After Hao Jiansheng hurried away from Blanca's scene, he walked around to his secret residence, which even his closest horse didn't know.

In the garage, a Shanghai Volkswagen filled with oil had already been prepared. Hao Jiansheng opened the trunk, took a look at the "soft" handbag he had packed, and sighed. When he got into the driver's seat, he took out his cell phone and dialed out: "Buddha, things have failed! Xiao Xuan had long been prepared, and all his brothers fell into the pit. The bomb didn't kill those bastards, which was completely beyond our expectation."

After that, he didn't listen to the reply from the other end of the phone. He hung up and stepped on the gas to leave. Listen to his mouth muttering: "spicy next door, keep the green mountains, there will be plenty of opportunities for dragons and tigers in the future!"

Hao Jiansheng is a smart man. He has been lurking for Buddha for more than ten years in Nanhai city. Everyone thinks he is just a little boss. Even Li Shuanghong and the former bosses of seven districts don't know that there is a big Buddha behind him.

This time, the Buddha made him challenge Xiaocheng guard. He was also ambitious and hoped to have a chance to fight with Zhao Sixi chamber. Buddha also promised him that as long as he beat the prestige of Xiaocheng guard, he would send a team of experts to protect his food! But now, Hao Jiansheng couldn't help but be afraid. His secret plan had already been noticed by Xiao Xuan and others. It was terrible to dig a pit for him to jump.

The car roared out of the garage. Hao Jiansheng's eyes hurriedly missed the scenery he might never see again. In his melancholy, there were several breakdowns.

Just as the car had just left the gate of the community, a large SUV Land Rover seemed out of control. It ran across the road and hit his front.

"Hiss!" Hao Jiansheng took a breath and hit the steering wheel like crazy. The car suddenly crashed into a roadside pole, and the front of the car was sunken and crowded on the spot.

Hao Jiansheng's whole body rushed forward with inertia and was pulled back by the seat belt. The back of his head hit the seat heavily. His strength was so strong that he bared his teeth. He just felt black in front of his eyes and his whole head was confused!

When he recovered, two men in Black opened his door and dragged him out of the car.

"You..." before Hao Jiansheng said a word, he got a heavy blow in the abdomen. The acid water in his stomach was pouring up, choking him to tears.

When Hao Jiansheng was thrown into the Land Rover, he saw yuan Wuji with a cold face in the driver's seat. His pupils widened and said in horror: "how do you know..."

"There's nothing that Nanhai doesn't know in the dark!" Yuan traceless sneered and suddenly started the car.

"What do you want?"

"Those who violate Xiaocheng guard will be killed without amnesty!"


Hao Jiansheng felt his scalp numb. A big fist suddenly hit his temple. His eyes darkened and he fainted!


Almost at the same time, in a small card seat at the black cat bar in Nanhai City, Han Lei, President of the knife club, is lying on the thighs of several little girls, enjoying the fragrance of her sister feeding grapes with her mouth.

His dog leader Chen Ergou sat not far away. A little disdain occasionally flashed in his vicious eagle's eyes, as if he couldn't see Han Lei's degenerate behavior. After a while, a little brother hurried in and whispered to Chen Ergou.

Chen Ergou Shua stood up and hurriedly said, "brother Lei, something's wrong!"

"What's the matter? Ah Ying, this grape is not as delicious as yours..." Han Lei pinched a plump Mount Everest and said with a strange smile.

Chen Ergou said anxiously, "boss Hao's business is ruined. I'm afraid Zhao Sixi will find out us. We were involved in the bombing..."

Without a word, I saw a big man as big as a bear, who had come quickly. The ferocious smile on his face looked so fierce under the irradiation of the stage lamp.

Chen Ergou couldn't care to say more. He ran, but before he ran a few steps, a big fist had hit the back of his head

"Who dares to...?" Han Lei reacted and jumped up from the sofa. Before he finished, he was hit and fell down by an iron fist!


Such scenes occurred one after another overnight in many entertainment places and the little boss's residence in Nanhai city.

On the Bank of the moat, I don't know when there were more cars coming at a gallop. Two rows of people in black and a team of strong men in red stood by the river.

After a while, several fainting men were dropped from the car. Looking closely, it was Hao Jiansheng, Han Lei, Chen Ergou, Yufeng and others who were wandering in the underground city of Nanhai city. They were also the people involved in today's affairs.

When the cold wind blew in the middle of the night on the moat, Hao Jiansheng woke up vaguely. When he opened his eyes, he saw countless depression and killing intentions.

"I want to see Zhao Sixi... I want to see Zhao Sixi!" Hao Jiansheng suddenly reacted and listened to the roar of the river near his ear. He had vaguely foreseen what was going to happen and shouted loudly.

"Fourth brother has no time to take you on the road! Let's go!"

Yuan Wuji flashed from the darkness. He could only see the light in his eyes. It was especially bright and cold in the night!

"Asshole, I fought with you..." Han Lei knew that if he didn't resist, the moat was his burial place.

But before he got up, he saw a huge sole of his foot stepping on it, the strong wind blowing on his face, and directly put him into the moat.

Just before he fell into the river, there was a dull sound of the muffler, and a string of bullets shot out. He couldn't see the blood mist melt into the river, but only heard the faint smell of blood in the air

"Hiss... No..."

"We know we are wrong. We are willing to leave the South China Sea forever..."

"Those who violate Xiao city will be killed without amnesty!"

Sun Shilin's hoarse voice was accompanied by a cut throat.

In the dark, I saw sun Shilin and Yuan Wuji walking away from each other. A silver knife light alternated. There was no moonlight in the sky. Only the silver light of the blade rose and fell, scarlet splashed, and several bodies thrown into the river!

Overnight, it was bloody! As soon as he was successful, the bones withered, Zhao Sixi's windbreaker and clothes fluttered in the wind, and there seemed to be a lot of indifference on that young face

Buddha, who was far away in the provincial capital, was furious at club No. 7. He saw Dao crazy bully and wusheng looking at each other and smiling bitterly.

Wusheng took a half step forward and said, "all the dark chess in the South China Sea have been dug out. Xiao Xuan's side is full of thunder and killed us unprepared. We underestimate that guy! In terms of intelligence, Xiao Xuan is comparable to a conspirator. In terms of courage, there is also the Lion King, assisted by Yuan Wuji and others. I'm afraid the South China Sea city will really stand on its own as the king from now on."

When saying this, Wu Sheng flashed a few helpless looks in his eyes.

"I told you earlier that there's no need to argue with that guy. I said that Nanhai city is dispensable for us. What's wrong with giving it to him? I've checked with someone. The bomb used by Xiao Xuan to blow up No. 7 club is probably the most advanced solar thermal blasting bomb. It's valuable in the black market. Besides, Xiao Xuan himself is a first-class expert. He will be on the market in the future at his age Extremely expert Wu Yu, offend such a person... "Dao crazy bully seems to have a taste of appreciating Xiao Xuan in his words.

"Did you all shrink back?" the Buddha said nothing for a long time. After killing the thief, he suddenly turned back and looked at them with burning eyes.

Both of them were surprised, but they saw a young man outside the door. After paying tribute to the three, they said, "three masters, the underground city of the South China Sea has made a big talk. Xiao Chengli has violated his power and killed no amnesty! And they said, Xiao Cheng will not see blood in the future!"

"What a big breath!" the Buddha was very angry and left.

Wusheng and Dao Kuang Ba looked at each other and sighed secretly. It seemed that their tone was really bigger. But thinking about it, I have to admit that the current Xiaocheng guard seems to have such capital!


"Xiao Xuan, you hate it. Don't move... Go take a bath!" when sun Manyu was thrown on the bed by Xiao Xuan, she blushed and looked at the big hands that could burn her heart. She couldn't help smiling in an angry tone.

"Don't take a bath, eat meat!" Xiao Xuan smiled badly. He took off his clothes and took off himself into a naked pig.

"Wash it! You must wash it white." looking at Xiao Xuan's strong body, sun Manyu's voice suddenly became dry and hoarse.

At this time, women always love to be clean. Sun Manyu insisted, and Xiao Xuan stopped being wordy. He plunged into the bathroom naked, washed quickly, and jumped into bed with a bath towel sun Manyu was going to give him.

"No clothes!" sun Manyu muttered and walked into the bathroom.

Xiao Xuan stared at the frosted FRP wall of the bathroom. The wonderful posture reflected on the glass wall under the light made him want to go in and "wash" again!

Fortunately, sun Manyu didn't waste much time, and soon came out with a white bath towel. The slightly wet hair tip adds a bit of charm to her. The towering Yufeng reveals two hemispheres under the Le mark of the bath towel, and the deep gully is like an attractive abyss of crime.

Xiao Xuan swallowed his mouth and looked at sun Manyu's enchanting posture. The fire started up at once. Sun Manyu giggled, slowly climbed into bed and leaned softly against Xiao Xuan's chest. The woman after bathing was sweet and mixed with some unspeakable stimulation, which made Xiao Xuan ignite a raging fire.

Xiao Xuan smiled twice and said, "can you do something you want to do?" tqr1


Sun Manyu groaned seductively, and Xiao Xuan jumped up like a little beast who got an amnesty

The wanton flame burned the ambiguity and passion in the bedroom. Miss and love burst out together. Sun Manyu was like a boat floating on the sea, shaking with the wind

"Too tired, let me have a rest..." sun Manyu said breathlessly.

Xiao Xuan smiled proudly, hugged her in his arms and said, "I will accompany you more in the future!"

"The man running the horse, you are majestic and powerful..."

Sun Manyu couldn't deny looking at Xiao Xuan. His small eyes seemed to ask, how can you accompany me with busy people who keep calling in the middle of the night?

Xiao Xuan smiled awkwardly, touched his mobile phone, saw Li Hanxiong's name on the mobile phone and frowned. If there are no important things, Li Hanxiong is afraid not to disturb his clear dream in the middle of the night

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