As soon as the old man with white hair spoke, Wang Jingyuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, sir. After today's event, there will only be a disabled Su Muyou left in the Su family, who can disappear at any time. Su Weitian, an old man, thinks he's smart and always wants to replace Su Mei, but doesn't look at his pig brain... Just this time, for this matter, he exposed A8, that is, explosive bomb, for fear that it will attract sideways attention. But I've inquired about it in advance, although it's still unknown It's confidential, but the black market can be found. So no one can have anything to do with us! "

"It's a pity for Su Mei's girl. Old man Su still has some vision. He passed the company to her before he died. It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter. As long as the evidence has nothing to do with us. Although Qu Yi retired, he hasn't died yet! Not all cats and dogs can ride on..." Before Mr. Qu finished saying this, he heard a crisp click from the window. Before turning around to see what happened, he heard a strange sound.

"You're not dead yet, but you're going to die soon!"

A dark figure jumped down from the windowsill with a cigarette in his mouth and said carelessly.

Wang Jingyuan saw the man in front of him. His pupils were big and his voice trembled. "Xiao Xuan, how did you appear here?"

"Where should I be? Was I killed by mercenaries? Or was I killed by a bomb? Oh, no, I should cry with my wife's body now?" Xiao xuanpi said with a smile. He took a heavy cigarette and glanced at Qu Yi.

Qu Yi's tiger eyes are not surprised or flustered. She is also looking at the murderer who is likely to kill his grandson. Xiao Xuan in his eyes is ordinary but extraordinary!

"Are you Xiao Xuan?" Qu Yi said in a deep voice.

"I'm Xiao Xuan!" Xiao Xuan nodded, his eyes shining. He was aiming at Wang Jing, but he didn't expect to meet the old man here. Needless to think, the malice and resentment in these old eyes have already explained his identity, the old man of Qu Xiangyang's family.

During the conversation, Wang Jingyuan suddenly reacted. He ran to the door and shouted.

This is a nursing home for retired veteran cadres, and they are not low-level cadres. It can even be said that everyone here is as important as living archives. Everyone who can live here is a person who knows more than n military secrets. Even if they retire, it is conceivable to take protective measures.

But Xiao Xuan came in so quietly and didn't disturb anyone. It's really scary, isn't it?

Wang Jingyuan's subconscious reaction was to call people, but he just ran two steps. Before a scream came out of his throat, a big hand with great power grabbed his neck.

When Xiao Xuan didn't do it, he always approached the key with such simple and rough movements!

Wang Jingyuan only felt as if he had been clamped by a deadly steel pliers. His strength was as strong as crushing his throat. His panicked hands and feet were fluttering all the time, just like the chicken under the eagle's claws, struggling so powerlessly

Wang Jingyuan's pupils kept enlarging, and Xiao Xuan's hateful face in his eyes became more and more clear, so clear that he could see even his pores. He saw Xiao Xuan's ironic sneer at the corners of his mouth, like looking at mole ants, full of disdain

"Stop!" Qu Yi roared.

Xiao Xuan sneered, turned his head and looked at Qu Yi. With a slight force of his fingers, he simply and directly broke Wang Jingyuan's neck on the spot! He threw Wang Jingyuan's body at Qu Yi's feet like garbage.

After spitting out the cigarette butts in his mouth, he stared at Qu Yi like a torch and asked, "when you sent someone to hurt my brother and woman, did you think of the word stop? What a great official power? Only state officials are allowed to set fire and people are not allowed to light lights?"

When Xiao Xuan said this, he approached Qu Yi step by step. His face was ferocious, his tone was vicious and cunning, and there was a genuine anger!

For Xiao Xuan, Su Weitian's death is not a pity! But the dark night brothers guarding Su Mei's house were buried under the destroyed villa because of the bomb!

Even if it's not his brother, it's his subordinate! They died for the safety of Su Mei!

Xiao Xuan has no reason not to find justice for them!

And Su Mei's sadness and shock also need someone to pay for it.

The most important thing is that Xiao Xuan has had enough. He killed the young and the old. It's endless. In that case, it's better to copy the family and kill the family and die!

Qu Yi saw the killing intention in Xiao Xuan's eyes, but where could Lao Jiang easily admit defeat? The old face was very calm, but said faintly: "you killed me, do you think you still have a chance to go out?"

Xiao Xuan moved his neck and asked, "what do you think?"

"I don't think you can!" Qu Yi said in a firm tone.

Xiao Xuan grinned and moved his muscles and bones. Looking at Qu Yi's self righteous old face, he thought he was the head of state. He had done a lot of work. In his eyes, Qu Yi's level was really not enough.

Just when Xiao Xuan was ready to solve the problem at one time, the door was pushed open! Four or five people came in, and the woman headed by her head was high, like a proud Fire Phoenix, with a fiery flame all over her body.

"Finally meet again! We haven't seen each other for a year, three months and 18 days?" as soon as the woman entered the door, her eyes stopped on Xiao Xuan's face and bit her lips like a smile.

Xiao Xuan was stunned. It seemed that this woman would come here unexpectedly. Since once a long time ago, he peeped at the woman's bath and was caught, the ghost king was a little unable to lift his head in front of this woman.

"Er......" Xiao Xuan gave a half ring, but still didn't say a complete sentence.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you easily before I'm fully sure. You're so natural and unrestrained. If you want to try the life of ordinary people, you'll go from your field to my territory! You've been arrogant in my territory for so long, so you have to save me some face today?" when the woman spoke, she skillfully lit a cigarette and gently spit out a string of disgust.

It has to be said that she is a very demon hot woman, but her demon is not the kind of demon that teases people's sexual desire, but it is still enough to keep men's eyes. Most women smoke, will make people feel indecent, but her smoking action has a different kind of sexy.

If one of the women Xiao Xuan knew could compare her facial features with Su Mei, the only one in front of her was this one. Su Mei is the first beauty in Nanhai city. Her beauty is recognized intellectually as the kind of Queen. The woman in front of her is not. She is completely a kind of witch as hot as fire and as sharp as a knife.

"Ha ha, I've given you a lot of face!" Xiao Xuan smiled and greedily sniffed the smell of smoke slowly spreading in the air. She smoked special cigarettes. Tobacco is not ordinary tobacco, but a kind of medicinal material with strange flavor.

"Let Qu Lao go!" the woman said faintly, her eyes flashing across Xiao Xuan's face.

"No!" Xiao Xuan shook his head.

The guys behind the woman all looked frightened. Have they ever seen her talk like this? She is a saber. She is the most powerful soldier in the secret service. Even the dragon head wants her to be the successor!

Even in foreign countries, or some people don't know Huaxia secret service, but no one doesn't know the woman code named military knife. She also has a loud name "Queen"!

"Do you know his identity? Although I know it's not easy to endure today with your character, you still can't kill him!" the saber smiled like a flower, but the smile was like a thorny rose, which would stab people accidentally!

"He must die!" Xiao Xuan said stubbornly.

The master of the great Qu family, the old Qu family, who can be counted by Yanjing, is now like the goods in the mall or the pig head meat on the chopping board. They are haggled by two guys who come out of nowhere.

Old Qu's face turned red, but he was patient and didn't make a sound.

The saber smoked heavily and glared at Xiao Xuan. But Xiao Xuan came forward slowly, took the cigarette in the hand of the military knife with a straight face, took it to his mouth, and muttered: "women don't mind their own business, well, don't smoke!"

Several people behind the saber were stunned and looked at Xiao Xuan with adoring eyes. There were really people in the world who dared to talk to the saber and rob the smoke of the saber! The most important thing is that the saber didn't resist... It's also a man. Why is the gap so big?

"It seems that you won't give me this face!" the saber frowned and took a half step back. tqR1

"Huh?" Xiao Xuan snorted!

"Let's fight again! If you win, it's up to you!" the Saber's expression was very calm. It didn't seem to be angry because of Xiao Xuan's tough attitude!

Knowing this, Xiao Xuan sighed, opened his mouth and said, "everyone is civilized. It's not good to fight and kill?"

Don't force Xiao Xuan's face. The saber seemed to know for a long time. With a slight wave of his hand, he saw four or five strong men coming in outside the door!

Eight or nine people surrounded Xiao Xuancheng like this. Xiao xuansi had no doubt that these people were good secret service players!

"This is a group fight?" Xiao Xuan pulled at the corners of his mouth.

"It's fair to fight with the ghost king!" the saber picked at the corner of his eye and said calmly. Just then, Xiao Xuan, who was standing opposite, shot quickly, like following the principle of catching the thief first and the king first, and rushed to the sabre.

The corner of the Saber's mouth was bent, just as Xiao Xuan knew the saber. The saber also knew the man too much. At the moment of Xiao Xuan's hand, she retreated quickly. She didn't act like a delicate woman. The whole person's delicate body twisted strangely and retreated more than two meters in the blink of an eye.

It was the distance of two or three meters that made Xiao Xuan lose the best attack distance and time in an instant. That is, in the gap, the seven or eight strong men of the secret service have attacked.

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