Jiang Haoran brought people to make such a fuss, which immediately made the atmosphere very cold. Xiao Xuan was very angry. He was angry with Su Mei's attitude and the chaos in Nanhai city.

Xiao Xuan was sure that if Jiang Haoran's bodyguard hadn't hit him with a wine bottle, he would have abandoned his claws. Jiang Haoran was afraid he wouldn't have retreated so easily. tqR1

Intellectually, of course, he can understand Su Mei's prudence as a businessman and is not easy to get enmity with others. But a word of trouble, or let him greatly unhappy. Xiao Xuan's aim is that if people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, I'll cut down the roots. I don't care if he is the king of heaven. There's no way to shit and pee on his head.

Although this dinner was not an unhappy break-up, it was not so perfect. It was as disgusting as a fly on the cake after eating wine and drinking dessert.

Fortunately, none of them had a slow response. They joked that they would get together again next time. Xiao Xuan was very man like and dispersed.

When Zhang Yue left, she stopped talking and finally had to leave with her head down.

After Xiao Xuan and Su Mei got on the bus, they were inexplicably upset and didn't speak. They drove home.

Su Mei vaguely felt that she really hurt people when she said that on that occasion. After fidgeting in the back seat for a while, she said, "are you angry?"


"I think you're just angry!"

"No!" Xiao Xuan didn't know how to speak.

"..." Xiao Xuansheng was not angry. Su Mei didn't know, but she was very angry. Why is this guy like this? Almost made a big mistake, and he took it up.

Xiao Xuan didn't seem to find anything wrong with Su Mei at all. He held the steering wheel in one hand, lit a cigarette in the other hand, took a few puffs, and then asked, "you seem to know that Jiang Haoran? What's his identity?"

"I don't know him at all. He's the son of Jiang Tieshou. I only met him once. Don't say you don't know Jiang Tieshou. Jiang Haoran is his only son and the top presence in the Yanjing crown prince party. He is also the director of the Ministry of Commerce and has an unlimited future. Do you want to fight with him and think about the consequences?" Su Mei said coldly.

"Oh, the crown prince party? Ha ha..." Xiao Xuan pulled at the corners of his mouth and flicked ash out of the window.

"Xiao Xuan, put away your arrogance. Jiang Haoran is not Qu Xiangyang. Qu Xiangyang almost brought disaster to everyone. Do you want to repeat it? You always think only about your own feelings. Have you ever considered others?"

Xiao Xuan's eyes flashed coldly, and his face became a little ugly in these words. He suddenly stepped on the brake, opened the door, got out of the car, half narrowed his eyes, looked at Su Mei, and said, "I have such a temper. I can do whatever I want. What husband and wife do you want to despise? Go to divorce tomorrow. You take your Yangguan road and I'll cross my single wooden bridge! OK?"

Su Mei didn't seem to expect Xiao Xuan to say the word divorce. She was so angry that she trembled all over. Her pretty face suddenly turned white. She gritted her teeth and said angrily, "divorce is divorce!"

"OK!" Xiao Xuan sneered and left.

Su Mei directly opened the door, walked into the driver's seat and drove away... Su Mei was very angry. During the KTV, Xiao Xuan made eye representations with Zhang Yue again and again. She didn't see it, but she didn't attack. After she came out, she was waiting for Xiao Xuan to tell her the whole thing, but all she saw was Xiao Xuan's carelessness and stubbornness to get angry with her... She couldn't help being angry.

When the car passed by Xiao Xuan, Su Mei looked at the man walking by the side of the road with his hands held high and her head raised. Her heart was sour.

Under the street lamp, his shadow and the reflection of the green tree were mottled and staggered. The defiant coldness and slight rise on his face, and the sarcasm from the corner of his mouth was extremely mean!

Su Mei felt her heart twitch, but she couldn't find a reason to stop. The car went farther and farther. Xiao Xuan's figure slowly blurred in the rear-view mirror. If they turned behind, they became two parallel lines that would never intersect again

The night sky suddenly began to rain, pattering and ticking on Xiao Xuan's cheek. The cold touch made Xiao Xuan feel cold.

The two people moved to each other. Xiao Xuan couldn't give in blindly. Su Mei is like a poisonous scorpion. When her territory is violated, she will stretch out her claws and teeth like a conditioned reflex, which makes people feel distressed.

Xiao Xuan was so leisurely shaking in the street that he couldn't tell whether the sentence of divorce was a temporary tongue or a real idea. Anyway, the words have been exported!

Looking at the time, it was close to the early morning. Xiao xuansi paid whether to go to ODI bar for a night, but the prompt tone of mobile phone text message rang.

Sun Manyu's short message, only two short words, miss you!

Xiao Xuan felt that he didn't need to tangle about some inexplicable things. He still had a lot of people and things that needed him!

Man is a social animal. He needs others and needs to be needed by others! Although this is awkward, it is the reason.

Xiao Xuan stopped a taxi and went straight to sun Manyu's house. When he knocked on the door of sun Manyu's house, Xiao Xuan looked forward to seeing sun Manyu.

Sure enough, just less than half a minute later, sun Manyu opened the door and looked forward to being satisfied. His smile was like a flower path: "will you come here in the middle of the night..."

In his words, he was obviously talking about whether it would affect the relationship between Xiao Xuan and empress Zhenggong. If he loved, he would be humble to the dust. Xiao Xuan painfully hugged sun Manyu in his arms and said, "whenever you miss me, I'll come! My husband is the object who will appear at any time!"

Xiao Xuan frowned and kissed sun Manyu's Crimson face.

Sun man heard the sound of rain like a mosquito. He took Xiao Xuan to the bedroom and whispered, "you smell like smoke and wine. Go and wash!"

Then he stuffed a bathrobe into Xiao Xuan's hand and pointed to the bathroom.

The inexplicable warmth relaxed Xiao Xuan a lot. Sun Manyu will never lack the warmth of home and the warm heart of a virtuous wife.

The big hand holding sun Manyu's soft waist slipped all the way, patted it gently on his hip, and rubbed it on his bare smooth thigh. Xiao Xuan laughed and said, "slippery hands, don't take a bath..."

But sun Manyu looked white and pushed into the bathroom with a red face.

After washing, he went back to his bedroom. There was no shortage of thunder and fire. Sun Manyu was like a small boat in the sea. He was lost in the ocean of desire. After his whole body was scattered, Xiao Xuancai stopped Yunyu with satisfaction.

"You toss me every time you come!" sun Manyu murmured. His pretty face was very red and lovely.

"That's not what you asked me to do!" Xiao Xuan smiled and wandered around with one hand on sun Manyu, enjoying the hot and hot.

"I asked you to come for business!" sun Manyu hummed.

"Hmm?" Xiao Xuan lit a cigarette. In the room where the light was not turned on, the red cigarette butts were bright and dark. In a trance, they lit up sun Manyu's pretty face, which seemed to be a little worried.

Sun Manyu moved on Xiao Xuan's chest, as if looking for a comfortable position, and then said, "haven't you been in touch with Liu Tao for a long time?"

Xiao Xuan was slightly stunned. He said, "yes! I'd better not delay someone's good girl!"

"How noble you are, the worst thing is a smelly man like you. If you really want not to delay, don't provoke others. I don't know how many women's tears you've provoked, and you'll get away with it if you don't want to delay? You don't want to delay at all, but you just don't want to be responsible!" sun Manyu said, breaking the man's shame cloth, which made Xiao Xuan's old face blush and smile bitterly.

"I'm wrong to say that! I should take a fancy to a woman and carry her back to be the wife of the stronghold first. With the attitude of being responsible for sleeping to the end, whether the woman is willing or not, and whether her family is willing or not, I'll lock her up for three years?" Xiao Xuan touched his chin and said with a bad smile.

Sun Manyu stretched out Yu unhappily, pointed Xiao Xuan's forehead and said, "you'll mess around. You know Liu Tao... Forget it! If you don't care, I won't say it!"

Xiao Xuan scratched his hair and suddenly flashed Liu Tao's voice and smile in his head. Inexplicably, he really missed the woman and said, "half of what he said must be served by family law!"

With this, sun Manyu smiled again and again and dodged, "stop making trouble. I can't stand your endless. I don't care. The dead duck has a hard mouth. Something happened to the Liu family. My cousin has rushed to Qingmeng to help in the evening! Liu Tao, may be getting married. The Liu family is going to marry someone!"

Xiao Xuan's head was confused for a moment, his hand shook, and a string of soot fell on the sheet, which suddenly ignited a black hole. The burning smell of cotton cloth woke him up, slapped off Mars, threw away his cigarette end and said, "as long as she wants, it's all right!"

"Deceive yourself and others. Do you think she can be willing?" sun Manyu sighed. He didn't know whether it was for himself or for Xiao Xuan and Liu Tao. In the night, there was a little helplessness in her eyes.

"I'll talk to your brother later!" Xiao Xuan got up, put on a nightgown and walked outside the door.

When sun Manyu saw Xiao Xuan take out his mobile phone and go out, he didn't speak again.

Xiao Xuan took his mobile phone and dialed sun Shilin from the balcony of the living room. In the final analysis, he still cares about Liu Tao, and the things in Qingmeng province are also related to Lord Tao. He really wants to ask.

But after the phone was connected, there was no rough voice from sun Shilin, but endless silence. If Xiao Xuaner didn't have good strength and heard the sound of breathing, they would doubt whether the phone had been picked up.

Silence lasted half a minute! Xiao Xuan fed a few times, but he didn't get a response. His face changed slightly, as if he thought of something. He asked in a deep voice, "Liu Tao, it's you, isn't it?"

There seemed to be a response at the other end of the phone, but it was like a mosquito chanting, followed by a long silence, followed by a few twitches.

Xiao Xuan thought that the woman who was so lost at the end of the world appeared so cold that he couldn't tell how excited he was at the moment? Neither. Surprise? Or maybe!

But soon, the surprise was only surprise, but no joy, "I'm getting married!"

At the other end of the phone, Liu Tao's voice was very ethereal, which made Xiao Xuan feel waves of unacceptable unreal.

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