It's already more than 10 p.m., but for Nanhai City, a city that never sleeps, the night life of lonely men and women has just begun.

When Xiao Xuan started the car and roared away, Su Mei stood at the window, holding the dumpling doll and said to herself angrily, "the dog can't change eating shit! I knew you weren't so calm!"

"Sneeze..." Xiao Xuan sneezed and almost sprayed out all the dumplings in his stomach. He muttered. Who scolded me behind my back?

About half an hour later, Xiao Xuan appeared outside Li Hanxiong's room and knocked on the door. Less than half a minute later, Li Hanxiong, well-dressed, opened the door as if he had been waiting for Xiao Xuan and said, "Mr. Xiao, please come in!"

"Don't go in. When you come to China, I have to treat you well! Take you out to meet the flower city in the South China Sea." Xiao Xuan said with a smile, but his expression was a little weak. At least he is also the helmsman of the rich and powerful Li family. I haven't seen any colorful world

Li Hanxiong looked at Xiao Xuan with a smile on his face. He was not sure what medicine was sold in Xiao Xuan's gourd. He asked tentatively, "is there anything Mr. Xiao wants to tell about today's press conference and tomorrow's police? It may be quieter to talk in the room!"

With a big hand, Xiao Xuan said proudly, "I'm relieved you do things! Today's press conference is still very successful!"

Li Hanxiong doesn't think Xiao Xuan is ironic, and he thinks his performance at today's press conference is very appropriate.

The shadow left by Xiao Xuan was so deep that he always felt that Xiao Xuan was a little skinny and not funny no matter what he looked at now.

When he left the hotel with Xiao Xuan like a wooden man, Li Hanxiong was still a little shocked.

"You don't have to be so nervous! At the press conference, your statement was very good. If you directly help clarify, it will fall on people's lips. Being neutral and only emphasizing cooperation is really a good way." Xiao Xuan lit a cigarette and said.

Li Hanxiong suddenly heaved a long breath, like the one whose life was hanging on the line and was pulled back.

Xiao Xuanwu drove by himself and didn't speak. Li Hanxiong was full of cold sweat and didn't dare to speak.

This atmosphere is a little strange. After all, Li Hanxiong is sitting in the car. I don't know how many Li Dashao have been contacted by the yuan capitals of various countries, but at this time


In the Blanca bar in Dongcheng District, Zhao Sixi and Bai Yujiao are muttering.

"Elder sister, I still don't quite understand brother Xuan's meaning! He even asked us to watch on the wall. There will be a good play when those twenty-five sons are killed. But now I can't see where the good play is?" Zhao Sixi murmured.

Although the Blanca bar is not as large as Odie, it is also a very prosperous night show. Like Odie, Blanca also belongs to Canlian company, and Canlian company was incorporated into Xiaocheng international half a month ago and became a branch of Xiaocheng international.

"If brother Wuji hadn't been watching us all night, we wouldn't know what the 25-year-old did! It seems that the Buddha's old bastard is going to give us an ugly look. The old man is so far away that he has such great strength in the South China Sea! Since Xiao Xuan said there was a good play, wait and watch the play! What are you worried about?" Bai Yujiao touched her chin and said with a smile.

"Should I arrange more people to come over? In case something goes wrong..." Zhao Sixi said with worry.

At this time, several brothers of the dark night team hurried in outside the door. When they came in, they found Zhao Sixi and came over. They stood still and said, "fourth brother, it can be determined that boss Hao in the Southern District has gathered more than 100 people. They may raid ODI or Blanca at night. At present, they really want to betray Xiaocheng guard!"

"Ha ha, I really underestimated Hao Jiansheng." Zhao Sixi waved his hand and grinned.

"The Buddha can't swallow that tone. Xiao Xuan blew up the No. 7 club he is most proud of. Even if he doesn't know how to make trouble, it's reasonable to secretly use such means to give us a good look!"

Bai Yujiao sighed faintly. Who offended Xiao Xuan's evil spirit is really asking for trouble. If Xiao Xuan is stupid enough to be complacent when he comes back from blowing up club No. 7, the Buddha's arrangement can be regarded as a surprise. Although it is still impossible to win the voice of the underground city of Nanhai City, he can at least play an authority.

But Xiao Xuan made all kinds of arrangements as soon as he came back from the provincial capital. Several dark flags used by Buddha were found abnormal by Yuan Wuji's dark night team as soon as they started their activities.

According to Zhao Sixi's idea, it's OK to shoot all of them directly. Anyway, with the strength of Xiaocheng guard, it's just an easy thing to do.

But Xiao Xuan only made a few random noises on the phone, indicating that he knew about it. Later, I sent a few text messages and asked them to stand by and not respond!

Zhao Sixi is not sure what medicine Xiao Xuan sells in his gourd.

"I think the reason why Xiao Xuan doesn't agree with our actions is related to Secretary Zhao's sacking! Now the wind direction is unknown, don't be impatient to do bad things!" Bai Yujiao comforted Zhao Sixi.

Zhao Sixi thought and sat back.

After five minutes, sun Manyu unexpectedly took a group of gorgeous women into the Blanca bar. Bai Yujiao had sharp eyes. She saw it from a distance and exchanged eyes with Zhao Sixi. It seemed that they all wondered about each other. How did sun Manyu come at this time?

Bai Yujiao stood up, greeted her and said with a smile, "sister sun brought friends to play?"

Sun Manyu said, "Xiao Xuan has always said that Blanca bar is very unique, so he specially brought his sisters to see it today. Is there any box left?"

Bai Yujiao heard that Xiao Xuan asked her to come. She raised her eyebrows, her eyes moved, and said with a smile: "sister sun, look at this business... The box is full! You don't tell me earlier if you want to come! Why don't you take the card seat!"

Sun Manyu said well and didn't say much. Anyway, Bai Yujiao's arrangement was absolutely reassuring. She greeted her sisters and said, "sisters, if the box is gone, just block it! I think it's more lively outside! Cai Yuan, why haven't you come? Which sister called Cai Yuan to urge!"

"Cluck... She's a heroine. Although she promised early, who knows if she's free? I'll call and ask..."


Bai Yujiao always feels a little strange when she returns to the bar after greeting sun Manyu! What the hell is Xiao Xuan doing?

"Why is sister sun here? Why don't you arrange to go to the box? In case of chaos and injury, my brother won't peel off my skin!" Zhao Sixi asked with a frown when he saw that Bai Yujiao had arranged sun Manyu in the card seat.

"Fuck your own heart! I think it's time for the lion king to come! But it's not right. Even so, there's still a missing link in the middle!" Bai Yujiao murmured, as if she thought of something, but she couldn't be sure.

Seeing Bai Yujiao's mindless thoughts, Zhao Sixi was even more confused. He simply shouted several brothers to the door.

Just arrived at the door, good guy, Lai GAOJIN also came! Also with a group of executives of Xiaocheng international and managers and bosses of cooperative companies!

"Brother Lai, why are you here?" Zhao Sixi smacked his tongue and felt like touching the doorway.

"Ha ha, bring friends to hi! You have to arrange some beautiful princesses for your brother to accompany his brother's customers!" Lai GAOJIN said with a smile and greeted a group of people to go inside. tqR1

"OK!" Zhao Sixi promised, his eyes shining.

After a while, sun Shilin also came. Almost at the same time as sun Shilin, it was Xiao Xuan who accompanied Li Hanxiong.

"Xiao Xuan, what are you doing? Moths?" Sun Shilin asked as soon as he saw Xiao Xuan.

Who knows, Xiao xuangen didn't answer him. Instead, he pulled sun Shilin to Li Hanxiong and said with a smile: "childe Li, this bar is messy. I'm afraid it's unsafe. I specially arranged a bodyguard for you without money. Are you satisfied?"

"Er..." Li Hanxiong looked at Sun Shilin's face and nodded, but he kept muttering. Is Xiao XuanZhen so kind? And arrange a bodyguard for him? Besides, what's unsafe to stay with Xiao Xuan?

Li Hanxiong, who pulled out his eyelashes, was empty. He suddenly felt that Xiao Xuan had calculated for him again. But he couldn't figure out what he wanted to do this time.

"Hey, hey, let's go! Go in and sit down. I still have some friends in the mall. Let's have a drink together!" Xiao xuange enthusiastically led people to the bar.

So far, everyone was confused except Xiao Xuan, who had been wearing an indifferent smile.

At this time, the Blanca bar can no longer be described as lively. Bai Yujiao has vaguely guessed what Xiao Xuan is going to do, but she didn't expect that Xiao Xuan played more wonderful than she imagined.

Xiao Xuan took Li Hanxiong and sun Shilin directly to the card seat where Lai GAOJIN and his party took their seats. He said with a smile: "President Lai, come and introduce a big man to you!"

Although the light in the bar was dim, Lai GAOJIN had already received the wind from Xiao Xuan, but when he really saw Li Hanxiong, he was still a little excited. He rubbed his hands, reached out to Li Hanxiong and said with a smile: "Li Hanxiong, President Li! I've heard a lot about it!"

"Li Shao, this is Mr. Lai of Xiaocheng international group. Get close!" Xiao Xuan patted Li Hanxiong on the shoulder. Although he didn't deliberately say Xiaocheng international, Li Hanxiong immediately realized that the company had something to do with Xiao Xuan. He immediately smiled and held out his hand with Li Hanxiong.

One mouthful of Hong Kong and Taiwan Mandarin repeatedly said, "you're welcome!"

"Come on, sit down! Let's sit down and have a good chat!" Lai GAOJIN took Li Hanxiong to his seat, but everyone in the same seat was shocked. Except for the executives of Xiaocheng international, most of the others were executives of the cooperative company. People of Li Hanxiong's level can only be seen in the financial newspaper and TV. At this time, the surprise and excitement were beyond words

After sun Shilin took his seat, he couldn't help it any more. He lowered his voice and asked Xiao Xuan, "what kind of tricks are you playing?"

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