When Xiao Xuan rarely showed his voice and showed off his idol potential, the box door was kicked open and a group of strong men came in.

The man headed by him was thirty years old. His sword eyebrows entered the temples on his Chinese character face. His eyes were sharp. His slightly raised eyebrows were a little arrogant. He stood upright and looked down at the people in the box.

The strong men behind him were ferocious and evil, with a fierce momentum. Just when seven or eight people stood there, there was an unspeakable depression, like breaking the happy atmosphere in an instant and bringing everyone into a deserted battlefield.

"Who hurt my friend?" the man with Chinese character face asked faintly. His voice was not loud, but he had a momentum of not being angry and self threatening. Coupled with his proud look of Tai'an, people couldn't help thinking of his identity, because ordinary people wouldn't have such a aura and style.

I have to say, except that his thin lips give him a little more cold breath, he is a very good-looking man, and his face is full of temperament and aura.

Xiao Xuan put down the microphone in his hand, motioned Zhang Yue to pause the music, walked slowly over and said with a smile: "I think no one has beaten anyone here! Will you find the wrong person if you come here so aggressively?"

While talking, Su Mei also stood up. To some surprise, the woman seemed to know the man with Chinese character face. Without trace, she pulled Xiao Xuan and said, "director Jiang, you have come to Nanhai city! It's impolite to meet here!"

There was a kind of politeness in Su Mei's tone, and it seemed that there was a pun in her language. At the same time, she frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Xuan, but Xiao xuangen didn't answer her eyes.

The national character face man nodded slightly, his eyes paused on Su Mei's beautiful face for a long time, and then said, "it's really impolite! But my friend was badly hurt. Should I ask?"

Xiao Xuan touched his chin and vaguely heard two meanings in Su Mei's words. First, this guy is not from Nanhai city. Second, this guy may be someone with official status. After all, not everyone can let Su Mei call "director" so politely. Since these people dared to look for them so aggressively, they naturally determined that the person who did it was him.

"Seriously injured? No one here has beaten anyone. But just now when I went to the bathroom, I beat an animal in the women's room. Isn't it your friend? No, I beat a man who went to the women's room to peep. Is your friend a man? Also went to the women's room? Peeping?" Xiao Xuan simply broke the matter and choked.

The national character face man's face is a little ugly. Xiao Xuan's words are tricky, which makes it difficult for him to answer.

Although he wanted someone to tear Xiao Xuan apart, vent his anger and revenge immediately, he was also a person with an identity to face. Then he stared at Xiao Xuan sharply and said: "There are some men and women loving things in the toilet. Even if it hurts the elegance, it won't be a big fight? As for peeping, don't talk nonsense. No one accused my friend of peeping. He has a bad reputation behind him and is not a gentleman. What's more, if you doubt, you can also find the police to deal with it. It's reckless to hurt people with heavy hands!"

"Oh, according to you, when I see a bad man stabbing you to death, I should understand it as saying that you are playing with a knife handle and are indifferent? Otherwise, I will wait until you are stabbed to death and find the police to catch the bad man? You are dead. Does it matter whether the police catch the bad man or not?" Xiao Xuan knew that sometimes he had to stand up to the truth. Moreover, he had a clear conscience. At least he didn't have enough to beat Zheng Zelu, and didn't strangle the bastard. It was very good.

Xiao Xuan sneered at the national character face man's watertight words. Obviously, this guy is a Taoist in front of him. He played a rogue in the women's toilet. It can even be said that the behavior of trying to strengthen women's work has simply become an ordinary moral problem, and Xiao Xuan's hands are a legal problem.

In this way, at first glance, it seems that Xiao Xuan is wrong. But the law has long been trampled by 100000 grass and mud horses, and the constraints are ordinary people. If Zheng Zelu really treated Zhang Yue in the toilet, Xiao Xuan doesn't believe that the law can be cured

"That's my friend, not a bad man. Such examples are not comparable!" the national character face man said proudly.

"Oh, your friend is not a bad man? This is a typical first-class official who kills people. However, he can't hold his fist with a black hat?" Xiao Xuan sneered and said ironically.

In the conversation between the two, Su Mei's intelligence soon understood that someone was playing hooligans in the women's toilet. Xiao Xuan just met him. Xiao Xuan hurt each other. Now the other party has found him.

Emotionally, she didn't think Xiao Xuan had done anything wrong. She also believed that Xiao Xuan didn't make up a lie. Only one doubt was who the woman in the toilet was

Even so, Su Mei is still very depressed. Jiang Haoran's identity is too special. She is really afraid that Xiao Xuan will really make trouble.

Jiang Haoran was ridiculed by Xiao Xuan again and again. His white face was not very good-looking. After a long time, he said, "President Su, you come to comment. My friend was hurt. Is it wrong for me to ask for justice?"

Good guy, people in official circles are shameless. Ordinary people can't compare with them. At the first turn, he didn't mention the reason why his friend was beaten. tqR1

Xiao Xuan's oblique eyes just saw that Zhang Yue was going to stand up and shook his head slightly, suggesting that she should not move rashly. After that, he turned his eyes to Jiang Haoran. He wanted to see what kind of moth this guy with a good identity could make tonight!

"It's really bad if your friend did something like that. Of course, it's not good to hit people or seriously hurt them! Why not? The person who did it is also my employee. I'll pay for your friend's medical expenses!" Su Mei said faintly.

"Ha ha, President Su is indeed a woman with both beauty and wisdom! She is worthy of being a strong woman that I have admired for so long by Jiang Haoran." if Jiang Haoran said something, he waved his hand and motioned the strong man on his right hand to stand up.

Su Mei was just surprised and saw that the strong man strode around her and grabbed a bottle of newly opened red wine from the table. Jiang Haoran pointed to the red wine bottle and said, "I'll give you face. President Su drank this wine. I can't investigate tonight!"

Su Mei twitched at the corners of her mouth and her face was not good-looking. Jiang Haoran is a bit of a bully. Your people deserve to be beaten for playing hooligans. If you say you are willing to pay for the medical expenses, it can be regarded as a step. If everyone goes down the step, it's OK. What are you doing with this?

But Xiao Xuan stood by with a cold eye, but he could see clearly that Jiang Haoran came to ask for a crime, but since Su Mei came over, this guy's eyes had never left Su Mei, and the crime also evolved a bit of drunkenness, not the taste of wine.

But no matter what, Xiao Xuan can't be used to Jiang Haoran. Zheng Zelu tries to bully Zhang Yue. Can Xiao Xuan stand by? Jiang Haoran went too far and tried to humiliate Su Mei. It was

"Director Jiang, isn't he? I think you look like a dog. Why? You should treat my wife as a hostess? If you think I'm dead, you have to see that dozens of subordinates of my wife are behind me? You don't want face, my wife wants it. Besides, I'm not dead yet!" Xiao xuanban narrowed his eyes and directly pulled Su Mei behind him. After taking a step, the whole man was like an iron tower, facing Jiang Haoran and blocking the door.

Don't say, although Xiao Xuan's words are vulgar and his actions are rude, they just seem to make people feel very comfortable.

At least those confused white-collar executives think Xiao Xuan's action is very kind, atmospheric and man!

Not everyone can stand up at this time.

What's more, they also vaguely heard that Xiao Xuan was in trouble for "courageous deeds".

In the midst of the public's praise of Xiao Xuan, the strong man holding the wine bottle suddenly rounded the wine bottle and hit Xiao Xuan on the head, as if he wanted to open a ladle for Xiao Xuan on the spot.

Xiao Xuan stood where he was and didn't move. Somehow, he suddenly took his hand. His arm was like an eye. It was as fast as lightning. He grabbed the strong man's wrist at once. His fingertips just made a slight force and took off the strong man's wrist.

The strong man let out a muffled voice and loosened his hand. The wine bottle fell to the ground, but Xiao Xuan caught it quickly and said with a smile: "this wine is more expensive. Don't waste it casually. We don't spend it at public expense!"

When the strong man lost his move, someone immediately wanted to fill the upper position and besiege Xiao Xuan. However, Jiang Haoran shook his head slightly and stopped the movements of the strong men behind him.

Jiang Haoran's eyes paused on Xiao Xuan's face for a moment. He didn't seem to expect that someone in the small Nanhai city would dare to challenge him like this. After a long time, he showed a little surprise. It seemed that he thought of something. He opened his mouth and said, "you should be Xiao Xuan, who is in the limelight these days? I've heard of you."

"So what?" Xiao Xuan looked at this guy's forced appearance and showed some fun.

"I'm Jiang Haoran, not those counsellors you met before. Be careful!" Jiang Haoran made a provocative gesture and turned to go.

"Just now, you were so angry? You're leaving now? Why? Don't you sue me for a crime of wounding? Are you afraid I'll counter sue your friend's attempted rape? It's no use to leave now. A lawyer's letter will be sent to you soon. I'll sue your friend's attempted rape and sue you for making trouble!" Xiao Xuan grinned, and there was a sense of being unreasonable and unforgiving. Of course, what lawyer's letter or not is nonsense. Xiao Xuan is just saying that it's not over today! It's just another way of saying that there are many people.

Jiang Haoran turned back and made a neck wiping action. His eyes were sad and pointed to Su Mei and his crotch. The meaning of the action was self-evident.

"Believe me, your good days are over!" Jiang Haoran laughed proudly and strode away.

Xiao Xuan was so angry that he was about to fly over. He was paralyzed. He had seen pretending to be forced, but he had never seen pretending to be like this. It doesn't matter to pretend to be forced. Anyway, Zheng Zelu must be tortured by him. It doesn't matter if Jiang Haoran comes to pretend to be forced to look for face, but the son of a bitch makes such a disgusting metaphorical action to Su Mei. It's just that his uncle can't stand it, and his aunt can't stand it.

But before he could move, Su Mei held his clothes tightly, and a low, angry voice sounded in his ear: "stop it, you know what he is? Can you one day not make trouble?"

"Make trouble?" Xiao Xuan was almost stunned by this sentence!

"You know what he is and what he is doing in Nanhai city? You don't know anything, just..." Su Mei seemed very angry.

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