Xiao Xuan touched his chin, looked at Miss Ji, and said faintly, "although I can cure him, I don't like your tone of speaking!"

Miss Ji really wants to be rude. Do you think he's here to treat a disease? Don't you want someone to ask for such a large amount of money?

"I hope you can keep enough sense!" Miss Ji looked at Xiao Xuan with a gloomy face.

"Oh, OK! Witch doctor! President Liu! Go, go home!" Xiao Xuan took a swipe at the corners of his mouth, stiff his neck and was about to leave.

Wu Xiushan and Liu Shi looked at each other and smiled bitterly. It was the tip of the needle against the wheat awn. They were more motivated.

Miss Ji was really angry. She didn't care about money, but Xiao Xuan's attitude made her very uncomfortable! Since she was born, she has been shouting golden spoon. Where has anyone been so arrogant in front of her?

Xiao Xuan is really a little angry. How can you drag me like 25bawan if you ask me for treatment? I charge you money to sell medical skills, not integrity! Do you have to kneel on the ground, kowtow three times and worship nine times, and shout "long live the Queen"?

"Both of you calm down and have something to say! Say it well!" Liu Shiyan and Wu Xiushan jumped out again.

But Xiao Xuan refused this time. He just wanted to leave!

"I don't want money, who loves governance!" Xiao Xuan grinned and left seriously.

"Miss Ji, the old man probably can't carry it tonight. You've been abroad to Yanjing, to Zhongnan mountain, and now to Nanhai city. You've been all over China for most of the summer. What's the result? Now the only chance... Do you want to give up?" Wu Xiushan said in a deep voice with a cold sweat on his forehead.

"You come back!" Miss Ji's cheeks twitched and shouted to Xiao Xuan's back.

Who knows, Xiao xuangen didn't dump her and went straight to the door.

Miss Ji flashed a fierce look on her face and looked at Xiao Xuan walking towards the door with a sneer.

However, the scene she imagined was different. The two bodyguards at the door jumped out and stopped Xiao Xuan, but it was not the bodyguard who brought Xiao Xuan in, but Xiao Xuan sneered, punched and kicked.

The ghost hit the security guard's armpit. He screamed on the spot and fainted.

And a foot is directed to lift the Yin. After kicking, I only listen to the roaring voice of the security guard, shrink into shrimps and roll on the ground.

Miss Ji opened her mouth in amazement. Mom, Xiao Xuan did it for the first time. She thought she had won by surprise and speed. In other words, she picked up the leak. But this time

Winning the two bodyguards at the door is not the point. The point is to win so easily!!!

Who is this Xiao Xuan? What species?

"What else do you want? You can bring it up!" Miss Ji suddenly softened her tone when Xiao Xuan's back was disappearing at the door.

"What do you say?" Xiao Xuan turned back and smiled, revealing his white teeth.

"I'll add another $50 million! You come back for treatment now!" said Miss Ji, gritting her teeth.

"I'll stay and you go out. Fifty million yuan, plus half of the old man's medicine, belongs to me!" Xiao Xuan waved his fingers and smiled like an old fox.

Wu Xiushan's face is more like the bottom of a pot. He has never seen such a wonderful thing. Just now, I was still strong and would rather die than eat food. In the twinkling of an eye, I asked people for money and things!

This NIMA is not leaving! It's a retreat.

But he can't refuse. Who is Miss Ji? It's not made of mud. Xiao Xuan can beat people and blackmail her. Besides being brave, is he really big!!

What impressed him more was that Miss Ji promised... Promised

She didn't even know what medicine was, so she agreed!

I can't refuse. Wu Xiushan has said that the old man can't stand tonight! In addition to Xiao Xuan's boasting of what he can cure, so far no one can see the old man's disease!

She can only lower her noble head to survive! Of course, if Xiao Xuan can't cure the old man, hehe... She will let Xiao Xuan!

"Then please go out!" Xiao Xuan pointed to the door and smiled.

Miss Ji hesitated a little and went out.

Xiao Xuan said to Wu Xiushan, "borrow a silver needle!"

Wu Xiushan is completely convinced of Xiao Xuan. This NIMA is not afraid of anything. She dares to do anything for money! But he came for medical skills. Xiao Xuan asked for a silver needle and couldn't take it out immediately.

Wu Xiushan took out a special needle belt, with red gold needles in rows, from thick to thin, from long to short, everything!

The gold needle is softer than the silver needle and requires more delicate techniques from the needle applicator. General Chinese medicine, even if it can acupuncture, can't use gold needles for seven or eight out of ten, but can only use silver needles with higher hardness.

But Xiao Xuan just took a look, but he didn't taboo. He took out the largest needle on the spot and plunged into the Baihui acupoint of the old man very quickly. Wu Xiushan and Liu Shiyan took a breath because of their fast movement and fierce strength. It's one of the softest acupoints in the human body, Baihui! This tie is not good, it will kill people!!! Suddenly they all took a breath and didn't dare to make a sound.

Xiao Xuan didn't realize it. He pricked a needle and played the tail of the needle twice. As soon as this action came out, blood seeped from the old man's mouth and nose. The blood was not as scarlet as usual, but a dark color!

Xiao Xuan touched the blood, stuck it with his hand and sniffed it gently under his nose.

"Master Wu, tell me about your conjecture!" Xiao Xuanfei quickly closed the needle, looked at Wu Xiushan with a smile and said.

Wu Xiushan thought for a moment and said, "I have always suspected that it is Miao Gu Shu, but I have checked it and can't find any Gu seduction." tqr1

Xiao Xuan nodded slightly and said with a smile, "it's Gu Shu, but to be exact, it's a branch of Gu Shu! Head lowering!"

"This..." Liu Shiyan is an atheist surgeon. He has seen such things as head lowering on the Internet, but it can only be regarded as the fabrication of boring people or the ghost story of Southeast Asia.

But at this time, looking at the two people in front of me, I can't help but believe it

"The one outside, come in!" Xiao Xuan shouted at the door.

Miss Ji, who had been guarding the door, heard that she was angry, but she came in with long legs and frowned at Xiao Xuan.

"I have something to ask you!" Xiao Xuan said with a smile.

"Say!" Miss Ji already hates Xiao Xuan very much. If she can, she wants Xiao Xuan to disappear from the world.

"You've asked the witch doctor to check whether the old man is likely to be poisoned. Have you checked whether the old man is likely to fall?" Xiao Xuan looked at Miss Ji with his eyes like a torch.

"My father hasn't been to Southeast Asia, so it's impossible to fall in the middle." Miss Ji's tone is very positive.

"Then how can you doubt that he is poisoned? Who told you that you must come in person?" Xiao Xuan asked with an eyebrow.

"Well... Xiao Xuan, can't you see the lesion and start pushing towards the mysterious thing?" Miss Ji sneered.

"Answer my question!" Xiao Xuan's momentum burst out at that moment, as if he could crush anyone's disguise and so-called self-confidence into slag.

"There are also some people who go to hospital in a hurry. It's just that it's said that there are poisonous insects in miaojiang, which can make people go unnoticed." Miss Ji's face became gloomy and said in a cold voice.

"You fart!" Xiao Xuan opened his mouth and scolded.

"Er, let me interrupt! Brother Xiao, Miss Ji, is there really something like Gu Shu? Head lowering?" how did Liu Shiyan feel more and more bad. Isn't it a doctor? Why are we talking about the opening of God's mother now?

"Yes, the art of lowering the head originated in China. In fact, it is the art of Gu. But later, it was spread to the southeast coast, and a series of variations took place, and many other things similar to the art of lowering the head! Gu's medicine of lowering the head originated from the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau of China. The Yunnan Guizhou Plateau is the location of ethnic minorities, with a humid climate and a mid subtropical climate. There are many poisons such as centipedes, and strange drugs grow. For example He said that drugs (such as marijuana) are suitable for growing in Yunnan and further south Thailand. In fact, drugs make people collapse. It itself is a terrible drug introduction. "

"Er... It's just that people's nerves are confused by drugs and poisons, which makes people hallucinate!" Liu Shiyan breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid to pull out some cattle, ghosts and snake gods, which made him completely unacceptable to atheism!

"But this is just the most superficial Gu Shu. Take the head lowering technique for example, the medicine lowering and the five poisons lowering are the lowest, and basically have no technical content. Don't mention the Gu master and the head lowering master, even I can. But it's difficult to be planted in the environment of the old man!" Wu Xiushan talked like a learned man. Of course, he is indeed a learned man. He is right and true.

"Do you mean there are other ways?" Liu Shiyan touched his forehead.

"Have you heard of the evil brand and Guman Tong in Thailand? You must have heard of them. Last year, a rich man in Nanhai City heard about raising ghosts to help transport. I don't believe you haven't heard of them!" Wu Xiushan glared.

"Yes, but I don't believe it!" Liu Shiyan touched his neck in embarrassment.

Xiao Xuan just laughed. Wu Xiushan saved him a lot of trouble by doing such popular science.

"There are also flying head and ghost falls in the head lowering technique! It is similar to the Buddha brand, evil brand, Guman Tong and little ghost in Thailand! These things are really evil. At this level, I only know a little. I only heard that I don't need to be close to people themselves to..." when Wu Xiushan said this, he turned his head to Xiao Xuan.

"Ha ha... What the witch Master said is almost the same! Miss Ji, look, the witch doctor has so much popular science. Are you sure you still want to insist on not saying anything?" Xiao Xuan half narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Xiao Xuan, are you here for treatment or investigation?" said Miss Ji coldly.

Miss Ji's words really woke everyone up! Yes, you're here for treatment. Why do you always ask people this? If you can cure it, you can't cure it. Why do you cross examine other people's private affairs?

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