"Mr. Xiao, it's just to investigate the incident, not what you said! Moreover, it's said that you are the head of the bar and you must go with us." Liang Zhensheng said, resisting the impulse of 100000 grass mud horses roaring out.

"It's said that good people don't pay well, and bad people have women to throw themselves into their arms. I don't believe it. Look, courageous people end up not sleeping in the middle of the night and have to go to the police station to sit on the bench!" Xiao Xuan's ridicule was not loud, but it was enough for many people around to hear clearly.

"How can the police do this now? If they don't catch criminals, they will always wrong good people!"

"Xiao Xuan, don't worry. If they wronged you, we will testify to you!"

"Yes, yes, we have seen that you are courageous!"


As soon as Xiao Xuan's words came out, the group of sisters of sun Manyu and the group of people brought by Lai GAOJIN all chirped and shouted.

When there are bombs, they run faster and faster! But it didn't go far. The police came, everything was safe, and they all came back with blood. Of course, Xiao Xuan will not go to the belly Fei to run for their lives in the face of danger. What he wants is just these people's "speaking out" at this time!

Obviously, with Xiao Xuan's identity and the foreshadowing made before and after, these people unconsciously got on Xiao Xuan's "thief ship". There were some people who blamed Xiao Xuan for not coming out before. At this time, they all became understanding and sympathizing with Xiao Xuan!

Liang Zhensheng smiled bitterly and swept around the people who spoke. Just now, his subordinates have reported to him. These so-called "parties" not only have nothing to do with the black astringent society, but also are innocent workplace elites

"Well, people in the bar just now also need to go to the police station!" Liang Zhensheng pointed to the people around him and said depressed.

"Just go. I don't believe there's no king's law. We can be arrested! It's also a crime to go to a bar to drink?"


Liang Zhensheng did not say much. With a bitter face, he arranged for his subordinates to take everyone present back to the police station, and arranged support and hospitals to take away dozens of "disabled people" here. Then he went to Li Hanxiong and said, "Li Shao, please! I'm sorry for wasting your time!"

Li Hanxiong nodded slightly. He just looked at Xiao Xuan and left with Liang Zhensheng.

Xiao Xuan grinned and got into another police car arranged by the police with sun Shilin!


This storm was like a dark cloud. Although it came quickly, it was quickly dispersed by such a chaotic wind caused by Xiao Xuan.

An hour later, the police were cleaned up inside and outside the bar. Although in the bar, from the waiter to Bai Yujiao were questioned by the police, each of them could play a big role without rehearsal and script, which fooled the police.

Bai Yujiao directly pushed everything to Xiao Xuan, who is the person in charge of the bar!!!

After the police got nothing and left, Zhao Sixi was relieved. He came out of the dark room in the back hall, touched his chin and said to Bai Yujiao, "sister Yujiao, brother Xuan is getting more and more..."

"More and more what?" Bai Yujiao asked with a smile.

"It's getting more and more divine. I just thought about it. If we really do this tonight, it's really hard to say who the policeman will help when he comes. Looking at the situation just now, nine times out of ten we will help Hao Jiansheng. But brother Xuan is so neat that we not only kill Hao Jiansheng, but also leave ourselves clean. How clever!" Zhao Sixi turned his eyes and said.

"What are you going to do now?" Bai Yujiao asked with a smile.

"Of course, I'm going to dig out Hao Jiansheng's son of a bitch and kill him! Grandma, if I don't dry all these sundries tonight, it's not Zhao Sixi!" Zhao Sixi squeezed his fist fiercely.

"Brother Xuan didn't cultivate you in vain, but you can keep up with his rhythm more and more. He just sent me a text message, three words, no amnesty!" Bai Yujiao raised her mobile phone and said.

Zhao Sixi smiled and said, "don't worry, sister Yujiao. After tonight, Nanhai city will be completely cleaned up. No matter Hao Jiansheng, I will solve all those who detect dissent in the dark! From then on, Nanhai city is exclusive to Xiaocheng! It's the dragon who has to be coiled, and the tiger who has to lie down! No matter what storms and waves outside, I can only sing and dance in Nanhai city!"

"Now that it's open, it's time to stand up!" Bai Yujiao picked up her eyebrows and said.

"Sister, just look!" Zhao Sixi grinned, rubbed his fingers and walked quickly towards the door.


Xiao Xuan and his party were taken to the Municipal Bureau. The scene was lively. Shouting for lawyers, shouting suck that the police did not work hard to catch people, and they fell out on the spot.

Even Li Hanxiong asked the police to investigate the matter tonight.

Not easy to settle these people, Liang Zhensheng slipped into the leadership office.

"It's not that I don't do it for the leader now! I can't do it!" Liang Zhensheng said angrily as soon as he entered the leader's office.

"What's the matter? Talk well. What's the temper?" the leader was very good at holding a shelf, calmly lit a cigarette and asked.

"Now there are at least ten people outside, which can prove that no one in Blanca bar participated in the fight, let alone the hat of black astringent club. There are only two people involved in the case, Xiao Xuan and sun Shilin! Xiao Xuan helped the police catch the bad guys, and sun Shilin is Li Hanxiong's bodyguard. At least ten people can testify. Li Hanxiong now wants the police to explain the matter! Another In addition, the so-called perpetrators, there are No. 70 or 80, now all have become seriously disabled patients and have been admitted to the hospital... "

"Hiss..." after listening to the report, the leader's face was full of you and him teasing me. Obviously, he was shocked and completely unacceptable!

"Now the most important thing is Li Hanxiong! As an internationally famous entrepreneur, Li Hanxiong was attacked in Nanhai city. This matter can be big or small. If, I mean, if Li Hanxiong is more serious, this matter......" Liang Zhensheng's words have self-evident meaning.

"Why is Li Hanxiong in that bar? What's the matter with those witnesses? Aren't Zhao Sixi's Gang the ones you arrested?"

"..." Liang Zhensheng shrugged.

The "leader" finally resisted the urge to scold his mother, smoked a few cigarettes heavily, and said to Liang Zhensheng, "go out first! I know. I'll deal with it later!"

Liang Zhensheng didn't say much, so he twisted his face and walked out of the office. Obviously, he is mad at the unwise instruction of the leader tonight!

After Liang Zhensheng left, the "leader" immediately touched out his mobile phone and dialed out. As soon as the phone was connected, he couldn't wait to say, "Buddha, I'll do you a favor this time, but I'm going to plant all my black hats in! Did your action tonight leak? I think Xiao Xuan dug a pit for us..."

Being a leader is unusual. I suddenly smell the smell of "conspiracy", but the conspiracy has become a fact. At this time, I can only deal with it as a conspiracy.

After complaining, he hung up and the leader walked out of the office with a sad face.

Li Hanxiong was arranged in a tea room alone. When he saw the so-called leader, Li Hanxiong stood up politely and said: "Hello, comrade police, I think I have explained all the problems I need to explain. It's meaningless to continue wasting time here. Now I ask to take my bodyguard away from the police station. If you don't agree, I can only contact a lawyer!"


Li Hanxiong is a person who meets the head of state. He's a little policeman with you and has a long story. The leaders can only arrange to release people when they choke on the spot!

The rest of the people, not to mention the fact that they are all innocent, can naturally leave if they make it clear what happened in the bar.

Finally, only Xiao Xuan was left. Before he approached the interrogation room where Xiao Xuan was located, he heard Xiao Xuan's crazy voice inside: "I'm not afraid of itching now that there are too many lice! But if you want to buckle the excrement basin on my head, there's no way! Today, I have at least two videos and ten witnesses to prove my innocence. Hey hey, you bully me. At dawn, I'll let you try the taste of the defendant going bankrupt..."


"Leader, look at this, this..." Liang Zhensheng just came out of the interrogation room and saw the leader with a constipated look on his face. He said with a bitter smile.

"Let go!"


When Xiao Xuan came out from the gate of the police station, it happened that Lai GAOJIN and sun Manyu also went out from the police station.

As soon as Lai GAOJIN saw Xiao Xuan, he grinned, thumbed up and said in a voice: "brother, you toss and turn, brother, I'm really convinced!"

"Hei hei heh!" Xiao Xuan's old face was red. He laughed several times, and his big hand hugged Sun Manyu's waist.

"You!" sun manyuyu pointed Xiao Xuan's forehead.

But I heard a laugh in my ear, "Oh, this police station door shows love, and I don't admit that you two have an affair! No wonder I didn't want to sit next to us in the bar before!"


At the door of the police station, Xiao Xuan coquettishly asked all kinds of people to say goodbye. All this happened to be seen clearly by Cai Yuan waiting for interrogation on the second floor, and it was another gnashing of teeth. Is Xiao Xuan too shameless? After counting so many people, these people still regard Xiao Xuan as a handout, a man with a great conscience and a courageous Pro for justice!

Xiao Xuan doesn't know that Cai Yuan is gnashing her teeth upstairs. He has given away the credit. It's none of his business whether Cai Yuan will grasp it or not. Now he's going to take his beautiful young woman sister sun Manyu home and sleep happily

Until he got into the taxi, sun Manyu twisted Xiao Xuan's thigh and said angrily, "you're getting worse and worse! Today... I don't know how to say you! Fortunately, my sisters didn't react. If you want to understand, you don't have to be anxious with me?"

"Men are not bad, women don't love! Besides, they have no chance to understand!" Xiao Xuan smiled confidently, revealing a white tooth.

"By the way, will everything be all right with my brother?"

"He may be busy now! Don't worry! It's serious for us to go home quickly!" Xiao Xuan's hot eyes swept around sun Manyu's delicate body, making sun Manyu blush


As Xiao Xuan said, sun Shilin is so busy now that his back foot is beating his front heel. When he came out of the police station, he, an unqualified bodyguard, parted ways with Li Hanxiong and hurried to his next battlefield

This night is doomed to endless spring, and this night is also doomed to a river of blood... Tqr1

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