"Police! Put down the knives and weapons in your hands. Don't move. Hold your head in your hands and hurry up..." Cai Yuan shouted in a crisp voice. The woman was still very strong and full of justice energy.

Just at this time, who would listen to her as a policewoman?

When you kill red eyes, the riot brigade may not work! Not to mention the unarmed policewoman now!

"Little Niang PI, get out of the way! Don't look for trouble!"

Someone from Hao Jiansheng drank in a deep voice. Obviously, although he didn't pay attention to Cai Yuan, he didn't want to really attack the police.

"If you don't stop..." Cai Yuan touched her waist. It was an empty piece that made her remember. Now there is no task. Where is a gun?

Look at those gangsters, they are fighting with sun Shilin again!

"How? Do you know my helplessness? I want to talk to them well, but they have to listen!" Xiao Xuan said in Cai Yuan's ear with a flat mouth.

Cai Yuan can't understand Xiao Xuan. Xiao Xuan still looks calm. Isn't he really worried about sun Shilin? If Xiao XuanZhen is the kind of person who can play chess for the benefit of his brothers and friends, is that really terrible?

One man fights a hundred people, which is just a legend. At this time, seeing that hundreds of people are enemies, sun Shilin is unafraid and takes the lead. His boldness is soul-stirring, but he will also worry about him involuntarily!

The idea flashed out of Cai Yuan's mind. In front of her, dozens of people rushed to sun Shilin with steel knives. Cai Yuan couldn't help it anymore and rushed over with a pink fist.

"Hey, beautiful police, beautiful police, don't be impulsive! It's dangerous..." Xiao Xuan's exaggerated voice sounded behind Cai Yuan, attracting countless glances.

Hao Jiansheng's eyelids jumped behind the scuffle crowd. Suddenly, he had a bad hunch that Xiao Xuan was going to fight!

He has heard more legends about Xiao Xuan than sun Shilin! Sun Shilin is still so terrible, not to mention Xiao Xuan? Hao Jiansheng touched his mobile phone and sent out a text message. The fluorescence on the mobile phone screen lit up the ferocious and ferocious look at the corners of his mouth, like a fierce beast trying to eat people

Xiao Xuan shouted and staggered into the crowd, as if to pull Cai Yuan back.

"Officer Cai, be careful! Hey, hey, you are too lawless. How dare you attack the police?"

"Pa pa..."

"And you, where are you going with your knife? Bang Bang..."


Cai Yuan's free fighting technique hasn't come yet. She's most proud of lifting her Yin leg and hasn't had a chance to kick it out!

Xiao Xuan was like a ghost, following behind her, opening up and closing up. Whoever approached was either thrown out by Xiao Xuan like a chicken or flew out by Xiao Xuan's big feet

This scene is really not a fight! It's a unilateral beating!

The well-trained men with blades suddenly found that the world seemed to have changed. It didn't seem to be a modern world, but returned to Jin Yong's martial arts world!

Yes, how can anyone be so divine in the modern world? The whole body seems to have eyes. No matter which angle you cut it off, the blade hasn't come near yet. People's big mouth came first

"Officer Cai, be careful!"

Xiao Xuan shouted again. Cai Yuan was stunned by the sound of thunder. She saw a bright blade suddenly chop down at her forehead!

Tanima is so cruel that she dares to disfigure the police flower! I really don't want to mix up! Xiao Xuan hit him with an unhappy punch!

Cai Yuan saw it clearly. The fist hit the knife holder's face quickly and accurately. Xiao xuanming was behind her. The fist seemed to have automatic retraction function. Only a dull sound and a stream of blood gushed out. The man's face seemed to collapse and fell to the ground

Xiao Xuan followed Cai Yuan like this. He hit more than a dozen people in the blink of an eye! He's not red and out of breath.

"Xiao Xuan, you are..." Cai Yuan blushed and wanted to swear, but she couldn't tell what was wrong with Xiao Xuan!

Obviously, Xiao Xuan wants a legal and reasonable mobile phone meeting! Help the police. Is it all right where to say it?

Even if you don't send a good citizen award, you can't say he's wrong!!!

Cai Yuan saw clearly that Xiao Xuan had completely transformed a black and astringent fight into a unilateral provocation.

Sun Shilin, who beat people, is the bodyguard. Xiao Xuan, who started, helped the police eliminate the harm!

All in all, the Blanca bar has nothing to do with this!

"Manyu, you are really a handsome boy!"

"Listen to his voice, or the owner of the bar?!"

"I always think he looks familiar. I seem to have seen it in some newspaper or gossip weekly..."


"Li Shao, your bodyguard is really awesome! If you fight so many people alone, you won't lose!"

"Isn't that right? Li Shao's bodyguard is poor. He can not only fight, but also be loyal..."

"And our president Xiao, too... Two people have killed so many people. It's like playing a movie!"


As soon as the situation outside seemed to be less severe, the group of people in the bar came alive again. They were full of comments and completely forgot who was going to pee just now!

Lai GAOJIN smoked silently, like turning a deaf ear, but his admiration for Xiao Xuan became stronger and stronger.

He really didn't expect that Xiao Xuan asked him to bring people to the bar and made such a big deal. I thought Xiao Xuan was going to introduce Li Hanxiong to pave the way for Xiao Cheng international, but I didn't expect Xiao Xuan to do so

"Xiao Xuan, sun Shilin, you two stop right away! Otherwise I'll blow up Blanca and Odie! The bomb has been put away long ago. If you don't believe it, let's try!"

Sun Shilin paused, frowned and looked at Xiao Xuan. He punched a guy who jumped up and kicked him out three or five meters away



The people in the bar blew the pot!

Cai Yuan also stopped. There's going to be an explosion. It's great fun!

Just then, Cai Yuan suddenly felt that Xiao Xuan's voice sounded again in her ear. As soon as she heard Xiao Xuan's words, Cai Yuan just looked at Xiao Xuan with some gratitude in horror, and SA Yazi ran to the bar

Xiao Xuan deflated his mouth and said to Hao Jiansheng, who was hiding behind the crowd, "I'm the only one left over from your tricks. If you know what you're doing, take someone away and find a place to cut yourself!"

"Hehe, if I die, I'll take Blanca and Odie to the funeral!" Hao Jiansheng said sadly. tqR1

The people in the bar are flustered. The bomb! Are you kidding?

Just then, Bai Yujiao's smiling voice sounded and said, "don't make a mess! Even if the quarrel causes some contradictions, you can still pull the bomb. Can you believe it?"

"Are they coming for Li Shao?"


Before the panic blew up, Cai Yuan came out of the bar with two bombs in her hand and said, "I'm a policeman. Don't panic. The bomb has been removed by me! There will be no danger!"

"Shit, there's a bomb!"

"Wipe, paralyze, run!"


The people in the bar began to rush out like crazy!

"Manyu, go out first!"

"Mr. Lai! Mr. Li! It's dangerous, run..."


In a moment, the people in the bar ran out. The people outside were smart and knew they couldn't take innocent people.

And these people who ran out dialed 110 like crazy!

Just when it was a mess and no one could pay attention to anyone, Xiao Xuan and sun Shilin suddenly moved. They jumped at their prey like two cheetahs!

Hao Jiansheng heard Cai Yuan say that at the moment when the bomb was removed, SA Yazi ran away. You are paralyzed. How can the bomb be found and removed so quickly?

There is only one possibility, Xiao Xuan. They already know his actions, including the action plan of each step! They even know such a secret thing as placing bombs

If you don't go, you can only wait for Xiao Xuan to kill him! As for Xiao Xuan, how do they know? Since they know, why are they waiting for him to kill them? Hao Jiansheng has no time to think about all this

Xiao Xuan and sun Shilin didn't chase Hao Jiansheng who ran away, but killed the blade strong man who didn't have time to break up!

When the crowd dispersed, it was only two or three minutes, and dozens of strong men screamed and cried in the open space at the door of the bar!

That scene was really spectacular!


In an alley just a street from Blanca bar, two police cars stopped by the side of the road. In the car, a middle-aged man kept smoking, like an old cigarette gun.

"Team Liang, how do I feel about the new leader? It's arranged... It's a little inappropriate!"

"Don't talk nonsense. We little policemen, what are the arrangements and what do we do!" the middle-aged man frowned and smoked heavily.

"The police station at 110 has received 48 alarm calls. If we don't go there again, I'm afraid there will be a problem. It's not us who took the blame for a big accident?" the little policeman was just blocking his hat and muttered discontentedly.

"Let's go! There's enough time! After the past, no matter who, take them back to the police station!" the Liang team waved his hand and gave an order!


When the police dared to go to the Blanca bar, they saw dozens of strong men in the open space, either crying with their arms or screaming with their twisted thighs. The bright knife pieces were thrown all over the ground

Xiao Xuan and sun Shilin stood quietly and puffed on one side!

"Police comrades, you're finally here. The security in the mainland is getting more and more..." Li Hanxiong this time, he didn't wait for Xiao Xuan's greeting and arrangement. When he saw the police at the door, he took the initiative to run over and complain about suffering!

When Liang Zhensheng saw the face in front of him, he took a breath. He just felt that the crotch was tight and the eggs were about to break

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