Xiao Xuan kept glancing at the woman in front of him. She looked like she was in her thirties. Because she was well maintained, she looked like she was in her twenties at most. Her noble, strong and shrewd temperament was undoubtedly revealed, like a treasure blade with exposed edges.

When the momentum erupted from her moment, she was no less than any provincial official who had been in the upper position for a long time, and even as sharp as any assassin who often wandered between life and death!

"Miss Ji, Xiao Xuan..." Liu Shiyan didn't expect that as soon as he came up, his illness had not begun to be cured, and the atmosphere was tense, as if it would be triggered at once.

But before Liu Shiyan finished, Xiao Xuan waved his hand and motioned that he didn't have to say more. He took a half step forward, looked at the powerful Miss Ji in front of him without fear, smiled and said, "I'm here to make money!"

"Boy, please be polite to miss Ji!" said the strong man behind Xiao Xuan.

It seems that in his conscious logic, Xiao Xuan's attitude at this time has been very impolite. I really don't know what kind of humble attitude other people have towards this amazing Miss Ji.

"Am I welcome now?" Xiao Xuan half narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the strong man.

"You are very impolite!" the strong man squeezed his fist. It seemed that Xiao Xuan was arrogant and arrogant in his eyes.

"Oh! Then I'll be rude again!" Xiao Xuan smiled and suddenly turned his head. Leng Buding punched. The punch seemed ordinary, but the strong wind made a sound. It seems that the speed is not fast, but the strong man didn't hide!

The fist hit the strong man in the face and threw the burly guy down on the spot.

Xiao Xuan took back his fist and snorted coldly: "master, don't talk too much! I'm here to talk about business. Although I'm not a doctor, you're begging me now! Understand? Do you want me to cry and beg you, please, let me cure his disease? Then I should go to the mental hospital to cure myself!"

Both Liu Shiyan and Wu Xiushan did not expect Xiao Xuan to hit people. Suddenly, their faces were a little ugly. But somehow they felt that Xiao Xuan's words made them feel very happy!

As a doctor, there is a sense of superiority in saving lives and helping the wounded. This sense of superiority comes from people's cherish of life, but in front of such a large family, there is a natural arrogance. Even if they show hospitality, that arrogance will still hurt the self-esteem of ordinary people and release the Buddha. They are high emperors, These doctors can always pull out and cut off their vassals if they can't do anything.

Liu Shiyan and Wu Xiushan, big names in the medical field, although they have never expressed dissatisfaction out of professional self-restraint, it does not mean that they have no resentment in their hearts. At this time, Xiao Xuan's words simply spoke their hearts.

Xiao Xuan's fist hit too fast and suddenly. No one thought that the guy who was still smiling and talking just now suddenly swung his fist out. The fist hit miss Ji's face rather than a strong man.

Xiao Xuan almost didn't directly say to miss Ji, is your awesome roar because of your x-diamond? Even if the diamond is embedded, I don't come to you. Can you hold it?

After the strong man got up from the ground, he pinched his fist angrily, but it was up to miss Ji to move his fist. Miss Ji dropped her head and motioned not to move. At this moment, a little surprise flashed in her eyes. It seemed that Xiao Xuan didn't expect to move his hand so unambiguously. She knew what his bodyguard was. She knocked it down with a fist. The fist was really hard.

"Since she said she was here to do business, I'm afraid she lost her sense of propriety!" Miss Ji looked at Xiao Xuan and flashed in her narrow Phoenix eyes.

"Since it's business, put down your shelf first. Although I don't know why you behave like a bull, you don't have the qualification to be a bull here. Ten billion, I can go out and find a way, but when I get out of this door, are you sure the one in bed can survive tomorrow? Of course, you can continue to be a bull, but my medical skills are not so cheap. I can go home now!"

When Xiao Xuan spoke, his chin was slightly raised, like a angry child, but the corners of his mouth were turned up and his face was cold, like a proud old scholar.

"I believe you are here to make money now. You are very business minded and negotiation minded. I hope your medical skills will be as powerful as your business mind!" said Miss Ji in a low voice. When she spoke, her eyes stared at Xiao Xuan's eyes and looked down, as if she could see through Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan frowned. The woman's IQ was intolerable! As she said, Xiao Xuan's beating people and saying those words have only one meaning. Lao Tzu is a rare commodity. In front of your lives, do you choose to proudly raise your head to die or lower your head to live? To put it bluntly, it's worth spending hundreds of millions on human lives. Do you think it's worth it? Brother's medical skills are so expensive. Do you like to buy them!

"Ten billion, interest free loan in twenty days!" Xiao Xuan was seen through by Miss Ji. He was still not red faced and his heart didn't jump. He opened his mouth and offered the terms first.

Liu Shiyan was shocked when he heard the speech and looked at Xiao Xuan in surprise. What is the concept of no interest? It is an interest loss of 50-80 million a day. Even if it is not based on the interest of private loans, taking the minimum current interest of the bank, it is also an interest loss of 20-30 million a day.

In other words, the lowest valuation of Xiao Xuan's diagnosis is 400-600 million!

Moreover, this account can not be calculated in this way. Even if the 10 billion fund is a short-term investment, the money it can earn must be much more than the current interest of the bank.

Besides, you borrowed him ten billion, not one hundred dollars. There is also a measured value of the risk base!

In this way, Xiao Xuan's visit fee is a sky high price. The sky high price has reached the point of talking nonsense and shouting all over the sky. tqR1

This time, not only Liu Shiyan, but also Wu Xiushan's pupils suddenly enlarged. This one-off price is like taking advantage of the fire.

"If you can cure the old man, I agree. But if you can't, believe me, you can't get out of the yard, although you seem to have good skills!" Miss Ji turned her head and looked at the man on the sofa and Xiao Xuan, saying word by word.

"I have an additional condition, that is, the money will arrive before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning!" Xiao Xuan pointed to the antique clock on the wall and said with a smile.


Wu Xiushan suddenly felt that he was wrong. He shouldn't have brought Liu Shiyan to bring Xiao Xuan here. He shouldn't have fooled Xiao Xuan because he wanted to see Xiao Xuan's medical skills.

At this point, if Xiao xuanruo can't cure the old man, he will really die!

It was only Liu Shiyan and Wu Xiushan's worries that Xiao Xuan seemed completely invisible. He smiled slightly at his mouth, as if everything was light and clear.

"Can it be treated now?" the man who had not spoken on the sofa suddenly stood up and tidied up his suit and said coldly.

Xiao Xuan looked at the man and said faintly, "of course!"

"I hope you're not wasting everyone's time! Otherwise!!!" Miss Ji whispered,

"You can't complain, I went home at once. I can't walk away and tell you that this yard has the final say. You can try it!" Xiao Xuan suddenly turned back, his eyebrows wrinkled, his eyes were like a torch, and some gleaming lights were shining.

"Well, let's treat the disease first. It's all for the patients!" Wu Xiushan couldn't keep silent. In his opinion, Xiao Xuan was too young and vigorous. But he didn't know that Xiao Xuan hated people's threats most in his life. Today he has been patient again and again.

Wu Xiushan said so, and miss Ji didn't say any more, but her face was gloomy.

Xiao Xuan went to the huge bed and looked at the old man on the bed. The old man's beard and hair were all white, and there was an obvious scar on his national character face. He was in a coma at this time. At first glance, it even looks like a normal person.

"The pulse is also normal!" Xiao Xuan frowned again after feeling his pulse.

Xiao Xuan looked at the old man's various physical conditions and showed some meditation.

"Are you all right?" the man who came in together asked impatiently when he saw Xiao Xuan grinding and chirping.

"I can't? You can do it. You can do it!" Xiao Xuan didn't catch a cold about his superior voice, so he opened his mouth and went back.

"You..." the man choked angrily, stared at Xiao Xuan and left on the spot.

Wu Xiushan twitched at the corners of his mouth and smiled bitterly. Xiao Xuan is really a fearless master. Open your mouth and everyone dares to run!

Xiao Xuan looked at Liu Shiyan and asked, "Dean Liu, you should have checked all the surgical data here, right? If I guess correctly, all the data indicators should be OK, right?"

Liu Shiyan nodded in surprise, "yes, all the data are normal! Our hospital can't find any problems for the time being."

Xiao Xuan gave a sound, then turned to miss Ji and said, "I think with your family's ability, poisoning should have been eliminated, right?"

Although Miss Ji didn't like Xiao Xuan, she had to admit that Xiao Xuan's judgment was accurate and said, "yes, not only all possible poisons and insects have been checked, but also mineral, chemical and even element poisoning have been checked!"

Xiao Xuan gave another hum, looked at Wu Xiushan and said with a smile: "they can't find out the problem, so you're here, right? But you certainly haven't found out the problem!"

"How do you know?" Wu Xiushan was stunned and asked. Shit, this guy is really amazing. Even if the first two were diagnosed, he didn't find out the problem. How did Xiao Xuan know?

"If you want to find out the problem, you need to find me again?" Xiao Xuan grinned and smiled.

"..." Wu Xiushan wants to curse his mother. This bastard is still in the mood to joke!

"After talking for so long, can you cure this disease? Or can't you cure it?" Miss Ji raised her eyebrows and looked at Xiao Xuan again. It seems that she likes to stare into people's eyes!

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