can only walk in.

Wu Xiushan and Liu Shiyan looked at each other and thought Xiao Xuan would ask questions. After all, Xiao Xuan was attracted by money, but Xiao Xuan seemed very calm. He just looked left and right as he walked. He didn't show any intention of asking.

They looked at each other and couldn't help showing some approval. Just calm down, Xiao Xuan can dump several streets of other so-called excellent young people they have seen.

Soon, Xiao Xuan was taken to a small courtyard with an old appearance and no mountain and dew. It was also a four storey red brick building.

The only difference is that there are many people in the hospital. After Liu Shiyan and Wu Xiushan knocked on the door, the strong man who opened the door said in a voice: "President Liu and Doctor Wu are waiting for you! Please come in!"

Obviously, these two people are not here for the first time.

The strong man only said this to Liu Shiyan and Wu Xiushan. After looking at Xiao Xuan again and again, he pointed to the corner of the alley not far away and said, "the driver should not come in. There is a herbal tea shop around the corner. Go and wait for a while!"

Xiao Xuan grinned. Before he spoke, Liu Shiyan hurriedly said, "can't do it. He's the Lord and the attending doctor today! Come to help the old man see a doctor!"

"This!... let's go!" the strong man obviously showed some skeptical expression, but the two old men are familiar with the people inside, and must not lie. Suspicious eyes swept Xiao Xuan again, as if he had struggled in his head before he let go.

Xiao Xuan didn't want to make trouble, so he didn't say a word from beginning to end. After a group of people walked in, the strong man always walked one step back at Xiao Xuan's left hand and followed slowly.

Xiao Xuan's eyes narrowed half. The strong man's words and behaviors were like bodyguards of real rich people. He was proud but not arrogant. That kind of careful prevention was not a superficial distance, but a trust in his own strength and fundamental prevention.

At least, the strong man who opened the door will not be lower than sun Shilin.

Xiao Xuan began to find the people in the room interesting.

Entering the small building will make people deeply realize that a word has a unique meaning. Although the outside is shabby, the inside can be described as luxury.

The Chinese classical style decoration is all in one color. The so-called golden wood, yellow pear and red sandalwood here are nothing, let alone furniture. Even the wooden floor is made of last year's yellow pear wood.

All kinds of celebrity calligraphy and painting, Wang Xizhi and Zhang Daqian, the favorite works of the auction house, can be seen everywhere. All the objects are displayed in order. At first glance, it's not like entering a civil house, but more like entering a museum.

Through the first floor, the mahogany rotating stairs go to the second floor, and a group of people are taken to the second floor. The second floor is different from the classical luxury on the first floor. It has suddenly become a European luxury style. The European aristocratic decoration tone, oil painting, fireplace and warm color make people feel like passing through the European royal family in the 18th century.

On the second floor, a man and a woman were sitting on the sofa, waiting for Xiao Xuan and his party to come.

"Are you Xiao Xuan?"

As soon as the three entered the door, the woman on the sofa stood up, nodded to Liu Shiyan and Wu Xiushan, and then stared at Xiao Xuan.

"Yes, I am Xiao Xuan!" Xiao Xuan grinned and nodded.

"I heard that you are asked to borrow 10 billion yuan for the clinic? Do you know the daily minimum interest rate of 10 billion yuan of normal private loans?" the woman spoke with a strong dignity.

"50-80 million!" Xiao Xuan almost didn't need to count. He reported the number in the blink of an eye.

The woman was stunned, her eyes swept on Xiao Xuan, smiled and said with some ponder: "you are the most expensive doctor I have ever seen!"

"I'm not a doctor!" Xiao Xuan said quietly and died endlessly!

"Then what are you doing here?" the woman's eyes flashed, and there was a strong man who didn't agree to kill an unforgivable bastard. Before her voice fell, the strong man who had been following Xiao Xuan suddenly stepped forward and looked covetously.

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