Xiao XuanZhen took Lao Gao and sun Shilin directly back to the city and drank morning tea in the well-known Cantonese morning tea shop. Lao Gao was a little nervous. He ate a few mouthfuls at random and tried to leave.

Xiao Xuan winked at Sun Shilin. Sun Shilin took out his checkbook on the spot, wrote down a three million check and handed it to Lao Gao.

"Mr. Xiao, this..." although Lao Gao flashed a little desire, he hesitated. He knew that Xiao Xuan's money was hard to take, and it would burn his hand.

"I'm Xiao Xuan. I should give it to you. Naturally, it won't be less. Take it!" Xiao Xuan waved his hand with a smile.

Lao Gao smiled, took the check, thanked and left in a hurry.

Sun Shilin bit a barbecue bag and showed a thoughtful look. After a half ring, he said, "those people from the second Department of national security, you really let your brothers throw fish ponds? It's not like your style!"

"Since Xiao Cheng is in charge of his national security office 2 or the FBI, I have to lie down for me when I come!" Xiao Xuan's eyes were shining, and the domineering words were very different from his usual laziness.

"I don't read much, don't lie to me!" Sun Shilin raised his eyebrows suspiciously, obviously not believing Xiao Xuan's words.

Xiao Xuan touched his nose and said helplessly, "don't you think the small Nanhai city has been too busy recently? The Discipline Inspection Commission, the national security, the secret service, the yanjingqu family, and even the big drug lords in the Silver Triangle have come! Oh, I caught two killers at night! Can I live a happy life?"

Lao Tzu's face was red, and it was not because of your evil dodge that you could catch flies. Your mouth murmured: "only a few months later, the Siu Cheng guard could have the current scale, and had already been hoisted." then think of further software and hardware must catch up! Besides, you are all lazy and out of the way, and you will be left behind. "How many hands do you pass me after?"

Xiao Xuan already had some calculation in his mind and wanted to completely eliminate Nanhai City in order to have a long life.

After all, the Xiaocheng guard was established by inheriting the unified local gangs. Fundamentally, it is difficult to break away from the limitations and clumsiness of small places at once. If you want to achieve international standards, it's not a bit bad.

Sun Shilin and Yuan Wuji are rare experts, but there is still room for improvement. This is also the top strength of Xiaocheng guard. The stronger, the better.

From these two aspects, Xiao Xuan was ready to do something, but it was an opportunity. Today, Xiao Xuan looked at Sun Shilin's big round face, opened his mouth and said, "no one knows the power of the lion king. The power is as thick as the earth. It's better to be as thick and continuous as the earth. At this point, you haven't reached the extreme. If you reach the extreme, you can really sit on the word of power!"

Sun Shilin showed a thoughtful look, but after a half ring, he smacked his tongue and said with a bitter smile, "there's no point!"

"Some time, I'll give you some advice. You'll benefit a lot from it!" Xiao Xuan said with a smile. tqR1

Sun Shilin didn't speak. At first, he thought that although there was a difference with Xiao Xuan's strength, it was only a minute. Now, he has seen that the gap is like a gap, which is insurmountable.

The two chatted again. Xiao Xuan's cell phone rang, his face changed slightly, picked up a steamed stuffed bun, put it in his mouth, waved his hand and hurried away.

"Can I help you?" Sun Shilin shouted.

"No!" Xiao Xuan answered. When the voice sounded, the man had arrived downstairs.

"It's a fart to have so many women and be a member of the fire brigade all day long! It's really the pursuit of difference... It's necessary to concentrate on the pursuit of martial arts. What should it be?" Sun Shilin muttered when he watched Xiao Xuan's car roar away from the window.


In a black Mercedes Benz on Renmin Road, the only way to the west of the city from the north of the city, Wang Jingyuan's face was not good, and Lu Bin next to him was a little nervous.

"Mr. Wang, will we get into big trouble if we do this? I heard that Xiao Xuan is very difficult to mess with!" said Lu Bin, wiping the fine beads of sweat on his head.

Wang Jingyuan snorted coldly and said, "what's our business? Don't worry about it. Besides, I don't believe he can eat people!"

"I heard that the awesome Nordic killer last night had died..." Lu Bin asked tentatively.

Wang Jingyuan bit his lips. His face was a little pale and said, "the gunman from Xiangjiang is dead!"

"Hiss... Then we still... Will we..."

"Always give an account to old qu. seek wealth and danger. If you can't deal with Xiao Xuan, you have to deal with Yuya and explain it to the old man. Otherwise, we are waste, and waste will always be abandoned children!" Wang Jingyuan glanced at Lu Bin, who was in a cold sweat.

If they have a match or not, they don't know what they are planning.

None of them noticed that Xiao Xuan's silver Audi passed by their car in the same direction

When Xiao Xuan returned home, Su Mei was having breakfast in the restaurant and scanning today's morning paper. Seeing Xiao Xuanfeng rushing into the door, he just glanced up at Xiao Xuan, lowered his head again, and said to the kitchen after half a minute: "Sun Ma, give Xiao Xuan another bowl of porridge!"

"OK, OK!" Sun Ma seemed surprised, but she soon smiled and answered.

Xiao Xuan raised his feet and sat beside Su Mei. He said with a smile, "my dear wife, you will care about people?" he turned his head and said, "when you got up in the morning, didn't you find anything unusual?"

Su Mei frowned, a little vigilance flashed in her eyes and asked, "what's the abnormal situation?"

Xiao Xuan rubbed his hands awkwardly. He thought that he was worried and his brain was broken. Why did he ask Su Mei this? Is this care chaos? Hehe smiled and said, "it's all right, have breakfast!"

Su Mei was so clever that she immediately reacted and asked, "should someone want to..."

Before the words fell, a quick knock on the door rang out. Sun Ma just came out of the kitchen with porridge. She heard the sound, put down the atherosclerotic bowl in her hand and was about to open the door.

"I'll open the door!" Xiao Xuan frowned and stood up.

Su Mei saw Xiao Xuan's face was a little serious, and then she got nervous and stood up, but she heard Xiao Xuan say, "don't come out if you're okay!"

Having reached the door, he opened the door.

"Little bitch, you don't open..." Su Weitian scolded when he opened his mouth. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xuan opened the door.

Seeing the fierce light in Xiao Xuan's eyes, he subconsciously stepped back and angrily said, "Why are you here? Aren't you..."

Xiao Xuan glanced at the heavily armed man behind Su Weitian. He seemed like a professional armed team, but he didn't show half a startled look. Instead, he sneered and said, "where should I be?"

Before Su Weitian could speak again, he heard a fierce gunshot in the living room, accompanied by the deafening panic screams of Su Mei and sun Ma!

At the same time, the strong men behind Su Weitian shot one by one with guns. They moved as fast as first-class soldiers!

At the moment when the bullet shook and shot, Xiao Xuan suddenly disappeared from his place, and vaguely saw the dark shadow jump up, just like the special effect of film editing. In the twinkling of an eye, one big hand had grabbed the hand holding the micro punch and stood at the front of the strong man's neck, while the other hand was like a pliers, directly grasping the strong man's hand holding the gun

Paralysis, are you sure it's not a movie? Several strong men are arranged in a trapezoid. The strong man with a gun standing in front of him is just a flower in front of him. He sees a man coming like an eagle. Let alone resistance, he has no chance to respond, and his throat is pinched.

The strong man's Micro blunt muzzle was held by Xiao Xuan. Subconsciously, he wanted to regain control of the gun, but where could Xiao Xuan compete? The power of the overwhelming attack broke his hand bones in an instant, and the muzzle of the gun was easily turned and aimed at the rest of his companions!

The whole process happened between lightning, stone and fire. When a group of people reacted, a lethal bullet had been shot into their heads!

It's hard to imagine that this is a focused 7-person team, fully armed, armed with micro punch, belt, grenade and pistol. At first glance, it will be reminiscent of the occasional equipment of the regular army of the American special corps on TV. But in front of Xiao Xuan, they were vulnerable to one blow, which was no different from the stupid gangsters on the road.

Su Weitian opened his mouth and looked at the several so-called first-class mercenaries behind him. They were all dead in a moment. The blood hole in the middle of his forehead murmured and shed scarlet blood. He was anxious and angry. He stepped back for several steps and said tremblingly: "I tell you, Su Mei has been caught... Didn't you hear the gunshot in the living room just now? Put down the gun now..."

Xiao Xuan broke the neck of the strong man in his arms with a ferocious smile, threw the body aside and said with a sneer: "why? Bring a team of mercenaries and you will be invincible? It's only half a minute and you're going to pee your pants? With your IQ, how can you be the father of my beautiful and wise wife? At this time, you can ask such a question. I really want to know, are you a pig?"

Su Weitian didn't understand, but she heard Su Mei's numb and cold voice behind her, "Dad, unexpectedly, it's really you..."

"You, why aren't you dead?" Su widened his eyes for fear. He clearly heard the gunshot in the living room and Su Mei's scream... What's the matter?

"With your pig like IQ, you also want to go back to the company! Pigs are smarter than you!" Xiao Xuan lost his gun, pricked a cigarette and said angrily.

Su Mei looked at the seven corpses in front of her. Her face was a little pale. What made her heartache was that her father had brought someone to the door to take her life. Or she was numb because of too much heartache. This time, she didn't cry any more, but suddenly turned her back and said to Su Weitian, "you, you go!"

"Hehe, let's go? Even if I'm going to hell, I'll take you on your back... Die together..." Su Weitian suddenly laughed wildly

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