Su Weitian's sudden madness made Xiao Xuan's eyelids jump suddenly. His cold scalp was numb. It was almost a subconscious action. He suddenly jumped at Su Mei, hugged the woman's slender waist and rushed into the house

Su Mei was shocked, but she didn't have time to speak. In a trance, she could only feel that the objects in front of her were constantly changing. In the blink of an eye, she went from the gate to the living room. As soon as her eyes saw sun Ma's face, she felt Xiao Xuan's meal. After the meal, there was a cold wind and a Kung Fu in the blink of an eye. She went to the small garden

Su Mei felt that the modern materialist thinking she had accepted since childhood would be subverted. At this moment, the speed she sees is basically non-human! Oh, no, it should be superman in comic books!

In the past, she could not imagine that a person's speed could be so fast! Oh, no, Xiao Xuan still holds two women!

After only ten seconds, she went from the gate to the living room, and then jumped out to the back garden... More importantly, she didn't understand. What was Xiao Xuan doing?

Without waiting for Su Mei to understand, she just felt a generous embrace, hugged her with sun Ma, and suddenly pushed them down. The deafening explosion "boom, boom..." suddenly sounded, smoke everywhere, waves of hot air swept across the sky, and broken bricks and rubble fell from the sky

Su Mei felt the earth whirling and her ears buzzing. Because she was held tightly by Xiao Xuan, her whole head was buried in Xiao Xuan's arms. She couldn't see anything. She just felt that the land under her feet was shaking! Occasionally, there are falling stones, which hurt her legs and feet

"Xiao Xuan..." Su Mei tried to shout, but she didn't hear an answer. She was not sure whether she had temporarily lost her hearing because of the loud sound in her ears, or what had happened!

Soon, there was another heavy crackling sound, like a boulder falling to the ground and a wall collapsing. Su Mei was anxious, pushed Xiao Xuan hard, raised her head, and saw Xiao Xuan with a gray face and a blood stain on her mouth

"Are you okay?" Su Mei panicked and shook Xiao Xuan violently. She struggled out of Xiao Xuan's arms. What she saw almost made her faint!

The whole villa has been blown up. Although it has not been razed to the ground, the main body of the building has been completely destroyed. Broken bricks and tiles can be seen everywhere. The only good thing is that the direction of the collapse is not the garden, which spared them

"This..." Su Mei was completely confused. She felt that she couldn't recall what had happened just now! She was stunned and stayed where she was!

Xiao Xuan shook his dizzy head, spat out the sand and blood in his mouth, picked up the fainted sun Ma, hugged Su Mei again, jumped over the fence and put them on the roadside

Looking at the villa almost razed to the ground, Xiao Xuan only smiled bitterly. If he hadn't been sensitive to the crisis on the battlefield for many years, he would have almost fallen into the pit today!

It's a pity that there are a group of dark night brothers in the house! Xiao Xuan clenched his fists and loosened them slowly. His eyes were burning with anger.

Su Mei finally returned to her mind. Regardless of her embarrassment, she suddenly thought of Su Weitian and ran crazy to the shapeless door of the villa, but she was grabbed by Xiao Xuan.

"He's dead!" Xiao Xuan lowered his voice and pulled Su Mei into his arms.

"He's so afraid of death, how can he bring a bomb? You lied to me, he must not be dead. He ran away, you look for it, he must have run..." Su Mei was anxious and angry. At this time, she had completely forgotten that the man who called her father brought a killer to kill her just now. She forgot that she had just escaped death, and she still hoped that the man was still alive!

Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly. He was sure that the central point of the explosion was su Weitian's position, but Su Mei's words still stunned him. How could su Weitian, who was so afraid of death, bring a bomb himself?

Seeing that Xiao Xuan was indifferent, Su Mei struggled to check again, but Xiao Xuan held her tightly. Her tears were like broken beads... Tqr1

Xiao Xuan looked at Su Mei's skinned leg, at her broken knee, messy hair tip and rainy face, and suddenly her heart was like a knife!

For him, he died as stupid as a pig! But for Su Mei, or anyway, it was her father, the man who gave her life, right?

Xiao Xuan didn't know what it was like. He just looked at Su Mei's almost crazy behavior and was in a terrible mess!

"He's really dead!" Xiao Xuan said softly. Su Mei's cry soon changed from sobbing to crying.

Xiao Xuan just hugged her and said nothing.

"Those people in black who rushed in to save me are also dead, aren't they?" Su Mei held Xiao Xuan's clothes tightly with her two jade hands. Like this, she could strongly support her to continue to stand!

"Yes!" Xiao Xuan's lips opened. When he highlighted the word, it was hard to hide his murderous spirit.

"Call the police!" when Su Mei put away her tears, she showed an extraordinary strength, which hurt Xiao Xuan again.

"No need!" Xiao Xuan touched his pocket, took out the flattened cigarette box, stroked it for a long time, finally found a still complete cigarette and lit it.

Su Mei glanced at Sun Ma, who was placed aside by Xiao Xuan, squatted next to sun Ma and wiped the stain on Sun Ma's face. She was very afraid, very afraid, but she couldn't say it. She could only hold sun Ma's hand tightly, and her eyes swept Xiao Xuan's back from time to time!

About ten minutes later, Zhao Sixi and Yuan Wuji all arrived, and even Bai Yujiao followed.

"Su Mei, go and settle down with my friend for a while. I'll go out and do something and come back soon! OK? Don't worry, it'll be fine again. I'll give you an account of today's affairs!" Xiao Xuan picked up Su Mei, looked at the pale face after panic and said softly.

Bai Yujiao came forward at the right time and said, "President Su, I'm Bai Yujiao, vice president of Xiaocheng international. We've met. I also have a house in this community. Why don't you go to me to clean it up first! You're like this now. If the police and the media come and take pictures..."

Bai Yujiao's words were in order. Su Mei nodded blankly. Her mind was in a mess now. She didn't even listen to Bai Yujiao who she said she was. I just think Xiao Xuan let me go, so I'll go. Although she showed calmness, she was afraid and flustered after all! After all, it was an explosion. After all, it was her father who killed her. Now, is it his father who wants to kill her, or is someone borrowing her father to kill her? Or threatened her father? Even other possibilities

Xiao Xuan nodded his thanks to Bai Yujiao, but didn't say much.

Bai Yujiao holds Su Mei away. Under the arrangement of Zhao Sixi, the two brothers lift up sun Ma and walk towards Bai Yujiao's house in jiahexin garden.

Zhao Sixi came forward, bowed his head and said in a deep voice, "brother, it's my fault! I don't know so many guns and mercenaries flowing into our Nanhai City..."

Yuan Wuji smiled bitterly and said, "we people in the dungeon can't find such weapons under the guise of official people. It's my fault..."

Xiao Xuan waved his big hand, took a deep breath and said lightly, "no one is to blame! I only blame my kindness! I want to know where Wang Jingyuan is! In five minutes, I can't get the exact news, and Xiao city guard can be dissolved!"

After that, Xiao Xuanwu got into Zhao Sixi's car. The car roared away, leaving only the churning tail dust floating in the air

Zhao Sixi and Yuan Wuji looked at each other. They both saw Xiao Xuan's anger! Xiao Xuan is really angry! The bombs blew up his nest and almost hurt his woman. Can he not be angry?

The most hateful thing is that Su brought the bomb to Tian!

Whether Su brought a bomb for Tian himself, he wanted to blow up his own daughter! Or because someone else manipulated, used or threatened Su Weitian, the pain brought to Su Mei by this matter can not be erased.

As soon as Xiao Xuan got on the bus, he dialed Ling Yan's phone and said in a bad tone: "the tiger doesn't get angry. Someone thinks I'm a sick cat! Since I'm looking for death, no wonder I don't speak rules and feelings!"

No matter what I said back on the other end of the phone, I hung up.

Some people provoked again and again. Xiao Xuan chose a circuitous solution for various reasons. However, this time, they completely touched Xiao Xuan's bottom line!

Xiao Xuan was afraid that some people only played with the things in the rules. He really had to play slowly with him. Since it was outside the rules, it directly followed his heart.

As soon as the car drove out of the community, the voice of telephone message rang. Xiao Xuan took a look at the address mentioned in the message and roared away


Wang Jingyuan is unaware of the danger, because his current place is the safest place in Nanhai city. There is no one!

This is a military sanatorium, where all senior cadres retired or retired from the military live. The one with the lowest title also exists at the university level.

It can be seen everywhere that the soldiers in full arms are patrolling, with countless open posts and secret outposts. Don't say someone came in. Even a fly can't fly in.

Of course, with his status, he can't be qualified to come in! But today is different. Today he came to see a big man.

"Old man, this is it! I can't help it, but I can guarantee that the whole thing won't involve us at all. It seems that their father and daughter hate each other for their family property. Once this happens, I believe Yuya international will fall into our pockets after the opening! It's just Xiao Xuan..." Wang Jingyuan stood in front of a white haired old man and reported tremblingly.

"Xiao Xuan, I'll deal with it! What I want is to avenge Xiang Yang. Yuya international is going to die, the Su family is going to die, and Xiao Xuan is also going to die... Whoever hurts my Qu family's children, I want him to be buried with nine families!" the old man is not angry and self-confident. When he says this, his face is calm, but it will make people numb from the bottom of his heart

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